The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 09, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
anl2EAUHiBH l s Tf' t'Y-l-v ' ' JxrP c3 TjJpTCQ f 4 m-Uat'-.. l tt b e Bails flebraaftan - .s:i f K ' M I?. ' 0.' f 1 " J "V I, J L' if-1 IF- . . .l ' Lt 56 Cfte Daty Uebraskan. mi i. i ! A consolidation of Vko Batperlan, Vol. 81, The Nobraskaa, ToL 1, Scarlet and Cronm, Vol. 4. IdikaMn-Ohiaf itaatnam Managor Clnmlator John D. B1m A. O. Bchraibee O. JL Sawyar ASSOCIATE EDITORS New - - - P. A. EwJnjr Athletic - - J. D. Clark Literary - Dorothy Green Reporteri D. r. DeYounjf and Mable Fouler and Raymond H. McCaw, OAcMt Bdltorfal, V WOW; Bnalnen, U I11M. I Post Offloa, Box 18, Station A, Ltaeoln. i - ttfeaorlptlon Prioa, 11 par year. In ftdraaea ' n tared at the postoflloo at Llnaoln. Nebraska aa aooond-claM mall matter. Editorial Remarks An Eastern View. Ah n good example of how the oast regards the agitation raised against the acceptance of the Rockefeller gift In this state, wo quote the following-. Chancellor E. Hcnjamln Andrews of iho University of Nebraska is a Bap tist. It Is second nature for college presidents to want money for their Institutions. When they are Baptists tl is second nature for them to ask Mr. John D. Rockefeller to give it to them. Dr. Andrews did bo. Mr. Rockefeller said that he would give two-thirds of $100,000, if tho people of Nebraska would give the balance. Most of balance- has been subscribed, but there is a great outcry in Nebraska about accepting Mr. Rockefeller's money. Tho Nebraskans bad better take all of Mr. Rockefeller's money they can get. It is excellent money. If they think he has too much, they should not neglect to relieve him of what they can. If they think that he has been ra pacious they should encourage him In liberality. If they think his gains are. ill-gotten, they may at least assist in making his disbursements beneficial. It seems wise to regard Mr. Rocke feller, not as a fellow human creature, but as, a mental force, the exercise of which in trade under conditions which have prevailed in this country during the last thirty years has been attend ed with highly Interesting and instruc tive results. It seems no more expedi ent to reject his offerings than tohrow back into the sea parcels of wreckage cast tip after a great storm. Reject nothing, Nebraskans! Fetch ashore all you ran. The sea, at once destructive and bountiful. Is a part of nature. So is Mr. Rockefeller. Harper's Weekly. Tho Wisconsin game marks the end of the basket ball season, which was on the whole satisfactory and success ful. The team's list of vlctqfles has more than balanced Its defeats, as there is -a good margin on the credit sldo of the ledger. Basket ball is one of the most healthful pastimes known to ath letes and calls Into play the muscles of the body mare generally than any' other tjamo. The game Is a good one, and desei C3 better support and en couragement here, although t lie results this year have been more satisfactory than in former years. The abandonment of the western trip and the bringing of the season to a close narrowed the chances for our team's Increasing Its margin of vic tories, for on the western trip Nebras ka has always made her opponents suf fer. But the lack of realization of the possibility of the team here is com pensated for the creditable manner In which It closed the season and by tho Importance of the victory gained. o . The Sophomores and Freshmen will settle the interclass basket ball cham pionship tonight. Neither side Is at all desirous of seeing the other victorious, and this lack of generosity may lead 10 a vigorous contest for the honors. The Fieshmen have Z. ;ood record to round out. while the Sophomores are anxious to retain the-honors that they won with such difficulty last year. Ail zealous classmen as well as a good representation of University people should come and view the excitement. knock on sweaters is ror'hf l'lJin t lie health inspec'or-: ot Now VoiK ' itv. who claim that ihy are in-j'Uju-- t. all who wear thM It is said that boys have eon.'r.'ivu-i coldi and severe illness through wearing sweaters. Yet It will be some time be fore precautions will be taken here against the use of them; for any Ne braska man Is willing to run the risk of wearing a sweater, especially when It has an "N" on the front of It. The honor system is being quite, thoiougbly tried ot some of our neigh boring institutions to the cast. Tho need for such a system at many places Is apparent and the theory is right, but all do not report equal success. The main trouble seems to be the unwilling ness of students to Inform On each oth er when there conies ii case in hand. Few Universities now take pait hi Mute oratorical contests. These are In fac t mostly confined to denominational colleges, as Unlversltltes have become too busy In working out the best meth ods for debating and public speaking. Tire Missouri Independent has consid erable fault to find in the action of ltd institution In sending a representative to the stato oratorical contest. It con demns the erraTie actions of the speak ei s at such affairs asa farce of flrst-clast- order. In fact it considers It fair and proper to protest against tho repre sentative chosen going to the place of holding the meeting, as ho Is not the representative of tho school, but of two literary societies. It says that c ralory Is dead at Missouri and that It makes tho artificial, not the natural speaker. It takes the stand that the man chosen must go as a representative of a literary society and not the Unl veisity. We bolievo that Missouri is right In this matter, and oratory as dls plajed in elocutionary contests Is dead in most siuto institutions. Of- course no one con object If the Binaller denom inational schools see fit to continue It, but In larger institutions debating and public speaking have practically crowd ed it out. Delian Program at Settlement. The Deliuns gave a program, assist ed by the children, at tho college set tlement last Friday evening. The audi torium was filled with a bright .noisy enthusiastic throng. Miss Dally opened tho program with a piano solo. Miss Mathews gave the next number, a reading' entitled, "The Story of a Toad." A vocal solo was rendered by Mr. Vasey, "Anchored," in such a manner as to require an encore. Mr. Bates then ontertnined tho child ren by a "Pillow Fight" and gave "Call ing the Kids Jn tho Morning," In re sponse to a hearty call for more. Mr. Vasey then sang a solo entitled "Eyes of Blue." which called forth much favorable comment. Miss Wirth, president of th6csoclety, proslded and at the close made a few well chosen remarks. The entertainment was a marked success and the children lingered as If waiting for more. Earl J. Woodwaid, M. D., treats dis eases of tho oye, ear and throat. Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phono 66C. Tho Whltebreast Co., at HOG O St., is the place to buy coal. Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage. Phone, 170. rnT"TrrnTnTTTi i in 1 1 nm 1 1 j inn i mi i . in n in the march of progress, wear "Kensington" clothes, as other wide awake men are doing No wafting-there ready to put on, We claim they're superior to tailored-have more style, etc. Save you a good per cent over tailors prices. New Spring patterns ready-$ 15,00 to $25.00. See them and judge for yourself. Its springy-Spring into one of our top coats. Kensington Chtlesbey Tit MAGEE & DEEMER SQQ4&&&&$& ii West's Cream Gum" Is the Creamiest of all Chews. Chew "White Sue" for that D&rk Brown Taste. Chew "Black Joe" for the Complexion. Che7 "A Pleasant Smile' for the Blues. Sci u 10 gum wrappers for mammcth ;atalo,.uo of premiums given X In exchange for'tho wrappers. $x$$KSxixs$sxSKSx$ Homeseekers' Excursions. . . On March 1 and 15, April 5 and If). Tickets will be sold at one fare plus $2.00. Return limit 21 days. The points to which they will bo sold are as follows: All points in Indian and Okla koma Territories, and Texas; also to many points In New Mexico, Ar kansas, Arizona and Louisiana. Call and get full information. i City office Cor. 10th and O street Depot Office 7th and P St. Lyicoln, Nob. HHHIHHHBHHHIHHHMlHBBHMMMSaBBBHIHIiliSHiBHHBHB&HliHHiB'B HIGH GRADE EHDCDLATESBONflDNS Sold only by Harley Drug Co., nth and O Streets R. S. YOUNG BUILDING SUPPLY COMPANY 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN COAL, ASH GROVE LIME, IALLOUTE KEEHE'S BEST CEMENT, HADDWALL PLASTER, SAND, WHITE LIME. Cement, Pressed BricK, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, Stone and MASONS' SUPPLIES. Oillco 1 343 O St. , Telophono 700. Yards 19th & Q. Tdopliono 720 ii ', ft-,, ' "ii .Ji .1.1 XJ k? .i . i- A & s 3 t. I. v atf j. V - - Pi f- Ml W f J I" -H " 1 .. A . . V 'Wl . V.. JAAtt.t,!. .-a'at m...i 'tTOE fc.TIft lf:ae.VJ?&Wr& I --2L ii j Sk ifa-rii: mftffia