The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
Gbe ailp tflebraefcan WftW)WWWWWWWWW Campus Qleanings. MMHWWBVCW I SCHMQLLER The University of Chicago Professional Schools A. O. Schrelbcr made a business trip to Omnha yesterday. & MUELLER H. S. Wetherald of Hebron, lias gone homo on account of sickness. V THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Stcgcr & Sons Vosc & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo, Steck c I 1 And 23 others. Wc sell new Pianos on 55 monthly payments Nwoo fcMIMfcMmaMmWWMk --c-- --- OMAHA PRINTING CO. PRINTERS 0 Blank Book Makers, J Lithographers and Em i bosscrs, Jones Loose Leaf -a Ledgers, Densmore Type Writers, Office Furniture, Stationery" 918 to 924 FARNUM OMAHA, NEB. -v- "KATONAH 99 IN CLUETT BRAND Quarter sizts, 2s cents each CLUETT. PEABODY d. CO.. WAKCR0 OF CLUITT AND MONARCH tHIRTS The claBs in English language are studying the literary effects of Halt's "Outcast of Poker Klat." Mr. Hlackman, of the Historical so ciety, has left for a trip to the north ern part of the stale. The Palladlans have placed a new lock on the door to their bulletin board, which perhaps will prevent the taking of their posters PERSHING RIFLES Regular drill Thursday evening, a 7 o'( lock sharp The Junior law class held an election yeFt( n'ay at 10 a. ni. and elected the following officers: President. .Mr. Case; vice president. Mr. Smith; secretary and treasurer. Mr. Ritchie. World has jtiHt been received of the death of George W. Matthews at Rlpan. Wis. Mr. Matthews was a student in the law school in 1901-02, and a mem ber or Phi Gamma Delta. Ill health, which continued until his death, caused his retirement from hi hool befoic grad nation. Union Boys Will Elect. The I'nion Roys Debating club will meet next Saturday evening to discu1 the Panama situation. Election of ofllcers for the next tern' will lake place and other important business will be transacted. All mem ben are requested to be present. A fierce parliamentary drill will precede the regular debate. CaseslReady for Shipment. The handsome finished cases which contain some choice Indian relics con sisting of peace-pipes, mocasins, and other primitive instruments, together with some excellent views of early Ne braska life, are lined up at the side entrance of the Historical society rooms. These cases are colored with crybtal white paint and neatly var nished, so that they add a brilliant luster to the shining collections. The front side of the cases will conblst of a heay plate glass, which adds ery much to their beauty and will serve as a shield for protection. The entire collection consists of about thirty-fit c cases of artistically ai ranged material and is a highly commendable piece of work, well worth the time for anon. to lew it carefully. ADDRESS AT CHAPEL. Mrs. W. A. Green Gives Pleasing Talk on French Dramatist. Mrs. W. H. Greene talked on the life and literary productions of one of the gieatest of modern dramatists during chapel period yesterday morning. M Rostand, the subject of her discussion is a Frenchman, n native of Marseilles, and a descendent of aristocratic an cestors. He is yet very young and his productions have gained great popular itysome of them being translated Into fifteen different languages. The moijt of his life has been spent in close study and his mind has been eltirelv absorbed, with stage craft, hunting out the wonderful effects that reveal char acter. He does not depend so much on accident or Incident, but breathes nto his works so much of the soul. The life of the man was Veil brought out in a pleasing manner by Mrs. Greene, and those who were present are enabled to appreciate more fully the efforts of this literary artist. The Whitebreast Co., at HOC 0 St. is the pl;ue to buy coal. FREE -A handsome clythe-sbrush. Call at Riggs' Pharmacy and get one Wright Drug Co., 117 No. llth, 'phone 313. Medicine Law and Each hasa?peci.l Circular cf Information which wtl! he sert m application. Each will be in session durtng the Summer Quarter ("June l -September 3). (KfThc courts in Mcdxice are g-ven in conr.ection wuh the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $$5eMS$xe33 CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN I30 North 13th Linooln, Nob. QQ&Q&QQ&Q&&$&&&$&$&&& 50 YEARS- EXPERIENCE TrtADE Marks Designs CopvntOHT8 &c. Anrono soikIIiik n kotrh nnd description nmr qulrkly ascprt iln our opinion troo whCMlier n Invention In prohnbly pntontublp. Commiinlca iloiiKsirlotlTCoiillcloiitlnl. HANDBOOK on I'ntouU m-ut 1 1 ci!. elilcit mronoy forBocurtiifrpotenn. l';ili'iii.i Cakim t.iroindi Munn & Co. recelv: tptciiil iintlce, without clmrgo, lu tho Scientific America!!. A hwicUnmcljr llhiftrnloct weefclr. I.nrcost clr .'lilHllon f nny rrionlltlo journal. 'I'crnisf3 1 cnr: fimr months, f 1. Sola hynll newsilenlers. MUNN & Co.361Bfod New Yorft Dranch Offlco. 123 V Bt., Wastiinutor '). C. Hotel Walton I5J5 O Street. Phone 566, 100 rooms best low -priced house in city RATES-$i Per Day and Up Hint? up the Tea Store, 'Phone F 1038, at the other end of the wire the GRAND UNION TEA CO. is waiting to serve you at once with the choicest Teas, CoffeeH, Splevs and Extracts. Special rates given to hoard ing houses. Give us a trial. 1300 O St., Cor. 13th and O OCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXDOOOO New Time Card S -VIA- Missouri Pacific Effective December Cth, train No. 208 will leae Lincoln at 8:35 a. m. and run through with out change to Auburn via Dun bar, Brock and Talmage, with through coach to Nebraska City. No. 212 will, leave at 9:5G p. m. and carry through qoaCh and Pullman Bleoper to Kansas City. City Offlce, g. W. Cor. 12th & O. F. D. CORNELL, P. & T. A. iLSjIjE I Theology I Education COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - - SKX),OO0.0O OFFICERS John YVriirlu IV.-u J H. Weso't. Vkv r s. Tex- Sumuo'.-c 2nd vii-e-Prv. P. L. Hull. Cu-hiiT. W B. Rtoils. A.-.ST. Oili. The Improved TS 30ST! u K m GABIES . The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name "BOSTON I GARTER " Is stamped ion every loop. The CUSHION , BUTTON I CLASP, Uc5 flat to the leg never blipj, rears nor Unfastens. SOLD EVGRYWHtRE. Srar!rlr.SllkMc. -, Cotton tV Milled oa recf.'pt of price. ' OEO. FROST CO,, Mktn imiios, uui., v.gx 'EVERY PAIR WARRANTED- Teachers Wanted We need at once a few more teach ers, both experienced and inexper ienced. More calls this year than ever before Schools supplied with competent teach erb free of cost. Address, with stamp. AMERICAN TEACHERS' ASSOCIA TION, H23 Arch Street. Philadel phia Pa.; 174 Randolph Building, Memphis, Tenn. XL ASTOK t& V Braver5 c -I .''' if jtf$tfjb&&b- -'- r wm -m