The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
be )ail fWbraaftan Ce Dafy Uebraskun. JL. consolidation of ! Hesperian, Vol. 01, The Nobnukan, ToL 1, Bcftrlot nd Cream, Vol. A. dltorHn-OhJtf llostaSM Manager Otrealator John D. Qloa A. Q. Bohrsdbw O. A- 07 ASSOCIATE EDITORS Mw, - - P. A. Evlng AthUtic ' - - J. D. CUrk Literary - - - Dorothy Green Reporter D. P. De Young and Mablc Fossler and Raymond C. McCaw. OAomi Kdltorial, O KBH; Business, U MM. ; Post OOca, Box 18, Btalloa A, Uncota. 0uloiistton Prlos, H par ysr. in bvAysjum. trtsrsd at the postoflloQ at Llnoola, Nebraska aa seooad-elaaa mall matter. Editorial Remarks Unless ordered discontinued Tho Daily Nebraskan will be sent the com ing semester to all present subscribers. We have been beset by inquiries us to why wo have, not taken stops to ox poso and to give publicity to the ease of potty larceny that has jut been aired in the city police couit by University I artlcs. Although it 1h well for nn ex ample to bo made in cabes of this kind, in order to deter otherB from the same practice, yet wo do not believe that it is our place to glo extensive publicltj ;o Incidents of this nature. The Btory of another's degradation as set forth in tho columns of a newspaper may ap peal to those who are morbid-minded enough to take an eager Interest In nch things, but we would certainly hesitate to put our readeis in thlB i lass. The workings of justice are suf ficiently severe to teach the wiong doer a lesson, but we do not believe that he enn be drhen to leform by cas tigating him through the newspapers. We might have profited by the op portunity to obtain a piece of news by belting forth tho dibgrace of a fellow student In oider that our leaders might regale themsehes for a moment with the account of his downfall, but have refrained because we do not see why a man should be put sued with persecu tion after the law courts have dealt with him and exacted the penalty of his offense. True, such petty larccuy as does occur in this University is to be regretted, but there arc other means of limiting it than by making public ex ploitation of the person's dibgrace when he 1b caught. For news of affairs of this kind finds ready circulation among our student body, and if thero are "others oligiblo to profit by tho example madoL they will have sufficient oppor tunity to tako warning and discontinue their practices in thefuture. It is right that an example should bo made, but It must bo mado by the proper parties. If proper care is taken by tho proper authorities and by stu dents these cases of larceny will not be so frequent. But If any cases are detected then It Is the duty of those duly concerned to see to tho punish ment of the offendeis, as has been done In the present Instance. The law is sufficient to properly punish any crim inal and thero is no reason why one of our own student body should be con sidered as a common enemy after he has been banished from our midst, bearing a heavy burden of humiliation. We advocate a careful lookout for cases of this kind and the meting out of just punishment, but beyond that we aro not concerned. Tho student who appropriates the property of au i ther Is' cdnsclous of the penalty that will bo exacted of him if discovered, and the mere perusal of what is likely to happen If he is found out will not have any great effect In deterring him from pilfering If he gets the chance. A rigorous lookout Is necessary and summary action in all cases detected. This is tho only way the nuisanco can bo btopped, for such means will comp?l a change of program on the part of the Individual concerned, when he would not heed the threatri made through the columns of any newspaper. o The band concert next Monday even ing should be attended by all Univer sity people. Tho good work done by the band this year has commended It to all, and any enterprise in which it is concerned should receive our united support. It has rendered invaluable service in the football games on our athletic field and given many excellent concerts In' chapel. And also, tho ob