The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1904, Image 1

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Zhc Steetg Bebraehan
VOL. m. NO. 68
'- 4
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Nebraska Snowed Under by
SiouxCity Y. M. C. A.
Athletic Nebraska Is still rubbing
its eyes and trying to And out what
really happened Tuesday ntght at 8ioux
City. From the meager account re
ceived in Lincoln it would appear that
our boys wore figure headsin the game
and that the only way In which they
shono was in making fouls fifteen
goals thrown from the foul line being
counted against them. In one half the
only goals thrown by Nebraska were
mado by the guards. Sioux City ex
celled In every department of the game.
Hoar and Benedict allowed their men
to make six goals apiece, while Elliot
an Hagensick could not hit the elusive
basket at all, at all. The final
score was 49 to 14, and oven Minnesota
couldn't do us up worso than that. We
hope the boys will ginger up for the
other three games.
The Faculty will play the Wesleyan
Wiso Guys tonight in the Wesleyan
chicken coop. Any extra enthusiastic
lovers of sport who are willing to hang
on a nail In the wall can see the profs,
elide around the floor for the small
sum of two bits. The faculty will line
up as follows:
Emerson, conter; Votaw and Moritz,
forwards; Engberg and Dorman,
Dr. Condra has been ruled out for
At the same time the unvanquished
second University teanf will play the
Wosloyau team. Seven of the follow
ing men will go to University Place
tonight, the revised list will be posted
In the locker room this morning
Krake, Miller, Mathewson. Noyes, My
ers, Tynor.'Flansburg, Milek, Ludden.
For tho information of University
pooplo will may say that tho winner al
Wesleyan Is determined by the num
ber of survivors of each team from the
hot water pipes and the spectators'
Tho second part of tho gymnastic
contests ocurs on Wednesday evening,
March 23. Milok won tho first parjt
by a small number of points, and if
ho wins tho next he will receive thejtir
tlo of "University Gymnast" Jn addi
tion to an "N." Thfc desire for a Uni
versity emblem should bring out morfe
competitors. Each man may choose
throe exercises on each of three pieces
of apparatusside horse,' long orse,
flying rings. On each contest tho points
will be counted' as foljows: For ap
proach, 1; for difficulty of exorcise, 3;
for form, 4; for retreat, 2. The total
number of points possible for the entire
contest is 90.
Dr. Clapp, Mr. Lane, or Mr. Droves
will be on the floor from 4 to 5 on oMn
day, Wednesday and Friday to help any
At tho beginning of the year a fund
was created by the University for tho
purposes uol furnishing law students
with equity books. Thus 'for only half
a dozen books have been furnished, and
the fund being exhausted ft6 iriore can
bo had, thuB hampering the work- of
many ofltho students.
Don't fQrget to call for Tho Daily
Nebraskan coupons "when trading with
Lincoln merchants. Consult our bus
iness directory before you do your
trading. ,.
Boectal' trite6 -to students wishing
typewriting done. 512 Richards bloc It.
Lorninga, ice cream, ana candy: 11th
8peclal rato td stUd'enta at Hpndry's.J
Session Addressed by Inspector
Crabtree and Dr. Luckey.
The Pedagogical club met at 7:30 last
evening after a social season. Profes
sor Luckey began tho special program
of the eenlng with some brief but in
teresting remarks as to the Importance
of the University teacher' certificate,
its standard and its relation to state re
quirements elsewhore. Ho emphasized
the personality of the teacher and gavo
suggestions as to the teacher's social
relations illustrating the latter by some
recent incidents which have como to his
notice. He then introduced Mrs. Clark,
secretary of the University appoint
ment bureau, who explained some de
tails concerning the bureau's work and
tho course of procedure for students
who use the bureau. She announced
that she would have an offico hour in
the dean's room for convenience in con
sulting with prospective teachers.
Mr. Crabtree. University high school
Inspector, gave some practical advice In
making plans for securing positions
and spoke encouragingly for those
whose positions waited till late in the
season. He then read a paper entitled
"My First School." giving some ac
counts of his evolution as teacher from
tho period of air castles to his estab
lishment as a full-fledged teacher. His
reminiscences ofhls preparation and
his school experiences made his discus
sion concrete and. practical and added
humor and interest to his descriptions.
