'I'T ' y v "'" . G !) e H a i 1 1? mebrasftan f 2PWFs?? f.- C Ztafy lltbraskan. A ooinolMntlon of (The Heiporinn, Vol. 01 , Tlio Nobrnnkan, VoL lo, Scnrlet and Cream, Tol. 4. Editor-in-Chief 4nainMs Manager Otroulator John O. IUm A. Q. Sohrelber 0. A. Sawyer ASSOCIATE EDITORS Nw - - - P. A. Bwing Athletic - - J. D. ClaWc Literary - Dorothy Green Repor:er D. P. De Young nd Mable Fouler DffloMt Editorial, U 103 H; Bualnrai, U 211W. Post OMce, Box 18, Station A, Lincoln. ftabaorlptlon Prlot, 13 per jronr. In advanaa. in in . m.. ii .i .. - i i i i . mt Vuterad at tho poatoflloo at Llnooln, NabraaU aa leoond-olass mall matter. Editorial Remarks Unloaa ordered discontinued Tho Daily Nebraskan will bo sent tho com ing aomester to all prosent subscribers. Tho iluulntlon of a petition for the election of t'.e editor and biiHlness manager of tho Sombrero by the Soph omore class is on Important move ment, yet matters have come to such a pufiB as to require this action, In order that the book next year may be mado a snccesB. Such methods that have prevailed In the pffst can not continue to operate flagrantly and Btill be countenanced. A change Ib neces sary and a majority of the Sophomore class are active in demanding It as well as the University public In gen oral. The action of the class Ib re quired In order that the remedy may be devised and applied. They muet take their stand and take it now. as they are now doing, In oldei that good may be accomplished. The book must be made to primarily fulfill the de sires and purposes of tho class and of the University instead of certain indi viduals. Sufficient returns must be forthcoming for the investment made and only under such conditions cm. the best results be obtained. Graft is injurious to any system with which it Is connected, and whatever the in dividual thus obtains Is-detiimental lo the muse which he is expected to serve. Tho management of the Som brero has degenerated Into a lnrm of speculation In which those in charg'j hae used every endeavor to benefit themselves and at the same time to get it something that might pass for a as book, which is only such in name. If the proper per cent of the amounts raised should be devoted to making tho book as perfect and com plete as possible, then the results would be much more satisfactory. No one demands that those In charge should -not receive reasonable compensation. But tho University desires that.niore of tho money collected should be deToted to the book than has been in the past, and thai those In charge should not un duly recompense Uhemselves at the expense of the book. In order that such conditions may exist It is neces sary that men who can be trusted be put in charge of the work Such rnon con best be secured by election by the class. Thercfoio It Is for the best In terests of the Sophomoic class and the Univerlty that an election bo held and the best men chosen. The World-Herald has been calling the attention of tho public to-the view' of prominent citizens concerning the Temple Fund, and has dwelt upon these as being conclusive and of great weight and Importance. After read ing theuii it Ib interesting to note th.1 opinions expre3ed of late. by some of the lrjpst prominent citizens and most kfen-olghted business men of the state, whkh ar.- beginning to come foith as a leacjlon against tho agitation that the World-Herald lias aroused among those of Kn own pc:silao!on. We find that Hie iews of the people of the state aie not oniynot altogether one sided, but thoto Is a bare possibility that tho leaning may be tho other way and It probably is. The World-Hci-ald has sought primnrily the oplniors of Its sympathizers, hoping to bury whatocr acheise iows that might be rerched In the hirgrr mass, nut what "corns the strangest thing now Is tint It Is at piesent ou.ipicd briefly In combatting opinions favlrable to tli" Temple Kund. This i Indeed a chong In tho stato of affairs. Tho people of tho state are beginning to assert them selves and It is evident tbtey do not care to fall In with the nhaoks made by the World-Herald. Tho paper ha vigorously prcs.nted one side, but now by its being constantly compelled in combat views opposite to its own, it isj evident that the lido has set In tho oth er direction and that Its force is be ing felt. The basket ball game tonight is an Inviting attraction. Those who come out will be well rewarded for their pains, as the Y. M. C. A. men are i strong