. miffvf'ryiiK, vr " " "p"Wr ' ' r Af TTfiy -"vr.wwn' ; wjflRiHP j. ?:.- 'Crgy-' T8" ' -gjWBfr 'i ji ) be 3ath IFlebraefean VOL. m. NO. 98 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, MARCH 3, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS 7;iP,fi,irxTv 7- r y s A CROWD WANTED Let Students Come Out Tomor row and Saturday Evening. The basket-ball management h) only one thing to romppte with iw drawing every student out to 'he ma. mooting at chapel tomorrow, and ocn thouRh that one thing is spilng. spring will be with us for 'a long time to i omc, and the mass meeting only comes this morning. If a big crowd doe-n't turn out this moining and an other big crowd doesn't come to se. the best gany'eve r played in CI i ant hall. It will unadmitted by e-.on tin mnsi ardnnt supporters of basket -b. 1 that that game can never gain a seciuc place in university athletics, because ii will never get support. For a spo: t to he successful it nerds not gn!v a champion team, but a good amo.nit of the oin of the realm Nebraska bis had the first requisite lor sevcial .war--, but the support has appeared only in football, while baseball, basket ball and track must get along em ono leg. or else urn on what is left aft. r lootball seai-on. This cannot go : torever. and uniess each clopaitmcnl of athletics becomes self-supporting, Ne braska will finally have to depend or football alone as a means to geAt 1 i! of if. excess energy. Football mas-.i mi i tings always bring out big crowd!-, and it will cheer the basket-ball c'.i lettors considerably if Memoiial hull Is pae I'.t-d tomorrow morning. Manager Hewitt is working diligent ly to arouse interest in the game, and has sent personal letters to all the fraternities and societies, asking them to send big delegations, to the game and dan-e, besides plastering the cam pus with posters and bills. The Wisconsin team left home Mon day, and plays the Sioux City Gian'.s tonight. This will be a good game by which to judge the compain the merits of the two teams, and if Wisconsin can defeat the Sioux City Team, our boys will have their work i ut out for them, as they could do nothing against tho northern men. wwvwwvv r- NON-COM-HOP FRIDAY NIGHT, MARCH uth FRA TERNITY HA LL i TICKETS $i.5o. -.--------------------"-vr-"-"---"-"- Eddie Wait's Orchcsiia "-v-v---,vvvv---j".nvj-.--.',-.,vi $12.- $! i.oc.fi., rnlvrrsity of Minnesota, ii!'" tin; Unherslt of Michigan, ieti.nn. University of California, $21. 0 J'i 3: Cornell. $1X,572. SI; Northwest ern. 10. (KM). (10; University of Wiscon sin. S13.P0O.OO: University of Illinois, $l'J.0n.iii); Univeisity of Kansas. $S,-:"in-; University of Missouri, $7, ."57.it: ; Williams college, $r.r,i(i.ini; Amlvrst college. $J,2!1.1S. Law Students Hold Court. Captain Townsend. has returned from Tecumseh, where ho has been for th" last week, and feels very well satis--hed with-the Improvement the team has ni?.de during his absence. The team has an advantage over Inst year's in bring enabled to begin outdoor .prac tice much earlier than was the case lat year, and they aie working hard to realize- this advantage. Although, only a few of last year's team are back, they form a nucleus a re; u ml which a champion team can be built up, dad the enthusiasm with which the players enter the game promises that the beet team possible with the material at hand will be turned out. If anything was necessary to add to the atiirance of a good team, that was supplied when it wns announced that Bender, the veteran backstop, had finally decided -to Qiiter the game again this year.' He said last foil that he would not play baseball this spilng but would devote all his energies to track work, and university fans feel much Cheered to know that .Jolfnnie will again be behind the bat. and will heor the boys on in his old manner. T-;e lav. students hae been holdin,; court 'in an elaborate system for the p;-t two months and conducting trials ol great inl'iest and moment. Tlu-ir court sjstem includes a justice, dls trii' end supreme couit, ewh presided cner by proper magistrates. The law-c-is and judges having charge of the tiia's aie all members of th seni r t lass while tbe juniors serve as wit nesses and jurois. Each student is sup plied to tiy two or three cases during the year and each is compelled to go through tho grind, being sometimes obliged to fight his cause from the jus tice court to a decision on the hearing of appeal in the supreme court. The judges are appointed for the whole semester. Recently one case was finished that occupied several weeks. The mass ol evidence was so great that upon one occasion an evening session was held, lasting until 11 o'clock. Each Satur day the court meets in regular session. A new docket has been fixed up for the .e.'sion next Monday. New judges have also been elected. Tire retiring judges aie I. P. Hewitt, ot the justice court; Tom Hewitt, E. 15. Valtman and Sam Rocse, of the district court, and Judg Armstrong, of the' supreme court. Union Program. The following program will be ren dered Friday, March 1: Vocal solo Mr. Boostroin. 'ol "Cracking-Nuts" Mr. H. Meier. 'Hi Paper. Miss Chappell, '01 Vocal solo Mr. Evans. '9S "Have We Outgiown the Clusd' s?" Dean Pound. 'M Reading of Responses. . .The Secretary Music Selected Critic's Report A couple of das ago a collection of nearly nine hundred botanical speci mens was i Helved by the depaitmer.t of botany from Professor Nelson of the Uni pi felly of Wyoming Tb.ry were collected in Wyoming. Utah, and Ne vada Professor Bessey has iceehid a t opy of a new work devoted to the botany of the Southern ttates. It. is an im mense work, numbciing over 1,100 pages of desciiptions of the plants of the South fiom western Texas east ward. It Is the most complete flora of the Southern states ever published. Union Club Reorganized. Th" Union Donating club has just undergone a process of reorganization and strengthening. The club had been greatly weakened by the withdrawal of scu'nil of its members to take part in tbe interstate debating preparations, and was. on the verge of collapse. Credit for relvlng interest is duo to J.