. rmrxrt " wpf-s' -!5SS5ff wr "-.-'v .;- .s , ,.,,. ' V- . V Zbe ID a i I flcDraeHan v.y-rT -.1 ' ' C Daily nebraskan. X. conRolldatlon of Kk Hatpctiaa, Vol. 81, The Nebraakaa, YoLla, Bcarlet and Croam, Vol. 4. dlot-toChfif daaiftata Manager Olrealator Jobs D. Rto A. a. Bohraiban O. Jl. Bawyar ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ntw - - - P. A. Ewlng Athletic ' - - J. D. Clark Literary - Dorothy Green Reporterj D. P. De Young And Mtbic Fouler Wlceat MItorial, TJ MOM; Buaineaa, TJ 811U. Poat Offloa, Box U, Station A, Lincoln. (tabacrlptton Prioa, P par year. In adranaa. atatarad at tho postoflloo at Llnooln, Nabraalaa aa aeoond-claaa mall matter. Editorial Remarks Unless ordered discontinued Tho Daily Nebraskan will be sent the com ing aemester to all present subscribers. Tho action of the Board of Regenta In decreeing that no student may be cxciiBQd from military work tho second semester has called for a popular vfy of protest. The Inevitable rosult of such a ruling going into effect would lie to cripple our track team and base ball interests beyond measure. In the cadet battalion a large number of our best athletes arc enrolled. . without whom any organization purporting to bo representative of our University as a baseball or track team would certain ly make a poor showing. At these twi branches of uthlethlcs a severe blo.v will have been struck, unless its forv is mitigated and some concpssions made to their interests. We do not object to drill as a prin ciple, but in this connection it seems that some concession ought to be mado to athletics, in order that this depart ment may not be crippled. Tho pro cess of developing a fast baseball or track team taxes the skill and ability of the trainers to the utmost oven when they have the whole University to pick from, but if the field is to be limited to such an extent as is Impending their task will be a hopeless one. An athlete can not stand two different systems of training for different purposes at the same time, and develop the best that Is in him. He must concentrate on one kind of work alone If he hopes to at tain success. Such being tho case he can not drill and practice outdoor ath letics at the same time, if he were so inclined. If the men aro obliged to drill a number of our best athletes will bo rendered unavailable and it Is doubt ful If Nebraska could undertake to meet ft rival institution, being thus crippled. Athletics are representative of the Institution and the teams that have In the past achieved suc5cesson the track and diamond have been a source of pride to us all. No true Nebraska student can bide the thought of every rival institution flaunting their colors In our faco and daring us to a conteEt which means defeat to us. Yet wo must certainly take a subordinate position ii. baseball and track work to Institutions whose resources In these departments cannot compare with our own, but where every concession is made to ath- letlcH. With pur best athletes tied up in a position from which they can not leleaso themselves, our chances for making a respectable showfe If we try at all, are very; rfjffflUd. "' It would indeed be a pity If .Nebraska should be obliged to retire ffdimiuo race or suffer the humiliation of UrltfgTiig up the rear, when she has so .nc'hood material that is rendered uuna.Uabie by tho ac tion of her own officers; "Athletics is the'llfef an institution. Tha R Our University has gained in prestige Shops. because of the excellent record she has made in athletics. Any stringent abridgement of a custom that has long prevailed in connection with this branch is to be regretted when we realize the results that will bo entailed. Tho ruling of tho Regonts will have a most detrimental effect If allowed to stand. In making this statement we have In mind the popular sentiment prevailing in tho University, and at heart the best Interests of athletics. Hence we have tried to present an un prejudiced and representative view of the matter, and sincerely hope that some moans may bo found to adjust matters satisfactorily to all concerned. o Our debaters are lining up for the preliminaries and soon tho fight for places will be on. The large number of men registered and the enthusiasm with which they are going into the work portend good results. The ex ample of men who have earned victor ies in debates for this institution is in stilling inspiration in them. The readi ness with which such a comparatively laigo number arc willing to undertake the ast amount of work Involved be speaks much to the credit of our stu dent body. The honor of representing the University in ono of the interstate contests Is appreciated, considering the amount of effort and ability necessary to achieve it. Such a spirit Is a healthy one and will serve to substantially pro mote debating Interests here. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBRASKA CAPITAL $100,000.00 OFFICER8 John Wriffht, Pros. J H. Woscutt, YIm -Pro. Joo Samuels. 