' if ttfoe allp flebraeftan .- V- ' - rACn "i i ?j Love And The Princess. Once upon a time there was a beau tiful princess, who lived In a great cas tle and had, It seemed, all that heart cduld desire. Yet one thing she lacked, and was ever seeking. For she had heard of a strange thing called "love" and much Bhe wondered what this might be. Many a one Bho asked con cerning It, and each told her differ ently. "Love," said tho wise man, "is a certain disease of the brain, causing its victims to do strange and unreason able things." "Love," answered her maidens, "means men, and men, a host of de voted slaves." "Ldve is a star," cried the young knights of the court, "over beckoning men upward from this dark world!" "Love Is a game," said tho courtiers, "a pleasant pastime for idle days." "Love?" muttered a wrinkled dame, with trembling wistfulness. "Ay, once I knew what lovo was. It 1b a beauti ful bubble, a dream of youth, that fades with tho fading Bummer." So even the princess sought in vain, nor wiser grew with her seeking. Now it chanced on a certain day that as the princess rode alone In the for est, she met a young peasant maid, loit ering down tho woodland path, ana singing as she camo. "Good-day, little maid!" said the princess, smiling. (And who could re sist her smile?) "Methlnks thou seem est happy, alone in the wood today." "And why should I not bo?" was tho simple answer. "For I lovo Karl, the miller's son, and ho loves me; and In the autumn wo will bo wed." The princess gazed at her quostlon ingly. "Thou too!" sho exclaimed. "Many a one have I heard speak that word lightly; of many a one have I sought its meaning, and none there bo to tell mo. Yet, perchance, thou mayest know, though but a peasant lass. What is this lovo, whose name is on all men's lips?" For some timo the young peasant stood silent, gazing into tho wood with unseeing eyes. "I know," she said at last, "but I know not if I can make thee under stand. Dlds't over know a man whose every thought answered thlno with whom thou couldst spend tho hours in gladness and content?" "Of a truth I have," replied tho princess, readily. "Such an one is my brother, Prince Rudolph. He Is tail and strong, and wise, yet always kind to mo. Often wo hunt together " "No, no!" interrupted tho girl. "Not thus do I mean. Didst never know a man whom thou couldst rev erence and almost worship whom thou couldst obey scarce knowing the.; reason why?" "No, never," returned tho princess, "unless mayhap my father," she added more gently. "Him will I ever obey and reverence with all affection." Tho maid shook her head despairing ly, yet tried again. "Hast ever known one of whom thou hast always been tender whose hurt cries out to thee for comfort, and whose fault thou canst forgot?" - The princess thought a little. "Yes," she said at last. "There is a lad at the court his wits are not quite right, and many mock at him and play tricks upon him. But ho has ever been faithful to me. and toward him I feel naught but pitiful tenderness." Tears came Into tho peasant maid's eyes. "Oh, I pity thee!" she cried. "I do pity thee so! For thou hast never Russia and Japan FOR WAR The Ivy Press Co. F"OR PR INTI N G ' 125 North 12th Street. known tmr one great happiness that abides always and makes tho wholo world the servant of thy Joy." Tho princeBs gazed at her, a dawn ing light in her beautiful face. "Sayest thou so?" sho murmured thoughtfully. "Yet, of a truth, onco in the long ago I was happy, with nevor a thought of sorrow or regret. Would that bo a sign?" "Mayhap," tho other answered eagerly. "Was ever a care had power to harm thee? Didst ever look back to the years gone by, or long for tho years to come?" "Nay," answered the princess dream ily. "The present, It sufficed ub, and with our happiness we needed no past nor future." "Was there another, then, who shared thy happiness? Oh, toll me, toll mo! Haply haply thou hast known, after all." "I am not sure," began tho princess, Blowly. "It was long years ago, oro yet my father was made king of this fair realm. Often I wandered In tho forest near the castle with only my great hound for company. One day, as I strayed among the trees, I came face to face with an armed youth rid ing upon a black horBo. Thereat I cried out and shrank back for I knew not who ho might be, and feared vio lence but ho sprang from his horse and came to me, bidding me have no fear. Then I saw that ho was but a lad of Borne fourteen summers, scarce older than mysolf. Somehow, as chil dren will, we made friends, and all tho long summer afternoon wo played in tho wood together. When tho deep ening shadows warned mo to start homeward, I was loth to go. " 'Come with me to my castle,' I bogged. 