The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1904, Image 1

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2Mv-4; v
i 'WWr.
VOL. IIL NO. 109
Girls' Teams Will Play Tonight
Professional Rules at Brown.
Practice Being Held for Big Event
Prof. Starr Director.
Tho girl's basket ball season will
close with a grand Lincoln tournament
In the Armory tonight, when the city
championship will be decicfed. Tho
contesting teams will be the Lincoln
Y. W. C. A., Nebraska Wesleyan, Ne
braska First Team, Nebraska Second
The first two teams will play, and
then tho last two. After a rest, tho
winners of tho two games will meet
in tho championship game.
The Athletic Board of Brown Uni
versity composed of both faculty and
student members, has just put into
effect a rule regarding professionalism
which promises to have a far reach
ing effect on future University athlet
ics. Tho eastern colleges have jumped
on Brown with ono accord, and de
clared that this one act threatens to
render futilo all tho endeavors of tho
last fifteen years for clean athletics.
They see only ono point of any vaKie
in Brown's action, and that is that If
that University insists on playing pro
fessionals in any event, it is better
to do so avowedly than to protend to
live up to certain rules supposed to in
sure an amateur team. There is even
a movement on foot to ostracize Brown
athletically until she shall see the er
ror of her ways and return to the good
old days when she at least attempted
to turn out amateur teams. There is
a general fear that ono of two other
that this will cause a stampede from
the ranks of lovers of "clean sport,"
and that tho final result will bo tho
wholesale buying up of professional
But there Is a good deal to be said
on Brown's side, and we will even ven
ture the opinion that Nebraska and all
tho othor western colleges and Univer
sities could follow the same plan to ad
vantage. In tho first place, the Brown
rule does not allow tho buying up of
players, but provides that the only
qualifications for playing on a Brown
team shall be scholarship, and mat a
student shall not bo disqualified on ac
count of having received money for
summer oaseball, boxing lessons, etc.
When one thinks of how Cutts, of
whoso student standing there could be
no doubt, was ruled off the All-Amerl-can
football team three years ago be
cause he was accused of having re
ceived fifty cents for a boxing lesson
several years before, and of numer
ous other Instances of a similar, char
acter, Jt stoma ridiculous that a man
who -lflln college for college Itself and
not to play ball Is disqualified because
he received a living for doing what
lie was best suited to do. Brown's pres
ent plan has this advantage, that while
tho old rule could bo circumvented In
any number of wayB, and teams have
constantly l)een filled with these same
professionals whom tho rule was sup
posed to keep out, the new one can not
bo escaped in any manner whatever,
since tho present work of the man is
always tho criterion by which ho is
judged. So long as tho only condition
necessary for admission to a college
team Is to prove that money has never
been accepted for athletic services, or
rather to prevent the more or less
seachlng athletic authority from prov
ing that such money has been taken,
. tnese teams will consist In a largo part
of men who are in college for nothing
in the world but to play on a team,
and who will leave school as soon as
tho season is over. But conditions will
change when a man can play on a team
irrespectlvoof past athletic record, pro
vided ho can show a' clean college rec
ord, and proves by his present work
that college Is first and athletic second.
Then and then only will we have that
long sought for Utopia, "clean athletics."
Negotiations With Iowa Seem to
Yield Certain Results.
The significance of the frequent mys
terious assemblages of young ladles
In U. 107, behind closed doors, has now
come to light and It Is learned that
the big minstrel show of wnich run.or3
were heard a few weeks ago is the
cause of all the stir. The underttklng
is perhaps the most elaborate that bus
ever been attempted here at the Uni
versity, along this line, and It wn.i
deemed best by the managemnt to keep
it secret until such arrangemonU could
bo made as would insure the suciosh of
the undertaking. For some weeks Miss
Howell, together with some of )i
members of the department, and of the
Dramatic club, have been laboring per
sistently in the preliminary prepara
tions, and1 with the assistance of Mr.
E. G. Council most gratifying results
have been attained.
