The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1904, Page 5, Image 5

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tlbe Bails flelr a6ftan
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OtI?er Colleges
Phi Alpha Delta 1b the name of a fraternity recently established
at Illinois.
The price of tickets for the Junior
Prom, at Leland Stanford this year
Is $5.00.
At Missouri State University the
students pledged $2,G65 for a social
and religious building to be erected on
the campus.
A new Sophomore society, known as
the "Skull and Crescent" has been or
ganized at Chicago. Six fraternities
are represented.
The statistics on the number of
books drawn out of the general library
at Michigan in one week by the vari
ous departments was five thousand.
The faculty of Indiana University
has adopted a plan whereby a student
can complete both the literary and
law courses In five years Instead of
seven cyears, the time it took formerly.
The 1905 Ilio Board of Illinois has
offered a Morris chair to the sorority
girl producing the best assortment of
roasts. If the Bororlty girls would be
so cruel, what consternation would be
aroused among the sterner sex.
California is rejoicing over the re
ceipt of a gift of $700,000 for building
a library. President Wheeler of that
institution has received a congratula
tory message from Andrew White, for
mer U. S. minister to Germany.
When President Harper of the Uni
versity of Chicago, was an instructor
in a small college, a student came to
him to arrange for private tutoring.
ihe future president expressed regret
his Inability to coach the applicant as
his hours were engaged unless the
young man would call every morning
at 3 o'clock.
The fraternities at Iowa are contem
plating holding a big barbecue, -In or
der that the frat men may get togeth
er and become better acquainted. They
aro now conducting a whist tourna
ment and are plannlng for a baseball
Coach Jack Holllster of Belolt Is out
wjth a declaration in favor of summer
baseball being played by college teams.
He sayB that college men need money
to go through and since some must
earn their way they havo a right to use
any and all their faculties Uiat It is
right to use In earning their way.
In no other Hne of work does quality
of materials and service counc for s
much as In the compounding of
Prescriptions. No matter what your
Prescription Is Intended to do, it can
not do it unless it is rightly prepared
from drugs of known purity and
strength. There is no use taking
chances? you can be sure by bringing
it here. No mattes upon what blank
it written, we can fill H. The med
icine and the price will be right.
Cut Frlc Pharmacy,
1321 O Street, Lincoln
It is proposed to levy a tax of fifty
cents on each student at tho Universi
ty of Minnesota for the purpose of
establishing a sick "fund for students.
At present no provision is made to
care for any of the sick in tho Uni
versity and on this account many have
to leave college.
Through the operation of the honor
system five men have boon expelled
from Princeton for dishonesty In ex
aminations. 1 iey were found guilty
of having purchased lists of questions
for the February examinations from
a man who had secured them from the
printer's "devil."
Tho Michigan Daily vigorously re
futes the statement of some of the
daily newspapers that baseball at Mich
igan was dead. It Bays that Michigan
haB as many men trying for the team
as $.ho majority of colleges have and a
good many more than quite a few can
boast of.
The faculty of Minnesota is very
much astonished to learn that many of
tho girls In school have learned poker
and are gambling. One girl admitted
that she had won 30 cents and two
pounds of chocolates In a game In the
Greek class room after a recitation.
Soven other girls are Involved. They
admit that poker has become a fad,
and they play for confections and car
The Memorial Fund at Purdue Uni
versity has received from tho
tho athletic association of the Uni
versity of Illinois, a check for $128.15.
The amount was the sum In dispute
between Illinois and Wisconsin over
one of last season's baseball games.
The courtesy of tho two universities
in making such disposition of the ques
tion is certainly much appreciated at
Purdue, who received the money.
Un Society
Senior Prom., April 8th, at the Lin
coln hotel.
Tho 'Phi Kappa Psl formal will be
held next Friday, March 25th, at the
Lincoln hotel.
The regular Saturday evening re
hearsal and business meeting of tho
Glee club will be held tonight in Me
morial hall at 7 sharp.
After a long Interval another band
informal, so popular laBt semester, is
to be held. Tho date Is set for Sat
urday, March 26th, In the armory.
Tonight the men of the Junior class
will hold a smoker at the Phi Delta
Theta house. Because It's a smoker
doesn't mean that that form of pastime
will be compulsory. There will be
drink for the drinkers, chewlngs for
those so Inclined and feed for the eat
ers. However diverse the Junior's
taste may be it will be satisfied. A
general good jolly up Is expected.
