The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 24, 1904, Image 1

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First University Gymnast Chosen
Last Evening.
A good crowd turned out to witness
the last of the gymnastic contests ,in
which first place and the University
"N" was won by Mr. J. T. Milek, who
also won the first contest. Mr. Pipal,
who was a close second in the first
contest, was too ill to appear last night,
so that Mr. Milek was not hard pressed
by any contestant, and had no difficulty
In carrying off first honors.
Besides the awarding of the "N" and
title of Uhiversity "Gymnast" silver
cups were given to the winners of first
and second places In each contest.
In addition to the three regular con
tests there were three exhibition. A
squad of picked men, led by Mr. Lane
and Mr. Graves, presented a tumbling
exhibition which seemed to afford much
amusement to the audience, and in
which there was really some very fine
work done. The feature of the evening,
however, was some fancy club swing
ing by Dr. Clapp, which took the audi
ence by storm and called forth a
burst of applause which lasted for sev
eral minutes.
The first contest on the side-horse,
which was entered by Milek, Baker,
Noyes and Posplsil, resulted In Milek
first, Baker second. The second was
tne long horse, with Milek, Baker, Pos
plsil and Copeland entered. Milek won
this event, also, while Copeland car
ried off second honors. Only three
men, Milek, Noyes, and Brick, were en
tered In the final event, the flying
rings, and again Milek got in his work,
and carried dff the first prize, with
Brick second. The final total scores
were as follows:
Milek, 438.
Baker, 321.
Pipal, 217.
The final exhibition was two forma
tions of pyramids by a picked squad,
which was all that had been promised,
and pleased the spectators greatly.
State Farm Team Easily Beaten
by University.
A fair sized crowd greeted Captain
Townsend's colts at their initial ap
pearance yesterday afternoon, and
cheered them on to a very decisive
victory in a game surprisingly free
from errors considering the high wind
which was blowing. The much-heralded
Stat Farm team failed to make
good, and although the University
loaned them one of our catchers, Bar
ta, they permitted the. CornhuBkers to
amble around the diamond nineteen
times, while thoyJwere able to score
but once, and that in the second Inning.
Nebraska fans are much encouraged
over the showing made by the team
thus early in the season, and feel that
if the usual Improvement takes place
before the regular schedule begins the
record made this year will excel that
of last year by a considerable margin.
The men showed Sip well at the stick,
Miller and Fenlon especially distin
guished, themselves by lining the ball
out every time they stepped up to the
plate. The former showed excellent
skill in placing clean hits, while Fen
lon, with the air of the wind, smashed
out two homo runs. The line-up:
Catch Bender, MiUef.
Pitch Morse, Beltzer, Adams. -
Shortstop Williams.
Firstbaso Townsend. .
Secondbaso Hammill.
Thlrdpase Steen.
Leftfleld Fenlon.
, Centorflold Cook.
Rlghtfield Sproguo, Miller.
Saturday, March 26th, 9 O'clock
Tennis Association Meets.
The Tennis association met yesterday
morning for the purposes of reorgani
zation and of electing officers and
transacting business. The following of
ficers were re-elected by unanimous
vote: President, C. B. Perslnger; vice
president, Chas. Mathewson; secretary
and treasurer, B. P. Tyner. Mr. Cassi
dy was also elected unanimously to the
position of manager. To cover neces
sary expenses an initiation fee of one
dollar was charged and a fee of one
to be moved to the south, and It is ex
pected that they will be in shape by
next Tuesday.
The following amendments to the
constitution were passed:
Section 1. The dues of this club shall
consist of an initiation fee of $1.00 and
semestral dues of ?1.00 a semester.
Sec. 2. Any member allowing his Be
mestral fees to lapse for two succes
sive semesters shall be required to pay
a second initiation fee of $1.00.
The matter of moving the courts fur
ther south will be immediately attend
ed to and practice can probably be
held about tho middle of next week. A
number of new men have expressed a
desire to join the association and as
soon as the grounds are in shape prac
tice will be pushed with all speed In
order to prepare for the prospective
Nothing has been heard from Minne
sota In regard to the meet with them
this spring, but there Is, as yet, no par
ticular rush about the affair, as It
would not come off until tho latter part
of May in any case. It may be possible
to hold the tournament at the same
time as tho track meet with tho Goph
ers, which will probably be. about May
21. In tho meanwhile there is some
talk of holding tournaments with Wes
leyan and Doane. Practice has already
been going on for some time on the
Wesleyan courts, and the Methodists
ought to be able to put up a pretty
good article of tennis. Doane, of course,
would also afford a stiff contest.
Girls Leave this Afternoon.
The girla' basket ball team departs
this afternoon for Minneapolis, where
they will meet the University of Min
nesota team tomorrow night and the
Central High School team Saturday.
The team will leave with tho conscious
ness that a Nebraska girls' team has
not lost a game since girls' basket ball-
was introduced hero in 1896, and we
hope to Bee it return with its fine rec
ord unmarred. The party will consist
of Misses Minnie Jansa, Bmma Shin
bur, Ina Gittings, Blva Sly, Cora Scott
and Ruth Woodsmall, escorted by Mrs.
R. G. Clapp and Dr. Louise Pound.
The Minnesota Dally has the follow
ing to say regarding the-game:
''The 'Varsity girls are training hard
for what bids fair to be their best and
most exciting game of the season, that
with Nebraska next Friday night. Ne
braska's reputation which is second
only to our own assures a close con
test. "They will lino up against the 'Varsi
ty Friday night and on Saturday they
will meet Central High at Minneapo
lis. . '
"A great deal of Interest In the game
is being shown by the supporters of
our team.
Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 8.0. lpth.
TICKETS 50 Cents
College Week at the Fair.
The latest announcement concerning
college activities at the world's fair has
Just been sent out from St. Louis. Plans
have been formed for devoting a week
to the college students all over tho
country a project which 1b entirely
unique to say the least. This move
ment has boon fostered and pushed by
the Students' League of America, num
bering among Its members representa
tives from nearly all the colleges in tho
country. Charles H. Dayton, a gradu
ate of Syracuse University, has been
appointed chairman of a committee
to make preparations for the events
of the week.
Students' week will be from Junp
10th to 17th, during which occurs the
Olympic College Championship Athletic
Meet. The great Oratorical Contest,
open to so many universities, will also
be held. At this contest representatives
from every section of the country will
compete. A joint debate between two
great Universities representing the
eat and the west, and a grand band
contest open to University bands will
also be held. The Minnesota band has
already entered and Beveral other west
ern bands have signified their inten
tion of doing so.
One of the other features arranged
Is an exhibition of college journalism.
Daily, weekly and monthly periodicals
of all colleges will be exhibited, and
medals awarded to the best in each
An Intercollegiate chess tournament
1b also being arranged. Other events
are under discussion.
It is expected that Students' Week
at St. Louis will be the greatest Inter
collegiate occasion over experienced in
America. The officers of the Students'
League of America hope that the in
fluence of this even will bo to promote
a more heakny University rivalry and
to stimulate the various college activi
ties. Just what Nebraska will do has not
been decided as yet, as no official no
tice has been received.
Chance for Teachers.
The following letter has -been re
ceived at the executive office and may
Interest those intending to teach:
"I am in need of college graduates
who desire to teach In public high
schools, preparatory schools, normal
schools and colleges.
"Not being located in a college town
or city, thiB bureau has for years
reeded more college graduates to fill
the vacancies that it has been directly
asked to fllK
"I wish that you could bring these
facts to the attention of your Seniors
and Post-graduates who expect to
teach after leaving your institution. I
.solicit correspondence from them, and
feel confident that I- can help them.
With kindest regards and best wishes,
I am. yours very truly,
"National Educational Bureau, Corner
Front and Market streets, Harris
burg, Pa.
Don Cameron's
good service.
lunch counter for
Lomlng's, Ice enmm ana candy: 11th
and L St?
SpeclaJ rate to students at tyndnt't.
Rhodes Scholarship Examination
Will be Held Here April 13th.
Tho RhodeB scholarship examination
will bo held hero April 13th. This is
tho date Bet by tho Rhodes Scholarship
Trust for all the examinations that
will bo held In this country. Memor
anda has been received at tho executive
office for tho committeos of selection,
making appointments to scholarships
throughout the United States in 1904,
and of instruction to persons elected to
tho Rhodes scholarship in 1904.
Emphasis is laid upon the fact that
this examination Is not competitive, but
3lmply qualifying, and Is Intended to
gle assurance that no elected scholar
will be unable to pass Responslons, tho
first examination that the University of
Oxfords demands of all candidates for
tho A. B. Degree.
Three examiners have been named to
prepare examination papers and report
upon thq,roplles given. The papers will
be forwarded in sealed parcels to tho
chairman -of tho committeee of selec
tion. Those will bo opened by the
supervising examiner at the time and
place of examinations. No text books
will bo required by candidates, and
they will bo supplied with stationery.
The replies of the candidates will bo
Bent to a center fixed upon by the Trust
for dispatch to tho examiners at Ox
ford. If necessary the commltteo will
apply to tho candidate bucIi further in
tellectual tests as may be proper.
Wo quote tho following In regard to
certain Important particulars:
"in accordance with tho wish of Mr.
Rhodes, tho Trustees desire that in tho
election of a student to scholarship, re
gard shall bo had (1) to his literary
and scholastic attainments, (2) his
fondness for and success In manly out
door sports, such as cricket, football
and the llko, (3) his qualities of man
hood, truth, courage, devotion to duty,
sympathy for and protection of the
weak, kindliness, unselfishness and fel
lowship, and (4) hiB exhibition during
school days of moral force of charac
ter, and of Instincts to lead and lake
an interest in his schoolmates. Mr.
Rhodes suggested that (2) and (3) be
decided in any school or college by the
otes of fellow-studentB, and (4) by tho
head of tho school or college.''
Uncoln-Omnha Debate
Tomorrow evening Lincoln and Oma
ha will clash in their annual debating
contest, at tho high school auditorium.
Omaha won the debate last year, and
Lincoln will try hard to recover the
lost ground. The eastern question will
be discussed in a manner that promises
to be thorough and vigorous. The
judges will be Professors Cook, Fogg
and Caldwell.
Arrangements are being made for the
selection of judges for tho Kansas de
bate. There will bo some practice de
bates In our squads, and they will prob
ably begin tomorrow.
Tho University of Virginia and Col
umbia University have, arranged a
series of debates. ..
The literary societies of the Univer
sity of Illinois gave tho Iowa debaters
and the judges a reception after the
recent debate which Illinois won. Tho
judges were Professors Gray of North
western, Hatfield of Chicago and Rom
hard of Indiana.
Wisconsin will meet Michigan this
year. For the Michigan, preliminary tho
question Is, "Resolved, That' states
should relinquish" the personalproper-
iy tax. .
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