The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
be 3Datlv Tl e I) r a 0 H a n - v l& y '' 1 WWfWW w00tMt'iM SCHMOLLER & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE I 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Stcinway & Sons SchmoIIer & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck A J 13 iL-. TT7.. (I rrxiiu x,-j uuicr:. w t. cii new Pianos on $5 monthly payments Vmmmmmmmi 0 OMAHA PRINTING CO. PRINTERS Blank Book Makers, Lithographers and Em bossers, Jones Loose Leaf Ledgers, Densmore Type Writers, Office Furniture, Stationery. 918 to 924 FARNVM OMAHA, NEB. 1 t tf SHIRT I rj CUJETT, PEABQPY & CO. H EJ CLUETT ANO'AflROW COLLARS H INTER-CLASS TOURNAMENT (Continued from pago 1.) score was 21 to 19. Miller of South Omaha was easily the star of the evening, making every point for the Freshmen In the first hnlf, and most of the goals In the sec ond. Mosher played an excellent game at center, and In the last half saved the game for the Freshmon by two goals from fl.eld Just before the whistle blew. Hammil nt guard played an ex cellent game. For the Seniors Ludden did the best work In the first half and Myers did the scoring in the second. The Sophomore-Junior game was not to Interesting. The Juniors had never played together, and in the first half allowed the Sophs to walk over them to the tune of 8 to 2. In the second half Sweeley went In at forward and other changes were made, which re united in a score to 7 to 5 for the- Sophs. The final score was 15 to 7 for the Sophomores, who will play the Fresh men for the championship next week. The odds are about ton to one in favor of the Freshmen, but the Sophomores lemember last year and are only sit ting back and "thlnkln'." The line-ups were as follows: Seniors Ludden, Mllek, and Myers, forwards; Noyos, conter; Tyner and Flansburg. guards. Freshmen: Mller and Swan, for wards; Mosher, center; Lott and Ham mil, guards. Goals from field Miller. 5; Swan. 1; Mosher. 2; Hammil, 1; Mllek, 1; My ers, 4; Ludden, 4. Goals from foul Noyes, 1; Miller, .'5. Sophomores: Krake and Mathewson, forwards; Klmmell. center; Clark and Winchester, guards. Juniors Sweeley and States, for wards; Mathew. center; Clark and Brown, guards. Goals from field Krake. 3; Mathew son. 1; Kimmel, 1; Clark. 1; Stittes, 1, Sweeley. 2. Goals from foul Krake. .'!, Sweelev, 1; Clark 1. Ueferree Hoar Umpire Walsh. A1NEW FRATERNITY Sigma Tau Organized with Membership of 19 Engineers A new Greek letter f rat emit j has put In an appearance In University circles among tle engineers. The new society Is called Sigma Tau and the initial banquet was held last night at the Lin dell hotel. Verne Hodge, '03. acted as toastmaster and responses were given by Messrs. Green, Richards, Dean, Chatburn. Davidson, Stout. Stevens, Evans and Morse. The new fraternity Is composed of fourten student chaiter members, and five faculty members, th latter being Professors Chatburn, Rich ards, Stout, Morse and Dean. .The toasts given at the banquet were as follows: "In Infancy." Jas. A. Green; "Stait of the Engineer," C. R. Richards; "In Tension." C. L. Dean; "The Rocky Road to Dublin Town," Prof. Go. R. Chatburn; "To Have and to Mold," J. B. Davidson; "The Engin eering Profession," Prof. O. V. P. Stout; "The Moital Coil." H. S. Evans; "Ins and Outs," Prof. G. H. Morse, and "Sigma Tau." Jas. C. Stevens. The membership of this fraternity Ja composed of men who have showh es pecial ability in the field and In the class and who stand in favor