The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 08, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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ttbe S aflS tfle b r aafcan
Zbt DHy nbraskn.
jk. ounnolldntlon of
IW MMprlan, Vol. 01, The Nobnukaa, ToL 1.
Boartol and Cream, VL i.
lit to Ohlf
tekuN Manager
John D.
. O. BoKntbw
O. A. Stwyw
Nwi - - - P. A. EwJnu
Athletic ' - J. D. Clark
Literary - Dorothy Green
Reporter! D. r. De Young and Mable Fouler
and Raymond H. McCaw.
Oeteyi ditortal, 0 J03W; Btulnow, H IHU.
; roat OMoa, Box 18, Station A. Llnoobi.
r .
fHeoHyMoa Prloa, par year. In 4Taao
at tha poatoflloo at Ltnooln, W abracte
as aaaond-olaas mall matter.
Editorial Remarks
Tho World-Herald attempts to explain
tho propositions that we submitted, and
to tho end tacks on tho llBt of ques
tions which has come to serve as the
inseparable appendago of so many of
its editorials. As to tho explanations
wo really expected tho World-Herald
to do better. Following is tho state
mont of that publication, embodying
our propositions and the explanations
It has to offer:
" 'The Dally Nobraskan,' the Interest
ingJRtlo publication that Is rocognizod
as the official organ of tho state univer
sity, says:
" 'Let the World-Herald explain why
it countenances tho action of wealthy
mon who spend fortunes In gambling
and betting on horso races and con
demns the action of others who con
tribute to tho cause of education. Let
it explain why it does not opposo the
acceptance of donations from Carnegie
for tho building of libraries when it
does opposo tho acceptance of contri
butions from another magnate for ed
ucational purposes. And let it make
clear that tho whole almi and object
of ltB campaign has not unfolded Itself
Into a bitter personal attack on Chan
cellor Andrews, and that It has not
been moro concerned In Injuring him
than in preventing tho acceptance of
tho Rockefeller donation.
Tho World-Herald does not recall an
Instance of "men who spend fortunes
in gambling and betting on horso
races" offering to contribute to our
public school systom.
Tho World-Herald does oppose the
acceptance of donations from Carnegie
for tho building of libraries. Every
Carncglo library 1b a monument to a
man who has obtained his enormous
wealth through unjust laws.
An offer by either Rockefeller or
Carneglo to contribute to our public
Bchool systom, however, is somewhat
different from the offer of either of
these parties to erect a public library.
The objections to these offers are some
what similar, and yet there is tho dif
ference that wo can bettor afford to
have Carnogle or Rockefeller erect pub
lic libraries than wo can to have either
one of theso men obtain a holch upon
our public school systom. It Is unnec
essary for tho World-Herald to explain
this point, for if tho talented young
gentleman who edits tho state universi
ty organ has not had tho wool pulled
over his optics as completely as it has
boon pulled over tho optics of his
chancellor by tho Rockefeller offer, he
will understand tho difference at a
It is not true that tho aim and object
of the World-Herald's opposition to the
Rockefeller offer is duo to any desire
to Injure Chancellor Andrews-. The
World-Herald entertains no personal
hostility for Chancellor Andrews.
In tho first place tho World-Herald
states that It does not recall an ln
stance of "mon who spend fortunes la
gambling and betting on horso races"
offering to contrlbuto to our public
school svBtdm. Hence, wo are given to
understand that since theso men have
not offered to contrlbuto to the public
school system tho World-Herald does
not discountenance tholr actions. This
is what wo always maintained, and in
stead of an explanation tho World-Her-aiu
makes an admission.
It says that It does opposo the accept
ance of donations from Carneglo for
tho building of public libraries. Yet
It sees theso donations accepted every
day without uttering a word of protest.
It further states that every Carnegie
library is a monument to a man who
has obtained his enormous wealth
through unjust laws. Then If the li
braries that Carneglo gives represents
such an aggravated form of evil, why
uocb tho World-Herald Ignore them en
tirely and concentrate its whole at
tention upon tho Rockefeller gift,
which is practically an analagous case
from tho point of vlow which It as
sumes? Its policy hero is plainly in
consistent. It may be true that an offer of either
Rockefeller or Carnegie to contribute
tq our public school system Is some
what different from the offer of either
of theso parties to erect a public li
brary, but this is a point that we never
brought up. It is stated that we can
hotter afford to have Carnegie or Rocke
feller erect public libraries than we
can have either one of these men ob
tain a hold upon our public school syb
tem. The World-Herald makes an as
sumption here. Has It ever shown
that Rockefeller would be enabled to
obtain a hold upon our public school
system through the Temple building,
and Just what he would do with such a
hold if ho over did obtain It? There
is a touch of irrelevancy here, as the
World-Herald bases its argument upon
something that lias never been shown
to bo true.
