v . a be Batlv IFlebrasftan VOL. IIL NO. 85 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS w '? fit fW fc' f NEED FOR MEETING Sophomore Class Should Con sult Its Own Wishes. OTHER SIDE OF IT "Of course the petition will be pushed, and the wishes of t lie class will prevail in this matter," Bald one of the members of the sophomore class in reply to a Nebraskan reporter's in quiry yesterday. " We expected that the appointments would be made as soon as the news that a petition was being circulated became general. Why, we don't care if they elect the same fellowB that have been appointed, only the men who are given these places should be elected by the class and represent its wishes." The above Is the expression of but one of several similar opinions that wore made to Nebraskan reporters yesterday. It indicates that those pushing the petition will not rest until their work is accomplished and the class has met to take action. The pressure that has been aroused by this petition for the election of the editor and business manager of the Som brero is certainly maklng Itself felt and it cannot help but have a potent effect in bringing the class together for deliberation. The announcement of the editors in yesterday morning's Journal did not croate any great surprise, " as such a move had been expected to follow closely on the heels of the circulation of the petition. But those circulating the petition have -acted deliberately and are covering the field thoroughly, being confident in the power of the class to reach a satisfactory conclu sion. In the minds of many of the members of the Sophomore class, the appointments made must hang in sus pension for a while. No movement made with an apparent purpose to thwart the wishes of the majority of the class can be allowed to stand, un til after the members have decided upon what they prefer to do. The propriety of tho president an nouncing his appointments at this time is doubted and it is felt that It would have been better If he consulted the wishes of the others by first call ing a class meeting upon the earliest opportunity. The business Is import ant and the majority of the class desire It, and even now he ought to bo willing to do so. He may have acted accord ing to what he believes his constitu tional powers, but if the class has just cause for belief In its right to elect the editor and business manager of the Sombrero, Hum its wiBhes must be paramount, A meeting should be called and as widespread notification of it as possible should be made. This Is tho best solution of, tho problem, and tho only one that can result in a satis factory conclusion. Tho point that must bo kept most prominently In view Is the good o, the book. In other Institutions where' the class elects the editor and manager far better results aro obtained. But It Is certain that they man who ppt in a is certain that tho men who are put In charge of the work should bo en dorsed by the class and have its con fidence. Even if tboBO who have been appointed by the president should be elected and endorsed, it would be much more satisfactory than letting the present conditions prevail, and the class refraining rom taking any ac tion whatever. As matters noV stand, it. is best that the class should act, and .whatever It does we are sure will bp done for tho best interests of- the book. We understand that tho petition Is not being circulated by any faction in the late election, but that a number of tho president's suppdrters are con corned In tho work of securing, signa tures. Hence this matter is certainly not a personal affair,' but concerns the class as a whole. Such being the' case the class should bo heard and Its wishes prevail. Supporters of Soph. President Send in Communication FOR CHARTER DAY Will Celebrate Thirty Fifth An niversity With Program. The following communication was handed to us yesterday with t lie re quest that we publish it: Editor Nebrasknn: The Daily Nebraskan in the issue of February 12, publishes the petition which is being circulated among mem ber? of the Sophomore class and takes a decided stand In favor of the senti ment of that petition. It is stated In that article that dishonesty has pre vailed in class affairs in the past, and it is intimated that the same dishon esty pollutes class politics at present. It ill becomes those who were on the losing side in the recent Sopho more class election to come forward with a proposition to divest the ofllce of president of those