ut. p3m''mm' Vn'iVfSKir fTir t --rfipgT-Mm'ry Tvr IVfU. 'WffPl . iri "W"- .f J 1 4i UKe 3)atl$ IRebraefean i y VOL. IILNO. us UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY MARCH 3J, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS HSb trVsi lT"i .43 IV Mi :j$. THENEWJB. K.'s. Score of Seniors Receive Rec ognition of Scholarship. This morning In chapel the list of those elected to Phi Beta Kappa chapter was read, arriid the demonstrations of the large throng that was assembled. The usual excitement preliminary to the annual announcement was in evi dence, and now those whose hearts have been beating anxiously with ex pectation are glad that it is all over. The final meeting of the council was held yesterday evening, when the final decisions were made. Doubtless many will feel disappoint ed because they were not honored, al though they have maintained a high standard of scholarship all through tneir college course. However, a large per cent of the class have not had tht required work, as It was the purpose of those who originally founded the chapter to prevent intense specializa tion along one line. There are required branches included In the list of require ments. Full work in any four of these will render a student eligible to con sideration for the Phi Beta Kappa chapter. The requirements are as fol lows: Ten hours of either ancient or mod ern languages. Ten hours history. Ten hours science. Ten hours mathematics. Six hours philosophy. A glance at this list will show how many lose out if they are not posted on the necessary qualifications. Moral character is also taken Into conslder- r atlon, but it is doubtful if anyone was debarred on this account. Following is the list of fortunate ones who have achieved one of the highest honors to which a student of this university can aspire: E. R. Buckner. Hose Clark. N. M. Cronln. Bessie Dumont. Josephine Dumont. Ethelwyn Hand. Maria Kern. Lula King. Beulah LIvesey. Patty Matthews. Harriet Mitchell. Addle IteynoldBon. Ira Rynor. Anna Van Zondt. Laura Whaley. Laura White. Nellj2reWllson. TRACK MEET DATES. Senior Prom APRIL 8, LINCOLN HOTEL Walt's full Orchestra THE BANDMAY GO Arrangements Made for Summer School Excursion to the Fair. this time the teams will practically be picked. Following that there will be some contest every Saturday. Among the events which may bo arranged are meets with the Lincoln high school, Doapo college, with the winner of the state championship, and two Univer sity meets, a handicap and an inter class. Owing to the heavy track the hurd lers and runners could not get out yes terday afternoon, but the polo vaulters practiced In tho Armory. Hagensick, bibson and Morse are all doing well, and havo cleared the ten foot mark. Benedict can do better than this by eight inches, and it is predicted that he will clear eleven feet before the season Is over. This should be as good as anything Minnesota can do. Dr. Elson, the president of the West ern Inter-Collegiate Gymnastic asso ciation, has notified Dr. Clapp that Ne braska was unanimously elected to membership at tho last meeting of tho board. This association takes in Min nesota, Wisconsin and nearly all the other "Big Nine" schools. MEDICS TO HOLD RECEPTION Chancellor Andrews Will Speak at the Event. Mr. Lane, assistant in the education department, Is agal is forced to go to -the hospital, just taken u,p his work a few after an Illness of a week's and his many friends will be hear that ho is again down. physical n ill and Ho had days ago duration, Borry to Eckersall, tho crack Chicago quarter and sprinter, on account of whoso pro fessionalism Caspar Whitney throw Chicago out of his football estimates, has at last thrown off all pretenBO, and Joined a professional baseball team. The Senior Prom. A. Arrangements Made for Two Dates. Baseballists Busy. The dates for the Minnesota and Coloradq meets havo now been definite ly set. The former will occur at Lin coln on Saturday, May 21, and the Col orado contest will take place at Boul der on Wednesday, May 11. An at tempt was made toiave it either the 13th or 14th, so that the men would not bo absent from classes for the greater part of tho week, but the Colo rado Interscholastlc field meet takes place on those days, and the Qnly thing left to do was to take a mid-week date. The South Dakota meet has already been Bet for May 30. Now that the principal dates have Ijeen. fixed the secondary meets will be arranged The first orio will be tho regular preliminary, and April 1G has been selected as the day for that. At The attention of the University pub lic is again called tcAhe Senior Prom., which is to be -hold at tho Lincoln, hotel on April 8th. There seems to be an Impression abroad that this is strictly a class af fair. This-ls a mistaken Idea. The Senior Prom like all class dances, Is Intended for University people general ly, but is only conducted by tho Se niors, It Is an opportunity for "old grads" to come back and keep in touch with the University and renew old ac quaintances. It is the last class dance of tho year and many people, especial ly those who are now in their last year, will desire to avail themselves of this last opportunity to participate in one of the most enjoyable functions of the year. In the past this has been considered more or less formal, but in fact many of the studentB havo slgnnfled their Intention of not being deprived of the pleasure of this function on account of a mero matter of form. Tho committee Is prepared to enter tain a large and representative Univer sity crowd. The halls, the large floor, Eddy Walt's orchestra, and long dances are features which will make this most a pleasant evening for all present. Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews, the faculty and students of the College of Medicine will bo tendered a recep tion by tho Medical Society of the Uni versity at Art Hall, Friday evening, April 8th. During" the early part of the even ing there will bo speaking by Dr. An drews and other distinguished guests both from Lincoln and from out of town. Tho chancellor Is but slowly re- 'vering from his recent sickness and this will practically be his first ap pearance In public since his return from Chicago. In this reception the Medical So ciety has a two-fold purpose, primarily as a manifestation of welcome to the chancellor, and further to promote ac quaintance and good fellowship among those interested in medical work In tho University. A party of students on return from a recent visit to tho Omaha depart ment of tho college, report having had a very enjoyablo and profitable trip, inspecting the facilities of the institu tion at that place, Especially wore they Impressed with the mothods employed In conducting clinics and by the strength in numbers and quality of the active teaching staff. Both faculty and students from Omaha will attend the reception, thereby Increasing the cer tainty of its being one of tho memor able social events of tho year In Uni versity circles. Doubtless many of the guests will remain over and be visitors to our campus the following day. Music will be furnished by Hage- now's orchestra and refreshments ap propriate to tho occasion will be served. GENERAL DEBATING NEWS. Practice Debates are Being Held. . Debating Elsewhere. Another practice preliminary debate was held yesterday afternoon from one to threo o'clock in Memorial hall. The speakers on the afflrmatlvoVwero J. D. Brady, T. T. Johnson and R.VJ. Hender son. Tho negative side of tho ques tion was supported by B. G. Lwis, L. C. Llghtner and C. A. "Sawyer The squad will meet again this afternoon. Most of the members of the squad' will remain here during tho recess, only three or four of thom going home for tho vacation. At California there are thirtyappli cants for positions on the team that will meet Stanford In tho annual con test. A California alumnus has offered a prize of $100 to the team If it suc ceeds In defeating Stanford. Tho pre liminaries aro being held In tjiree sec tions, with three sets of judges. The work of making tho next sum mer session a material factor in the general work of the University is be ing zealously pushed. Arrangements have boen perfected for the excursion to the World's Fair, which will leave Lincoln Juno 25th, and return July 2d, and which will be open to all tho studentB attending tho summer Bchool. Very reasonable rates have beon se cured, in fact the cost of attending ti.e fair will be hardly half as much bp it otherwise would bo. Hotel rates of vx.50 a day havo been secured. Ordi narily each person would be obliged to pay $20 to $30 per week. Fifteen dollnra will cover all actual expenses of each student, which In itself would be almost enough to induce students to attend summer school even If they wore not inspired with a deslro for further culture and enlightenment. Only members of tho faculty and regis tered students will bo allowed to profit by these rates. Others desiring to go will havo to pay advanced prices. In all probability tho band will ac company the excursion. It contem plates making a tour In the state this summer, and If It does It will bo held, together until tho date of tho oxcur sion. If it goes It will help mattors greatly. The excursion will bo adver tised extensively all over tho state as a feature of the summer school, and It ought to bo a good drawing card. The calendar is out and presents an altogether different appearance from the usual order of summer school cal endars. It Is printed on better paper and all tho composing work was done by hand. The variety of type gives form and tone to the book throughout, features that havo been noticeably lacking heretofore. Tho titles of tho courses have been put in bold-face type, the names of tho professors In capB and the names of tho faculty In connection with tho courses they give have boen put in large heavy capitals, and tho title of the course in Bmaller type. The list of tho faculty takes up four pages and la longer than ever before. A general page statement follows enum erating the colleges and schools In the University, followed by a statement as to the length of the courses and the degrees. Then follows a 'seven page Introduction over the name of Profes sor Hodgman, director of the Summer School, which points out the special advantages of the session. - Tho style of this bulletin as to Eng lish tho capitalization of proper nouns particularly has been made to con form to generally recognized literary usages. For Instance nil the malh words in. the title of colleges and schools are capitalized," as well as the Imaln words In the title of each course. rpeWer abbreviations will be used than heretofore, and the description of each course also followB more or less close ly one form.' The titles of all the books are set in Italics. The announce ment is threo times as large as- last year's and Is much better and clearer and there are many more courses. Over forty courses are offered special at tention being called to tho schQOl for superintendents. Union Debate. Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N. Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. The regular spring opening of mill inery Is being Jield at the Famous. How about that Easter hat? At Cornell over ono hundred students contested for the honor of represent ing (heir institution at the Central Ora torical association Contest, which will be held at Delaware, 0 on May 1st. Special rate to students at Hendry's. Don Cameron's lunch counter foi good service. The Unions will debate the- follow ing question Saturday evening: "Re solved, That the Sherman anti-trust act should be repealed?' Affirmative, Hanlon, Pfeifer, O'Gara; negative, Mc Donald, Mclteynolds, Mllek.' This Is tho only club that never adjourns for a vacation. All are invited. - The WhltebreaBt Co., at 1106 O St.. is the place to buy coal. ,r -." - &? K -.Vit. i'ti. '.JUi'-aiiV V-'-li s , - -.. " f .1 ' M "il -. 3 -J it 4 . . ' i i