Tf,, . - Zbc Dalls Uebrnoftan ff- i r I M Cj Dp nebrasktn. Jk. xioU4atlm of aka M9rUa, Vol. 01, The Nobrm-kaa, Yai. to Boarlat and Cream, VaL 1 Egggi - ii " 1 Alter4a-Chltf Joaa D. Mm iKum A. . 8araiW O. JL awyar ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ncwi - - P. A. Ewing Athlttic ' - J. D. Clark Literary - Dorothy Grn Reporter! D. T. DtYcung and Mable Fouler and Raymond H. McCaw. wsfc.wjmstiajL,, faaearlaKoa Prloa, H r ru. In Mtun, itarat at taa poitofflM at Ltaoala, V earaafea a Moad-olaM mail amattor. Editorial Remarks Unlet ordered discontinued The Daily Nebraskan will be sent the com ing semeator to all present subscribers. The announcement of a mass meet ing In chapel tomorrow morning brings bnck vivid recollections. A mass meet ing Is tho best means of feeling tho pulse of the student body and rousing It Into activity In suportlng some ath letic enterprise. When Wisconsin comes hero our armory ought to be packed. Oui chances for beating the (lOpheis are better than generally sup posed, although we can not be too sanguine. Our men need some lgorous rooting behind them, and if it Is fur nished It may prove a deciding factor. The meeting tomorrow will be an lit teresing affair, and no one should al low iiimself to be kept away. o The disolution of Company D Is to be legretted. but there seems to be noth ing that can be done in the way of a ivmedy. The withdrawal of so many men from the battalion at the begin ning of the semester has necessitated the cutting out of one company to re oiiforee the other three. We regret to see the captain of Company D lose his company. ThiB company has had tin most glorious record of all the com panies, and U has won the cup two times straight In competithe drll'. Hence any cadet officer might have been proud to lead It and shape it up for another fight for the cup. It Is to be hoped that Company D may In time be restored again to its former place in the battalion. But for the present, tho pressing contingencies must be met. even though a sacrifice may be entailed. o It Is now settled that Michigan will - not meet a big eastern college team next year. Such a game in prospect would have been relished by all tho lovers of football and would have set tled a point very much under discus sion. Tho eastern teams assume supe riority and they may have a right to, but a practical test of strength would not be out of the way. Wisconsin went east several years ago and was beaten by pne of the "Big Four" teams, but since that time football has, mado won derful progress In the west, and tho leading teams of the "Big Nine" have grown in strength. A game this year between tho giant Minnesota or Mich igan team and one of tho big eastern colleges would have been wached with breathless interest by the whole coun try. Perhaps at tho St. Louis fair ar rangements may be mad for pitting some of the leading eastern and west ern teams against each other and a feature of this kind consisting of sev eral numbers woud take hundreds of peoplevto St. LouIb who would other wise not make the trip. The World-Herald seems satisfied with the returns we gave it in response to Its request for nn argument. But we asked the editor of that publica tion to make a number of explanations and he has thus far failed to do so. If he wishes to persuade the people here tt tho University that he is not influ enced by ulterior motives in his cam paign against tho Rockefeller contribu tion, let him address himself to the ex planations that we have requested re garding his pwn policy. 'We don't ask him to explain for others. Ix?t him Just explain for himself. We do not seek to limit him bb he did us. He can use The dissolution of Company D is to bo tlons that he pleases. Iot the World-Herald explain why it countenances the action of wealthy men who spend fortunes In gambling and betting on horse races and condemns the action of others who contribute to the cause of education. Iet it explain why It does not oppose the acceptance of donations from Carnoglo for the building of libraries when it does op pose the acceptance of contributions from another magnate for educational purposes. And let it make clear that the whole aim and object of Its cam paign has not unfolded Itself