-M Paul, who lias conducted a vigor ous movement for "working up interest. As a result of his efforts the club is on Its feet again Jind flourishing vigor ously. A number of debates will be held with some of our state colleges in tbe near futuie. Among these will be meetings with Grand Island and Wrsleyan. New men are coming into the club and all of these will hac a .chance on the debates. Short Course at Farm Closed. The short course of the agnciiliur.il school closes this week after a very successful term. About a hundred and twenty-five students are registered in tliIscourse, this number being in ex cess of the showing made for an pre vious year. Seventy-five students who are completing this course will enter the long course and continue wc.rk to the end of the year. The term began January 1st and includes the time when the boys can best be spared from tho farm for a course of instruction in ag r leu Pu re. One of the most Interesting speci mens of livestock at the state farm is the steer that Is' the full brother of Challenger, who took the prize at the live stock show-air Chicago. This aui mal promises to eeiual or ourdo his. lamous relative If he continues in his good showing. Dining the past two months lie has galneel 130 pounds. He is bplng fattened up for exhibition next yeai. anc c from the t.t tbnt It will two games at PLAY AFTER ALL Girls at Last Arrange Game With Minnesota. The management of the girls' bask-t ball team has recelxed definite assui- Unlverslty of MlnneHO- be possible to arrange Minneapolis during the week beginning March 20. both to bn letwccm our team and Minnesota, or one of the two to be with Stanley Hall. This Is the first opportunity that Nu biaska has ecr had to inert other large Institutions, as the authorities of tbe majority of western colleges will not allow the girls' trains to play with organizations outside of the Institu tion. In this respect Nebraska is about ten yrais In advance of her neighbors. as no such restrictions have been in force here, but now that other colleges aie beginning to loosen up a llulo, tbe futuie for girls' basket-ball Is assum ing a somewhat brighter outlook. It would have been possible to have ai uingcd a game witlt Kansas this year, but this was not clone out of con sideration for the situation In regnid to tb" relations existing between the departments of men's athletics of the two universities. Iowa and Missouri nilghi also have been met but for the negc tlatlons which were being carried on with Minnesota, it will be romeni Icied that it was announced some time ago that our team might meet the gills from the Gopher state. Short ly after, the arrangements made foil through, but were revived again the result as stated above. with Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. The February issue of The World Today publishes a" statement of "the receipts of college football this year, in which fifteen universities aro lepre sented. Tho total is almost half .a million. 'Here are the figures given: University of Pennsylvania, ' $08, 521.47: Harvard $57,790.80; Univer sity' of Chicago, $51,905.00; Yale, $50,- Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. The new members of Palladian Lit erary society are busy preparing a pro gram which they will give next Fri day evening. The management of the play Is under Miss O'Connel, and her excellent llteiary ability is clearly dem onstrated in the work she Is doing and the fine results. ,, Special rate to students at Hendry's. 11th Lem lug's, Ice cream ana candy: and L Sts The Whltebreaf.t Co.. at HOG 0 Is tho place to buy coal. St:. Earl J. Woodward, M. D., treats dis eases of the. eye, ear and throat. Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phono GCO. Chapin Bros, trading. Florists, 127 So. IStli. A week from next Saturday the team will play a practice game with the sec ond team, when the Academy team j lays the "Midgets." On the evening of March 18 a local tournament will be held with the Nebraska Wesleyan and city Y. W. C. A., teams. In view of the game with Minnesota, considerable Interest will attach to the playing or the team on these two occasions, ns it has only appeared In public once be fore during the present season. In rp'lte of tho difficulty which the team has so far experienced in arranging icgular practice hours. It is umloubti eelly a very strong aggregation and may be expected to play a swift game at Minneapolis. Mis. R.G. Clapp and' Miss Louise' Pound have pledged fifty dollars to the Temple fund on behalf of the girls' basket-ball teams. The teams will not be taxed for tho .sum, but it will be given from tho proceeds of the class tournament last Friday, which was well attended. Miss Pound has withdrawn from tho management of tho first and second teams for tho rest of tho year because; unable to see them practice V She has class work from ono to two o'clock, tho only tlmo when it would be pos sible for the teams to practice either in the armory or in tho chapel, both arc in such constant use. Questioned on tho subject, Miss Pound said: "This dees not mean that I have lost interest In the game, or that I shall not be on hand to do anything I can next fall. But if it is possible for the teams to practice for coming matches only an occasional once a week, they should have some one In charge able to be present that onco." i Lincoln Transfer 'Phone, 170. Co. Baggage. SPECIAL NOTICE. Our number is 210 So. 12th St. Our business is wholesale and retail bar bers' supplies razors, strops, combs, brushes, cosmetics, toilet articles of every description. A. L. UNDELAND. Lincoln Phono 170. Transfer Co. Baggago WANTED Thirty men, apply to Secretary Y. ty. C. A. in tbe Associa tion rooms Tuesday morning at 11:30. Good remuneration. Sam's Ca'fe. Tho. only place In the city to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service for ladles. S 1 i 3 i V! "i i ?V-'. .. ' .v,ftfc - iur a. i'.-1S& ;,kj juM& :r J,4, ,;&4& i &tvAiifl &