rrx' . .X-" i n-,. V "-'".r Cbe SailE fleEr&ghan I BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Store. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Palace. R. & C. BARBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. Uiule- Innd Co. Shannon. BATHS Chris Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall," Sidles,' Glrard, Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDFNG Gillespie. CARPENTER Wilson . CIGARS Powell, Lindsey, Foliart. CLOTHING Unland, Magec & Deemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dierks, Whitbreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Iteming. Maxwell, Lincoln. Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin, Laming. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DRUGGIST 8telner, Woempner, Rec tor, Brown, Rlggfl, Wright. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. FURNITURE Rudee & Guenzcl, A. ML Davis, Hardy. EXPRESS Lincoln Local. Lincoln Transfer. GROCERS Keystone, Farmers Gro cery. HARDWARE Hall, Rudge &. Guenzel HOTELS Lindell. Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutual. STENOGRAPHER Shepherd, room 512, Richards blk. SUITORIUM Weber. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead. THEATRES OUlver. TYPEWRITERS Olliver. FLORISTS Chapin Broe. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallet. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., LiyHRY Forbes. T LUMBER DIerks. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern, Commer-. fef cial. NOVELTIES Thorpe. )IL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. OPTICIAN Dr. J. J. Davis, Hallett. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint. Co,, - PHOTOGRAPHS Hayden. PIANOS Sohmoller & Mueller. Rosa Curtice. ?LUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Griffin Greer, New Cen tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, George SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. Bros. RESTAURANTS Westerfield, Unique, Don Cameron, Home Cafe. Rates $1.00 and $1.25 per Day. Suucial Rates by the Week. BOYD HOTEL MRS. KATE MARTIN, Prop. Only one block from B. & M. Depot Only one birck from Postcfflce. Near all street car lines. 731 O Street Lincoln, Neb. MISS PAXSON AT CHAPEL "The Responsibilities and Possi bilites oF College Students" Miss Ruth Paxson, national secre tary or the Y. W. C. A., gave a fine talk at convocation Thursday morning. She spoke of tho possibilities and responsi bilities of the student life. She Bald in pnrt: "Remember that the body is the temple in which God loves to dwell. Do not then neglect the development of tho body. I am glad that in the University of Nebraska there is a gym nasium and that both men and women aro required to take physical training. I hope that the day will soon come when every University and College throughout the land will be as fortu nai. " 'Go into the land prepared for you and possess it.' Get all you can In your college career. I sometimes think that too much importance Is attached to the intellect and students come out of college intellectual giants, but pig mies in soul. Soul is God's master piece. Do not neglect or starve it. "The one answer I get in all colleges to the question. Why do you not take an interest in Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. work? Is 'I haven't time.' I have como to look upon this as a mqre ex euBo, not a reason. Many students waste time in three ways. .First, through Worry; second, gossiping or loafing; third, not concentrating the mind upon the lesson at hand. Instruct ors ask that you spend two hours in preparing an assignment, but they will not object if you succeed in preparing it in less time. "Let us not forget our responsibility. There are many who are Just as deserv ing and who would like to be here. Why Is this? Does God love us better? No, but God has given us more responsi bility. 'Of him to whom much has been given, much will be required.' " Miss Paxson arrived Wednesday evening at 8 p. m., and began work nt once by meeting two of the com mittees that evening. Tho girls of the University should improve ovcry op portunity to meet her and hear her talk. She is being entertained at the Kappa house. English Club Meeting The English club will meet Saturday night. February 27, with Miss Alice Towne,. at the Kappa Alpha Theta house, 1025 J street. The meeting was postponed by request last week, in honor of the Graduate club meeting at le home of Prof. Fossler. A now mem bers' program will be given. The club has begun the reform this semester of arriving reasonably early, beginning the program before 8:30. An endeavor will be made to continue this. Delians Program Reading, Mr. Beers. . Piano solo, Miss D'Arnold. Talk, Mr. Manell. Vocal solo. Miss Axton. Paper, "Wind Cave," Mr. Vasey. Piano solo, Miss Daily. Reading, Miss Denney. A basket ball game will be playfd Ln the Armory before the program be tween the teams of the Union and Dellan societies. No admission. Earl r Woodward, M. D., treats-diseases ... the eye. ear and throat. Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phone C66. Special rates to students . washing typewriting done. 512 Richards block. Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. One-half Price That is the way wo are selling Sample Shoes. They are beauties. Sanderson's. Lincoln Transfer Co. Phone, 176. Baggage. Th Weber Suitorlum b the op-to date place where yen out gft yottt Chilling Cleaned and pressed ' 'Phono 708. Northeast Cor lltk and O. Waterman Fountain 'Pen $2.00 to $5.00 1200 O Street RECTORS The Oliver Theatre F. C ZEHRUNG, and O. T. CRAVFORD Mffn. Phone 354. Cor. P and 13th- "The llandnomest Theatre In the Wcat," ,ycyM'Mvy',cy'Qy Q TUESDAY, MARCH FIRST MRS. FISKLE IN FMJI- HEYSE' DRAMA MARY OR MAGDALA Prices, 50, 75, $1.00 and $1.50. Box Seats $2.00 y- The Old Reliable Brown Drug & Book Co. Text Bookstand Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN FOUNTAIN PEN Has no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union" College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone 1209 Union College Tailors South Enterance College Bldg. .Fraternity Hall, 13th & N Street Nowly lurnlshtd and decorated. Is now open for date& for College and Frater nity rtunres. fiy(Cal rates to students. FAULKNER ft SHARP Rc.ora 308, Fratenlty Bldg. Western Glass and Paint Co. 12th and M Sis., LIn:o,D, NebrasKz EDISON Phonographs and Records New hard Gold Molded Columbia Records at Half Price, 25c eack Full line of Barney & Berry Skates- ATHLETIC GOODS -Of EVry Description. Girard Cycle Go. J 804 O Strt. This signatures on every box of the jranainv Laxative Bromo-Quinine Table. the remedy that enrca a CelU In o 4fcy 3 0 i" ' ) , -i , - -,. ' ' . ,t-,aj .', LL:M-iUtMl-,