The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 29, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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tlbe Dails flebraeftan
C Dafy nebraskan.
X. eonsolldntlon of
Vh BMperian, Vol. 01, Tho Nohrwkan, ToL 1,
Benrlot and C renin, Vol. 4.
i ssar , i i n
jlfulncas Manager
John D. IUo
A. O. BohMlbop
O. A. Bawjar
Ntwi - - - P. A. Ewlnjf
Athletic - - J. D. Clark
1 Iterary - Dorothy Green
Reporters D. P. DeYounjj and Mable Fouler
and Raymond H. McCaw.
OffloMt Editorial, U TOW: Baaineu, U tllM.
Poat Oaoe, Box ID, Station A, Lincoln.
Babaorlptlon Prlo, $3 per year. In dTano,
BaUrad al tho postoffloo at Ltnooln, Nbrah
aa eoond-olasa mail matter.
Editorial Remarks
While we would like to have seen
the girls' team preserve their splendid
past record unbroken, yet there Is
Kome satisfaction to be gained from
(he results of their Hip to Minneapolis.
In the first plare all the technical fea
tures that tend to engender bitterness
or a ungenerous rivalry were entlrel
lacking In both of the contests played,
and tho glrlB upon their return had
nothing but words of commendation
to offer concerning the treatment ai
(orded them The Gopher management
teitalnly spared no pains to make their
entertainment as pleasing and eujo
ablo as possible, and its generosity Is
appreciated here It Is such things ;r
these that make up a true sportsman
like spirit in athletics Athletic con
tests are always cairied out to tli"
best advantage and with the most sat
isfactory results when mutual go'id
feeling prevails This is a principle
that c have tried to cultivate heie.
and its ultimate establishment would
mean so much gain for the betterment
of athletics. Such conduct as was ex
hibited by the management at Min
nesota Is certainly worthy of emula
tion, and we hope that it may bo our
good fortune to entertain athletic
teams fiom there In the future.
.. Ribbons and Neckwear..
The ribbon soction will be one of the busiest places In the store this week always Is just before Easter.
Ribbons here with all tho freshness and colorings of the new weaves and in the most fetching color schemes
Ribbon bows are popular this spring. We make
them at our ribbon section when tho ribbon Is pur
chased there. It takes two yards for a bow. Ribbon
In all the late novelties for these bows range in price
from, yard 20c up
TWO SPECIALS Saturday we sold a great raanv
yards of Blinch taffeta ribbon in plaid and fancy
colors worth up to 35c the yard at only 22c per yard.
There Is Btill a good quantity that will be closed
out at 22c
ONE LOT of hair ribbons in washable taffeta and
satin taffeta all colors in our 12c quality Will be
on sale at, yard 8c
This week will see many new things in the neck
wear section. Among the neckwear which occupies a
prominent place in nearly every woman's fancy are
tho black spangled stocks and exquisite collars, hand
somely spangled, ranging In price from 75c, $1.39,
$1.75, and up to $0.00
Choicest Collection of Belts in Lincoln
The headline Is tnken from several of our patrons who made just alio
the new Belts. You'll likely want one for Easter wear.
t the same remai ks last week about
Combination Silk and Vehet Belts in blue brown
and black, from $1.00 to $1.50
Embroidered Wash Belts not the ordinary kind
leather detachable buckles. $2.25 and $2.50
Pretty White Belts, white kid, white suede, white
Silk, 25 cents to $1.50
Gilt Belts Very Stylish. 50c, 75c and $1.00
Crush Leather Belts at 25c, 50c, 75c, $1.25 and $1.50
Your Easter Gloves are Here
Our Gloe Section has made ample preparation for the Easter trade. An array of the leading makes arc to be
found there ready to be fitted to your hand by expert fitters. A smart jnir of gloves is the finishing touch to
the stylish Easter costume. You will find a pair to your liking in some one of the following well known makes
Victoria, the pair, $1 00, Clementina. $1 25. Renown, $1.50, Adolfa, $1 87, Matador. $2.00, Courvoisler Suede, $1.50
and $2 00.
Tho accumulation of material for
the educational exhibit is approaching
completion, and it will be but a shoit
time now until t lie final thipmeut is
made. Few people leallze the amount
ol work and worry that it has takn
to collect, classify and pack the mate
rial received. Yet great pains have
been taken to make our exhibit all
commensurate with the means at
hand, and in this those In charge
hao succeeded well.
