-. .x4 y ,Mm. - llfriag saiW!4-3.-&i i ttbe TD a 1 1 p 1R e D r a e ft a n f i t ; 1 1? 1 1 )ftniwWiwiMwwwwmfc SCHMOLLER & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Stcinway & Sons C . J- l- t vll AU Jr V ItT. -.II utuiiiuncr ex. iviuener Stcger & Sons Vosc & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck I And 23 others. Wc sell new Pianos on $5 monthly f payments VMwwMmwwMiwwMw mr 1 f ZZ., i) OMAHA SPRINTING CO. 4- PRINTERS V 0 a Blank Book Makers, Q Lithographers and Em- bossers, Jones Loose Leaf a Ledgers, Densmorc Type 9 Writers, Office Furniture, Stationery. 918 to 924 FARNVM OMAHA, NEB. -C N 'J2' H Twi iA I "CRESWELL" I I ARROW COLLAR I QUARTER SIZES, IS CENTS EACH, TWO FOR 25 CENTS. CLUETT, PCABODY V CO., I HMAKtU 01 tLUITT AMD MOMARCH HlKTt H Campus Qleanings. Professor Fossler Ih confined to his house with a case of bronchitis I)r Jones is confined with illness und lifts been unable to meet hlb clnsFes this wool. The nniveisity Uodeiknauz will mn t lu reaftcr on Monday at "10 a. m. in th chapel S Miss Alioyno Archibald gac h-i graduate recital in Memorial hall yes terday evening Mr Barret, secretary ot the, State Historical society, returned from U'u ilslorlcal Hoolety, returnc lip to Chicago ywuterday (). J. I're cae aNantom t cae a lantern lecture lx - foio the farmers' institute and a fun eral audience at Beatrice Inst Tuesday nvonlng. k A IUIiM The field geology class will make an exclusion about Lincoln tomonow, making a study of building materia'-1, geological formations and forms ot elu sion. Miss Pound. Miss Mulliken, and Miss Miearer entertain me so-called Com et adcrie club tonight at the home of Miss Pound. 1R32 I, btreet A musical program will be riven by talent within the club, and a pleasant eening is e- I Off oil 1 ected. Y. M. C. A. Notes. Now that the mass meeting.-, at tile Oliver hne been discontinin 1. the uni (isitj association, which has ljeen co opeint'ng with the (it Y M. C A in these meetings, will resume its Sunda afternoon seniles. Nfxt Hunda's s 1 -vice will he a leview of t lit mas-, melt ings. In local association men t-'onic time 'will alo be deo(ed to tin- si'ig ing of lainlliar hjmns It is hoped that a laige uiimbei of students w'll be piesrnt .The meeting will begin piomptly at :: p m Mr (leo F Ross, toiniulj seuct:i. of the university association, writ s from Philadelphia. Pa., that, he -studying medicine at the I'nhcisit c,r Pennsylvania and Is very busy in his woik. but getting along nicel.v lie sends legards to old fi lends Frank Peteison gae a crj piaithal and Interesting talk to college men ! t the men's prajer meeting Wednesday evening in the association rooms. H1 subject was "M Place as a Christhn (Mtien " The new lockeis which have recent 1 been placed in the rooms weie in great denirtnd and but a tew leniain un lented Union Boys Debate. The Nehraskan is under obligations to V W. Melick for a mistake occuriing in yesterday's issue Instead ot the person mentioned the credit is chiefiv due to him for the wonderful growth and incieased activity the I'nion dub na.s recently experienced The question to be delated at ne; meeting of the Union dub will be the recent appreciations for the navy. The afflimative will be upheld by M Donald and Ulckel. and the'iieguthe b 1-evj and Kimmel a. ieo not debate is assured. This 1 will be followed by the election of ofliceis All are cordially welcome I One-half Price That is the waj we are selling Sample Shoes They are neauues. Sandersons. Special rato to students at Hendry's. Hoston Dcntisth. het work and low prictb I.cmlng's, Ice crenm ana candv llth and L StF The Whitebreast Co.. at HOC 0 St . Is the place to ljuy coal. Box of cigars given awav every day at Powell's Oliver theatro building. Earl J. Woodward, M. D.. treats dis eases of tho eye. ear and throat. Rooms 207-08 KlcWds block, Thone GGG. r The University of Chicago Schools of Each school has a npccial Circular of Information which will be seat on rjquest. The Courses in Medicine arc given mconncotion with the work of RUSH MEDICAL College. YHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, SUMMER QUARTER , Chicago, Illinon. June iS September t EDISON Phonographs and Records New hard Gold Molded Columbia Records at Half Price, 25c each Full line of Barney & Berry Skates. ATHLETIC GOODS Of Every Description Girard Cycle Co. 1804 O Street. STUDENTS For -first-class Tailoring at low prices, sec Union College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone 1209 Union College Mors South Enterance College Bldg. HEADACHES Are often a warning of eye troubles Better get your eyesight tested so that any coming defect may be reme died in time. We will examine your eyes carefully. If there is anything n rong or if there isn't we will tell you HALLETT HU O STREET LINCOLN Law Medicine s Theology Education Jhc Improved YfiS- R&sr .. The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Nam "BOSTON I GARTER" is stamped f MSon vy '00P- Tlie CUSHION , BUTTON I CLASP, ucj nai 10 tnc ice never . . .. . 5ups, Tears nor Unfastens, j 80L0 EVERYWHERE. BampU plr, Silk SOe. I .lift. in ".. MSt MiiVsl on rtcr'pt of price. ' aeo. rnooT co.. Mikut ixmuhi. Mn., U.S.A. "Every Pair Warranted- GEO. A. WIL80N COHTBACTOR AND BUILDER OlflM and 8bo. 22 t, I2. Talephono D 1397 Ettmti fumkhod upon application. Job work promptlj attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Teachers Wanted -We n etc! at once a few :uoie teach ers, both cxponetupjj unil mexper iencec1. o- More calls this eai thau e-.cr heTore. Srhools supplUd with compeLeutcach- crs fico of cost. Address, with stamp. AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION'. 1123 Arch Street, Philadel phia l'a . 174 Randolph. Building, Memphis Tinu. 'SL rt.4 "I eHoravers i A V i i - 't ' ... Llcw V 4. ft ) t. 'ieK'i Ate . k.' . Jt nA k ' a. ,Ldt -, "-. Jfrt "tA j.f'.