The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 24, 1904, Image 1

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"The Regents are Doing the Best They Can
to Save the Atheletic Field."
Although not fllclall conflimeM
there is .eery reason to beliee that
the Regents have decided not to aar
riflce the athletic field "in the inter
ests of the new physics building
Rumors of Reconsideration
Last N ight.
Late yesterday afternoon a rumoi
was afloat that the Doard of Regents
had taken action with an object in
view of taking measures toward chang
ing the plans, or modifying the location
of the new phyBics building, which if
bad decided to locate on the athletic
Held. Inquires by a force of Nebras
kan reporters lcsulted in obtaining
scmel nformation irom prominent ier
hons who are in a position to know the
tacts of the case, and this while a little
Indefinite, tends to confirm the original
Confirmed by a University
A reliable, well posted party, stated
positively that the building committee
of the Board of Regents had met and
decided to consult with the arcliiteets
with a view to having the wing cut off
or modified in such a way as to leave
the athletic field clear for all prnctical
purposes. Considering the source there
is no reason for doubting this state
ment, and wo are willing to accept it as
It was known yesterday afternoon
that the building and finance commit
tees were to meet, and it was surmisel
that the former committee would con
sider the matter of the location of the
new physics building. In fact it
seemed quite probable that they vould
take some definite action regarding this
important question.
Secretary Dates Not Inclined
to Substantiate; '
Judge i Dales was seen at his home
yesterday evening by a Nebraslcan
reporter and he stated' that the. building-committee
had met for the pur
pose. 'o consulting with the architects
regarding the plans of the- three new
buildings. These are the big building
at the Farm, and the physics and ad
ministration buildings. The confer
ence with the architect would be for
the purpose of passing upon the platiB
and fixing the exact dimensions, form
and all details. Tnese facts Judge
Dales explained in ctetaii, but he gave
no reason for believing that the wins
would be cut off or even modified. He
stated that the meeting was a regular
one and one that .was custdmary to be
held when such business came up.
Chancellor Andrews Offers a
, Little Encouragement.
Chancellor Andrews was Interviewed
by lenltc-jo, anil he stated" "that the'
Beard1 of' Regents 'were doing every
thing in their power to save the ath
letic field. The ' building commftree
Wfo arranging to confer with the archl-
henges could be made to produce tit.
desired lobiilt. He said that if there
was, any way possible to locate the
building po that it would not ruin thn
fle'cl. it would be done. This Is cer
tainly a safe ass.irance that the Re
gents will do what they can to prc
?rve our field and prevent Its being
unnecessarily encroached upon. It is a
we'l known fact that they' have the
interests of athletics at heart, as this
is generally admitted.
Time is sufficient evidence cited foi
believing that a change will be made
and that the athletic field will be saved
for the time being. The first informa
tion we received as referred to before,
n.s fiom a man who 1h In a position
to know, and whose word Is perfectly
tvMal le it was hardly possible thai
be could have been mistaken. Chan
cel'cr Andrews' statement goes far to
ward confliming the suimise and dis
pelling whatever doubt might exist.
So widespread has been the concent
aroused over the threatened closing of
our field to athletics that it was felt
tnat the Regents would seek to do
something to avoid the results thai
would ensue If such a course was re
solved upon. It was evident that if
the field had to be given up, athletic:-,
would be discontinued unless grounds?
were provided elsewhere. So important
were the considerations involved, that
It was realized that the Regents would
do everything in their power to avoid
taking any action that would be so
detrimental to one of the most im
portant features of University life
Thiough the confidence that we can
reasonably hold in this fact, it is only
reasonable to believe that the Regents
at present contcmplato means for
avoiding the necessity of Intruding up
on outdoor athletics. In this belief
practically confirmed by the statements
published nbove, wo have reason to
find comfort.
No bitter feeling has been exhibited
against the Regents by University peo
ple as Jt was believed that they would
act for the best and do all they could
to avoid the necessity of sacrificing
athletics. It was felt that they would
take cognizance of the objections
raised and do whatever was practica
ble. It has been many a long day
since a question of such concern and
vital Interest lias been brought to the
attention of the student body. It is
seldom that a matter involving so
much to them has been brought to
light. It Is easy then to appreciate their
anxiety and deep interest in the mat
ter, as even the temporary departure
of athletics from our Instituion would
be sincerely regretted.
The Athletic Board has made Its po
sition plain In this matter. It held that
If the new building was put upon the
athletic field and nn nrrnuMmnnia
made for groundB elsewhere, athletics
CONCERT University Cadet Band
August Hagenow, Conductor.
Monday, February 2 1904
must cease here until such arrange
ments could bo made. In view of the
HI success financially that has attend
ed athletics, the Board of Control cer
tnnly would not be ablo to hire a mlta
ble location and put It In proper shap.i
for another field. If the Bonrd had had
the money to hire or buy another field
it might hove considered the advisa
bility of doing bo. but as long ns we
are outside of the "Big Nine" nothing
of this kind can bo clone.
