n vr "fw "lv Cbc Dall flebraefcan t jn$ h r K'S BUSINESS DIRECTORY "Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Store. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Palace, R. & C, Pioneer. BARBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. Unde- land & Co. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Girard, Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co- Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING GilleBpie. CARPENTER WIlBon. CIGARS Powell, Llndsey, Follart. CLOTHINQr-Unland, Magee & Deemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dierka, Whltebreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Lemfng, Maxwell, DAIRY Franklin, Leming. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DENTISTS Boston Dentists. DRUGGIST Stelner, Woompner. Rec tor, Brown, Riggs, Wright, Red Cross. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lincoln Transfer. FLORISTS Chapln Bros. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M- Davia, Hardy. GROCERS Keystone. HARDWARE Hall, Rudge & GuenzeL HOTELS Llndoll, Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutual. JEWELERS Tucker, .Hallet, Wolfe, Trlckey. "" LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., LIVERY Forbes. LUMBER DlorkB. MILLINERS The Famous. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OPTICIANS Dr. J. J. Davis, Hallet, Trickey. PAINT & LASS Western Glass & Paint Co. PIANOS Sohmoller & Mueller, Robb Curtice. VLUMBING JCorsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Griffin Greer, New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Roylow Press, George Bros. RESTAURANTS Westerneld, Home Cafe, Don Cameron. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, " STENOGRAPHER Shepherd, room ? 612, Richards blk. SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS Rod Cross Pharmacy. SUITORIUM Weber. TAIIX5RS Unland, Bumstead. THEATRES Olllver. TYPEWRITERS Olllver. Hn Society After the basket ball game Saturday evening an informal dance was held in tho armory. This is an innovation at Nebraska, although it has been the custom at many other schools for some time. With tho exception of a slight hitch in tho matter of programs tho ffffair went off vory smoothly. A program of eleven numbers and two extras was danced. Good music was provided and the stunt of placing tho orchestra between the two halls in the armory was very efficient in splitting tho crowd in two, thus giving much moro room to those dancing. Mr. Hewitt is to be congratulatedon suc cessfully ushering in this post-gamo dance. Wholesale suspensions aro expected in tho classes of the Missouri State Uni versity as tho result of an attempt of under classmen to break up the Junior Freshmen reception recently. Many Freshmen and Juniors were captured, while others were drenched with wa ter from the hose. One of the fac ulty members was also doused. A FENCE PUT UP. Students Wouldn't Keep Off the Grass Until Made To. A marked (in green) Improvement has just been mado on the campus. A very substantial board fence, about so high by so long has put In an appear ance In the pretty grass plot in the front of the library. As a fence tin1 structure is above reproach. A close examination proves that It is well constructed along scientific lines, points due north and south, and Is a Tine ex ample of the carpenter's art. But tho significance of the thing certainly merits comment Tho fence stands n reproving reminder that we can't he trusted to keep off the grass. It is too bad that tho many must endure this eye-sore because of the few, but 'tis over thus. What spirit it is that prompts some to deliberately walk, day after day, over the same path to tho certain destruction of tho grass under foot, wo don't know. Doubtless no evil is premeditated, but tho constant dropping water wears away tho stone, and this constant treading wears away and kills the grass. Tho same lack of thoughtful ness is seen in the same persons when they mark Initials about the buildings, cut up desks and so on. We wouldn't do It at home; or would we? This Is not a knock. It Is simply an explanation of the fence which holds up warning. Tho authorities have mathematics or ptherwiso, but very ac curately, that the fence is Just long enough to make it more attractive from the point of distance, to use the walks than go round or climb over the fence. The Oliver Theatre F. C. ZEHRUNG, and O. T. CRAWFORD Mgo. Phone 354. Cor. P and J3th "Tho IlRndiomeit Theatre In th Weit," WEDNESDAY MAT.