The delegates from tho various
Greek letter societies met this morn
ing and elected th ofTicrs who will have
In charge tho annual Pan-Hellenic Hop
to bo held sometime In the spring.
Thirteen delegates were presnt, neither
of tho recent additions to the Hellenes
sending delegates. John Westdver, Kap
pa Sigma, was elected chairman by
unanimous vote and after considerable
balloting Sprague, Alpha Tau Omega,
and Stratton, Sigma Chi, wore elected
masters of ceremonies. This electing
of two masters of ceremonies is estab
lishing a new precedent, whether It is
necessary is a question which this
coming Hop can go a long ways to
wards solving. Tho date for the affair
has not yet boen settled, but will be
sometime tho latter part of May,
probahly Just after thQ Fraternity bar
becue If another Is neld this year.
Sam's Cafe. The only place in the
city to get the famous "Little Gem
Hot Waffles." Special service .for la
dies. .
Tho war hereon Japan and Russia
will be a great educational affair for
the young American and George Bros.,
printers, would be glad of an oppor
tunity to improve your education In
their Hne. Aut. phono, 8400; Boll, A-
349. Fraternity JJuiidjng.
The New Sheer White Goods l
For Summer Dresses.
are numerous, and white suits for genernl wear nro so much In demand
that wo havo provided an unusually eholro and varied lino tho Hheer
plain goods that girls like so well to make fluffy with ruffles and lace;
handsome French novelties embroidered In figures "nnd stripes; Bilk
warp tissues that have the effect of all silk and will launder well; silk
warp crepo de chine with beautiful clinging folds.
Persian Liivwn832-Inch, 20c, 25c. 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c and
60c a yard.
Silk Finished Persian Lawns 32-lnch, 40c, 50c and 00c a yard.
Scotch Organdies 32-lnch, 15c, 20c. 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c and
50c a yard.
French Organdies 67-lnch, G5c, 80c, $1.00 and $1.25 a yard.
Wiss Mulls 32-inch, 25c, 30c, 35c, 40c, 50c, GOc and
75c a yard.
Wash Chiflbns 48-Inch, 40c. 50c and GOc a yard.
French Lawns 48-Inch, 50c, GOc, 75c, 85c and $1.00 a yard.
ronch LIsscT 48-Inch, 50c, GOc and 75c a yard.
Imported French Mercerized Novelties in nluiri( k d fiRiiro
nnd stripes, 40-inch, 91. 20, fl.CO, JI.IIS, 2.C0, $2.r0 nnd (2.C0 n yard
Plain Silk Tissues 28-inch. 18c. 29c and 45c a yard.
Fancy Silk Tissues 28 to 30-lnch, 35c, 45c, 50c and 55c r. yard.
Silk Warp Crepo do Chine 30-Inch, 5uc a yard.
r i
Boxes for Rent j
In our fire and burg
lar proof vaults for
the safe keeping of
money, notes and val
uable papers 75
cents pays for three
months larger
sizes in proportion.
Lincoln Safe Deposit &
Trust Company.
120 North Eleventh st., Lincoln.
At our line if in need
A of a pocket knife.- Assort- !
j ment carefully selected jS
; and complete.
ij HALL'S,
1308 O Street.
'I 1111
if 'iJr JhA i! f
& 5 i-Jgr 1 i r
w "ya . pv n . w
FVV VJi " - f V Ml I I
Otpftal $300,000.00
Bumlrt 110,000.00
Umilvldwl Profits 40.000.00
9. H. BURNHAM, President.
Vicc-Prot. Cauhier.
AbbL C shier Asst. Cashier
P. R, EABTEJRDAY, Auditor.
JtJ!tJaLJiJLQjjaJf.Si!tV J2JUiQ
Phono :84
1131 N Street,
rev5T5"rB-Q-"rtfs a ? bra o 6i a
i ! !! :-i--;. iHbfr -:--?
Before I
.You Go Home.
for the
Easter Holiday
X come in and see our Eas"-
f ter display. We have a
full line of Novelties and
full line of
High Grade
13th and N Streets.
-S' ! '1' ! ! ! l ! ! ; $ .ft.
t ;;
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4 r.
J "8
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i iiiriwfln mini-' t :