Tho minstrel is to be of a high class
in respect to musical features, while
the specialties will consist of various
attractive stunts from cake walks and
Swedish dances in costume to clog
dancing and such exercises as the most
athletic of the gym girls can perform.
The t. horns will be a large one, and
will be made up of the most talented
representatives of various societies, fra
ternities and others known for special
ability in the musical line. This chorus
will be under the personal direction of
Prof Wilbur Starr, whose experience
in the east in conducting affairs of this
kind insures the success of the musical
feature of the minstrel.
The specialties are in charge of a
number of experts too modest to allow
their names to appear in print. That
the "dusky young girls" under Biich
non do plumes as Angellne, Coal, Snow-
ball, etc., will furnish entertainment of
no mean order need not be repeated
very often.
April 15th is the date, and by way of
suggestion It will be a good date to
keep open.
To make the minstrel real In every
respect even the soloists and accom
panists will be "colored" and it will
greatly add to the interest of tho
friends of the performers to exerclso
(their skill In substituting tho real
names for the non de plumes.
In the Interstate debates This policy
Is exactly the ono Nebraska has been
advocating and executing.
Prof. Barber Receives Invitation.
Professor Barber has received the
lollowlng Invitation to be the guest of
the University of Chicago next week:
' The University takes pleasure in an
nouncing to those interested in the
study of phllplogy that an address on
Conditional, Concessive and Temporal
Clauses in German and English," will
be given on Monday morning, Marn
21st, at halt past nino o'clock, In room
GA, Cobb Lecture Hall, by Berthold
Delburck, Professor of Sanskrit and
Comparative Philology In the Universi
ty of Jena. Professor Delbruck will bo
Introduced by Professor Hale of tho
University of Chicago.
World's Fair Offer.
WANTED Ten men (students), to
work during summer vacation. Call at
435 No. 13th street, Lincoln, and see
our St. Louis World's Fair offer. Of
fice hours on Friday, 2 to 4 p. m., and 7
to 9 p. m; on Saturday, 9 a. m. to 12,
and 1 to 5 arid 7 to 9 p. m.
Music at Chapel.
Miss Minnie Eiche and Mrs, Herzog
will render a. sonate from Raff in cha
pel this morning. The piece will oc
cupy the whole half-hour and perhaps,
more, but will be a treat of even un
usual excellence, and everyone is urged
to bo in their seats early in order that
the program may not De delayed by
late arrivals.
The Auguries are very favorable for
a debato with Iowa, arrangements for
which have been partially made. Nego
tiations have been under way for some
time, but have been delayed by vari
ous causes. From the roports now given
out everything points toward reaching
a decisive agreement.
In arranging for this debate, ono
more step has been taken, this time by
Iowa. Three weekB ago Nebraska sub
mitted a question in reply to Iowa's
request for a debate this year. Our
debating board told Iowa that Nebras
ka had already made up her regular
schedule for this year, that tho prelim
inaries to choose men were to be held
that week and that Nebraska had con
sidered Iowa's proposition only on cer
tain conditions, which we explicitly
Iowa a week later replied that she
had accepted the question and would
in a few days take up the matter of
i boosing sides and deciding when the
debate should be hold. For information
on these two points Nebraska has
been waiting for two weeks. Secretary
Ira Ryner of the Debating association
was about to telegraph the lowans yes
terday afternoon when he received a
letter from them.
In this letter tho Iowa secretary
stated that Iowa had decided to take
the negative of the question. He also
stated that Iowa wished the debate to
be held in Lincoln not sooner than
the first Of May. In answer to Ne
braska's Inquiry as to how long Iowa
proposed to make the compact, the
Iowa secretary replied that the com
mittee has power to bind the debating
board for a year only.
The Daily Iowan states that the
hawkeyes are planning to pick the
team that will meet Nebraska on April
11th. In that preliminary the question
for the Interstate debate will be dis
cussed. The candidates for the prlv
lege of tackling Nebraska are already
announced and aro said to include the
men who would havo gone against the
University of Wisconsin, if that insti
tution had not called the debate off.
While the letter from Iowa marks a
decided advance In negotiations, the
arrangements aro not yet all complete.