As for wool being pulled over our op
tics, wo can only say that the Woi Id
Herald editor would not bo willing to
seo a point of truth, even if IiIb vision
wns unobstructed.
If the aim and object of the World
Herald's opposition to tho Rockefeller
offer Is not due to a desire to injure
Chancellor Andrews, then tho reason
for its bitter, personal attack upon him
Is too deep a mystery for us or any
one elso to solve.
And it also says that It entertains
no personal hostility for Chancellor
Andrews. Wo had gained the Impres
sion that it did, since it outrageously
misrepresented him when It was bound
by all rules of honor to quoto him cor
rectly In tho Interview that he granted
it, but if it Insists wo will glvo It Uio
benefit of tho doubt.
Onco more, wo are not tho ofilclal
organ of tho Stato University, though
we may bo "recognized" as such. Wo
represent the undergraduate body, al
though our field for gathering news in
cludes tho University as a whole and
our alumni. v
There is no responsibility resting
upon us whereby we must explain tho
questions asked by tho World-Herald.
Being strictly a student publication wo
are responsible for our own attltudo
alone. Let that paper seek explanation
from those from whom explanation Is
duo. Wo stand ready to explain any
of our own actions, but beyond that
our responsibility does not extend.
To our best knowledge and belief the
insinuations made In the World-Heralds
demands for explanations aro fal
lacious. And if tho respected editor of
the Omaha World-Herald has not had
tho wool pulled over his optics as com
pletely as ho has sought to pull it over
tho optics of tho people of tho stato,
ho will understand tho truth of this
point at a glanco.
One-half Price That is tho way wo
aro selling Sample Shoes. They are
beauties. Sanderson'.
Pioneer barber shop, open till 8. 11th
and O.
West's Cream Gum"
Is tho Creamiest of all Chews.
Chew "White Sue" for that Dark Brown Taste.
Chew "Black Joe" for tho Complexion.
Chew "A Pleasant Smile' for the Blues.
Serd 10 gum wrappers for mammoth catalogue of premiums given
in exchange for the wrappers.
Homeseekers' Excursions. . .
On March 1 and 15, April 5 and 19. Tickets will bo sold
at one fare plus $2.00. Return limit 21 days. Tho points to
wjiich they will be sold are as follows: All points in Indian and Okla
homa Territories, and Texas; also to many points in New Mexico Ar
kansas, Arizona and Louisiana. '
Call and get full information.
, .
Oity offlco
Cor. 10th aud
O street
Sold only by Harley Drug Co., nth and O Streets
Trade Marks
Copyrights 4c.
Anyono lending n nkotrh and description mny
quickly iiseortaln our opinion froo wliothor an
Invent Ion is urotmbly patontablo. Com mini Inn.
tloim strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on I'atcnU
Bout froo. Oldest auency for securing pntouts.
I'litonta tnlcon through Munn & Co. recolv;
tpeelal notice, without charo. In tho
Scientific American.
A handsomoly Ulustratod wcofcly. Inmost cir
culation of any scluntlllo journal. Tonus, $3 a
roar; four months, $L Sold bjrall newsdealers.
MUNN XCo.36,Broad New Yorft
Branch Offlco. (525 F BU Wiuhlnatoc ). C.
ISO North 13th Lincoln, Neb.
Rlns up the Tea Store, 'Phono F 1038
at the other end of the wire the '
is waiting to servo you at once with
the choicest TeaB, Coffees, Spices and
Extracts. Special rates given to board
ing houses. Glvo ub a trial.
1300 O St, Cor. 13th and O
anything you Invent or Improve : also tret
PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo,
for freo examination and advice.
hum nv PATFyTG f"he. now
fee beforo MtenL
t MA flllJlsaif m
to !! &NKJW X MZIM-
' w w 'w m
latent iawyenMVASH I IMGTON, D.C.
Dopot Office
7th and P St.
Lincoln, Nob.
Western Glass
and Paint Co.
12th and M Sts., Lincoln, Nebraska
Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain
and Magazines.
113 North 11th Street.
was opened this fall with tableajall
newly covered, best cues and bull,
newly papered, everything up-to-daU,
Including customers.
B. P. POWELL. 146 N Ilth SL Pbone L Hi
New Time Card 8
Missouri Pacific
Effectlvi December 6th, train
N. 208 will leave Lincoln at
8:86 a. m. and run through with
out change to Auburn via Dun
bar, Brock and Talmago, with
through ooach to Nebraska City.
No. 212 will leave at 9:55 p m.
and carry through coach and
Pullma sleeper to Kansas Olty.
City Oflce, 8. W. Cor. 12th ft O.
F. D. CORNELL, P. ft T. ji
r .i.
t "-.
. - .
a,j., nr. &iik