The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 26, 1904, Page 8, Image 8
-i ' i'!yiIiiL!j95i3PiSySyyj-i'BB TTijfiV?t('!ff iirWffiffTWTTiiriiV -'-'"' Uf """ SSmmmamrngmmmmmmm -----iafa--BHiii(ri(fwiifTFjrtwiTri wi i ' i h . j.,j , , m- ' r 'yiwrr 7jjy,vr4rtw"fjt'i-r'' "'"V-we " T"VS " $ 1 T'lMv,' " 'V ",, ' " . .' , Ebe H) a 1 1 fie&raeftan - ' w & K 1 11 II r I- V J' 8 tiy ft.. 1 P i'- is I- I? I it 51 t ,- , . I V H jfW(WlW(H(WIIWWMiMIWlW SCIIMOLLtR & MUELLER I OAr Colleges i THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET WSjZSM OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on 55 monthly payments NMWMMMMMMMMMM)MMNW Are You Going -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? Never before has the N. B. A. ' arranged its meeting with guoh wonderful opportunities for the Teaohor Instructor or Professor. The xouto via the Burlington will bo tho favorite one, as it has boon heretofore. 6. W. Bonnell City Pantnger Agent Burlington Routt A prize for Latin verso has been of fered at Syracuso university. Tho valedictorlanshlp and salutato rlanship have been abolished at Yale. Syracuse university has JuBt an nounced Its baseball schedule, which consists of twenty-seven games Michigan Is considering tho advis ability of sending a two-mile relay team to tho Pennsylvania relay races In April. Tho sophomore clasB at South Da kota Ib planning to present two come dies, one being a German and tho other a modorn American production. Tho Cornell co-eds have decreed that no freshman girl shall receive gentle men callers, or be attended by gentle men escorts. The men of tho junior and freshman cIosbcb have voted to challenge the sophomores to a track meet to occur tho second week In April. Tho Colorado Tiger discusses the feasibility of having graded diplomas at Colorado, and concludes that such an Innovation has not as yet become a crying necessity. A freshman at Michigan was fined $150 for striking an ofilcer during the "Eresh-Soph" rush, and his classmates showed their spirit by helping him out. Prospects for a winning track team aro good at Morningsldo college. Reg ular training has begun and cross country runs will soon be eliminated A gold medal will bo given to the star athlete and Individual medals will also bo awarded. Minnesota has sent a gymnastic team to New York to compete with eleven other teams representing some of the greatest colleges In the country. The Drake Delphic will publish a leap year edition In May, to be edited by tho girls. This is an Innovation that has become very popular among college papers and may be tried here. That athletic men- are in demand to fill lnstructorshlps In different parts of the country 1b shown by tho follow ing from tho Chicago Maroon: "Sev eral vacancies In which athletic men aro called for have been received at tho office of tho board of recommenda tions; one in mathematics at $900; another in general science at ?1,200, and a third In a military academy at a good salary." As this term draws to a close, we would like to drop a word about cram ming. Dou't do it. It does no good, unless possibly In tho per cent column. Ono rarely raises his real grade of work by stuffing. The old system of education was based on the principle of "ram It In, cram It in, jam it in, any way to get It In." But It doesn't pay In tho long run. What we get out of school Is a result of dally training, not examinations and plugging. Drake Delphic. Women's Scholarship Offer. The association for maintaining the American womons table at Zoological Station at Naples, and for promoting scientific research by women, an nounces the offer of a second prize of $1,000. It Is for the best thesis, writ ten by a woman, on a scientific sub ject embodying new observations and rfew conclusions based on an Independ ent laboratory research in biological, chemical or physical science. The theses offered In competition are to be presented to tho executive com mittee of the association and must be in the hands of the chairman of tho committee on the prize, Mrs. Ellen M. Richards, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, BoBton, Mass., beforo De cember 31, 1904. Tho prize will be awarded at the an nual meeting In April, 1905. Each thesis must be accompanied by a sealed envelope, enclosing tho author's name and address, and, superscribed with a tltlo corresporiding to one borne by the manuscript. BEST LINE TO KANSAS CITY and ST. LOUIS THE WORLD'S FAIR CITY Two trains daily from Lncoln with Pullman Sleeper. To Kansas City every night. 'City Ticket Office, S. W, Corner 12th and O Streets. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. ft. armm m rf V W i iTm L-mmf J ff a I LW mmf mm B am am wmmmWmmr ,aw M m JrMWmJW am9 mm Mm .am mmmmw mmW mmmmmmmw9 WJJam HIGH ftfcADp: Sold 6nly by Harley Drug Co., n h p id O Street DO YOU WANT TO Do you want to rid yourself of pimples and blackheads? Do you want to clear up your complexion? Do you want to Improve your looks. It you do come in and talk the matter over with R I G G S m.& THE DRUG CUTTER I it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it it We CainjOjnly STYLISH SHOK 'j THE celebrated Hanar , Walk-Over and W.L. Douglas makes for mer, Hanan and Sorosis Shoe ; for women. Swedish Gymnasium Shoe. Non : genuine unless stampe-1 "Perkins' Swedish' ROGERS & PERKINS COMPANY Successors to Webs. or & Roge.s and Perkins and Sheldon Co. 11 "0 O Street. -- Jhe Improved mn . 5k The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Nome "BOSTON I GARTER" Is stamped agon every. loop. The CUSHION BUTTON I -.CLASP, Lies flat to the leg never' bllps, Tears nor Unfastens. SOLD EVERYWHERE. hHu.iy.o '.irf D11K JHJC a Colin n KV. m MtileU oq receipt of price. ' qbo. raosT oo. jrt , UW.HIU, uiu,, u.B.A. I9MB Every Pair Warranted- f. m ,jm V 4 ( t -4. A . f. ti '. vv. -"V. 1'. jxm j m i -I m - J- t T ..v .p.. 4 . t 1 ' f, N" ' .MV ';, - k i &: t t u& -J Wm 2S..J.J- ,-W.Pfr ,.,, -W.'-jSIh. - -'', fc - ' Ja . ..! . .1.0 . s w IA MMI w r.P .'U',-,'MJ i. . - n fr im L-maa m.ul-