& NIGHT ISABEL IRVING Management James K. Hacfcett. Winston Chorchill'sThrHImg Play THE CRISIS Original New York Production. Direct from Triumphant Engage ments in St. Louis and Kansas City Prices. Matinee, $J.OO 75c& 50c Night, $1.50, $J.00, 75c and 50c ONE JOLLY NIGHT THURSDAY, MARCH JOth. Big Laughing Mvical Absurdity "HOITY TOITY' Book by Edgar Smith. Music by John Stromberg. The Original $25,000 Production from Weber & Field's Music Hail, New York. 50 People-Prize Beauty Chorus Special Prices, $J to 25c. Box $J.50 symmetrical Its finger of calculated by Stelner-Woempener Drurj Co., Succcwon t 6TEINER PHARMACY. IU0 Strut' Phon 707 Uncln, r?. Manufacturers of Btoinor's Balsam Rhubarb Gold Capsules. Pile Owe and Gray's Oond'Mon Powders. Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry Silverware. CUT GLASS. SPECTACLES, ETC. New stoic, new goods, new patterns, only first-class quality. Repairing and engraving Eyes tested free. Graduate optician, 11 years experience. M. G. WOLFF, 139 So. 13th St. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Oafltal , 1300,000.00 Suvpw 110,000.00 t741vTal Proflto 40,000.00 S. H. BURNHAM, President. A. J. BAWYHR H. S. FREEMAN VJce-Pres. Cashier. H. B. EVANB FRANK PARKS AMt, C staler Asst. Cashier P. R. EAtTDRDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Hotel Walton 1515 O Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms best low-pricod house in oity RATES-$i Per Day and Up COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - - $100,000.00 OFFICER8 John WriKlit, Pros. J H. Wpscott, Vlco-Prea. Joo SiiiiiugIh. 2nd Vice-Pros. P L. Hnll. Cnxhior. W. B. Ryoiw, As't. Cash. OUR PRICES Shirts any stylo Oc Cotton Undershirts 5c Cotton Drawers Qq Nightshirts Qc Socks Qq Handkerchiefs, 8 for Qq YULE BROS. LAUNDRY More Gadet Appointments. Tho following appointments were read at drill last evening: Special Orders No. 14 Tho following appointments aro hereby made in tho artillery detach ment, to take effect thiB date: Cadet Private W. P. Kimball, to be first lieutenant. Cadet Private H. W. Crawford to be Borgeant Cadet Private A. W. Beckman, to be corporal. By Order of CAPTAIN CHASE, Tho first battalion drill of tho year was held on the football field. This will be a matter of weekly occurrence in tho future. Rates $1.00 and $1.25 per Day. Special Rates by the Week. BOYD HOTEL MRS. KATE MARTIN, Prop. Only one block from B. & M. Depot ' Only one block from Postofflco, Near all street car lines. 731 O Street Lincoln, Neb. Earl J. Woodward, M. D., treats dis eases of the eye, ear and throat. Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phone 666. The Whltebreast Co., at 1100 O 8t. is the place to buy coal. J. B. TRICKEY & CO. JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS Come in and Have Your Eyes At tended to. 1035 O St. RED CROSS PHARMACY DRS. MOSSHART & STRETTON PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, DRUGS, and Chemicals, Surgical Instruments. Phone 625, 1400 O St., Lincoln, Neb. The Weber Suitorium It the up-to date pUcs where you can jet your Closing Cleaned and 'Pressed Phone 708. Northeast Cor 11th and O. TM1 BE8T ALWAYS THE CHEAP rtT The Connecticut Mutual Life nauranoe Co. offers a Polloy that Combines all the valuable feature that experience has shown to be de sirable In life Insurance, and is liberal, Just and definite In all Its terms and oeadltlona. Wot further Information or sample poller call on JOHN H. PLATZ, Agent Iff South 12th St. Lincoln FORBES STABLES W. O. Forbes, Prop. 1120-31 P 8t. BOARDING and LIVERY Baggage and Cab Line OnrrlugM furnlnhcd for WoddlnRH, Parties an Funerals Office Uftl I' Street. Telephone 660. EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH - HOUSE Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage. Phone, 176. Now ready-to-wear hats at the Famous. All the Novelties o! the Season Woolen Vestinga etc. juBt opened. Cull and inspect. Off of O street prices. Repairing and pressing solicited. Oakley & Anderson Merchant Tailors 143 No. 13th. Oliver Theater Bldg. For High Grade Bicycles, Sewing Machines Typewriters Talking Machines and ' Athletic Googs Call or Telephoned C.A.LYMANSCO. 251 So. UtbSL MmmK 11232. Special Attention Given to Repairing. SMMVUVUWVWWWUVMMMMi -". ."1 1 V 1 A i ' l I l "4 i 1 4 i i m 3 '