'Didst over seo a castle? Mine is the fairoBt In. all tho country round. My father Is a great lord and ofttimes stern, but ho will be kind to three if thou comest with me.' "Ho shook his head, smiling. " 'I too dwell In a castle, northward beyond the great river,' ho answered, 'and I must return ore nightfall.' "As ho spoko ho mounted his horBe, making ready to go. I was but a little maid, and I clung to his brittle with tears, begging him to come again; nor would I loose my hold till ho gavo mo his promise. "Often after that he came to me in the forest and many happy hours we spent together. Knightly and loyal, and bravo and gentle small wonder that rthought none like to him, and grow to watch for his coming as for that of tho sun. Yot there came a day when I watched for him in vain, and that night I sobbed myself to sleep. Never before had ho broken tryst with me, and I knew not what to think. And the next day ho camo not, nor tho next, till at last I ceased to look for him. Nay, I know not why her failed mo. Perchance ho was slain, or fared over soas, or mayhap tho fortunes of war made him prisoner. "It is all so long ago I had almost forgotten. But ho was my true and loyal knight, and if ovor " A sound startled her and she broke off. Down one of tho wooded alleys a knight on a fair great horse came riding from tho northward. At sight of tho princess and her companion he checked a little, then rode steadily on to where they stood. Dismounting, ho knolt on the Bwardand lifted tho hem of-tho gold broldered robe to kiss It reverently. "My princess," ho whispered. "My playmate." She gazed down at him, at flrst with haughty surprise, then with a slow dawn of recognition. "My knight," she answered at last, glad welcome in her voice. Tho little peasant drew back with satisfied oyes. "Now, at last," sho sighed, "she knows." QQQty$$QQQ&&$Qty$QQty&$G$ty$Q "West's Cream Gum" Is tho Creamiest of all Chows. Chow "White Sue" for that Dork Brown Tasto. $ in exchange for tho wrappers. Qxyww & Chew "Black Joe" for tho Complexion. Chew "A Pleasant Smile' for the Blues. Sei'd 10 gum wrappers for mammoth catalogue of premiums givon $xJx8xk$xSxSkx$xS4xSxS Homeseekers' Excursions. . . On March 1 and 15, April 5 and 19. Tickets will bo sold at ono fare plus $2.00. Return limit 21 days. Tho points to which they will be sold are as follows: All points in Indian and Okla homa Territories, and Texas; also to many points in New Mexico. Ar kansas, Arizona and Louisiana. Call and get full information. BJJIJI IMH City offlco Oor. 10th and O Btroot Depot Offlco 7th and P St. Lincoln, Nob. Western Glass and Paint Co. 12th and M Sts., Lincoln, NebrasKal LINDSEY'S jffl . f- g1 KflMtJ". New ready-to-wear hats at tho Famous. Don Cameron's ' lunch counter fot good service. Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage Phone 176. GOOD BETTER BEST KNIVES At HALLS 1308 O STREET K8S$S4, CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN 130 North 1 3th Lincoln, Neb. fr4644t4 CIGAR STORE Up-to-Dato Soda Fountain and Magazines. 113 North 11th Street, POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tablet all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papored, everything up-to-date. Including customers. B. P. POWELL, 146 N HID St Pbone L 66i W. F0LLART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Morels lor Sole or Exchange WW- IT wr- invth!ncr van Invent Of ImnrovOi also KCt CAVEAT jrfADE-MARK, COPYRIGHT or DESIGN t PROTECTION. Bond model, sketch, or photo, i- ror iroo examination ana aavico. onnir nu niTCUTO free, nowb; duuh un rwii.li i w-jc "Write i co beforo patent. , ra m ounuf a rf to ifMfjiitvr w W0 Patent Lawyerc WASHINGTON, D.C. i wwvvwvrfVvii'v-4 OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCXXXXDfcXXXDOO New Time Card I Chapin Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13 tb. trading. Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th, 'phone 313. The FamouB, 1020 O St, employs an expert glove and) corset fitter. Rlnj up the Tea Store, 'Phone F 1038, at the other end of the wire the GRAND UNION TEA CO. Is waiting to. serve you 'at once with the choicest Teas, Coffqes", Spices and Extracts. Special rates given to board ing houses. Give us a trial (300 O 3fc, Cer. 13th and'O VIA- Missouri Pacific Effective December 6th, train N. 208 will leave Lincoln at 8:86 a. m. and-run through with out change to Auburn via Dun .bar, Brock and Talmage, with through coach to Nebraska City. No. 212 will leave at 9:65 p. m. and carry through coach and Pullman, sleeper to Kansas City. Cfty Ottce, 8. W. Cor, 12th ft O. F. D. CORNELL, P, ft T. A. ' I I v t , 'I v '& 'asa uikiiiujuj imiLumiiJiiiim ill i'i ' ' s :