aggregation, and our team will hae an excellent chance to show its strength. The team has developed con stantly, and the Omaha players will have their hands full in boating them I et everyone attend this game. New Officers Appointed. The tollowing appointments weir lead at drill lust evening: Special Order No. lu. 1. The following cadets are hereb b tailed on dally duty as clerks in the commandant's office: Private Hoy Hatton, Co D., and K H. McCnw. Co. B, and D. D. Drain. Co. A. 2. The following appointments and piomotions are hereby made In th" battalion to "take effect this date: Cti A. To be quartermaster sergeant: Ser geant C. M. Loftier. To bo sergeants: Corporal F. C. Hrooklngs and F. A. Andrson. To be coiporais: Privates 1.. A. Hig gins and A. I.. 1 ott. CO II. To be iorgeantt: Corporals .L. A. Taul and P. Horst. To be corporals: Piivatrs O. I. Car son. H. S. V(thera!d and W. R. Wood vraid. CO. C. To be qunr tor in aster sergeant: Ser geant R. H. Scrlbner. To be Hergeants: Corporal E. II Adams. To bo corporals: Privates J. S. Slmms and E. D. Slaughter. The above named non-commissioned officers will be obeyed and respected accordingly. By order of. CAPTAIN CHASE. The reassignment of guns was con tinued, Company B receiving new pieces. Captain Chase announced that the regular Friday classes In military science would meet this afternoon, as the text books have arrived. Suspended For Cribbing. Seven students have been suspended fiom the University of Wisconsin Law School. One has been punished be cause of immoral conduct, and six otheis have tnllen victims to the vigil ance of the new dean of the college of law in seeking out those who cheat In examinations. Piolessor Harry Rlch atds, the new dean, sui prised the law depot tment ten days ago by warning that infractions of the rule against "cribbing" examinations would he watched for by monitors and tho of fendeis would be Suspended. Special rate to students ut Hendry's. The Whitebreofit Co.. at HOG O St.. is the place to buy coal.' Waterman Fountain fen $2.00 to $5.00 1200 O Street. RECTORS Best 2 for $.25 Collar on Eai'th W. E. UNLAND & CO. Sole Agents 1042 O Street. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital $300,000.00 Surplus J 10,000.00 Undivided Profits 40,000.00 9. H. BURNHAM, President. A. J. SAWYER H. S. FREEMAN Vice-Pros. Cashier. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS Asst C. shier Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY. Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. & & jt j KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & nLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-773 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Seo our full line of fancy boxes, includ ed FOOT BALLS and DRESS SUIT OASES. Try our Bittor-Swceta, But termilks and Venitrans. 1337 O STREET W. FOLIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels lor Sale or Exchange GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 f , Itth. Telephone D 1307 Estimates furniahod upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Western Glass & Paint Co, 12th & M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Dr. Jno. J. Davis Graduate Optician nnu Qelractionist. Headaches and all Nervous Troubles re lieved by correctly fitted Speotaolea, Prices Low. Consultation free. HoraeOfllce 1222 0 St. 'Phone 913 $ffi OMAHA .n.r..!... i . viin imu uui ! PRINTERS mm r h ni wh n - u - Q 0 A a Blank Book Makers, Q Lithographers and Em- fj bosscrs, Jones Loose Leaf a Ledgers, Densmore Type () Writers, Office Furniture, sv J V 918 to 924 FARNUM I OMAHA, NEB. STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone J 209 Union College Tailors South Enterance College Bldg. COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OP LINCOLN, NEDDASJCA CAPITAL - - $1 0,000.00 OFFICERS John WriL'ht.Pn-s J H. Wf..tt. V Pre. Jew Suiiiueln.2iid Vlcc-Iw. I'. I, Hull, C'u-hliT. W. B. Ityoni, Aw t. v'ah. Good Things to Eat EVEDYTH1NG NEW AND CLEAH Good Old FoBhicned Home Cooking. Meals Sorved a la Carto. THE HOMLL CAFE 2l48iV The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place where you can get you Clothing Cleaned and "Pressed 'Phone 708. Northeast Cor 11th and (X T "GRESWELL" AN ARROW COLLAR QUARTER SIZES, IB CEWTS EACH. TWO FOR 25 CENTS. CLUBTT. FEAEonv rn MAKIRg OF CLMETT ANQ MONAMCHSraon 'n V; I V . k '.i ISS, .. . - - ... . . ..,.. I, ..!. Ml, .11 I j,. .,. .1 '""I ' ySRS