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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1904)
' '" 'Wjf'lJWlTS -" $?tPyVMT'J 'K.THlY1l ' w wy ''-"-? t 7-"xi " ",r,v- "" J (Tbc IP a 1 1 y Tlcbrag Ran r X. 5k if BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ACADEMY NOTES. ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Store. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Palace, R. & C, BARBERS' SUPPLIES A. L. L'lule- land 4: Co. Shannon. BATHS Chris' Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Oirard, Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Gillespie. CARPENTER Wilson . CIGARS Powell, Lindscy, Foliart. CLOTHING Unland, Magee & Deemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dierks, Whitebreast, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Leming, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kitchen. DAIRY Franklin, Leming. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DRUGGIST Steincr, Woempner, Rec tor, Brown, Rlggo, Wrlgtrt DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. FURNITURE Rudge & Guenzel, A. M, Davis, Hardy. EXPRESS Lincoln Local, Lin'-oln Transfer. GROCERS Keystone. Farmers Gro cery. HARDWARE Hall, Rxidge ft; Guenzet HOTELS LJndeM, Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutual. STENOGRAPHER Shepherd, room G12, Richards blk. SUlTORIUM-Weber. TAILORS Unland, Bumstead. THEATRES Olllver. TYPEWRITERS Olllver. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallet. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., LIVERY Forties. LUMBER Dierks. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern Commer cial. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line. OPTICIAN Dr. J. J. Davis, Hallett. PAINT & GLASS Western Glass & Paint Co. PHOTOGRAPHS Hayden. PIANOS Sohmoller & Mueller, Ross Curtice. VLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIABDS Powell. TAINTING, Grlffln Greer, New Cen- SHOES PerkinB & Sheldon, Sander son, Andersop, SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. Don Camoron, Homo Cafe. tury, Ivy Press, Review Press, George RESTAURANTS WeBterfleld, Unique, Bros. The basket ball game last Friday evening between tho Academy girls and tho first team of tho city Y. W. C. A. was a very pleasant surprise to the friends of the Academy. It was feared that tho absence of so many of tho former strong players, Buch as MIbs Hazel Cameron and Miss Edna Baker, had badly crippled the team, but at tho last moment Miss Cameron entered the lists, and this, coupled with tho extra practice, mado a new team. Much credit is due Miss Dean for her effi cient coaching. Nor do tho girls forget the assistance so gonerously given by Dr. LouIbo Pound. A large attendance of Academy peoplo rewarded the young women for their hard work. Tho Bcore stood 20 to 14 in favor of the Academy. A good attendance of young men mot Mr. C. P. Craft last Friday ovenlng. Messrs. Myers, Miller and Morgan took tho afflrmatlvo and Messrs. Beekley, Shaw and Do Young tho negative on the question: "Resolved, That all trusts and combination intended to monopollzo industries should be pro hibited." Tho affirmative won the de cision. Fourteen men have registered for tho preliminary debates, the first ono of which ocurs noxt Friday even ing. This Is in preparation for the contest with tho Christians of tho Hal ter block. Tho men of the club are much Interested, but regret that three times as many are not members. The Shadow T5 OF- OLIVER Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer EXTENDS OVER ALL THE EARTH i t . 'AKVlS In the 'year and a half that has elapsed slnco tho present principal as sumed charge, tho attendanco has pre cisely doubled. Tho gain In school spirit, outsldo activities, student organ izations and spread of tho Academy's name and fame, Is oven more marked. If this continues tho present accommo dations will hardly last another year. DR. BESSEY RETURNS. Is Weil Pleased With His Visit at. Colorado. vM-VTCSffi i-L v.'jcij.frvvrH . n t ut.i .