The report of the committee on col
leges and high school athletics, which
was adopted by the convention of the
Northwestern Association of Colleges
and Secondary Schools at Chicago, can
not fall to appeal to those who have ut
heart the Interests of athletics. One
of tlie great abuses for which correc
tion was sought was the alluring of
promising athletes from high schools
by larger institutions. This practice
has been carried on largely at sevoral
institution, 8 until the high school au
thorities have been roused to a splrlU
of protest. Besides, other action taken
was tho passing of a resolution that
10 man be allowed to play football un
til after he has spent a year at the In
stitution which he attends. This Is a
step In Ihe right direction, and it would
be a good thing If a rule of this kind
should be established and faithfully
observed in every part of the coifntry.
It is certain almost beyond a doubt
tnat wte can -not meet Iowa In debate.
e wore laj.e in getting our schedule
arranged with Washington and Kan
sas, and a third contest now is alhiost
an impossibility. We would be glad
to meet Iowa If conditions of time
and place would admit. The conditions
6f timo are especially vital. At ths
heal" the debate could be held only at
the beginning of examination week,
when the debaters would have to be
busy casting up accounts with their
instructors. A debate -with Iowa Is a
desirable thing, but we can not under
take what lack of time forbids.
Date for Competetive Drill.
Captain Chase lias announced th"
date of the annual competitive drill ol
the Cadet battalion as Friday. May 20
This Is somewhat later than usual, a--the
annual encampment will begin t h
next Tuesday Last" year the t
dates were arranged so that over a
week Intervened in which the cadet
were afforded the opportunlt to pre
pare for the strenuoslty of camp lite.
The first dress parade will be hel.l
on the campus April 7. The men ha"
already been Instructed to proh'e
themselves with white duck trouseis
before April 6. and battalion drill is
being held almost nightly in order ti
acquaint them with company and bat
talion movements.
The place of the encampment has not
been settled yet. Captain Chase is.
however, in correspondence with sev
eral towns and expects to make a choice
this week.
Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among whfen will
find the Rex Lump at $7.25. Rock Spring, Wyoming Lump at
$8.00, and the best Maitland you ever saw at 47.50. All kinds
of steam coal, the best money can buy. J o jt o j j
Office 1140 O. Phone 329. Yard 6 and N. Phone 37
Great Convention at Chicago.
Professor Barber has returned from
the convention of the Northwestern
Association of Colleges and Secondary
Schools held at Chicago last week. Hr
expresses himself well pleased with the
entertainment provided. Two espe
cially important papers were read, ono
being by ex-Prosldent Draper -of Illi
nois, and the other by President King
of Oberlln. Athletics and accredited
schools were discussed to considerable
length. The resolutions drawn up con
cerning athletics have been published
In the dally papers and are attracting
a great deal of attention.
We will supply you with an qi.
graved copper plate and 100 visiting
cards in any size for $1.00 We will
print 100 cards from your own plate
for 75c. Tho Lincoln Book Store.
Up-to-Date Soda Fountain
and Magazinos.
113 North 11th Street,
was opened this fall with tables all
newly covered, best cues and ballB,
newly papered, everything up-to-date.
Including customers.
I. P. POWELL, 146 N lltb SL Plane flii
Good Things to Eat
Good Old Fashioned Homo Cooking
Meals Sorved a la Oarto.
THE HOME CAFE 2" Sfctfft
W. O. Forboe, Prop. 1123-32 P St.
Baggage nnd cab Line
Oarriugra furnished for WeddlngH, Parties an
Funerals. Office lift I P Street.
Telephone 66a -
Chemicals, Surgical Instruments.
Plane 626, 1400 O SL, Lincoln, Ne
i '
I for acceptable Matu.
Stato If pataatad.
I Baltinore. If I
1(1 on price of tbo Patbht Rbqobb LM
wmi m.'ii
The Weber Suitorium
Is the up-to date place
where you can get your
Closing Cleaned and Pressed
'Phono 708. Northeast Cor 11th and O.
, Call at 1134 O St.
For all Kinds of
Commercial and Society Printing
Qrlffln-GroorPrintlng Co
There is no watch, clock or artlde ol
4 Jewelry we cannot fix
The Up-to-lhe-MJnute Jeweler
Hotel Walton
J5J5 0 Street. Phone 5c6.
100 rOOnR lvot. 1.- I n .
t '"-i'ouuuiHiiaonyyN- ?
ife "
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rtica-n I'cr uay and Up .1 ?,
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