into a bitter personal attack on Chancellor Andrews, and that it has not been more concerned In injuring him than In preventing the aceptancc of the Rocke feller donation. We students aie a thinking body and If the World-Heiald will make these explanations we give, them the most respect ful consideration. The fine weather is inspiring to the baseball men, who are. improving their opportunity lor practice with religious zeal. Practice is going on at many of our neighboring schools, as all believe in getting an early start. At Chicago and Illinois there are armies of men out, although the pruning process Is going on constantly. These teaniB, es pecially Illinois, have an advantage in being able to meet several league teams for a regular series of games. In these Institutions cage work begins as soon as the football season ends, an 1 we hae done well to follow their ex ample as far as we have in getting an early start. At present the great"st concern In the practice shown by our students who watch the practice is in getting familiar with the forms and names of their new players in their variegated uniforms. There will be a month yet hi which the team can be developed that will be sent against the Ofliaha league team, and during tint time the number of candidates for po sitions will materially decrease. A large delegation of students In the animal husbandry department of th state farm left over the Burlington for South Omaha last evening for atrip of Investigation through the packing houses and stockyards at that place. The expedition was in charge of sev eral of the professors of the depart ment of agriculture. Professor Bessey is preparing an ar ticle on the "Vegetable Kingdom,'' for the new Encyclopaedia Americana, which is to be a general view of tho whole vegetablelVhigdom from the low est to the hlghesj! forms. It Is to be profusely illustrated. Lcmlng's, Ice cream ana candy: 11th and L Sts Tho WhltebreaBt Co., at 1106 O St., is tho place to buy coal. Earl J. Woodward, M. D., treats dis eases of the oyo, ear jind throat. Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phono 666. University students will be pleased to learn that they can get a handsome clothes brush absolutely free of charge at RiggB' Pharmacy. The Oliver Theatre F. C ZEHRUNG, and O. T. CRAWFORD Mgfi. Phone 354. Cot. P aod IZth "The Uandnouaeit Tbcatr In tha Wast," Wednesday Ee., March :2n SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT MVRY MININERIING MANAGEMENT FRANK McKEE. IN A NEW MODERN COMEDY BY LEO D1TMCHSTEIN ENTITLED Harriets Honeymoon Direct from its Successful Run at the Garrick Theater, - - New York City. - PRICES- $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c. SEATS ON SALE. YJUfc LHDCDLATE5BnNBnN5 oldnly by Ha rley Drug Co., nth and O Streets Western Glass and Paint Co. 12th and M Sts., Lincoln, Nebr asKa Fraternity Hall, 13th & N Street Newly lurnlshtd and decorated. Is now open for dates foi College and Frater nity dances. Rpic'al rates to students. FAULKNER & SHARP Rcom 308, Fratenity Bldg. Dr. Jno. J. Davis Graduate Optician and Reiractionist. Headaches and all Nervous Troubles relieved by correctly fitted spectacles. Prices Low. Consultation free. Homo Office 1222 O St. 'Phone 913 Stclner-Woempener Drug C&, 0UCOCUOM t 8TEINER PHARMACY. If 44 O Stmt? Wioft. 707 Unca, RA Manufacturers of SteLaer's Balaam Rhubarb Gold Capsules, Pile. Ouro and Gray'i Oondion Powderi. STUDENTS For 'first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone 1209 Union College Tailors South Enterance College Bldg. HIGH GRADE EDISON'S PHONOGRAPH HOUSE J For High Grade Bicycles i I Sewing Machines i ypewnters J TaltegIachis and Athletic Goods Call or Telephone. - i C.A.LYMAN&C0. 231 Sd. lltb St. Phone B1232. ; Special Attention Given to Repairing. The Weber Suitoriuin Ii the up-te date place win yeu can get yot Ghtliing Cleaned and Tressed 'Phone 708. Northeast Cor 11th and O. r Ring up the Tea Store, 'Phone F 1038, at the other end of tho wire the ' ' GRAND UNION TEA CO. is waiting to serve you at once with the choicest Teas, Coffees, Spices and Extracts. Special rates given to board- fnT nMllnnn ""I I . ..b iiuudvb. uive ua a trial. 1300 O St., Cor. 13th and O - 4 4 V j , Lid . .tt j- -.-