' ,' jT- Che Dully flcbraeRan f mtm09mt0m0t0iifmtm0tmimmm0mitt0tmmtM)i Campus Qleanings. WWWVlWViViWVVWVWVWWVWVV Registrar Clark wont to Omaha yes terday. r & MUELLER O. O. Horn, "01, Is visiting at the Sigma Chi house. s -i D - . 1 1 ; , " I !:' THE BIG PIANO HOUSE I 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Stdnway & Sons Schmollcr & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments HMMMMlMMMMWMMIMMMMMIMNMf Rates $1.00 and $1.25 por Day. Special Rates by the Week. BOYD tlOM MRS. KATE MARTIN, Prop. Only one block from B. & M. Depot Only ono bir ck from Postofflco. Near all street car lines. 731 O Street ucoln. Neb. Mi CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN ISO North 13th Llnooln, Nob. The Weber Suitoriuin It thrrrp-to date place where you can jet yottt Clothing Cleaned and Pressed 'Phone 708. Northeast Cor llth and O. RED CROSS PHARMACY DRS. MOSSHART Se. STRETTON PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, DRUGS, an I Chemicals, Surgical Instruments. Ffcbne 025, 1400 O, St., Lincoln, Nef- Western Glass and Paint Co. 12th and M Sts., Lincoln, NebrasKn! ! T 1 President Smith of the Sophomoro class, has appointed Frank Williams manager of the class baseball team. O. O. Homo, '02, of Syracuse, visited at the Sigma Chi house yesterday. The final steps are being taken pre liminary to Issuing the Bummer school calendar. It seems that mistakes creep In with great insistence concerning tho date of the Senior Prom. It should be un derstood by all that April 8th Is tho date of this event, and that UiIb is final. Annual business meeting of tho Uni versity Y. M. C. A., Wednesday evening at 7:30 sharp, U. 107. Every member Is expected to participate In this Im portant meeting, when officers for tho ensuing year will bo elected. An Interesting series of European hlBtory in modern times ha8 just been received at tho library. They were published In Germany and consist of twonty-soven volumes handsomely and durably bound and Illustrated. Persons desiring to co-operate in Investigation In American economic history with tho American Economic association and tho Carnegie Institute (no direct payment for work, only lib erty to use results), pleaBe apply to Professor W. G. L. Taylor. FIELD MUSICIANS ASSIGNED. 1. The following field musicians arc hereby assigned to companies as fol lows: Company A Musician C. It. Stanley and O. L. Copeland Company B II. G. Hargreaves and G. II. Ferguson. Company C Musician C. M. Browne and W. A. Itaceley. 2. Cadets will provide themselves with white duck trousers by April 6, 11)04. By Order or, CAPT. CHASE. Company E. May Go. There Is an unconfirmed rumor in circulation that Company E Is to be dissolved In tho near future. While no official regulation has been made in this respect, thero Is no reason why Company E should be continued as an organization as soon as tho object for which It was founded Is done away with. Tho rapid improvement which has been mado under tho captaincy of Captain Lewis has removed In largo degree tho necessity for further contin uing it. Band Informed March 26, Saturday night another of tho popu lar Band Informals will be held In tho University Aromory. General approval Is being expressed at the revival of these much appreciated events, and a large number of couples will probably bo In attendance at the next one. Tho men In charge of tho affair are exerting themselves to make It unusually suc cessful. RADIUM RADIUM RADIUM. Amateur Photographers, Mineral Collectors. See for yourself tho won ders of radium. Take your own radio graphs. For $2 I send a piece of ura nium ore (pitchblende) containing ra dium and guaranteed to mako radio graphs. Full printed directions. Val uable also to mineral collectors. S. B. WELD, 1755 Arapahoe St., Denver, Colo. The regular Bprlng opening of mill inery is being hold at tho Famous. How about that Easter hat? Lincoln Transfer Co. 'Phono 176. Baggage Chapln Bros., Florists,. 127 So. 13th. J WWWWVWiWWWWWViWViWWWWVWiVVWVV for this 1b a sulrStory of more than passing Interest to you. Our best advertlsebent has always been the fit and style of the clothes we boII. The spring styles are In all tho late combinations of colors made In every style that's new. They're read to try one. Come In and see them. Your money Is yours and tho suits are ours till you are satisfied. Our success means pleasing You. SUITS $10.00 to $25.00 I MA6EE & COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK Or LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - - $100,000.00 OFFICER8 John Wrtpht, Pree. J H. Woscott, Vioo-Pri. loo Bomnelfl, 8nd Vlco-Profl. P. L. Hnll flashier. W. B. Ryonji. Aas't. Jaah. Stelner-Woempener Drug Co., 8uccaaoti U 8TE1NER PHARMACY. II 44 O Strut' Phocw 707 Lincoln, Iftfc Manufacturers of Stoiner's Balsam Rhubarb Gold Capsules. Pile Our and Gray's donation Powders. OUR PRICES Shirts any stylo qc Oottou Undorshirts 5C Ootton Drawers 5C Nightshirts qc Books gc HandkorchiofB, 8 for 5C YULE BROS. LAUNDRY Are You Going; -to ST. LOUIS N. E. A. and the WORLD'S FfcR? Never before has the N. B. A. arranged its mooting with guoh wonderful opportunities for the Teacher, Instructor or Professor. The routo via tho Burlington will be tho favorito ono, aa it has been heretofore 0. W. Bonnell -Oily Passenger Agist Burlington Routt DEEMER I 09 o Largeat and Bat Equipped Eating Home In th City. Fumuhtd Room In Connection. Palace Dining HalL 21 Meals, $3.00. W. II. Hart, Prop. 1130 N Street Lincoln. Neb. A sense of taste la a saving quality to any man who visits our store. Clothes we make bear tho same relationship to personality that a beautiful blos som does to Its perfume. Suits or Overcoats, ?15 and $20, made to order. Perfect fit guaranteed. BRITISH WOOLEN MILLS CO,. Big Tailors and Woolon Merchants. 1210 O Street. UNDSEVS CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. 11 North llth Street. POWaiS BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall wjth table all aowly covered, best cues and balls, aewly papered, everything up-to-data, Including customers. I. P. POWELL. 146 N lltb St PbODe L M Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Grlffln-GroerPrlntlns Co There It no watch, clodc or article ol Jewelry we cannot fix C; A. TUCKER The Up-to-tbe-Mlnute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. JJ23 0 ,. m t m "i Ml c J '1 I ';2lll & 'X ' ' l """" 1 i ' i i i j i r2 J 'r-k wjjn . j- 1 1 '.'.iii 4- 2i ; w , 5 ? ibtJWl eAluflin .