It never made any criticism oi the
noard of Regents, but Insisted that if
It had no field there would be no ath
letics. It was willing, however, to sub
mit Its caee to tlio Regents and if they
decide that nothing could be done, It
would have accepted their judgment
without protest. Other institutions
had ndvlsed our athletic authorities
nover to submit to tho athletic field
being removed from the campus unless
obliged to do so. All these facts be
ing generally known had an Influential
effect In shaping opinion and lining tip
the student body in opposition to any
move that would tend to injure ath
letics here.
But now a comforting assurance Is
offered, and it Is very probable that
our athletic field will be the scene of
many conflicts yet to come. The pres
ent provisions may not be permanent,
but they will prevent our athletics
from being turned out to hunt for an
abiding place. Athletics Is piobabl
now assured of a home until new nec
essities ailsc compelling the securing
of accommodations elsewhere.
John D. Brady Lectures
The University people were enter
tained yesterday morning dining con
vocation period by Mr John D Brody,
p Unlvcihlty student, on the subject
of Kcypt Tho lecture was well illus
trated by steropticon views taken by
him In the land of architecture, wheio
pyiamlds and obelisks that have stood
the test of ages still pierce the sky and
are gassed upon with awe by the many
travelers who never cease to wonder
at their stupendous magnitude and the
unparalleled skill of tho ancient Egyp
Mr. Brody was familiar with Ills sub
ject and gave" vivid descriptions as
the slides were rapidly passed through
the gleam.
Mr. Brody was a soldier in the Spanish-American
war and spent almost two
years In the archipelago with the First
Nebraska regiment, where ho helped
carry Col. Stotsenburgfrom the field
during the fierce encounter with the In
surgents. While In -that country he
visited China and Japan and since his
return has spent some time rambling
In tho historic places of tho United
States, England, France, Germany and
Italy, in short he has visited every con
tinent on tho globe.
The lecture was well attended and
highly appreciated, ns shown by tho
Interest of those present.
Sam's Cafe. The only place in tile
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Special rates to students washing
typewriting done. 512 Richards block.
Chnpln Bros.. Florists, 127 So. J3th.
Debaters' Battle for Places on
tho Interstate Teams.
The largest crowd that ever listened
to a preliminary debato nt Nebrasku
gathered in Memorial hall last even
ing. The Monroe doctrine queptlou
was discussed with great force by tho
first thirteen candidates for our lnter-
Stnto flnltnt lllcr onnnlu ...1,., ...... i - I
....... v.. r rMiuwn mill I UIIIIIIIIIMII II
the hearty npplause and-npprcetatlon n!
their henrci-H. In the absence of Mr.
Albert Watklns who was not able to
be present. Secretary Ira Ryner or
the Debating Board presided and In
troduced the speakers in the following
ordor: . - -
Ughtner, first.
Moore, third.
Anderson, fifth.
Levy, eighth.
Klmmell, eleventh.
Leo, second.
Milek, fourth.
Black, sixth.
Wnldion, seventh.
Lewis, ninth.
Sawyer, tenth.
Mogan. twelfth.
Driscoll, thirteenth.
Mr. Lightner, the first speaker on
the alilrmatlve. cloned the debate with
n three minute summnry and robuttal.
Each speaker wbb greeted with en
thuPiasm as he addressed the audience.
Mcesis. kevy and Mogan. who arc old
Lincoln high school men. called forth
in addition tho hlch school veil tmm
several old class mates In that Insti
tution. Manv excellnnt nnlhiu wnm
Introduced, which will undoubtedly
hnvo much to do in the result of the
Kansas-Nebraska debate In April. Pro
fessor Fogg was highly pleased with
the quality of the-discussion, giving it
as his opinion that It was the best
first-night preliminary during his con
nection with the University. Dr. Ross,
one of the Judges, concurred in this
opinion, and added that more interest
was displayed in tho debate than ever
before at this Institution.
This ovening tho preliminaries will
bo continued, tho following men speak
ing: .
Negative side. Order drawn
Zook, first.
Brookings, second.
Sunderlln, third.
Mohrman, fouith.
Johnson, fifth.
McReynolds, sixth.
Meyers, seventh.
Bockner, eighth.
Afflrmatlvo side. Order drawn.
Brady, first.
Clark, second.
Wllburn, third.
James, fourth.
Dr. Ross, Professors Cook, Taylor,
French and Caldwell, who acted ob
judges last evening, will continue in
that capacity tonight. The debate will
begin promptly at 7:30 p. m., nnd at
its conclusion the result of both even
ings, together with the names of -tho
successful candidates who will repre
sent Nebraska In her Interstate con
tests this spring, will bo announced. v
The final -results of the preliminaries A
piomlBo to be very close, as extraor- '
(Unary abilities wero displayed by tho
men on both sides last evening, "and
will doubtless bo tonight also.
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