The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 06, 1904, Image 1

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tbe3)ail IFlebraehan
vmyERsrrt of Nebraska, Lincoln, Wednesday april 6, J904.
Varsity Team Defeats the Leag
uers by Surprising Score.
On the 7:30 Rock Island train jrs
tertltiy morning, an aggregation of
baseball men came to Lincoln from
the suburb of Omaha They wore
weary and care-Etaincd countenance,
as though life had lost for them its
They came here to fulfill a three
days' engagement with the University
nine, and went ui against it hard for
the first of the aeries jesterday after
noon. Itourke, did you ever hear tho name
before? Well, he is the man that got
them Into all their troubles and it
didn't seem to worry Mm in the least.
They carao with the scalps of the
Omaha Originals dangling from, their
beltB, but so far they are the only
On last Saturday and Sunday the
won from the Originals by a score of
r to 2 in tho tiret'gamo and 9 to 7 In
the second, and the Originals put up
a good game.
There are many old familiar facer;
among the crowd from Omaha. Carter
and Dusty Miller are here, likewise
Shafstall .and Oonding. Gondlng, you
remember, has the record of being the
best nuui behind tho bat in the West-cm-
league, but he can't hit a baloon.
Letherby, tho twlrler who makes the
ball look like tho tail of a kite, caught
In a breeze, and Companion, a fellow
sufferer in the box, nre both famillnr
"names, as well as Case. Case isn't a
water carrier, he's a pitcher and knows
.how to handle the ball. too.
This team Is to go up against tho
s Chicago American league team soon
and will J5e able to ascertain as to
whether or not they will be in the
About the half of the hour after two,
the baseball fans began to saunter
University-wards' and fill up the bleach
ers and grandstand. By three o't lock
a good sized crowd had gathered. The
day was perfect and eerything point
ed to a good game.
Some old familiar University men
were on the side lines 'Billy" Wil
Hon came in with the team carrying
a bat sack to think that he would
have to work his way in that way
it's too bad and he wore an "U" too.
Dusty Rhodes climbed over the back
fence Jost before the game was called
and took a seat with the team. The.
managexof the Nebraska Indians and
his wife watched the game from the
grandstand and ho was warm In his
praises of the work of the University
"Snapper" Kennedy, a man known in
baseball circles for some years past,
umpired' the game, and did a good
clean job, filling a mos.t difficult posi
tion. The game was called at 3.13, Omaha
going to bat.
Morso gave the fiist man up a past
to first, Just to show ho really had no
hard) feeling towards his opponents,
but that was all there was doing.
" Williams, shortstop made a most
sensational stop of a hot grounder,
over second, which delighted the hearts
"of the fans. The Omaha men formed
a goose egg and NobraskA went to
bat, and they batted. Miller drew a
threebagger in the scrimmage and
when the dust finally settled Nebras
ka had' scratched the rubber three
times, Townsend. Bender and Miller
bringing in the scores.
The Omaha mon pulled1 In one run In
tho second an$ were kept from others
by HammlU'a pretty double at Becond.
In this inning Nebraska added) three
more scores. Morso making a beauti
ful long, drive to center field!, which
netted a home run, tho only one dur-
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Pan-Hellenic Dance
ing the game. Shafstall was in the
box lor Omaha during these fatal in
nings. Bender. Morse and Cook brought
In tho runs in the second.
In the third Omaha drew anothei
blank, whlo Morse and Hammill added
two more runs for Nebraska.
In the fourth Omaha found the Xmas
stocking empty, while the University
added five more to their score, Town
send. Williams, Fenlon, Miller and
Cooke, all making the circuit. Omaha
changed pltehers during this inning
taking out Shaftall and' putting in
tn the fifth Omaha scored three runs
by bunching hits and owing to a long
fly to right field which was made good
by the trees and the sun. Townsend and
Fenlon added two more runs for the
The Kixth and seventh Innings were
gooseeggs for both teams.
The eighth wae likewise a blank for
Omaha, wftille the University added
two more Cook nnd Morse coming in.
The ninth was a white wash for
Omaha, and the game was won. Score,
17 to -1. In favor of the University.
The score does not give any definite
idea of the game. It was one replete
wjth long hits-, sensational plays and
striking situations.
The last three innings Case and
Gonding went In for Omaha In place
ot Root and Frecse Case In the box,
and Gonding behind Uie bat. where
he is a marvel. This pair did good
work and made the University work.
For the Omaha team Plake, short
stop, Gonding catch, and "Dusty" Mil
ler did the best work. Carter, light
field, was the best with the stick
For the University, well what's the
matter with the whole team? The in
field placd like veterans, and the out
field did splendid work. Miller's long
throw from light field home was one
of the features of the game, but Wil
liams' s-top at second was the climax.
Morse pitched an excellent game,
strong and steady and with a good deal
of head work. Bender caught an er
rorless game. Townsend at first was
the mainstay of the team, and by his
faultless work greatly encouraged his
men. Stein at third and Hammill aTT
second showed up in excellent form.
and1 held down) their end of the game to
a queen's taste.