- i f. f" T"ji-. j; . nr i- Pt-kk '.ri. ti t. i rti -.i nrmsE&t ms& mfa-mmmSSNgm X ' AUBMfiiHK!'iw( yHKgBfcfiaaifflr ii i ms&mBJmwmmr CrffQSlfli9flKwlHV?flre2ftf KxMktiMamf- WIBf w wamrv3)HnMH9nrV3 wmmisrsr'-K3iA iifiry.3TlV)2.Vi!ftl7JafftV siMai yjr jfwfru. s. AKT .CATALOG FRCH ON APPLICATION 'e TRi W ,u .. ' rt).. OLIVER TVpcrtrrr&r Q OMAHA NEB. f ''..' .- 'i'V. Rates $1.00 and $1.25 per Day. Special' Ratea by the Week. BOYD HOTEL MRS. KATE MARTIN, Prop. Only one block from B. .& M. Depot Only one block from Postofflce. Near all street car lines. 131 0!Street Lincoln, Nob. Professor Bessey returned yesterday afternoon from ColoradoSprlngs, where he was In attendance upon tho exer cises connected with the dedications of the new science building of Colorado College. It is ono of the finest build ings devoted to this purpose in the country, and the college has reason " be proud of it. Professor Bessey is loud In his praises of the management of the exercises, and comes back very enthusiastic in regard to everything in Colorado. On Sunday afternoon the dedicatory sermon was given by Pro fessor Mooro of Harvard University. On Monday President Van Hise of the University of Colorado, and this was followed by addresses by Professor Blgelow of tho University of Michi gan, Professor Crow of Northwestern University, and Professor Bessey him self. At these exercises the audiences were large and tho room often crowded to an uncomfortable degree. On Mon day evening came the formal banquet where more than three hundred college graduates from nearly every college ln tho country sat down and ate and talked until early morning hours. On Tuesday morning President Jordan gave tho formal dedicatory address, and a little later tho great building was duly dedicated to science and scientific Investigation. There were so many Ut ile dinner parties and receptions tlvnt the time was woll filled. During his stay In Colorado Springs Professor Bessey was tho guest of Mr, and Mrs. Stewart. The Old Reliable Brown Drug & Book Co. Text Books and Stu dents' Supplies. THE SWAN fOUNTAIN PEN Has no superior. We sell it. 127 South II Street. I CAN QUICKLY SELL for cash, without local publicity, your Business. Real Estate 61' Partnership no matter where located. S?nd nuj full particulars, prices, etc. Address CHA8. E. POWELL 19 W. Mohawk 3t Buffalo N Y The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date plice where you can get yout Clothing Cleaned and Pressed' 'Phono 708. Northeast Cor 11th and 0 EDISON Phonographs and Records I have for sale a first class dress suit, but little used. It will fit a man from 5 feet C to 8 inches in height and about 3 breast measure. It Is a bargin. L. A. BUMSTEAD. 120 North Twelfth. Pictures framed in latest ' stylo of mouldings at reasonable prices. Matt board, poster board, passe partout ma terial, etc., at the Lincoln Book Store. Sam's Cafe. The only place in the city to get the famous "Little Qem Hot "Waffles." Special service for la dies. , Call for a souvenir brush at Rlggs Pharmacy. They aro free. jt DAKERDRD5. UN GRAVING CO. PESICNERS ILLUSTRATORS ENGRAVERS )7 hal-Tone fin the west i am iftj& Lincoln Transfer 'Phono, 176. Co. Baggage. This signature is on every box of tho genuin Laxative Bromo-Oulnine Tablets I the remedy that cures a cold la eae day New hard Gold Molded Columbia Records at Half Price, 25c each Full line of Barney & Berry Skates- ATHLETIC GOODS. 0 4 Of Every Description t Girard Cyde Co. 1804 O 8trtt, i vM HI 1 r;.. ?l ,' rl . .. ; : .'I , ! .rt.1 : r.P ''' tVfrfV S m.- x - . w k t fe jgif,&$iMX M&isjf iS'- X r T . '&ib..i. f. .8ljaKy.w ''.. nj ',- k .