The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 11, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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""$ ?2.Trf T -. t-
& b e alls flcbra ehan
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Ce Daily Htbraskan.
A. eonaolldatlon of
Vkm HMprlB, Vol. 81 , The NebrMkaa, ToL 1,
BcrUl and Cream, Vol. 4.
itaalnu Manager
John D. !
A. O. Bohrlbr
Ncwi - - - P. A. Ewing
Athltic - - J. 15. Clark
Literary - " " Dorolfiy Grcn
Rrporttn D. P. DcYo'injc .nid Mablc Favlcr
and Raymond tl. MiCaw.
DflkMWt Editorial, U VXM; Boalneai, U I11U.
Poat Ofllc, Do i 18, Station A, Lincoln.
Bubaoilptton Prtoa, tS per year. In dvano.
Btard at the poitonloo at Ltnooln, Nebraska
aa eeond-olast mall matter.
Editorial Remarks
The stags seem to lunc tonic under
llic 1 1.1 n of )opnlar opinion in the I'ni
vcrsltv. ami it is plain, thai main arc
ilesnoiis ot seeing thcin taught their
plat c As a niattci of pulilii intcicst
vc liac given ii) oni space to a treat
ment of the hiil.Jccl Mnnj aic out
tpoKen in then- contlein.iatlon of the
pi act lies ol thosL ttlm aic wont to
"stjig it" to tin- Hops The interviews
that we h.ic published aic sntlli ient l
i onsei atlvc to evlain the mallei in
what we hope is a tali was and whuh
.we would glcnll.V iegl'( It It isn'l Tile
piattiie seems to hae bei ollic a Illll
same ami tins being the i ase theie is
strong ic.ison lot tlc-iling to sec I
lessciu tl
Theie is no Kiollllilh tol nlenvillg tint
Nehiaska Ins a strong baseball stlrcd
nlc this ear The baseball manage
nient has tcitainl done good woik in
m heduling names On the eastern nip
our team will entoiinlei some haul op
position, and it is hardl epcited that
It will llnil maitcis easy It the Ham
sutlbientlv well balanceil ami in lit
tondilion it will be able to do ilsell
t retlit.
It is quite teitain that the discourag
ing in' itlcnt.s that miini'd the sin t ess
of the team on its tup last year wil1
be avoided and literals good leason toi
believing that it will be able to laptuie
a lair propoilion ot the games to he
pill etl.
o -
Attention is being tailed to the great
national oratorital t oiliest that will be
held ill the Hall of Congicss at the S!
I oiils talr June 'J'-', llnil At this ton-tes-t
eery sett ion of the lountrv will
be lepresented by n man who has
piovcd exceptional woith ami abilitj A
large unit of The institutions in each ol
the unions sections will send repre
tentatives to a central plate of mect-
ing, wlYTTu the contest for oiator lor
that set lion will taUe place When the
icprest ntatives meet tor the great de
ciding i ontcst at St Louis then theie
will be oratory on a giand scale. The
greatest diawbaik to this si heme is
that all the Institutions in eat h set Hon
tail not be lepresented. as many ot
them have reused giving instruction
in the kind of oiatory icquired and
have withdrawn troin participation in
Ktate contests. Thus inteiest has be
tomc lax and it is hard to revive it lor
this spet ial occasion However, ii is
certain that enough institutions will be
lepresented to make the tontest at St.
I.oiils the occasion of some of the gi enl
ist oratory ol Hit tentury.
Chancellor Andrews III.
The news that Chancellor Andrews
had been solze with illness in Chica
go caused much surprise and regret
among University yentenlny. It
Ih known that Dr. Andrews has been
suffering from the grip for the past
thiee weeks ami the present attack Is
due to the culmination of this, brought
on by a seveie cold. A telegram was
reteived by Secretary Clark yesterday
morning from the chancellor, infoi til
ing him that he had been seized with
illness and would be compelled io
abandon the rest of the trip that h
had undertaken
At present I)r Andiews is in the
Chit ago Mnptist hospital, and in the
opinion of his phjsithins he will be
(onllned there for a week to tome He
was passing thiough the c-it when he
was sudden!) sei.ed with illness lie. -
lessitating his hmhov.i1 to the hospital
at out e The Assot iatcd piess tlispatt h
to the Star esterday evening gave the
following statement ol the tonsultiiM
phvsit ians
"Or Andiews' tondition is good, an 1
there is no leason why Ills 1 1 lends
sin, iibl worry concerning him He only
has a slight told, which is at t om
pnnietl b.v a little tout h ot the grip
He will be kept at the hospital per
haps a week that there ma be no
possibility of Ins glowing woise It
is exposuie that made the told dan
gerous "
l)r Defpiat the attending phvsit inn.
saitl that lr Antliews would be able to
o to his home in Linioln the latter
pint ot next week
Concert Tomorrow.
Miss Maltha T.vlei contralto will
lendei the foyowing progiatu. act om
I . lMiil bv Mrs Carne H Ra nioiid in
the Cniveisitv cliapel. Saiuiilnv min
ing. Man h 1L at X p m
Love Me. it 1 Love I'tiote
To the Moonlight ilolim
Thv Name vVi ot!
L; i i.i in lb- Chainn 'i-l
(! ' Thai We Two W'eie Majing
Suite Knsl I Met Thee Rubens' Mil
l Abode . . ' i-'
Willi':: ''rimula Vim is Si i.iii-
The Lilies Clusteietl l-'.ll i'll 1 T.lll
. . U:ii m
To Sev ilia . I )ex,,i K i
S.nig ot the l-'oui Season-,
; i-i i.i
Thiee Thoughts
N illingi r
Irish Folk Song . . l-'isl-ei
The Lilv and the Rose
.lust' l-'or You
Sill I'nexprest . . .
When I Hid the Woiltl (tood-Nuh.
. . . Han ie L' oh-. H m I
Don't tail to hear Miss IMt She
will also sing one nunibei ,u win i i
tiou l'Mnlav morning
Woman's Home Companion
Is in its twenty-eighth year; is
primed on fine paper and pro
fusely illustrated. It gives 40 to
54 pages a month, each page 11
by 16 inches, and a new and
beautiful cover in colors every
issue. Its editors and contrib
utors are the most popular
American writers ; in r.hort, it
is the ideal family magazine,
magnificently illustrated. Its
departments are edited by ex
perts and are full of interest.
Asa home magazine it has no su
perior, .md few, if any, equals.
600 Pages 1,200 Pictures
Hundreds of thousands con
sider it a family necessity. It
is clean, pure and inspiring.
Its contents, while varied, are
entertaining and of the highest
irrtr It miitm'tic npi'ther shii-
Ho.tkli, 40 to M 1 .rt., ttfli 11 by 10 ..... .
sationalism nor provincialism.
It already has 340,000 subscribers, and this number is constantly increasing.
A Live Agent Wanted In Every Community. Most Liberal Terms.
Subscription Price SI.OO a Year. Ten Cents n Copy.
Cpff1 Tpn fVfl'ta or a sample copy and we will send you an elegant
OC1IU t Cll VCIIIS enjrravjnj,) 20 hy 25 inches in size, of Landsecr's
famous painting " Defiance, or Stag at Haj." Mention this offer when you write.
Address WOMAN'S HOME 'COMPANION, Springfield, Ohio
I00 A YEAR .avi -, IOACOPY B
Qmr CHOYVtu. . HinHtAimm company .pvpli ant wn
Sold only by Harley Drug Co., nth and O Street
Seniors Paint Fence.
This inorniiiK the new trm 111 liont
ot the librai.v was math' prat tit allv use-It1-,-,
liv somt1 1101 v Seniors, who paint -etl
thereon tliie threats ol wainiii; to
Juniors 10 Weep off i herefioin. as saitl
feme .was Senioi moneitv anil was
sat retl niounil. not to he polluted h the
eonimon Juniors. Hut just as the-.e
eonion Juniors werj- massing fones to
take forcible pot-session of the fence
as a Junior roost the sinusIll' warning
Whether tlin tlisappeai am e was ovv
Iiik tt trigitltis pedes on the part
ol the Seniors, or -not. is still
nivsteiv ami the fence still maintains
its upiilit position
Non-Corn Tonight.
Alter a t onsiderahle peiiod ot 111
activit.v sot iety will hreaK the bonds of
Lent long enough to enjoy itself at
the Non-Coin Hop tonight With It li
White, chairman, M H Case, master
ot c ic monies, anil W C rtamsev, F
A Anderson and H W Roberts tom
mittee, a pioperlj condiu ted dance is
ass 11 1 etl
The program will im lutle L'O regular
numbers, with no extras. Dancing will
begin promptly at 9:30. so time enough
will be had for a good n.imber of en
cores, us'ualy the best part of ICtltlie
Walt's music.
SrnriilT" hi F
Two trains daily from Lncoln wtth Pullman Sleeper. To
Kansas City every night. City Ticket Office, S. W. Corner
12th and O Streets.
Havf you seen the new shoes at San- j
derpon's? They are beauties.
Waterman Fountain Pen
$2.00 to $5.00
1200 O Street.
MB iii ,f - i-t , ft,
. V
" 1
1 1