V,jrfHBMAiyaewripywiiMmwym W f C b c all? Ilebtaslian . Cfre Daily Debraskan. aart X eomolldntlon of rka Httperlan, Vol. Ill , The Nobraakan, ToL U, Boarlet and Cream, Vol. 4. 41r-ln-Chl.f rfmala Manager Circulator John D. IUo A. O. Sohralber 0. A. Bawjar ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nwt - P. A. Ewinjj Athletic ' - - J. D. Clark LlUrary " - Dorothy Grten .Reportrj- D. P. D Young nd Mablc IoUr And Raymond H. McCaw. OOomi Editorial, V KMW: BtulneH, U tllM. Poat Olio. Box 18, Btatlou A. Lincoln. Batairiptlon Prloa, ft pr yaw. In adraao Btrd at tha poitoftloo at Llnoola, Nebraska u aeaond-olasa mall matter. i.i .1 ,l.' Editorial Remarks Tl mannnomcnt tif tli( Olympic KunwH at tlie Si. I mils exposition have croctcil a pormaiu'iil f;mnasliun and a stadium with a stating n,iclty of 3.r, 000 on the urountlh of tlie exposition. The Ktndlmn heliiK a counterpart of the hlHtoiie Roman stadiums. After the close ol tlie exposition both the Kjmnasium and .stadium will hecome the propel ty ol the Washington uni crsity ol Si. I.oi.1s. o The girls' linsKet-h'ill team lias at lat-t made-ariaiiKcments for a giunc with .Minuejota I'liis annoiineomont lomes as a .surpi ise. as It had been (piite thoroughly understood that the Minnesota team would lie unable to play us., (iirls' basket-ball hah become popular and attractive here and their team has alto fields for conquest. Ln-t y ar the team made a Hue record, and if the one this .war In lags back the tresses ol Iheli opponents from Min ncapolib.lhcy should be givon a re ception that would make the one ac i orded to the lootball train last year h'imii tame in (omparlson. The trenundous progress that is be ing made at the state farm this year is indeed wot thy of comment. Where loimerly only two buildings stood to home the Interests and facilities of our agricultural school, now a cluster is appealing and by tlie time all of the present buildings are completed our farm school will hao in its pos se ision resources of no mean impor tance. The growth of the agricultural H-hool measures back more directly the support received by the farming peo ple of the state, and we are glad to see the day at hand when their in terests are receiving this important attention. The Introduction of scien tific methods into agriculture and dairying Is working a change, and the mot successful farmer in the future will ho the one who is educated. The dissemination of knowledge concerning soils and fertilizers and the great bulk of other useful Information that can be acquired by study will make the occu pation one of skill and scientific meth ods. More has be( n done for the agri cultural school within the time that Chancellor Andrews has been here than has ever been done before. It ha been placed upon a basis whore Its work will count greatly and now that it has been provided with so many additional facilities, the school will cer tainly prosper. What Is the matter with the glee dub? We know it exists and has been practicing faithfully all year, but wi have not yet been favored, with an opportunity to hear it. As we un derstand it, the plans of the lub as to appealing here are rather Indeflnlt While w.1 do not say that this Is du to the lac k ol support In the past, ye! It Is n fart that the glee club has never received the support that it should. Last ytar we had a splendid club, wel1 organized and trained, and yet uni versity people did not take enough cognizance of its existence to come out and help make Its concerts a finan cial success. Under such conditions It is difficult for any organization ti thrive. A glee club is an advantage to any institution and we do not like to see ours so little appreciated as it has been in the past. We have one of the best glee clubs we ever had this ear, and we would not like to Fee all the effort that has been spent In training it come to naught. We ought to be able to entourage our club in a suhFtanti'il manner, and after it is well under way we would like the pliaure of hearing it. The mass meeting has been post I.oc"d until tomorrow morning. This loves us another day for working our s;Mrit.- up to -the proper pitch for this nportant occasion. Something is lie-essary to work up interest in i-iT-1,,1 ball here. The game is a good one and all o.ir te.uns aie good. Our first team has made a good showing this ) car and with enthusiastic sup port they ought to be able to give Wis consin a game that would alone be to them worth coming all the distance tha they have to play. This gime will be the biir one of the season, and tl.o'e who failed to generally attend the emf'sts that have already oc curred should not fall to see the best 1,1 'her... If wc can furnish a good cro-'.d for games that are worth hali)g It will be osier to schedule games of thl Kind in the future. Wisconsin hipc-. to return home after having made a clean swee,), and we would like to be the ones to spoil the reallza ttc ii of tln'e ho.ies. ir we can he!.) our team to win by being at the game and rooting for It. then the whole uni versity uody ought to be packed into the armor At least enough to fill all the available space should be there. Il is especially desirable that this game yield good financial results, as our athletic board lias a debt on hand that it would he pleasant to see diminished. And in order that all of us may have food for reflection, it would not be a bad idea for as many as possible to go to chapel and imblbu some enthusi asm and transmit it to others. Prof. Dann at Chapel. Professor Dann gave a stereopticon lecture at chapel yesterday morning on Rome and Italy. The Jexlure was well illustrated and handled in an in teresting manner. .Much valuable in struction was given to those present on the life and customs of the historic city and her ancient people, so that from the excellent views and the clear demonstration the audience could ap preciate the Roman antique. Bcston Dentists, best work and low price?, t. Pioneer barber shop, open till S. UMi and O. The Famous. 1029 O St., employs an expert glove and corset litter. Tickets for the game with Wiscon sin next Saturday can be secured at the Co-Op, Uni Book Store, Hall's and Sidles. Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th, 'phone 313. "Plain Tales from the Hills," in reg ular 50c edition, gilt top, can bo had at the Lincoln Book Store for 25 cents. There's no trick about it: our bijr shirt business is the result of sell ing the very best fabrics---thc nob biest patternsthe widest range of styles. The new ones for spring- are on display---a good time to make your se lections. SI. 00 and Si. SO. MAGEE & DEEMER, 1109 0 Street. EHDEDLA Sold only by Harley Drug Co., nth and O Streets College And all other college sport -& '11 TI. Ttl illustration ty inc mvsiraiea UJNLY publication giving subjects. 1 H W V ena ljs une JUollar t And we will send you The Illustrated Sporting News I I each week for Id weeks- which will cover the season of f outdoor sports. Address The Illustrated Sporting INeAs West 22nd Street, New York. MH- Waterman Fountain Pen $2.00 to $5.00 1200 O Street. RECTORS THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK 0ptM , 800,QJO.OO QuwiluA 110,000.00 UmihrJuKcl Profits 40,000.00 B. H. BURNHAM. President. A. J. 0AWYEK H. S. FREEMAN Vlco-Pra. Caahier. H. D. EVANS FRANK PARKS AbsL Q. shier Asst. Cashier P. R. BABTDRDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. HIGH GRADE B0NBDN5 Mh Baselball is fully covered in text and I v . - - J. sporting News which is the special attention to college -. 1C , tUB BE8T ALWAY8 THE CHEAP- rltTTh Connecticut Mutual Ufa neuranoo Co. offers a Policy that Qpmbint all the valuable feature that exporlenco haa shown to bo de girabl In life Insurance, and Is liberal, ul gpd definite In all lla terms and condition. For furthr Information or sample policy call on v JOHN H. PLATZ, Agent 119 South 12th St. Lincoln ( i - J ' .. u 'i fciit W."rfTAd 1 tmrax&imt Styji-MfcHJ: V "" -jstft !" ll,Ll i