duties and powers which custom from time immemorial has attached to that office. Every mem ber of the Sophomoreplass who went Into the meeting of the class on last Monday morning, understood perfectly that the man receiving the majority of votes for president was to appoinL tho Sombrero board. The Dally Nebraskan In Its Issue of February fi, said: "The appointment of the management of next year's Som breio will be under the control of the president, who will be elected at the next meeting of the class." It was well known about the University that the man who received the majority of votes in tho Sophomore meeting was to ap point the Sombrero board. Mr. Smith received tho majority of votes on the first ballot. Tho clasB thereby ex pressed its confidence In him to per form the duties of that office in an hon orable and just manner. Was It good form for tho defeated faction of tho class' to try to take out of the president's hands duties which It was understood should be performed by the one chosen to fill that office? Such opposition bears a strong re semblance to sore-headedlsm. Tho wisdom of Presidont Smith in making his appointments has not been questioned. The gentlemen to whom (Continued on page 6.) DEABTERS RE-ENFORCED. Buckner and Lee Have Made Arrangements to Join In Two more old Inter-state debaters have climbed into the scrimmage. Witrr the members of last year's champion ship squad who had already registered for the preliminary, and with the large list of new men, George Lee and Emory Buckner lfned up yesterday. On ac count of the heavy college work they aro both obliged to carry in addition to outside calls on their time, it was not expected until recently that they would be In the scrimmage this year. "Lee de bated against Misourl in. 1901, was in tho team against Missouri In 1902, and went against Kansas last year at Law rence. Last year, wljlch was Buck ner's flrBt year in Interstate debating, he wont against Kansas. Tho preliminary debate Is supposed to take place In about a week, Thefe are thirty' or thirty-two entries, Secre tary Ityner reports. No further word has been received from Washington. SPECIAL NOTICE. Our number is 210 So. 12th St ' Our business is wholesale and retail bar bers' supplies razors, strops, combs, brushes, cosmetics, toilet Articles of every description. A. L. UNDELAJiD. If your cadet trousers show much wear, better order a new pair before spring. We- use an excellent cloth in our uniforms. Pants, $5.50 Palne's Clothing Stdro. Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. Next Monday afternoon tho thirty fifth annual Charter Day exercises and mid-winter commencement of the Unl erslty will bo held. Tho exercises will begin with the meeting of the Board of Regents at 2 o'clock. Dur ing the afternoon all departments of the University will, as usual, be thrown open to the public. MubIc will bo furnished by the Cadet band In Grant hall, where tho competitvo drill of the Pershing Rifle corps will also be held, followed by tho Indoor athletic contest, a program In detnll of which Is pub lished elsewhere on this page. In the evening, beginning at 8 o'clock, the mid-winter commencement will bo held and the Charter Day ex ercises continued in tho chapel. Pro fessor George Herbert Palmer, as was announced in Tho Nebraskan several weeks ago, will deliver tho Charter Day oration. Dr. Palmer Is professor of philosophy at Harvard University, and a man of International fame In educa tional circles. Ho was tho husband of the late Alice Freeman Palmer, presi dent of Wellesley College, and who was perhaps tho greatest leader In the cause of woman's education tho coun try over saw, Professor Palmer Is the author of numerous scientific and phil osophical works, which have gained recognition for him everywhere. As a man, he is well known and admired by Boveral members of our faculty who speak most highly of him. The musical features of the exer cises will be furnished by tho Cadet band and tho University chorus, to gether with an organ solo by Mn. Raymond. The program In detail Is as follows: AFTERNOON. 2:00 p. m. Moetlng of Board of Re gents. All departments of the University open to the public. Music by Cadet band, Grant Hall. Drill by Pershing Rifles, Grant Hall. 3:00 p. m. Annual Indoor- Athletic Contest, Grant Hall. EVENING. 