The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 12, 1904, Image 1

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VOL. III. NO. 84
Services Will Be Held in Chapel
Sunday Afternoon.
Next Sunday afternoon, beginning at
4 o'clock, raomorlal Berviccs for the
late Dr. Edgren will bo held in Memo
rial hall. Dr. Edgren's recent death
at hia home In Stockholm. Sweden, is
still fresh in the minds of University
people, and the services which are to
be held to his memory have been in
courae of preparation over since that
sad event was announced. His long
connection with this Universit had
won for him a firm place not only in
the hearts of University people, but of
Nebraskans in general, and friends of
this institution throughout the stae
will join with us in offering' tributes
to his memory. Prominent personage3
of Lincoln will offer appreciations of
Dr. Edgren, as ho appeared in dlffei-,
ent aspects, whljo the men and women
in the University who knew him best
will also contribute their share towaul
making the services a fitting memorial
to the great man.
It will be the desire of those taking
part in the exercises to show the. in
estimable good that Dr. Edgren ac
complished for the peoplo of thiB Uni
erslty as much as to evidence their
soirow nt his loss. The following is
the program in detail.
Funeral March. Ch'oplrn - Mrs. Carrlf
B. Raymond.
Reading, Chancellor E. Benj. An
drews. "Lead Kindly Light," University
. Tributes to Dr. Edgren
Tho Scholar L. A. Sherman
The University Teacher
Chas. E. Bessy
"I Know That My Redeemer Llveth''
Mrs. R. A. Holyoke
The American Citizen. ..Chas. H. Gere
Tho Man Lawrence Fossler
"Abide With Me," University Cho
rus and Audience
It will be seen from the above pro
gram that every side of Dr. Edgren'?
character will be given a full and ap
preciative dlBouBSion by men who were
prominently associated with him dur
ing his connection with the University.
He was a man whose fame was not
confined to the limits of this Institu
tion, but extended throughout the en
tire country, and it is probable that he-
did more to bring the University Into
prominence than any other man ever
connected with it. A great interest is
being manifested in the services by tho
people of Lincoln, and an Immense aud
ience will doubtless attend tho Memo
rial. -
Petition Being Circulated for the Election of tho Editor and Man
ager of tho Sombrero by the Sophomore Class.
May Lunch in Y. W. C. A.-Room.
A new custom haB been established
in the association rooms. All glrhiJ
wno unng inoir luncues are urgeu in
bring them to the room to eat and
join all the rest. Hot tea and choco
late are served. This makes lunches
far more palatable on these cold days
and there is afforded an opportunity
for a little enjoyment and to get ac
w qualnted with other girls. We wish It
to bo distinctly understood this is noi
for association girls alone, but for
overy girl in tho Institution.
Sara's Cafe. The only place In the
city to get the famous "Little Gem
Hot Waffles." Special service far 1
Snecial rates to students wishing
typewriting done. 512 Richards block.
Box of cigars given avray every day
at Powell's Oliver theatre building..
Union Shining "Parlor, 1018 0 qt"
' Chairs ahd ladies and gentlemen.
'We. th undersigned membeis of
the class of '00, believing that the Som
brero represents the University as well
as the Junior class, desire that tho
rditor-ir.-chlcf and business manager
of the Sombrero board bo elected by the
Sophomore claES. and pledge ourselves
to ote for any such measure."
The foiegoing paragraph 1b the text
of a petition that is being circulated
by members of the Sophomore class,
and its purposo is self-explanatory. Tho
stand is taken that the Sombrero not
only concerns tho Junior class, but
the whole University as well, and that
the Interests .involved are too large to
be entrusted to individuals who may
chance to gain control of the book
through their own efforts and the sup
port that they can procure by arious
means. The men who receive the chief
places on the Sombrero board must be
men who can be trusted to subvert their
own ends to the good of the book, and
hence to the good of the class and of
the Unhertity.
The results of combinations by in
teiested parties can hardly prove sat
isfactory to the class, and It Is felt
that this is a feature that is bound to
creep In, unless proper precautions can
be taken to prevent it. It is felt that
the class can receive a safer assuranco
of having a creditable book through
taking action of its own accord to
bring about such a result, than by
tiueting to what chanco may bring
after the control of the book has fall
en to Individuals who would In all
probability seek to Improve the op
portunity for their own personal ad
vantage to the detriment of the book.
The best Interests of the book nn.l
personal ends can not be served at tho
same time, and of the two-the former
have always suffered.
