The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1904, Image 1
.y . tTbei5ails IRebraeftan VOL. IE. NO. 93 ONIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1904, PRICE 3 CENTS ? V- S- : PLAYERS PRACTICE Men Get Out for Lively Practice on the Diamond. The continued wann weather is piox ing a great boon to the baseball met:, who turned out in large numbers - teiday afternoon from two to fern There aie no extra good men showing up as yet, but this can be expected at this time of the year Perhaps the moi promising candidate for Hendcr's plv at backstop is Miller, who marie a great record on the Stock Yaids tram of South Omaha the last seaton. Uartu of the tootball squad, has donned a suit and is trying for a position. One of the beet additions to the squad is Ham mil, xho. has played on the Y. M. C. A. team for several seasons. Dr. Clapp nnd Chancellor Andrews have together managed to let most of the baseball and track men out of drill, nnd this insures Nebraska of is good a team as can be turned out of the school. Dr C'lapp does not intcn 1 to start outdoor work in the track di- ision until later in the season, except ing in the case of the long distance men. who will hae outdoor runs ts usual on Tuesday. Thurs-da.x and Sat urday. -The track manngenunt has been xci.x loathe about ai ranging dates for meets With outside teams in Lincoln until it is finally known what we are going to have for an athletic field. If the Board of Regents will guarantee a field for the future the track nnd baseball man agements will get along somehow thi- spring while the present field is toi ". up for the new building. The announce ment that if possible the dettructixo north wing will be left off has already greatly encouraged the different man agers, especially the football director. With the best nnd hardest schedule that ever a western college ever slgnoel up it was a clean knockout blow to kill the whole game by taking away our field, and that field the best in the oct. If the noith wing Is left off. the building- will come to the twenty-fix e yard line, nnd by filling in the north part ol the campus and extending the field to the T street curb, football will be possible, although baseball can hard ly be played in the cramped quarters. The south pait of the grandstand will have to be torn down nnd taekedniito' the north end. Colorado is doing her best to have us -consent to transfer the game next October from Denver to Boulder. Of course Colorado is very desirous of playing us on her home grounds, but the gate receipts at Denver, is a great Inducement to our board, as they have lost money on thu Colorado trip every year. The basket hall team is putting in every minute In good hard work, pre paratory to Bhoxxing tho Wisconsin Scandinavians a hot time when they strike? the wild xvest next week. Dur ing the day each member of the team cultivates his eye for half an hour, nnd they hope to bo able to pile up a good score agalii6t the Badgers. Tho Sophomore-Freshman champion ship game has been practically ar ranged for next Monday evening. Both teams are practicing diligently, nnd they proml&e the best game of basket 1 all over played by two class teamr,. The Freshmen ure certain of victory, and already can feel the laurel wreaths upon their brows, but (,ho Sophs hoxe got "their suspicions" that they wili gold brick the Freshies Just as they did the Juniors last year. The twp teams will lino up as the played last Monday. Our price Is 15 cents, and we give J5 cent shaves. The R. & C. nnd Palace Barber Shops. CONCERT University Cadet Band August Hagenow, Conductor. ADMISSION, 25, 35 .AND 50 CENTS. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 29, J 904 OLIVER THEATRE. SIGNS ARE GOOD. Everything Possible Will Be Done to Save Athletic Field. Trc account published in yesterday's Nchnitkan of steps being taken by the UeA'.nU to ir-nve the athletic field has iricd to be based on facts. The build ing eciemlttet will consult the archl t". ts. nr-d il any modifications can be made, trev will cortafnly be made ho lme the athletic field is sacrificed. This iiFt-iuauM- having been so emphatical ly given dispelb all doubt of the Re gents i.ct using every means within their inmei to pieclude such a con tinue iy ,. We ujiel.-iMand that the Regent had be- u asnii-ed that 330 feet would be M'file lent Jor gridiron space, and they pi ei timed that 15 extra space would be siiKk m ni for all practical purposes. Howe r i this estimate -was made by an i:ne.iHe i,i party who was not informed a to the exact amount of space re quired, in order that the football games may be properly accommodated .TO feci of space Is necessary. This Is 1' ) i".'t more than has been allotted. Ai-pup-utl the original plans contem 1 lateu Hiving 370 feet of spate, but the Mii.otluctlon of the wing would re duce thu- amount to 345 feet., which upon the information brought to them the Kc gents deemed sufficient lor the need- cf the athletic field. ll was in tended that the Athletic Board should be iio.nri.ted to submit an exact esti mate ot the amount of space necessary for an v.hlctlc field, but no eommuni cnticn 'o that effect ever i cached that boui . Ilaie'.lj r.t anj time could the Athletic Hoaiel have been less prepared to con sider measures for securing n new field ami ':ttlng it up in proper shape. Hut by leing allowed possession of the pi.,ent Held for the time being. Kufll cieit opportunity xvlll be given for hunting for another suitable location n. (he meantime. Hence the situation has been critical for athletics, and the hope thnt Is now held out brings with T a he use of relief. We liaxo received seeral communi cations from alumni of this Institution Plotting against tho absorption of our Mhletic field until a new site can bo cbtelnod. But these wo withhold fionr-publkatlon as the remedy Is In xiexx. However, they shoxv the con cern of our former students in athletics nnd the Impressions that they retain cone o. ring this important branch oven after they have long left college. With them xvo join In the hope that now seems so reasonable of fulfillment, that eur outdoor athletics may never lack I .1 a suitable 'field to ensure their existence. DOWN FOR $500. Alpha Theta Chi P edges to the Temple Fund. The Alpha Theta Chi fraternity has :lioxu its loyalty to the Temple Fund ly ninalng a pledge of $500. This is hllie kind of action that best exr8BeB uie interest that any organization here may hr.xe In the xvelfare.of the Univer sity From the fact that quite a sue llfiee will be entailed for most of the :nemi.eit of this body, their action is nil the more deserving of praise. Tho Delia U.'s together with the Alphn Thr-tn Chl's. have now set a worthy ex am nlc and it is to he hoped thnt other 'r.