The whole matter of dates Is a very
vital matter with Nubxaska, inasmuch
as she has already made arrangements
for two debates, which were practical
ly settled before the Iowa proposition
was received. Against holding two de
bates too near the end of the year and
the final examinations there are ob
vious objections. The debate with
Washington will probably be held tho
flist week in May-so that the team
may have an opportunity to see the
exposition, which opens April 30th.
For the Kansns-Nebraska debate, to
take place here, Nebraska prefers April
22d. It will undoubtedly be held either
then or April 29th, the choice between
the two dates depending on whatever
attractions there may be in Lincoln
upon theBO dates. It Is generally desired-
to have that battle, In which tho
whole University will bo Interested this
year, to take place on a date when the
crowd will not be divided by outside
The financial condition df the Ne
braska Debating association must also
be taken Into consideration in deciding
whether or not a second heavy debato
should be held here this year. The
Iowa debate would be very more ex-
Concernlng this matter the paper
has this to say:
"Knowing the Importance of having
the right kind of mon for JudgeB, the
council directed the secretary to enter
Into correspondence with prominent
men in different parts of the country
looking to securing their servlcos as
judges In our interstate debates. Kan
sas proposes this year to secure mon
of prominence and mon who will not
be biased on the question at Issue, If
such a thing is possible."
Preston W. Search Will Speak
Here March 25th.
One of tho rare treats to be enjoyed
by the University faculty and Btudents
Is tho lecturo to be glvon by Preston
W. Search In Memorial Hall Friday
evening, March 25. The subject will be
"Face to Face With Groat Ideals."
Preston W. Search came into educa
tional prominence while superintend
ent of schools at Pueblo, Colo., by In
troducing what is known as the Pueblo
plan, or Individual teaching. On tho
strength of his work at Pueblo, ho was
called In 1895 to the city superintend
ed y of 1-os Angeles, Cal., and tho fol
lowing year to the city superlntendoncy
of Holyoko, Mass. Three years later
ho resigned the city superlntendency of
schools to travel and study In Europe.
Since returning from Europe he has de
voted his entire time to writing and lee
turlng on educational problems. On
of his late works on education which
has attracted considerable attention, 1s
"The Ideal School." Prof. Search Is
recognized as one of the beet public
speakers on the educational platform.
He Ik an educational reformer and will
have something now to say. Tho Uni
versity pedagogical club is especially
Interested In this lecture and extends
a cordial Invitation to Its friends to bo
Senior and Junior Mix-up.
Another outbreak of Senior vs. Ju
nior enthusiasm occurred yesterday
morning. The Juniors placed a taunt
ing inquiry on the convocation bulle
tin board about a certain Senior flag,
which It seems the '04 men had' vainly
endeavored to raiBe over U. Hall. Tak
ing advantage of tho Juniors' absence
some Seniors sought to remove the
offensive paper and were caught red
handed. After a brief scrap the paper
was torn down, and the Juniors had
to bo content with a-Senior haL Tho
affair, while lacking tho numberao
tho scrap of a week ago, was fast and
furious while It lasted.
nensivo than that with Kansas. The
debating board will take up these ques
tions at its next meeting.
The Kansas debating council, ac
cording to the K. U. Wfikly, Is- going
to take special care this year to get
disinterested and able men for judges
Laws vs. Douglasv
Saturday evening tho Senior Laws
will meet a team from Douglas in an
interest game of basket ball.
Tho Douglas team will present a
strong aggregation of experienced play
ers. This will be the hardest game of
tho season for the Seniors and they
feel that their faithful practice and
past experience will stand them In good
Heretofore the Senior class has
evinced a depijarable lack of enthusi
asm in supportTof their team, and it Is
sincerely hoped their loyalty in this,
the hardest game of the season.
The Unionand Palladian teams will
play between tho halves.
Special rate to student at Hendry's.
Big Reduction. Sanderson's Sale. .
Wright Drug
'phone 313.
Co., 117 No. 11th,
For that time of winter feeling, buy
a new spring suit, and use Paino's high
grade clothing.
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