rv' ' I !- , I J , $Srm sw. ',flp' M. - (t Cbe H)a(lE fUbraeltan In Society BUSINESS DIRECTORY Waterman Fountain "Pen $2.00 to $5.00 1200 O Street. RECTORS Dr. O. ECqnrtra Ik pledged to Sigma Chi. Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. Delta Tan Delta gives a dancing par ty Friday night at Walsh hall. Glee club regular practice tonight at 7 shaip. Full attendance desired The Senior Prom.. May 8th. at tho Lincoln, is the next University dance. V ARCHITECTS Fisk & Diomau. ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Store. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Palace. R. & C. Pioneer. BARBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. Undc- land k. Co. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Glrard, Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter. Co- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall. Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Gillespie. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Lindsey, Foliart. CLOTHING Unland. Magee & Deemer, B. L. Paiue, Armstrong. COAL Gregory. Dierks, Wkitebreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONER Y-'-Lemlng, Maxwell, DAIRY Franklin, Leming. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DENTISTS Boston Dentists. DRUGGIST Steincr. Woempncr, Rec tor, Brown, Rlgg-S Wilgnt, R Cross. DRY GOODS filler & Paine. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. GROCERS Kej fetono. HARDWARE Hall, Rudge & Guenzel. HOTELS LIndeM. Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutua:. JEWELERS Tucker, Hal let, Wolfe, Trie key. LAUNDRIES Yulo Bros., LIVERY Forbes. LUMBER DierkB. MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J Dais, Hallet, Trickey, PAINT & G'LASS Western Glass & Paint Co. PIANOS Sohmoller & Mueller, Rosa Curtice. VLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING," Griffin Greer, New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, George BroB. RESTAURANTS Westerfiejd, Home Cafe, Don Cameron, Hendry. SHOES Perkius & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, STENOGRAPHER Shepherd, room 512, Richards blk. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Red Cross Pharmacy. SUITORIUM Weber. THEATRES Olllver. TYPEWRITERS Olllver. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead, Union College Tailors. J. B. TRICKEY & CO. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Come in and Have Your Eyes At tended to. 1035 O St. , Miss Viinn Iee entertained a fn friends at 1420 R sticot Saturdn oen ing The young ladies of Alpha Omicrou PI vor;e entertained Thursday by tho Mips Spears. Miss Ruth Holmes entertained tie members of Chi Omega at her homo Saturday afternoon. The annual hop of Compaii) IJ will p given April 22d at Fraternity hall. Lieut. Sherry anil Sgt. White are in charge. Mifrs Alice Auld enteitaincd the active menihers of Delta Delta Delta at a f o'clock dinner Saturday 'ening at her home An alarm of lire tinned in Satuiday lor the Delta U house caused no littlo anxiety among the friends of that fra ternity until it was learned the alarm was lalse. An "extra' strong pipe or blast of hoi air probablj explains thr mistake. Mr. M. Jj. I.ee entertained a few oi his most intimate friends with a well planned excursion to the State Fnrm on Satuiday, Mauh 12th. A most de lightful afternoon was tpent as the-o was no hitch in the well made airing- -ments. Refreshments wore mmcU .n the Dairy building and the meiry crowd returned about ." o'clock The men of the Junioi class will hold an '0" blow out next Saturda ening at the Phi Delt Chapter house. By meeting together in this manner it is aimed to form a closer bond of ac quaintance, and friendship, between the men A reception tommittee of men that know how are pushing the affair and Junioi s -that don't go will have something to itgiet. The annual banquet ot Phi Delta Thetn was held last Saturday oenln-g at the I indell hotel. Mr. Hayward was toastmastor and the tollowing toasts were given: Ye Olden Time l)i. Pillsbury Our Married Men Ralph Jenne. A Freshman's Opinion Oilman Har tlgan. Am 1 a Senior? Charles Whedon Rambles Connor Bliss. Military Affairs Lewis Hewitt. 'Varsity Joys Chas. Von Mansfield. Covers were laid tor forty-five. Among the old Univeisity Pill's here for the banquet were Messrs Tukey, '1 nomas, Lindquest. Manbfleld and Hay waid. Y. W. C. A. Notes. All members who have not-paid their Y. W. C. A. dues please see me this month any day between 12:30 and 1 p. m. Emma Shinbur, President. 1 w All who attended the Y. W. C. A. meeting Sunday afternoon were well entertained and much profited by a talk given by Rev. Batten of the First Baptist church, who spoke on "How to make the most of life." Miss Louise oodruff sang. The concert given by Alits Marlhu Tyler of St. Louis in the chapel last Saturday evening was not as well at tended aB the character and merit of tno entertainment deserved. Mies Ty ler sang bright 'and pleasing songs, which appealed to every one, and all piesent wereventhusiastic in lior praise. Tho Whitebreast -Co., at 1106 O St., Is the place to buy coal. Drop' in and see our gtock of spring shoes. At Sanderson's. The University of Chicago Schools of Each school has a special Circular of Information which will bo sent on requoot. The Coursco in Medicine .re &iven in connection with tho worl: of RUSH MEDICAL College. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER Junci8 September i f Woman's Home Companion $100 A YEAR . yn - IOC A COPY I THE CTOWm. WIKKfATniCn company. puoiuntm 1 H.ikir. 4d u ti r... K.,k 11 br- la ..... sationalism nor provincialism. It already has 340,000 subscribers, and this number is constantly increasing. A Lfvc Agent Wanted in Every ComniunUy. Most Liberal Teron. Subscription Price $1.00 a Year. Ten Cents a Copy. Send Ten Cents or a samP,Q cPy nnc' wc W'N send you an elegant wa vviiio engraving, 20 by 25 inches in size, of Landseer's famous painting " Defiance, or Stagat Bay." Mention this offer when you write. Address WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, Springfield, Ohio WEBSTER'S NIERNAnOHALj NEW EDITION NEW PLATES DICTIONARY, Now Added 25,000 NEW WORDS., Phraw, Etc. Rich Bindings 2364 Pages Ji 5000 Illustrations Prepared under the uupervls'on of W. T. Harris, Ph.D., Li.D., United States Commissioner ol Education, assisted by alorgccqrpsot competent specialists BETTEK THAN EVER FOR GENERAL USE Also Webster's Collegiate L ifc WMMW ! i Law Medicine Theology Education Chicago, Illinois. THE IDEAL HOME MAGAZINE Is in its twenty-eighth year; is i irimeu on nne paper and pro usely illustrated. It dves 40 to 54 pages a month, each page 11 by 16 inches, and a new and beautiful cover in colors every issue. Its editors and contrib utors are the' most popular American writers ; in abort, it is the ideal family magazine, magnificently illustrated. Its departments are edited by ex perts and arc full of interest Asa home magazine it has no su perior, .uid few, if any, equals. 600 Pages 1,260 Pictures EACH PAflG IS EQUAL TO FOUR ORDINARY MAGAZINE PA0ES... Hundreds of thousands con sider it a family necessity". It is clean, pure and inspiring. Its .content, while varied, are entertaining and ot the highest oruer. 11 contains neuner sen JUST THROUGHOUT IS! rf,D Dictionary with Scottish C! wiry, etc. MHtMM W.MV VMM 4.W . j..i r 1:1 ii ii ft l V n , - M f I K V Lomlng's, Ice cream ana candy: lltb and L Sts , Y yAii nM. 4 ki -fcU'it-hi &' Ai.