The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
TCbc alls Ubr aohan ., Mm 1 , . V - Cr)e Daty lltbraskan. X. consolidation of Ilk Kwptrlan, Vol. 01, The Nobraakaa, ToL 1, Boarlsl and Cream, VoL 4. Ohitf John D. BIm A. . 0rllM O. JL Itwrir illaaafw CbwWtor ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nwi - - - P. A. Ewlng AtWtilc - - J- D- CUk Literary - Dorothy Grtn Rtporttrj D. P. DtYounic and Mble Foelr and Raymond C. McCaw. WI!S&!im2triiJLV jHortM Pile, W y j. la i4tmmm at Mia poatoflaoa at Ltaaalm, X : MM pottoflto MBMoad-laM tail itaivav. Editorial Remarks Unless ordered discontinued Tho Daily Nebraskan will be sent the com ing semester to all present subscribers. The basket ball team Is home again after a trip which was by no means (UfiafetrouB. Strong opposition was ex poctcd, as the eastern and northern trip was the hardest part of the season's schedule, and the victories earned by our men were well-earned and credit able ones. The team has shown strong recuperative ability and will undoubt edly show up to better advantage in the other games that will be played abroad. The first of tho preliminary contests this evening should bring out a large and representative crowd of University people. The debates this year will be of surpassing, Importance, owing to the high position that Nebraska now occu pies and the vigorous efforts that her opponents will make to unseat her. Added to 'this will be the Interesting struggle of the men who are ambltlouh to secure places and the arguments a t lint they will pr-esent. Let all who can come out tonight and tomorrow night and show from the start that they are Interested in the success of our debating team this year. Tlvo Sophomore class meeting yes terday morning failed to produce any satisfying results. The bulk of the class had assembled with the expecta tion of reaching a final conclusion re garding the make-up of the Sombrero Board. The main business of the meeting was sidetracked for the ex ploitation of technicalities. The ob ject ""8f such proceedings Is only too palpable and by virture of these a Etrlklng example of inconsistency has been presented. The president of the class announced his choice of editors and business managers of"Thb Som brero, before the rest of the (lass offi cers were elected, instead of waiting until afterwards. Thus the election of the remaining class officers was subor dinated to the business of the Som brero board. Hence, the Sombrero board having been made of primary Importance, why would it not have been the Just? and proper thing to do, to have first settled the questions re garding It, before reverting to the elec tion of tho remaining class officers? Such action savors too much of objec tionable political methods and suggests the application of presure upon a yield ing spirit. Theie Is one thing that the Sopho---mores must keep In mind. It Ib their , Uiity to settle the questions relating to'Jthe, Junior Annual editors before attending to anything else and they must, be on their guard against tech- nlcalltles. Tho make-up of the chief places on the Sombrero board is the paramount Issue, and there will be plenty of time afterwards for the elec tion of class officers, etc. Any attempt to sidetrack the Important Ibsuc will be Judged according to Its deserts. The class is to meet next Monday morning again. Let every Sophomore be present and do his duty. Let them Insist that the main issue be settled first. No honestly Inclined parties could object to this unless they have a questionable purpose to conceal, and any attempts made by them to delay the main business will throw out an Inference which In the minds of the rest of the class, would not be to their credit Let the Sophomores meet again and settle this question fairly and squarely. FRESHMEN ELECT OFFICERS. Successful Meeting Held and Officers Chosen. The Freshman class was successful In electing a class president yesterday morning at their meeting on the sec ond ballot. The election was somewhat exciting for a time when they lined up with five candidates In the field, some of whom were strongly supported. The first ballot resulted In practically a tie between De Young and Craig, who were far in the lead of the other two candidates. Tho former, who was a straight "Barb" received a large major ity of the anti-fraternity votes, but the latter, through a "Barb," received the greater part of his support from the fraternity forces, being nominated and pushed by two leading fraternity men. On the second ballot the two higher candidates