Today Omaha will be up and do
ing. Yesterday was a kind of try-out
and the two following days will show
that tho Omaha men have In them the
material out of which baseball men
are made. Come out yourself and
see Rouike's men play ball. It will
be worth your while.
Adams, who was to have pitched the f
game yesterday, was at homo sick in
bed, the result of a hard blow in the
University vs. Omaha
Tickets 25c 3 O'clock
stomach he lerehed in practice not
long ago.
The line-up yesterday was as fol
lows: Omaha. Unher&ity.
Carter rf Miller
Plake 8 Williams
Miller l...f Fenlon
Cheat wood f Cooke
Thomas lb. (Cnpt) Townsend
Sehipke 3b Steen
Downs 2b Hammill
Gonding (Capt) c Bender
Shafstall, Root . .p Morse
Beltzer pitches for Nebraska today.
Dr. Clapp Honored.
The lollowlng concerning the admis
sion of Nebraska into the Intercollegi
ate Gymnastic association, which has
nl ready been announced in The Nc
braskan, we copy from the Wisconsin
A meeting of the Western Intercol
legiate Gymnastic association wnn
held in the university gymnasium Sat
urday. Slight changes were made In
the1 constitution and by-laws of tho as
sociation, and the four year limit
agreed upon regarding the eligibility
ot contestants. Officers for the com
ing year were elected' as follows:
President Dr. Joseph E. Raycroft,
Chicago University.
Vice President E. I). Angell. Wis
consin. Secretary Dr 1. .1 Cook. Minne
sota. Treasuier I)r R. G. Clapp. Ne
The latter is well known as the
holder of the world' s Intercollegiate
Vaulting record of '11 feet, lOVfc inches.
Nebraska was admitted to the associ
ation at this meeting. It will be the
policy of the association now to en
large the membership as much as pos
sible, taking In as many of the western
colleges aB will join. It will be Impos
sible for each college to be represent
ed at all the meets, but by having a
large membership each meet will be
well attended. The present members
of-thc assoclaton arc Wisconsin, Min
nesota, Grinnell, Chicago, Illinois. Ne
braska, Northwestern and Belolt. The
meet next year will be held In Minne
apolis or Chicago.
Sam's Cafe. The only place In tht
city to get the fampus "Little Gem
Hot Waffles." Special service ,for 1
Get your white drill pants at Mayer
Special rate to students at Hendry's.
Copy on Senior Annual Will Be
Turned In Today.
The work of compiling material' for
the Senior Annual is finished and the
mass of copy that has been accumu
lated goes Into the hands of tho print
ers today. Tho cost of getting out
the book will be greater than over br
fore. as gieat efforts have been exerted
to make the lxok qh artistic as pot.
plblo. The drawing and design work
is a good as can be procured, and the
cuts are of a superior grade. It Is
cedent that the book will not bo lack
ing in the all around features that are
to be found in the best of tho Senior
Annuals in tho past, but most of theso
will be in an improved form, and are
supplemented by many new ones.
Tho book will be printed by the
Jacob North company of this city. All
the cuts were made by the Barnes.
Crosby Co.. of Chicago, which firm Is
said to furnish the best work of this
kind to be obtained.
The usual large number o
sketches, stories, write-ups a:
are promised, as well as a n
new features. The best lltera
In the University has been calfcdupon
and we are assured that the genera I
style and tone of the book wHl come
up to a high standard
one or the features that vl)l le
missing from the book this yeafiH the
eectlon that has always In tlw (past
been devoted to the law depaffment.
Tho law students will have a bLpk of
their own this year, thus obatlng
tho necessity of representation Tn the
Senior Annual. However the 'extra
space will all be utilized and the )ook
will probably be as big as ever.- The
section devoted to the law departjneut
has never been productive- of "substan
tial results, in the way of increased
Rales or patronage and as a Senior
Academic publication the book wflll be
all the stronger this year. "
This Is the season when all the in
stitutions about us are busy getting
out their annual publications, and the
nurry-up cans' navo all
at most of these plac
stage has been passed
for rejoicing on tho-part
of our book, although th
porienced their share of
have ex-
ubles of
this kind. Some of the plrotographs
were late in getting in and some of
tho copy promised was overdue, but
now that everything has been adjust
ed they find no reason for complaint.
Considerable difficulty was exper
ienced in starting, which was necessi
tated by tho withdrawal from school
of Calvin H. Taylor, who was first
appointed editor and by tho work of
finding a cqntpetent successor. How
over, under the editorship of Miss
Streeter, the work of editing tho book
has progressed well. E. P. Tyner Is
the business manager and reports
good results in securing advertising.
We hope to sec the Senior Annual this
year surpass all former undertakings
Of its kind, and we trust that it wllh
Earl J. Woodward, M. D., treats dls
eases of tho eye. ear and throat.
Rooms 207-08 "Richards block, 'Phone
Box of cigars given away every day
at Powell's Oliver theatre building.
Tho Whltebreast Co., at HOC 0 St.,
Is the place to buy coal.
Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N.
TeJ. 787. Baggage hauled.
i wfav
heH &Tu.
Don. Cameron's lunch counter fdc
oqd- service.
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