with the department. The aim of the organiza tion Is to promote the welfare of the engineers In college and In the field. The charter members are C. W. Engle, J. A, Green, Verne Hedge, N. A. Waro, E. L. Thomas, 0. H. Zimmerman, Robt. White, R. L. Harris, L. W. Chase, .7. B. Davidson. L. A. Cutshall, Jas. C. Stevens, H. R, Edwards, C. L. Dean, H. E. Evans. C. R. Richards. Geo. R. Chatburn, G. H. Morse and O. V. P. Stout. The Academy girls' team played the city Y M. C. A. in (he latter's gymna sium last Friday evening, be'fore a good crowd. The score was, Academy, 20; Y. W. C. A., 12. Mies Ppund acted as referee. For the Academy Miss Cam eron proved the star of tho evening, throwing a majority of the goals. Special rates to students -washing typewriting done. 512 Richards block. Chapln Bros., Florists, 127 So. 13th. The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine Law and Each has aspcciul Circularcf Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). fJTThe courses in Med'cine aie g'ven in connection vith the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois $S3xSxsx3xs$SxS CORNELL THE WALL PAPER AND PAINT MAN 130 North 13th Lincoln, Nob. &&GQ&&$Q&&$fr$&3 50 YEARS- EXPERIENCE TnADtc Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyone Bonding n gkotrh and description my quickly nrortiiin our opinion froo whether an Invention n prohnbly pnlenUiblo. Communion, vlonixtrlctlycoiiliaouliiil. HANDBOOK on I'ntenU Bout froq. Oldest nuency for ocurln(j patents. I'ntonts taken torouch Muuii & Co. rccolv; tpecial notice, wliliout cuargo, In tho Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. I.nnrcut cir culation of nny nclontlQo Journal. Tornig, 93 a yoar; lour moiitlia, l. oid uyall nowBUoaior. &C0 361Broadway.NBWY0rK Drench Ortlco, 25 It' BU Waahlnutoi- '). C. Hotel Walton J5J5 O Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms beat low-priced bouse in oity RATES $ i lcrDay and Up Ring up the Tea Store, 'Phone F 1038, at the other end of the wire the GRAND UNION TEA CO. Ib waiting to serve you at once with the choicest Teas, Coffees, Spices and Extracts. Speclalrates glVen to board ing houses. Give us a trial, 1300 O St., Cor. 13th and O pOOOOCXXXXXXKXXKDOOOOOCXXXX) New Time Card -VIA- Missouri Pacific Effective December 6th, train No. 208 will Teave Lincoln at k8:36 a. m. and run through with out change to Auburn via. Dun bar, Brock and Talmage, with through coach to Nebraska City. No. 22 will leave at 9:55 p. m. and carry through coach and Pullman sleeper to Ka,nsaB City. City Office, 8. W. Cor. 12th & O. F. D. CORNELL, P. ft T.- A. k t - i!iinlibi I Theology I Education COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK Or LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL - - $100,000.00 OFFICERS John Wrhcht, Prcs. J. H. Wcscutt, .Vloe-Prt-n. .loo HunmcLSjSnd Vice-Pros. L. Hull, Cuhlcr. W. B. Ryoim, AhsA. Onli fAKfl v BikThe Improved J ST jBOSTONl IA j ALWAYS EASY ) tSNol . fS The Name " BOSTON ljjjjWgjGARTCir' is stamped ) mWmAttlft cushion Lm Ml" DU7T0N ( mWk Lies flat to (he let never JKfijRSKp Tears nor Unfastens, r fcHHBk BOLD EVERYWHERE. IHK. ' Saniplptlr,8llke. MBS?. Cotton :S4o. I CV Mlll oo rtcclpt at prkt. 1 P iaBO.FHOaTCO., Uiktr I "l Betton, lbu., O.B. A. "feVERY PAIR WAWpANTEDWi j -w .,-. I THE MARK ' OF THE BEST oniK l C CLUETT.PEABODYACO. H C H I MAKERS or 4g H CLUETT AND ARROW COLLAHS H z$ lcojmvr gravers f c v .1 i ' fV ' "i ttr '- ... J.fc s: ZZm$ ; ritftfJ8jfea, t . - ' ' t1. fc.1 .-K II