-ileinitlrs may see their xvav eleai to follow. University organizations have as a rule responded nobly, but all should if possible be represented. Contributions to the Fund have been coming In with pleasing regularity. Even the opponents of the Temple building have censed to deny that the amount will be raised. This is certain ly a good sign in itself; for if they had any reason for supposing that the un dertaking might fall, they would eag erly gn': the opportunity fcr expati ating . it. The students, alumni nnd .. nds of the University have ral lied in support of the cause, nnd noth ing will deter them from nctivitj until their purpose is accomplished Tournament Tomorrow Night. Another team with a chance for th" capture of the ornnant is the Sopho more. Three of its membeis played to gether for several jears on the Lin coln high school team, and haxe noxx plajed together two seasons on then class team in the University. These ere Miss Inis Everett, Miss Margaret Plllsbury (captain), nnd Miss Nellie Allller. Reinforcing thete nre .Miss Ina Glttings. the nexv center on the 'Varsi ty, who distinguished herself xvhile yet on the Superior high school team, plac ing xvell In all positions, and' Miss Helen H use. also of the Superior high school team. Thus the Sophomore has more tried material than any othr of the class teams. Last year these players xvere but one goal behind in their match with the winning team, and a few minutes more or less ot piny might hnve changeel the outcome. The absence from school this year of Miss Kthel Ames, one of the strongest pluyers of last season, Is a notable loss, but It may confidently bo predict ed that unless something unforseen should develop, the class of 190G will be a contestant In the final struggle for the pennant. Miss Oittings and Miss Everett xvlll be the centers. Miss Pillsbury and Miss Miller the forwards, and Miss Huse one of tho guards. For tho sixth" place the team will have to draw upon leee tried matorlal. Miss May Bothwell, who made her debut as a player only a short time ago will probably try her hand as the second guard, or If not, one of the team's three substitutes, Miss Jane Blanehard. of the Lincoln Acad emy team, Miss Lillian Bennett, or Miss May Miller. In the tournament of last year, the enthusiastic rooting for this class was a feature of the matches. Many members of the class expect to bo out once more on Friday night to support their representatives, whether they meet defeat, or wrest the victory from their rivals. ! Just received, the swellest lot of spring samples you ever saw. Now on sale at onehalf price. Sanderson's. The spring stock of woolens for tail oring are just coming in. Palne's Cloth ing Store. Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N. Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. Don Cameron's lunch counter foi good service. Lomlng's, ice crenui ana candy: 11th and L Stfl DEBATERS FINISH Final Contest for Places Com p eted Last Night. Ah n result of the Interstate debnle, preliminaries, which closed last night, the following fifteen men. grouped al phabetically, xvere selected by the judges as members of Nebraska's eq uating squad for the present year: Anderson, Brady. Buckner. Brook-, ings, Clark, James. Klnimel. Levy. Le. Lcxxln, Light ner. McReynolds. Myers. Snwycr. Sundeilin. A good sized crowd again gathered In Memorial Hall to hear the conclud ing arguments In the debate. While perhaps not as spirited as tho content of the preceding evening, the nrgu tho audience xvas nmply repaid for the ments reflected great credit on the de baters separate as well as Jointly and close attention which it accorded eah spanker. The men hpoke In the fol lowing older: Affirmative Brady, first. Clark, third. Wlllmrn. fifth. James, seventh. . Negative Zook, second. Brookings, fourth. Sunderlln, Hlxth. ' Mohrman, eighth. McReynolds. ninth. Myers, tenth. Buckner, eleventh. Mr. Johnson, xvho xxub also to hovo spoken for the nfllrmatlxe. was not present. Mr. Albert Watkins. of Lincoln, pie slded at the meeting In an able man ner, and at the conclusion of tho de bate entertained the nudience with an extemporaneous talk on the value or debating to the man of nctlve affairs. Mr. Watkins is n graduate of the Uni versity of Wisconsin.- and recalled many highly interesting Incidents of his experiences at that institution to Illustrate Jils Ideas. His talk wns also intersperted with several excellent stories and pointed remarks, which held the close attention of his hearers throughout. He xvas followed by Mr. Neil M. Cronin, who briefly reviewed the progress of debate at Nebraska during the past five years, and more particularly under the guidance of Pro fessor Fogg. To his leadership Mr. Cronin ascribed much of Nebraska's success during the past two years. He also paid due tribute to the increased interebt and activity in debate which have been evidenced during that time by the students and faculty of the Uni versity. Fred M. Hunter ndded a few brief and humorous romarks to Mr. Cronln's talk and was followed again by Mr. Watkins, who suggested that some of our prominent women ho heard from. This was prevented, however, by tho entrance of the judges and the an nouncement of tho result of the de bates, which was received with uni versal approval. The judges wore Pro feesord Ross, Cook, Taylor. French and Caldwell. The fifteen successful men will enter a class under Professor Fogg (English 22) where they will receive direct in struction for the Interstate dobatee. Probably four men will ultimately be chosen, for each 'debate. The success ful men are requested to seo Profes sor Fogg in his office today. We carry a full liho of artist's ma terial, oil, water-color, and china paint; oils and fixatives, brushes, crayons, water-color and crayon paper, etc. The Lincoln Book Store Special rates to students washing typewriting done. CI 2 Richards block. r; a. 9, -. v U ''. 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