At the conclusion of the paper Prof.
Luckey read a letter from a teacher
who has recently gone out from the
University, bearing upon tho matter
of corporal punishment In a way which
conflicts with modern pedagogical Ideas
on the subject and Is hardly In accord
with the traditions of the department
of education. It is very Interesting to
see how teachers are meeting school
problems. It is, however, possible to
apply and modify theory without re
nouncing it altogether.
The meeting was a success and all
must have felt repaid for the time
Delta Gamma Party.
Delta Gamma entertained Wednesday
at a very delightful dancing party at
Walsh hall, Tho decorative scheme,
a huge umbrella of Delta Gamma colors
suspended from the corners of tho hall
by streamers of the same colors, was
prettily carried out. Walt's orchestra
furnished the music for dancing. Dainty
refreshments were served during tho
The out-of-town Delta Gammas who
came on for the party were Misses
Ethel Tukey, Loralno Comstock. Hor
tense Clark and Edith Dumont, of Oma-'
ha, and Miss Hallle WilEon, oL Ash
laud. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woods, Mr. and
Mrs. John S. -Reed, and Mr. and Mrs.
A. L. Haeoker chaperoned tha party.
Professor Barbour has been overrun
with applications for positions under
the Nebraska commission at the
world's -fair. Fifty or sixty applica
tions have been received, for whom no
places are available. Tho prospect for
University students in getting such
places is therefore very unpromising. In
fact the number of places Is quite limited.
On Thursday afternoon, at. 5 o'clock,
the Botanical Seminar will 'hold an
open meeting in room 102, of Nebraska
hall, fqr the purpose of listening; to a
paper l?y Dr. Clpments on '"The Pro
nunciation of Botanical Names." As
this meeting is open to 'the public a
general invitation is extended to all
who wo interested in this subject. . -
, i
Don Cameron's lunch counter for
good service,.
Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th,
'phone 818. .
CUapin Bros., Florist 121 So. 13fl.
Athletics to Suffer From Ruling
Concerning Drill.
In conformity with tho military pro
ision passed by tho Board of Regents
Monday, the following general orders
were read last evening at drill:
General Orders No. 5.
Tho Board of Regents having ap
proed tho following regulations affect
ing the military department, thoy are
hereby published for the Information
of all concerned:
Thirty cadets will bo oxcused at the
beginning of the first semester to par
ticipate in football athletics. The men
so excused will bo required to take mil
itary work tho second Bemester of each
year until their military requirements
are completed.
No student will bo oxcused from mil
itary work the second semester on ac
count of athletics.
By Order of
The purpose as well as the probable
result of tho above order Is apparent.
It simply means that our track team
and baseball nine aro to be greatly
hampered In their work, perhaps, even
to the extent of being made impractica
ble. Dr. Clapp In reply to the Inquiry
of a Nebraskan reporter yesterday said:
"The ruling will undoubtedly work
great Injury to our track and baseball
work. It is an undisputed fact that a
runner can not do good work if forced
to take military drill, and I am sur
prised that so stringent a provision
should have been made. Tho military
requirements hero are already, so far
as I can discover, stricter than in any
like Institution In the country.
"In roBpect to tho provision excus
ing football men yet making it obliga
tory for track and baseball men to drill
I can only say that to mo It seems un
fair." A prominent member of tho battalion
who is also interested In athletics stig
matized tho action of the Regents in
very unstinted terms. "Tho regulation
Is unfair in the extrome;' he said.' "The
Board can not have fully understood
tho situation and the effect the order
will have when It passed It. It may
mean the ultimato disbanding of our
ball J.eam, and, In any event, can not
fall but seriously effect the success of
spring athletics in the University. A
majority of our athletes would have tp
drill under tho proposition, and I for
one, can not Bee how our spring ath
letics are to be successful If the order
is enforced. It Is a cinch that a.succe.Bs
& . 1 .1 & ! -- . -3 a . d n n a& a M tFfk v M A
uuuiu uul uu uiuuu ui our uuuuui uuob-
ball trip If the proylBlon were carried
Another prominent cadet officer tqok
much the some view'of the situation,
and gave it as his opinion that the
athletic men could evade tho order if
necessary by falling back on the statute
which makes provision for tho mili
tary departments of such institutions
as the University. He stated that this
requires drill of Industrial students
only, and declared that men of other
colleges could not bo forced to drill,
Leaving this phase of the- matter out
of consideration, however, the order
loaves the baseball apd track team sit
uation In a very discouraging condition.