Up to yesterday ovening seventy
names had been signed to the petition
and the field had been by no means
fully covered. Tho fact that those cir
culating the petition had no difficulty
in securing signers Is sufficient Evi
dence that tho idea of having the book
more under Control of the class is a
popular one among University people
In general. In fact It seems certain
that the future success. Qt the book
depends upon the outeomd of the move
ment that has just been started, Un
less the University public is assured
that the men who are placed In charge
of tho Junior Annual aro men whom
the clnsfl deslfes fo see them and
men who can beTrusted to fulfill the
wishes of their class-mates who have
-htterested themselves In an undertak
ing to place the control and standard
of the book upon a higher piano, it is
doubtful if sufficient support can bo ob
tained to make it a success.
University people are disgusted with
tho methods that have prevailed In the
past and they strongly desire to see a
change. They can feel no satisfaction
Jn tho knowledge that tho suppprt thpy
accord fulfills only a purt ojr the pur
pose that they desire it to. Thero is
nothing reassuring In tho idea that
their efforts to help make the bopk a
success fall Bhort of the .mark through
the Intervention of individuals whq'
are only too apt to turn the powors
entrusted jto them to their own advan
tage. They would certainly contribute
more freely If they were suro that
the book would receivo the greatest
benefit, and that there- would be no
danger of their efforts being put forth
Invain. If their wishes should bo ful
filled wo would have a better book
The Basketball Team Will Strive
With the Men From Omaha.
and less dishonesty in class affairs.
ThiB mismanagement and dishonesty
Mint has prevailed In the pnst has
flourished merely because no check
has been applied. The proceedings of
individuals who have thus worked to
their own pecuniary advantage havo
been viewed with complacency, and a
man's success wasHjudged by the size
of his rake-off. That such a thing
will be tolerated behind the scenes is
the general impression that has pre
vailed, and thus many have been
incited to go In and try for tho places
to see how large a haul thoy could
make, because there "Was nothing to re
strain them.
But now University sentiment has
asserted itself and a change must be
made. The old system must be swept'
away and a now one Installed. Fair
methods and disinterested efforts are
necessary to the fullest success of any
purpose, and especially bo In This Uni
versity. Tho book is supposed to rep
resent the class and the University and
it must fulfill its purpose or It never
can be a success.
The feeling that prevails is best
indicated by the opinions expressed by
responsible members of the Sophomore
class. One man said:
"It is generally understood that tho
Sombrero board was determined upon
before the class met to elect tho pres
ident. I presume that Ib Is generally
tho case, although I can not say for
sure. Yet it does not seem light that
theso places should be bartered off
merely to those who aro able to offer
support in return. I think the only
wIeo thing to do would be for the
class to call a halt on this wlrq-pulllng,
and get together and elect the men
whom they desire to see have the
places. This Beems to be the best solu
tion possiblo and I, like many othors,
would bo glad to aid In carrying out
such a plan."
This opinion brings up a phase that
wo havo hesitated to touch, partly be
cause we did not wish to see anyono
buffer Injustice through possible mis
representation and partly because we
hoped It might not be true. However,
the contingency is possible, and there
is no doubt that the interests of the
class can bo served best by allowing
it to chose men satisfactory to Itself.
Another man brought up a constitu
tional point. He said:
"The constitution of the class states
that the president Is empowered to ap
point committees, hut has llo refer
ence to boards. The chief place's on
tho Sombrero board certainly do not
constitute' a committee by any means:
So even if the president should an
nounce tho appointments of tire editors
of the Sombrero there Is no reason
why tho class sTTould acept them, as he
has no constitutional authority to act
In fhls capacity and what the consti
tution does not provide for the class
must attend to."
This point If borne out is alone suf
ficient grounds for the election of tho
editor and the business manager by
tho class. And the prcsont feeling add
ed to it should certainly have a deter
mining effect.
Wo bollevo that It -Is tho duty of the
.preBldeqt of tho Sopnomore claES to
call a meeting and consult the wishes
pf the class. Tho petition will no doubt
be signed by a great maporlty of tho
cIosb. So tho' act that the majority
signify, their desire to have the editor
and the business manager elected by
the class Is certainly sufficient reason
for calling a meeting. TJils action is
taken becauso of a genuine desire to
seo evil conditions remedied, and the
wishes of the class should prevail, as
the attitude of the University public
and the' final sucpess of tho book de
pend ,upon such a result.
Through a printer's error tho Nc
brasknn yestorday morning ect last
night as the date of the game between
the University basket-ball team and
the Omaha Christian team. This game
comes -off tonight at 8 o'clock sharp,
and will bo finished in time for any
body to attend a .society meeting.
Everybody come out and give our team
a roiiBing reception in this first gam"
with an outside team. Our line-up
will be: Elliott and Hagensick. fof
wauls; