'..l'-lK Wt tf 'h1 AJ"' i . J-. . JV lVi? . .V- fr r, ' v ,t.. Vr ft tit . 'A stilus ? 4 be Ball? Wcbrnoiinn M ft- f IV . mKTjv I SCHMOLLER & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Stcinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A, B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. "We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments I MMMMWMMMIMMWHWMMMMIMtWVw OMAHA PRINTING GO. PRINTERS Blank Book Makers, lithographers and Em bossers, Jones Loose Leaf Ledgers, Densmore Type Writers, Office Furniture, Stationery 918 to 924 FARNVM OMAHA, NEB. aaLTv 1 ty .aaaaaaaTI" I A CLUETTCOLLARjJ. QUARTER EACH. QOARTrSIZkS H CUUETT, PEADOdYa PO., ,. Mj. pAKIRS Of CUilTT AND MONARCH MtHf"vW fc . .-. -V 7, ultdffifiHtii2i v - - -r-rV ---&, Campus Qleanings. fa - I III -.1. Frank Peterson spent Sunday at his home in Omaha. Rev. John Mooro of South Omaha visited at the Episcopal church houso yesterday. Professor Barber will deliver an Il lustrated lecture tomorrow morning at chapel on "The Coliseum and the Tri umphalArcheB." The Y. M. C. A. men's meeting was held in Palladian hall Sunday, mark ing the return of these meetings to the University. The tforieB of tho meet ings that have been held at tho Oliver have been well attended and very suc cessful on the whole. Five of tho mem bers of tho association discussed "GleaningB" from these meetings and had much of interest to tell. Union Boys Have Fierce Debate. The Union club met, last Saturday night as usual. Exceptional interest was manifest In the parliamentary work. By the time the regular debate had begun about forty wore present. Tho navy appropriation was discussed pro and con, and everyone felt they had spent a profitable hour. Election of officers resulted as fol lows: President, J. M. Paul. Vice President, T. Castello. Secretary, C. W. Mellck. Mr. McReynolds, tho president of tho club, was given a vote of thanks for tho efficient manner in which he hand led the affairs of the club during his administration. He becomes ex-officio sergeant-at-arms during the next term. The quest. on for next meeting Ib. "Should Senator Smoot be excluded from a seat In the senate." The affirm ative is supported by O'Gara, Hanlon, Whelan, while Morgan, Castello, Kef win uphold the negative. Sailor Jean in'Lincoln Tc-Day. Today Sailor Jean, who has been making an extensive trip on foot, his object being to visit all the state cap itals in the country, will arrive In Lin coln. He has walked over 6,400 mllea since April 1, 1903. Ho left Augusta, Me., on April 1. 1903, for a trip on foot to every state capital in the United States, and will cover a distance of 22,000 miles, which ho will make In three and one-half years, thus making one of the most remarkable pedestrian tours of any person in the world. It will be all the more remarkable owing to the fact that 'io will push a wheel-barrow shaped contrivance which ho calls a "trolley ette." Tho trolleyette Is made of gas pipes, wood handles and bicycle wheel. On this frame he has a barrel in which he carries his spare clothing, food, modlclnes, etc. Extending up ward from tho barrel is a piece of pipe, to which Is attached what looks like a triangular sail, but which Is In real ity a dog tentTBUch as used hi the XT. S. army. A peculiar feature of the trolleyette Is that it is capable of be ing taken apart, so that when he comes to hiB nightly camping place, he can. use tho gas pipes from the frame work, for tent poles. The whole outfit is about seventy pounds in weight. To help defray his expenses Sailor Jean sellB souvenir pictures of himself and his outfit. In his pilgrimage he will traved south in the winter and through the north in the summer. At the con clusion of his trip he will write a book, entitled, "The Adventures of Sailor Jean and His Trolleyotte," giving an account of his adventures, and such n publication ought to be an Interesting one. Don Cameron's good service. lunch counter for liincoln Transfer Co. Baggage . Phono 176. x ' Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13 tb. trading. Wright Drug 'phone 313. . : Co., 117 No, llth. We are. selling shoes at half price (this week. Sanderson. Special rate, to Btudents at Hendry's. iWimMm n? .Yi lijyttf liMTiTini liBalaM The University of Chicago Schools of Each school has a special Circular of Information which will be sent on request. Tho Courses In Medlcino are given in connection with tho work of RUSH MEDICAL College. THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER Chicago, Illinois. Juno 1 8 Septembers We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best Ice Cream OOMES PROM Franklin Ice Cream and Dairy Co. 188 So. 12th St. Phone. F 205 W. FOLIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels lor Sale or Exchnngo CallatJI340St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For oil Klnda of Commercial and Society Printing Grlffln-GreorPrlntlng Co There la no watch, clock or article of Jewelry we cannot fbc C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-Mlnute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. 1123 O Street T. J. THORr COMPANY General Machinists All Klndi of Rplrfnj Lock Smiths. PLATER9 30B So. llth Strut. Lincoln, Nebraska PfMMM.fU flood Things to Eat EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fashioned Homo Cooking. Meals Served a U Darto. THE HOME CAFE 2" 8y,L Fraternity Hall, 13th & N Street Nowly furnished and decorated. Is now open for dates for College and Frater nity dances. SpcoJal rates to students. FAULKNER & SHARP Room 308, Fratenlty Bid. for acceptable Mea State If patented. THE PATENT RECORD, Baltimore. Hd. ubscriyVsn pHce of tho Patent Record $1jW " unu'iio. cuutiDiee lre. ITMMIlattaiTVlil m Law Medicine Theology Education Jhc Improved J BOSTON GARTER The Standard for Gentlemen f ALWAYS EASY) The Name "BOSTON I GARTER" is itamped) ion every loop. M The CUSHION BUTTON I CLASP Lies flat to the letf never SIIps, Tears nor Unfastens. - r .OOLD EVERYWHERE. StmpU pair, 811k 60c. ft Cotton Z3& . SUIled on receipt of price. lazo. itbost co..Mur ' notion, hui,, uj JL. 'Every Pair Warranted: GEO. A. WILSON CONTEACT0R AND BUILBER Olfle and Shop. 222 g, 12ft. Telephone B 1397 Estimate fnrnithod upon pplioatioD Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Teachers Wanted" Wo need at once a few more teach ers, both, experienced and inexpert lenced. More calls this year than ever before. Schools supplied with competent teach ers free of cost. Address, with stamp. AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION, 1423 Arch Street, Philadel phia, Pa.; 174 Randolph Building, Memphis, Tenn. GRAVEI X -APPSTOtv i r 'ym rV -M Sin, fi 4' '! 5 ti "o s.11 rt-. ''3 -i '- t T V'AI t ;-' v j,: , i j T "4 1. VC I '.l, vf-r V" t t vf yf ,. -'", t yi ,: Wl" &$ . 'V-?i f : j rfti&mw. 3i'5 r:r " 3t 1 . tafc' t- J.J W" v. . .ri.T. r, run