2nd Vlee-Prt. P. L. Hnll. Cuxhlcr. V. B. Ryonn. Aus't. v'ash. RUSSO-JAPANESE WAR. Dr. Fling Expresses Views on the Clash in the Orient. Good Things to Eat EVEDYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fashioned Homo Cooking. Meals Served a la Carte. THE HOME CAFE 2" affiRstm The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date .plate where you can get your Chilling Cleaned and 'Pressed 'Phone 708. Northeast Cor 11th and O. Western Glass & Paint Co. I2th & M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb. We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best Ice Cream COMES FROM Franklin I?e Cream and Dafry Co. Dr. Fling analyzed qullo thoroughly the different phases of the Russo-Jan-anejo war at chapel yesterday morn ing. He said in pait: "The eyes of tho whole world arc turned toward the struggle in theoriont and are stuplfied with surprise at the decisive blows inflicted on the north ern Bear.. This intoiest shown In the conflict may be because of our attitude toward Japan, her cause of Justice and the land grabbing greed of Russia." This war he contended would turn our attention to a different line of his tory. We have been studying the his tories of western Europe and tho his tory of Rusia and Japan has been left idle. He spoke of Russia's rapid strides in the east, and her shrewd diplomatic teiritorlal acqujsitions and as England had steadily pushed on and acquired possession of the new world, so Rus sia has gradually wedged herself Into the cential position of the eastern con tinent. In this France and Germany have been urging RusBla on, while England etood quietly by and watched her eastern policy trampled upon by the Slav. Japan, on the other hand. Is the spon sor of the Mongolian races and will make an unparalleled attempt to re main the master of tho eastern king dom, and her defeat would mean tho world spread government and ciiBtom3 of the Caucasion race. Dr. Fling traced the hiBtory of the conflict between these powers from Its earliest date so that one could see the growing spirit of antagonism and rival ry until tho climax of the present strug gle was reached. He spoke of the different nations and their vlows on tho eastern policy In which ho said that tho Russian be lieved in seclusion and exclusion while the United States and England believed in Uie open door policy., "'It Is hard to toll." ho said, "who will come out victorious, and also hard to determine which would bo tho bet ter victor, but we will await the re sult". Thj subject was very ably discussed, and many bright lights were thrown upon the subject, which cleared the ob structed vision of many who aro trying to familiarize themselves with tho true situation of the contest. IBB So. 12th St. Phone. F 20B RaUa 11.00 and $1.25 Per Day. Spatial Bates by tho Week. BOYD HOTEL MRS. KATE MARTIN, PROP. Only ono block from B. M. Depot. Only one block from Poat Ofllco. Near all streetcar lines. TU Street. Uncoln, Nebraska T. J. TliOni COMPANY General Machinists AU KTndi of Rplrinj Lock Smiths. PLATERS 303 So. 11th StrteL Lincoln, Nebraska Pr-on. (14 jMMA&miiiM Jt JTU VJJLJU L-COJT JLJC BOOKBINDER J524 O Street, J Lincoln PHONE I MO VowMaw'FWgMNifamwxywtff J THI BEST ALWAYS THE CHEAP EST The Connootlout Mutual Life Insurance Go. offers a Policy that Combines all the valuable features that experience has shown to bo do slrable In life insurance, and Is liberal, Just and definite in all its terms and condition. For further Information or sample policy call on JOHN It PLATZ, Agent 119 8outh 12th St. Lincoln THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital 1300,000.00 Buplu& , 110,000.00 Undivided Profita 40,000.00 S. K. BURNHAM, President A. J. SAWYER H. 8. FREEMAN Vice-Pros. Cashier. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS AesL C. shier Asst. Cashier P. R. DASTERDAY, Auditor. UNITEDSTATES DEPOSITORY. Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. & jfi j jt KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Seo onr full lino of fancy boxes, inclnd ind FOOT BALLS and DKE8S SUIT CASES. Try our Biltor-Swcata, But termilks and Venitrnus. 1337 O STREET W. F0LIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Hotels lor Sale or Exchange GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Otflca and Shop, 222 t. 12th. Tekahoao B 1397 Estimates fnrnishod upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRA8KA Lincoln Tank Line 8uccesaorto C H. Mann GASOLINE, KEROSENE, LUBRICATING OIL 125 No. 12th Street. Telephone 473 Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society hinting Grlffln-GreerPrlntlng Co Hi i .HI vi, Jits daHal BBfctefca-r, frr raaJalaaawaw I "KATONAH" I I I I CLUETT BRAND I QUARTER 8IZC8, 20 CENTS EACH CLUETT, PEABODY & CO., . UK.Xk OF CLUITT AND MONARCH ,MI"7 j Our price Is 15 cents, and we give 15 I cent) shaves. & U. ana raiace, uarqer There fa no watch, dock or article 'of Jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-Mlnute Jeweler THE NEW CENTURY PRINTERS UNCQlN .Special Dcsifas Made tor Prat Banquet Menvs Dance Programs 1211 RSTPEET Dr. Jno. J. Davis feafefttc Optician and Befregionbt. Headaches and all tterrona Trouble ro- LOTea py correctly ntted Spectacles, 'rioeiliaw. Obnsnltatlnn tmn PROMPT SERVICE. 1123 O Sired Home Office 1222 O 8L PhmR 913, H( Pi - . J-. t kj... ... T . .'&'