The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
V t -ir it -; i m xmr MM IMM "TT"W J?3 b e Datlp Tlebraefcan tMWMMWMMMWMMMMMMM SCHMOLLE R & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET EFS&B OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmolicr &; Mueller Stcgcr & Sons Vosc & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Stcck And 23 others. Wc sell new Pianos on 55 monthly payments MWNOOfrXrvyn :- 0 0 0 ( 0 0 0 0 OMAHA PRINTING CO. PRINTERS 0 . tf X. a Blank Book Makers, a h Lithographers and Em- d v bosscrs, Jones Loose Leaf . a Ledgers, Dcnsmore Type A b Writers, Office Furniture, Stationery. . X 918 to 924 FARNUM I OMAHA, NEB. B'JKBPWJCtl'ffjjfimH U mnltjSP1 M0ST PI t!U "kJt popular, M W SHIRT H CLULTT, PEABODY & CO. U U CL uTT AND ARROW C ul nS 1 Campus Qleanings. Mr Pipal was out of s hool yc-t'i da oi nrroiuit of illness Pied (' I' Persingei made a Ims-im 1 1 ip lo (' ntial C'it ypHteidaj The (Jlee c i ul) will mi et in .Memoi in' hall Wednesday evening at 7 o'( lex U I'roleHHor l'osslei and I)i 1 -es hie returned after enfon ed ah-enif elu.' lo lllnc-h Mr I. nil. of South Omaha i-itid in the cit yesterda with he 1 son. Charles Mis Millei, of South Omaha. isiteel in th( (it cstcida. wit h liei son. Clutile!- Millei I' Harh( r lecture?, in ihap"l this morning '"The Colise mi an.! Ti luinphal A rein s " Miss Howell gex s te) Kulle-i un Kiiel'n to ,ie k ulins, under the au.-pii s ot the high k hool of that pla e Pndissor V W Smith lett toelay lei Keen. Neb, n he-re he will aeielie-s.s the sti.e'ents ot the high s hoi-l this e-ci The Union and Pallaehan liteiai e eieties w'ill hold a joint party next V i e!y e-vening in I'nion hall A gueMl linn is e'pe-( ted Dr Hansen isited at the Sigma Chi house the liist of the we eh He ha-, rtisioutinued his stueliei at Purdue and is now traveling Mi S II Thompson, who is a giadu ;; of the Ihihcrsity. and at )iese:il piimipalol t he Ntdson se hools upoit a mm ees'-lul S( hool jell ll students pe(ting tei giadiiat this war and dcsiiing high st hool po sitions should Icaw their name at the I'niwisitj Teae-hi rs' Hun an Mi R S Moe Uetl. a piomiiK nt in in l,(r of the I ineoln bai , aeltlre-sseel tin Senioi law .students estciela on ari enis eonimere ial phases ot Nelnai-Ka laws The' botanical stalf. .lnde-r eliii'itimi et Pnfcssor Hcssey is now engaged in making revisions of the e muses in botanj tor the net' calene'ar A num-l-4-i- oi unpoilant changes will be- made- Pie-le-ssoi l.mUey leie-lved a e aid treun Miss Clara M Olener. at Shelton. Neb. and an nnoune omenl of the high si hool ptogium gie'n February 'Jd Miss Cile)e-r K an iiihtrue-tor in tin inMitution Owing to tlu- la t that some ed the nie-inbe-is liae been me on enieneed by se-lie)ol work and outside- matters, the Diamatii e-lub has been obliged to peisl pone the two plajs thai wen to be given this wee-U te7a later dntev Pn:f l- 1) lle'iilel. eif the yookjieal (Tj-jmrtnuMit of the Uniersity. has re eeie'el mi imitation from the Lnier sitj ef C'olotndo to ive wen-k in llie hetany anel zoolcKieal denartments if that inslit.ition during the summer sehool session. He lias not answered yet. anel is still debating the adisa bility of the proposition. The KnuineerinK society will hold ii iiKiilar meeting Wednesday eening in M 1111. There is semie' very important h.isiness te he taken up. including next j ear's annual hoard. Alter the busi ness meeting theie will be a "gang talk" upon the Panama anel Nicaragua inti l-oeeanle- e-anal loutes A large atlendance is elei-ireel Telephone repoits reeeivcel in 1 in eeln, saj a defective wire at the state normal at Peru caused a dangerous (he which threatened to become disastious The lire was extinguished by the effenlo of the students anel amateur firemen The leiss will amount te $r00. ilnelly eauseei by water. Theie was no panic In a systematic orelerb manner the students, members ef the lacult and e itiens fought th' lla'meh Uox of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. Pioneer barber shop, open till 8. llth and O. It f Colleee Baseball X ' " I And all other college sport is fully covered in text and I illustration by The Illustrated Sporting News which is the I ONLY publication giving special attention to college subjects. 1 Send Us One Dollar f I And we will send you The Illustrated Sporting News each week for 16 weeks which will cover the season of J t outdoor sports. Address 8 ThelllustratedSportingMews $ West 22nd Street, New York. Bjt N)- -N- S' Waterman Fountain Pen $2.00 to 1200 O Street. S1UDENTS -'-. ooexx.-; For-first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone 1209 Union College Tailors South Enterance College Bldg. W. F0LIART 1131 0 STREET Cigats and News Hovels for Sale or Exchange Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For oil Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-QroorPrlntlng Co There is no watch, clexk "or article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The L'p-to-lhe-Minute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. 1J23 O Street T. J. THORr COMPANY Genoral Machinists AU Klndi of Rptrln Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nebraska PIon.U Good Things to Eat EVEDYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fnfiliicned Homo Cookings Meals Served a la Carto. THE HOME CAFE 2I4 s,hst. Fraternity Hall, 13th S N Street Newly 1 mulshed and decorated. Is now open for elates foi College snd Frater nil eiames. Spu !al rates to students. FAULKNER & SHARP Tti mn 308, Frateulty Bldg. : - 5NH $5 . oo RECTORS Vc ImProved The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Nome " BOSTON ! GARTCR" is stumped ytion every ip The VKSPJ 1W V IIMYX r i!ON TON I fjfrfC&'cusm Cr DUTTONI .CLASP Lica flat to the lcc never ) S'lps, Tcnr3 nor Uniajtens. f GOLD EVERYWHCOE. Mi'lot on r- cnj.t f lrirt.1 0E0. FKOBTCO., Miktr Bottoa, Mail, USA. EVERY PfIR WARRANTED-W GEO. A. WIL80N CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 0Mc and Shop. 222 8, 12th. Telephone B 1397 Estimate farnLihod upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRA8KA Teachers Wanted We need at once a few more teach ers, both experienced aud inexper ienced. M'ro calls this year than before. Schools supplied with competent teach ers fiee of eost. Address, with stamp. AMERICAN TEACHERS'' ASSOCIA TION, 1-I2H Arch Street, Philadel- phia. Pa , 171 Randolph Uuilding, Memphis, Tenn. gf w s 3 h X I mmw m&$.wi I 351 M -i liBZK&iltSr. SS " m 1 1 . .1 M SJ I jr "'t A - r, .A it y j