FPr v3 s? tfbe atlp "ttebraefcan 'l'"''. The University of Chicago Professional Schools SCHMOLLER Arthur S( hreilor spent Sunday nt 1K homo in Omaha. Profess-or (nimraann of the German department, delivered a lecture at Minden Friday evening & Mini rn Ca minis Gleaninas. r z a I THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Stcinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on 55 monthly payments l 00ta0lv0Ha0m0iiitfif A I OMAHA I PRINTING GO, I PRINTERS 0 a Blank Book Makers, Va r) Lithographers and Em- A bossers, Tones Loose Leaf Ledgers, Densmore Type Writers, Office Furniture, Stationery. 918 to 924 FAtihlM OMAHA, NEB. .0 I THE MARK I OF THE BEST H CLUETT, PEABODY ACO. H H y( maker or H CLUETT AMD ARROW COLLARS H Secretary Harrit nf the State Hi---3i leal society, has b'ft for Chiiago, wheie he- will look after buslnes-s In the intercst.s of the society Frank IN'torson will lead the Y. .M. C. A. i)rayer meeting Wednes-day even ing 7 to 7::io. His subject will be: "My Plate as a Christian Clti.on " The first shipment of geological spe t imens and a number of curios from the state museum, were: shipped ye tcrday. Among th' historical spe i niens was the original great seal ef the ftate of Nebraska. Mr K. E. Ulat kman is sending bai k to Mrs Gray, at Schuyler. Neb., the two fiames of .Indian arrow heads loaned the Statt Historical society during the state fair. A meeting of the farm students will be held this evening at 7:15. for the pin pose of organizing Bible study work. A great deal ef Interest Is be ing shown by the farm students and the Held is a good one. E. E. Hlackman ha returned from the' northern part ef the state, and h" reports th possibility of obtaining a live 'possum from that section of the state that will be retained in the State Historical society collection Professor Fogg addressed tho Baptist Young Pfoplo's Union of the Firs' Church last Friday evening at the house of Mr. Flansburg. He spoke on "Longfellow The Sources of His Pop ularity." It was I ongfellow evening at the Union New lockers have been installed in the Y M. C A. rooms, in order to ac comnuHlate the large- number who de sire lockers. These may be had by seeing the secretary. Those desiring these lockers should call early as the Siumber is very limited. The se rctary of our University Y. M. ('. A. has riccied an invitation to at end a banquet to be given by the Kansas City Y. M. C. A. next Satur day. He has also been invited to take pait in the piogram and will give a toast on college athletics All rludents viio anticipate the 1'ni-ver.-lty teacher's lortlflcate in June should notify Mr. Lu key. chairman of the teacheis' committee, within the next few days Names omitted from the list of eligible candidates will be deferred at least six months in the time of receiving the certificate 2 Word has been received of the death of Mrs. F. YV. Caul at Kingston. 11. I., on February St h. Mis.-Card was the wife of Prof. F. W. Card, professor of horticulture, nl this University for five years. Mrs. Card was recovering from an attack of typhoid fever and her death came very unexpectedly .She leaves three sons, the oldest being ten years of age. Professor Card is pio fesor of horticulture in the college at Kingston. It. I. Resolutions. Whereas God in his all-wise Provi dence has called away the spirit of Jacob Iteider, an engineering student In the Freshman class. He it Resolved, by the Engineering Society, That we do hereby express our heartfelt sympathy for the sor rowing family in this time of trial, and that these resolutions be Incor porated in thei. records of the Society, and a copy sent to the bereaved family. B. A. NEWTON. C. 13. CORNELL. W. TURNER. Committee. DEI) ATE WANTED Thirty men, apply 'to Secretary Y. M. C- A. in the associa tion rooms Tuesday morning at 11:30. Good remuneration. Medicine Law and Each has a special Circularrf Information which will be sent nn application. I'.ach will be in session eiuiing the Summer Quarter f June i 7 .September 3). C-tfThe courses ,n Methcn-.e aie g'ven 111 connection with the uo:k of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $jSx$?SSSJS $$ I CORNELL 1 IIF WAI I PAPFR rs $ AND PAINT MAN y 2 130 Narth 13th Lincoln, Nl). $&&&&&$4G&&$Mt$ SO YEARS- EXPERIENCE Traoe Marks DrsiaNc CnpvRiGMTS Ar.. AnTonoflUUi)R n sketch and description may quickly iiicertnlii our opinion froo whether mn Invention In pnilinblv pnlentablo. Oinimiiiilcn. tlntiiiRtrlellTtonlldontlal. HANDBOOK t PntcnU sunt free. Olilnnt iiL-encr for accurlnx pntenm. I'iltltllfM tnkoii through Muiin A Co. receive tpeciai notice, without ohnreo. In luo Scientific American. A handsomely lllnntrnted weekly. LnrscH elr ."illation nf nny rc-icntllla Journal. Terms, ?:t a your: four inontlm, 1. Sold by all newBdealero. MUNN&Co.3G,B'oadwa' New York Branch Office. 025 V Ht.. WanhlUKtou- n. C. Hotel Walton J5J5 O Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms best low-piked house, in oity RATI-.S $1 Per Day and Up THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OftMtal $300,000.00 ta Bturohft 110,000.00 UnAfvlded Profits 40.000.00 S. H. BTJRNHAIsr, President. A. J. SAWYER H. S. FREEMAN Vice-Proa. Cashier. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS AsbL C shier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY. Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. OCXHXXDCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX) New Time Card c -VIA- Missouri Pacific Effective December Gth, train No. 208 will leave Lincoln at 8:35 a. m. and run through with out change to Auburn via Dun bar, Brock and Talmage, with through coach to Nebraska City. No. 212 will leave at 9:55 p. m. and carry through coach and Pullman sleeper to Kansas City. City Office, S. W. Cor. 12 th & O. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. Ijjnrna I Theology I Education COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBBASKA CAPITAL - - SIOO.OOO.OO OFFICERS .Tohn Wrlirlit. l'n- J H WW-ott. Yr- lr. - Joe ri.imueW 2.ul Vliv-Prv. T. I. Hull, (.'.i-hier V. B. Hthih, JU-Tt. u-li Jhc Improved BOSTON GARTER .' The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Namt " BOSTON ! GARTER " is stamped gvon every loop. The CUSHION- BUTTON I -CLASP( Lies flat to the leg never 51lp5. Tears nor Unfastenj.1 SOLD EVEBYWHCRE. Sm,nl p r. Silk JCc , Lottun - . , M.W on rclpt of price. ' I QEO. FROST CO.. M.ktn IMIUS, UA1I., U.S.A. 'Every Pair Warranted- Tcachers Wanted We need at once a few more teai It ers, both e.periemed and inexper ienierj. Wore calls this year than e.er before. i Schools supplied with competent teach ers free of cost. Address, with stamp. AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION. 1123 Arch Street. Philadel phia Pa.; 171 Randolph Building. Memphis, Tenn. 6RAVERS Irbf ....... 1 f i,i SI T-r": ---&