V' "ii J r v( fcbe IDa.ti? He bra 'tfnri U ' i i i mmmmmmmvMimwmAnammmvm ISCHMOLLER i & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE t 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS I Stdnway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Stcck And 23 others. Wc sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments WwwWWrfMMWMM Mowxb" w mttmtn 14 1 Kate $1 00 an-1 $1.25 pei Day. Special Rates b the Week. BOYD HOTEL MRS. KATE MARTIN, Prop. Oi.ly one bknlc from B. &. M. Depot Orly ono b.rck from Postedlco Near nil street car lines. 73) O Street T 'ncoln. Neb. ies-cs3s$$ CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN 130 North 13th Lincoln, Nob. &&&&t&&&fre&$&tfr&&4Q GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Oinct an Shop. 222 t, tt. TtUphon B 1397 lEstlmatei furnished vpon applioatioa. Job work promptly attended to. LINOOLN, NEBRASKA RED CROSS PHARMACY DRS. M0SS1IART & STRETTON PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, DRUGS, .11 I Chemicals, Surgical Instruments. Phono 625, 1400 0 St., Lincoln, Ne 1 Western Glass and Paint Co. X 4 12th nn4 M Sts., Lincoln, Nebraska' 0.?tOJf AC (c') f ,rmMMir'.-tt,-n i a w: "..K'H'ii". -n1. -sgas3gaaarra-"'r ai.itir'.iriMJiajiyM .-v-t ?c Win-tju- Campus Qleanings. .. 1) Hrariy will lecture at WaterJCin Neb , next Saturday evening TONIGHT Omaha and Lincoln High Fchonl De bate A nd I tori lira Free The new Incubator Ih now In full op eiatlon aul in use In the geolog) bulli1 Ing f)i Condi a will lectin e at thv tea. h- rn' aHsoclation at Aurora the :. 1 st o! this month The Pallaclian and Maxwell debating societies will meet In debate next Sat in day eenln Mr Woooaid will make a second tri( Saturday to the lower Platte river to lliilsh his gel, logical wotK on Ciih cotinti The Senioi class will meet in U 107 Friday Maich 25. 1901. at 1 p in The objec t of" the mc c ting is to change c lass c olois. .ludge Wall from Valentino. Chciij county, was cjh the campus yestenlaj . visiting the ditTeient Univeislt paitments de- Piol'ohsor Fogg addrefcsed the Lincoln High School yesterday morning at a moss meeting In the interests of the debate tonight Glee club meet at Townscnd's at p. in. shaip. Saturday for picture. Reg ular rehearsal at 7 p m Saturday. In Memorial hall ProtcsHor Harber left yosterclaj even ing for Chicago, where he will attend the meeting of the North Central M Boelation oi colleger tomemow and Sat urda The union meeting t the Y M C A and the Y W. C A. societies next Sin day will he one of the best and nicM unique of the entire jeai The hour will be tilled with music- intern rsecl with readings The class 'of Oil. Lincoln High sehool. will hold a meeting in U. 107 at Hi (clock Monday morning It Is desired that eeiy member hhall be present, as veiy important business will c-oim up before the meeting Miss lilHie Piper leturned Monda Irom a trip to Belle vuc college, wheie she led an Intercollegiate meeting of the Y. W (. A. sue was emc-iimm- by Misb Maiy Kerr, daughter ot tin piesldent of the college The Fieshmon aie trjing haul to de termine whether or not they will liuw teimlne whether oi not they will buj caps. The scheme seems to meet with tome opposition on the part ot seenl members of the c lass Y. W.C.A. Notes. The noon seiuccs in thev Y W (' A room this week hae been most grati fying in attendance and helpfulness The strong plea made by Mr. Hatts to put more love to Christ In our wor ship has been followed by talks equally earnest and helptul by Mi Rimsp'.I Moore and Secretary llinger. The ideal association' member. iu -cording to Mr. Ringer, has tlrst, the abundant life in Christ that pverllow. , making glad all around; and brcond a persistence that gains the a plus, an I gives him a high rank In scholarship Lastly, a sociability and unselfishness that makes him an absolute necesslt to his circle of friends and a joy wlier eer he goes. Mr Ringer spoke In an encouraging way about the Y. W. C. A. work, and we In turn, are happy to congratulate our neighbors over the wall n their Increasing success especially along the line of Temple Fund pledges Hae you seen Sanderson's new spring shoes? They are beauties. Don Cameron's -lunch counter for good service. - Wright Drug Co., lift No. llth, 'phone 313. the University of Chicago Schools of Each school has a special Circular of Information which will be snt on request. The Courses in Medicine are given in connection with the work of RUSH MEDICAL College. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER June 18 September a COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL $100,000.00 OFFICERS John Wrlplit, Pros. J H. "WVsott, VIco-Prea. .) Samneli, 2nd Vleo-Prai. P. L. Hnll. Owhio.-. V. B. Ryoni. Ass't. cjaih. Stclncr-Wofempener Drug Co., Socccuon ta STEINER PHARMACY. 1144 O Strttt' Phon 707 Lincoln. ItV Manufacturers of Stoiner's Balsam Rhubarb Cold Copsnlos. Pile Coro and Gray'e Cono;,iou Powdera. OUR PRICES Shirts any stylo Qc Cotton Undershirts 5c Cotton Drawerb Qq NightHlm t Qq Socks gc llandkc-i chiefs, Jl for 5C YULE BROS. LAUNDRY -J'J'.'mVJVJVm'rm'm'm'm-m'VWm'' DENVER TAILORING GO. H. WECKESSER, Prop. Suit-, made to order from $!G.OO tip. Pan'r, $5.00 and up. Wc alvj do Cle.mi.if;, Pit miij; and Repairing. Workmanship firnt-Clais, satisfaction guaranteed. 122 8 M St. Lindell Hotel, Lincoln. --p---- t Are You Going: -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FAIR? Never before has the N. E. A. arranged its meeting with such Avondorfnl opportunities for the Teacher, Instructor or Professor. The routo via tho Burlington will bo tho favorite ono, aa it has been heretofore. G. W. Bonnell City PaistngeF Agent Burlington Bouts . TX Law Medicine Theology Education J Chicago, Illinois. Larckt and B.jt EquippfJ Eating Houst m the City. Furmtlicd Rooms in Connection. Palace Dining HalL 21 McaU, $3.00. W. II. Hart, Prop. 1130 N Street Lincoln. Neb. A sense of taste is a saving quality to any man who isits our store. Clothes we make bear the same relationship to personality that a beautiful blos som does to its perfume Suits or Ovei coats. $15 and $20. made to older. Peifect lit guaianteed BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO,. Big Tailors and Woolen Merchants. 1210 O Street. T. J. TIIORr COMPANY Qewral Machinist All Kind of Rpalrtaj Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. llth Strut Lincoln, Nebraska UNDSEVS CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. IIS North llth Street. P0WfLLJS BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-date, Including customers. B. P. POWELL, 146 N lltb St Pbone L 664 Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For oil Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Grlffln-GreorPrintlng Co There la no watch, clock or article oi Jewelry we cannot fix C A. TUCKER The Up-to-l he-Minute Jewelef PROMPT SERVICE. JJ23 o Street im"t"imwi M,i4immumf m - " r K ) rM ' i ' i i A J f i T-?-. '.H