It Is probable that majority of the can
didates for the baseball team have not
completed tho drill that is now required
and If they are forced to drill thjs,. se
mester the outlook for the baseball sea
son is Indeed, gloomy. It was oven
stated to us on excellent authority, that
Captain Townsend himself would . be
forced to drill under this oider.
Here Is tho regulation is passed by
the Board of Regents. The remainder
of the', minutes, of the meeting will be
found on another page of The tfe-braskttn:
I- "In the mattor of athletics and mili
tary requirements, It was ordered:
"1. To allow thirty cadets to bo ex
cused at tho beginning of tho first se
moster to participate In football ath
letics. Thoso men to bo required to
tako military work the second semes
ter of each yoar until tholr military
requirements aro completed.-
"2. No substitution of courses per
mitted. "3. No bttident to be excused from
military work tho second term on ac
count of athletics.
"4. After registration, tho registrar
to check off the male students regis
tered to ascertain if students who aro
required to take military drill havo
reglstored for the same and to require
tho attendance of those not registered
when it is their duty to do so.
Pawnee Club Meets.
Tuesday night tho Pawriee club, which
Is an organization of University stu
dents from Pawnee county, entertained
the Pawnee City high Hchool Senior
class at tho home of Mr. and Mrs.
Shinn, 2927 P street. Tho class came
up Monday for tho purpose of attend
ing tho Charter Day exercises and In
vestigating the facilities of tho Univer
sity. It was chaperoned by Superin
tendent Griffith, and many others took
advantage of the opportunity to' visit
their relatives and friends attending
the University. The rooms wore beau
tifully decorated with crimson hearts
strung from the corners to tho chan
deliers. About ten o'clock refresh
ments wero served by tho social com
mittee. The ices, representing the U of
N colors, were cheerfully enjoyed, and
much credit is due Misses Lillio Ben
nett, Eva CaBey and Mr. Richard Stuy
ker for their useful and artistic ser
vices. After listening to a speech by Mr.
Griffith, which he was called upon to
give,, unexpectedly, the party departed
for home, hoping for another pleasant
meeting soon.
Academy Girls Basketball.
A great deal of excitement is bolng
raised among the students of tho Acad
emy over the anticipation of a lively basket ball next Friday even
ing between the ladles of tho Acajlsray,
and the city Y. W. C. A. team, which
will tako place at tho Y. W. C. A. build
ing on tho corner of 12th and M streets.
The Academy team will be coached by
Miss Dean and tho Y. W. C. A. aggrega
tion by MIbs WoodsmaH, with Miss
Pound as officer of tho game. Tho pat
ronesses will be Mrs, Hodgman, Mm.
Barbour, Mrs. Barber, Mrs. Bessoy, Mrs.
E. B. Bennett, Mrs. M. H. Woodsmall.
Mrs. Martha Pierce uncTMrs. Wallace
The admission prlcv Is 25 cents.
Athletic Board 'M eets.
The Athletic Board met last night in
regular session. Tho meeting was
largely occupied with discussion of va
rious matters. John Westover was
elected assistant coach for next year,
and J. K. Morrison assistant football
Professor Bessey, expects to leave for
Colorado Springs" on Saturday after
noon so as to be present at the dedica
tion of the now science hall of Colrado
College. Ho is to deliver, an address'
on "The Possibilities of the Botanical
Laboratory,' on Monday afternoon, 0(h-'
er speakers are prominent educators of '
the country, all men of lnterrfatlonftl
reputations. . l!a s.u
Box of cigars given away every day'
at Powell's Oliver theatre building
Lincoln Local Express,- 11th and N,
Tel. 787. Baggage, hauled.
The Whltebreast Co., at HOC O St-,
Is the place to buy coal. "
Lincoln Transfer Co. .Baggfcg
Phone, 176.
'. i
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