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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1904)
X ? "i"' Cbe atlp flebraeltan I -pr f tf -r 1 more or Cess Cecal (j ) M. E. Townscnd left last evening for York, where he will spend Sunday. Mr. Pipal is again absent from school on account of sickness. Mr. Arends leaves this morning for a shoit visit at his home in Akron, Iowa. Kimball Harnes is confined to his room at the Delta Tail house by sickness. Mrs J. W Quillan of Grand Island, isited her son Edward at the Sigma Alph house yesterday. Mr. Woodard left this morning for Cass county, to finish his work on the county map. J. R. Ileilman has left school on ac count of sickness and gone to his home at Sterling, Neb. Do not fall to hear the arguments of the Palladian and Maxwell logicians tonight. Freshman class will moot Monday morning, to take up some unfinished business. Miss Woodman of the English de partment, has been unable to meet her classes this week on account of illness. The Palladianjjterary society rend ered one of the usual programs last evetflTTg, which was highly appreciated. The Union and Delian Literary soci eties adjourned meeting last evening on account of the lecture in chapel by Preston Search. Professor Nicholson of the chemistry department is in receipt of a letter from J. H White, '91, who is now en gaged in mining at Malheur, Ore. The Chemical Journal club meets to day, and reports on experiments will be made by Mr. Winchester and Mr. Keyser. z Professor Sheldon gave an interest ing lecture last night at the College Settlement on "Points of Historical Interest in Nebraska." The lectaure was illustrated by stereoptleon views. Mr. Davis of Hyannis, Neb., who has a large stock ranch near that place, spent Thursday evening with Mr. Dar rit reviewing old times of the State University with him. The Union club will adjourn this evening in order to attend the Maxwell Palladian debate. The club will meet the successful team two weeks from to night to decide the championship be tween the clubs. That University of Nebraska fame is becoming wide-spread is assured by the fact that Professor Nicholson has received a letter from a student in the University of Hamburg (Germany), who writes for information with a view of taking up a course of mining and as saying here. The Y. M. C. A. directory is out and copies of it can be obtained tree at the association rooms. This handbook is a convenient thing to have and no stu dent should neglect to get one If you hae not paid your subscrip tion it is time to do so. Call on the circulator or business manager. Tin Society Miss Vivian Iee entertained a few friends yesterday afternoon at lunch eon in the domestic science department. Another of the popular Band Infor mals occurs tonight at the Armory. Good music provided for and a con stantly improving floor should draw a big attendance. Dancing will begin at 9 p. m. sharp. The Glee club will meet this after noon at 4 p. m. sharp at' Townsend's to have pi tines taken. The regular iehcarsal will be at 7 sharp in Memo rial Hall and will close in time for those desiring to do so to attend tho Uand Informal afterwards. Out of town men who are here for tho Phi Kappa Psi dance or banquet, are: Messrs. Burkee, Shedd, Powell, Henie, E Harris, Bed well, Collett, Cherrington, Buckley, Brown, Calla han, F. Harris, Dumont, Engle, Doug las, Fricke, Reed, Lehmer. May Oth has been decided upon as tho date for the Glee club's Lincoln concert. The club Is planning trips to a number of towns in the state and the concert at Lincoln will wind up the year. Not much has so far been heard of the Glee club, but the men have been working hard and faithfully and under tho directorship of Professor Eamos of the School of Music, have made great progress. Obstacles such as lack of support, lateness in beginning, ab sence of a leader, have all combined to delay the club's appearance, but the dato of Friday, May Gth, has finally been decided upon. The concert will be given in the Oliver theatre, and al ready several boxes have been Spoken for in advance by fraternities. Only two weeks intervenes until the Senior Prom. The Senior part of it appears to mislead somewhat and keeps ,ome that are not Seniors away. The Prom, is not an affair of tho Senior class, but simply given by that class lo others. It is, perhaps, the most rep resentative and inclusive of all the University functions and everybody is welcome. Coming just after spring va cation, as it does, tho Prom, offers the II ret opportunity for dancing after stu dents havfr re-assembled. While the affair has been always considered full dress time has shown that owing to the warmth of tho evening dress suits are often in the minority and the more omfortable less conventional clothes ire worn. Tho committee In charge lias been working hard and everything onducive to tho enjoyment of those who atteud will be done. The war between Jaftan and Russia vvill be a great educational affair for he young American and George Bros., n-inters, would be glad of an oppor unity to improve your education in heir line. Ant. phone, 3400; Bell, A-349- Fraternity building. Bumstead makes leather trimmed KOiduroy trousers. Do you want a nice pair of Oxfords'' Sandersoa'a have the sweilest lot you aver saw-. T.oming's, ice cream ana candy: 11th and Li SUj OOOQQQQJLQO0OOJLQQj0j0 P THE P. D. SMITH CO. Carry all the best grades of domestic coals, among which will find the Rex Lump at $7.25. Rock Spring, Wyoming Lump at $8.00, and the best Maitland you ever saw at $7.50. All kinds of steam coal, the best money can buy. ! 6 Office 1140 O. Phone 329. Yard 6 and N. Phone 376 & The Shadow T&. OF- OLIVET Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer EXTENDS OVER ALL THE EARTH i .ft3 WESISxtr lift" ',; m3 ' LJ. Jy.-trjttfi!t -Kftvta M IP '. -V ijvfl . & x' t.'"l , ART CAT A I. Of. I rli: ON APPLICATION vattfsJWSVx ' 1 v ' wifto-.?? jfcSSSW. r3V"N,0t . I f -wmr -' . , i OLIVET OMAHA NEB. . vmssF- . V'-.V .1 ' -ts'' . ' :'?-.-.. ., - 44t-S 4& S iunniji? i 2 ..TAKE A LOOK. At our line if in need of a pocket knife. Assort- ! J ment carefully selected and complete. w I HALL'S,! 1308 O Street JWiJbbb1lbMii555W All the Novelties of the Scasoq Woolou Vestings oto. jubC opened. Call and inspoct. Ojff of O street prices. Repairing and pressing solicited. Oakley & Anderson SMercYiant Tailors 143 No. 13th. Oliver Theater Bldg. ?tSMS$$5$3H$$!$ CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN 130 North 13th Lincoln, Neb. i&&iQ&&$$r&i&&&b4&Q&&&b$&$ h i for acceptable Ideas. State i patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore ma. Jubacilpt'on price of tho Patbnt Bboors LM iiknsi --.--I ; Before I .You Go Home. j for the I t Easter Holidav I " t I -come in and see our Eas- T v J. ter display. We have a j full line of Novelties and i full line of I High Grade f Candies f ! ! I MAXWELL'S, J i J3th and N Streets. t M:1 H n ii It Take this Car for Prosperity Avonuo Its course te alone Easy street. and it Is the most satisfactory I ana profitable lino that tho buy- er can travel on. Get out at No. 129 So. 13th St., and come In and see tho tempting display of groceries we are selling at wee ices. Keystone Cash Qrocety tfc ) t3Mf " is ; vor annum, tmmuuimuve. fa m V K T 4t , VbJSK ::,i'sx& Wjj fcii-Kssi wrarrffrwnrffiirrffT