8:00 p. m. Memorial Hall. Music Organ Solo, Mrs. Carrie B Raymond. Invocation, Rov. Dr. H. C. Swearin gen. Music Chorus, "Hallelujah," "Mes siah," University ChoriiB with organ and stidngB. Miss Stella Rice at or gan. ft Charter Day Oration Dr. George H. Palmer, Harvard Unverslty. Music Overture, "Crown Dia- raond,' Auber, Cadet band. Conferring of Degrees. Music Selection, "Coronation March," Meyerbeer, University Band. Benediction, Dr. Swearlngon. CHRISTIANS BEATEN. Presents Guidons Tho Pershing Rifles were, at their drill Thursday evening, tho happy re cipients of a pair of beautiful guidons, the present of tho Phi Beta Phi sor ority. Tho emblems are of scarlet and cream Bilk, worked with cross-guns and the initials "P. R." They are to bo carried by .the guide's of the company. Stereoplicon Lecture. The stereopticon views and the lec uro of Professor Alysworth in Ameri can histbrly II Friday morning was a grand success. The modes and curious customs of dress and travel were shown up in an exoellent manner and the class will now bo able to understand the history of the times much bettor. The R. & C. Barber Shop. Eight chairs. Two doors east of Lyric tho- Special rate to students at Hendry's. Uni Wins In A Hard Fought Bat tle. 2nd Team Also Wins. Before a crowd that should have been four times as large tho 'Varsity team defeated the Omaha Y. M. 0. A. and the second University team lowered Wesleyan's colors in two exciting games of basket ball. Both tho 'Varsity and the Omaha team had previously dofeated the Lin coln Y. M. C. A. team by vory oven scores and tho teams were very evenly matched. Only at tho laBt did tho 'Varsity men obtain any decided ad vantage. In Individual work the Oma ha mon did not show up so well as did tho Nebraskans, but In team work thoy excelled us. Tho game opened up by Omaha scor ing on a foul, after a mlnuto or bo of play. Fully flvo minutes elapsed bo foro another score was made, when Omaha again scored on a foul. Tho University's first Bcoro came after wo had -I polntB against us, Elliot throw ing a dimcult goal. Scoring then was on one side and on the other, with tho half ending 15 to 10 In favor of Omaha. Hewitt replaced Newton at centor the second half and "Red" Boomed to Infuse some fire Into the follows. Tho scoro kept about even for a time, but Elliot, Hagenslck and Hewitt finally located tho baskets and goal followed goal In quick succession, until the ' score stood 35 for the University to 26 for Omaha. Hoar played a star game at guard, and Elliot and Howitt scored most heavily. All tho 'Varsity mon out played their Individual opponents, only the Omaha team work holding the pcoro down. Chorrlngton was Omaha's bright particular star. Tho game between the second team and WoBleyan resulted Jn tho defeat of Wesleyan by a scoro of 24 to 10. Miller, who played tho last half, Krako and Tyner wero In tho game all tho time and Wesleyan had no show from tho start. The line-up for tho two-games is as follows: Nebraska: Guards, Hoar and Bepe dlct; center, Hewitt and Newton; forwards, Hagenslck and Elliot. Omaha Y. M. C. A.: Guards, WHIard and Anderson; center, Hansen; for wards Chorrlngton and Blxton. Second University: Guards, Tyner and Ludden; center, Noyes; forwards, Krake, Mathewson and Miller. Wesleyan: Guards, Smith and Mor gan; center, Merrill; forwards, Kluvor and Kims. Monday is tho thirty-fifth Charter Day, and the regents have ordained it a holiday. Formerly Charter Day was observed because on that day occurred the midwintor commencement, but such Is not the case. By far tho most prom inent feature of Charter pay now Is the indoor athletic contest. These "ontests have Increased in popularity, until now tho crowd's thaturn out tax even our; spacious (?) ojmory. Last vear saw the most successful of all Charter Day contests, and nearly every record was broken, and now that tho athletes have had tho advantage of Dr. Clapp's efficient training for over a year, wo freely predict a still more remarkable contest, perhaps oven a western record. The Interest .that tho athletes themselves show In Charter Day is manifested "by the long list of entries. In the dash over fifteen mon are entered, and in all the other events there is such a Jong list of contest ants that if there were not some limi tations the contest will take too long. Consequently there will be a weeding out this afternoon at 2:30 In all events in which there are more thnn six en tries. The Charter Day program will begin at 3 o'clock. There wjll be no admission charge and no tickets. Fif ty seats will be reserved for special (Continued on page 3.) -i tCTTT m &4&!Z t -.. y- 7t.