ject It has in view in giving this con cert is deserving of special considera tion. It hopes. In this manner to raise enough money to redeem Its pledge to the Temple Fund, or at least a share of It. Such a purposo is certainly a laudable one, as any movement aiming to help out tho Temple Fund should re ceive our united support. Thero are two deserving causes to be served and wo hope that cognizance will be taken of this fact, and that tho crowd may be in proportion to the excellent services that tho band has rendered. o The baseball outlook is decidedly good. Although some of tho veterans are missed, theie is a sufficient num ber of the old men hero to furnish ? nucleus around which to build. In practice a large number of new men have been showing up well and some have displayed unusual promise. The leading candidates for the box nrj men who have had lots of experience and hnve made good records on some of the strongest teams In the state, and in this department the team will be veiy strong. It will not be necessary to take novices and break them in for any position. If ever tho prospects for a winning team here were unusually good, now is that time, Judging from the early season form that has been shown. RECITAL TONIGHT. Conservatory Students Render Program in Chapel Tc night. The Students of the Conservatory of Music will give another recital in Memorial hall this evening. All Uni versity people should bear In mind the successful and pleasing character of tho former recitals that have been given this year and make an effort to come out. Following is the program! Pian,o solo Sonata C minor, Op. 10, No. 1, Beethoven, first and last move ments; Pearl Fodrea. Piano solo Serenade, Goblin dance, Dvorak; Helen Dobson. Contralto solo As tho Dawn, Can tor; Good Night, Chadwlck; Anna Scheldt. Piano solo Polonaise In C minor, Chopin; Louise Creekpaum. Piano solo Air dl Pergolese, trans, by Joseffy; Ethel Durket. Piano solo Krelslerlana, B flat, Op. 10, Schumann; Ethel Syfoid. Soprano solo Delezla, Beethoven; Mlnuelled, Brahms; Vera Upton. Piano solo Man lebt nur olnnial, valse, Strauss-Tauslg; Louise Walker. Baritone solo Love's Surrender, Shelley; Vision Fair. Massenet (from Herodiade); Harry Bradford. Piano solo Caprlccio Brillante, Men delssohn; Edith Burllngarae. DDITORIAL- Earl Woodward, M. D treats dis eases .. the eye, ear nnd throat. Rooms 207-08 Richards block, 'Phone 6GG. Special rate to students at Hendry's. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. t V : $' When you feel the need of a top coat and that's about now. " Our new spring j ones are in. Black and Fancies, 32x34 inches long. Prices v$ JO, $12.50, $15, f $18 and $20. Crovenette Coats, the new belted ones, all colors, from $25,00 t down. X ; i Magee & ESTABLISHED 1871 FURNITURE CURTAINS CARPETS STOVES HARDY Futtiitxite Co 1124 O St. Lincoln. Neb. $KS$j5$j$ "West's Cream Gum" Is the Creamiest of all Chews. Chew "White Sue" for that Dark Blown Taste. Chow '"Black Joe" for the Complexion. Chev.- "A Pleasant Smile' for the Blues. Sei u 10 gum wrappers for mammcth ' ataloKi.e of premiums given In exchauge for tho wrappers. XjxSxS $$x&$35'$'$-3-'$ Homeseekers' Excursions. . . On March 1 and 15, April 5 and 19. Tickets will bo sold at ono fare plus $2.00. Return limit 21 days'. Tho points to which they will bo sold are ns follows: All points in Indian and Okla homa Territories, and Texas; also to many points in New Mexico Ar kansas, Arizona and Louisiana. ' Call and get full Information. City office Cor. lOtli and O street mam &f Deemer fwdfa The Photographer 1029 O STREET POR FINE PHOTOS Dr. Jno. J. Davis Graduate Optician and Reiraclionist. t Headaches and all Nervous Troubks reljived by correctly fitted spectaols. Prices Low. Consultation free. Home Office 1222 0 St. 'Phone 913 &&& ??rinr-' This signataro is on ovory box of tho ccnuint Laxative Bromo-Qiiinine Tabled the remedy that cares n cola In one day $.SS$SxS$. 3 M 4 I $i&$-$&$$$$&& T Depot Offico ,7th and PSt. Lincoln, Nob. r I V 31 ' i,h - 54. . , vv ! ' - w . r . . ff. lyjtttj tfjfajj