remained In the field and the other three retired upon motion of one of the members, that the vote bo upon the two leading candidates. This placed the plain issue before the mem bers of the class who wore present, and tho result gave Craig the majority of the votes, whereupon ho was declared elected. The turn-out. though better than at the last meeting, was not very large, not more than one-fourth of the class being present to show their interest in the election. Mr Craig is a new rilan in class poli tics, however some laurels were won by him for the Freshman class last fall on tho gridiron and if he proves his ability in administrative affairs as he did in athletics, which we believe he will do, we may pride ourselves on the election. Delians Hold Successful Meeting i The Delian program was a great success last Friday evening. Mr. C. A. Dates led off with a reading selected from .lames Whltcomb Riley and re sponse to a hearty encore gave a court room scene which excited much merri ment. Mr. Vasey tried a solo on the society and it worked so well that ho sang another and had to refuse a third Invitation. Then Mr. Theobald took the lloor and stood well up to his repu tation as a talker In his talk on the University of Wisconsin. Miss Hunter and Dr. Field, alumni members of the boclety, were present and made a few very Interesting re marks. Dr. Field was a charteivmem ber of the society when it was formed, in 1889. She said she saw much to be proud of in the society and compliment ed it in general. After the program it was decided to play basket ball with the Unions on next Friday or Saturday. Special rate to students at Hendry's. Lemlng's, ice crenm ana candy: 11th and L Sts. Lincoln Transfer Co. Phone, 176. Daggage. Don Camerofl's good service. lunch counter for Bojc of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N. Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. $Q&&$&S&$Q "West's Cream Gum" Is the Creamiest of all Chews. Chew "White Sue" for that Dark Brown Taste. Chew "Black Joe" for the Complexion. Chew "A Pleasant Smile' for the Blues. Sera" 10 gum wrappers for mummtth f ataloKue of premiums given In exchange for the wrappers. &fr&Q&$&$&&$ Homeseekers' Excursions. . . On February 2 and 16, Marchl and IB. April R and 19. Tickets will be sold at one fare plus $2.00. Return limit 21 days. The points to which they will bo sold are as follows: All points In Indian and Okla homa Territories, and Texas; also to many points In New Mexico, Ar kansas, Arizona and Louisiana. Call and get full information. City offlco Cor. 10th and O street 1 Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-QroorPrlntlng Co There is no watch, clock or article of Jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-lhe-Minute Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. 1123 O Street The Photographer 1029 O STREET FOR PINE PHOTOS DAKEnLDRD5. LNCpvAVINC CO. Fraternity Hall 13th N Street Newly furnished and decorated. Is now open for dates for College and Frattr altjr dances. Special rates to students. FAULKNER 5 SHARP Room 308, Fratrmlty Bldg. HjRI J$gtyC&7l f ILLUSTRATORS J Wfjjl ENGRAVERS QM ffiS pJanuntfiewest (Oi &&&&$fr&fr$ Depot Office 7th and P St. Lincoln, Neb. OUR PRICES Shirts any style Oc Cotton Undorshirts 5c Cotton Drawers 5c Nightshirts 8c Sooks 5c Handkerchiefs, 8 for 5c YULE BROS. LAUNDRY Good Things to Eat EVEBYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fashioned Homo Cooking. Meals Served a la Carte. THE HOME CAFE 2" 8$tfr 81 FIRST NATIONAL BANK 1300,000.00 Tided Profits 40,000.00 8. R BURNHAM, President. A. J. SAWYER H. S. FREEMAN Vlce-Pfes. Cashier. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS ASBt. Cashier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTBRDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. QEO. A. WILSOH 00HTUACTOR AND BUILBER Mm ant Sbop. 222 .. 12fe. Talepbono t 1397 sttmatos furnished upon application. Jdb Work promptlj attended to. LINOOLN, NEBRA8KA T. J. THORr COMPANY General Machinists All Kind of Rpa!riny Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th StrsoL Lincoln, Nebraska rtmc.(U 8& Yrvrtr, Thla signature la on ovory box or the goaulnt Laxative BromoQuinine Tablets tho remedy that en rep n cold In one day Dr. Jno. J. Dqvis Graduate Optician and Reiraclionlst. Headaches and all Nervous Trouhlea relieved hy correctly fitted speetadrts. Prices Low. Consultation fren. THE OW&l uai RR1 I Home Office 1222 O St. 'Phone 913 k v " 'Jm - .A.,,. ... ' W '' v. y f . J-'i .j 1, 'V ".V '. -K c-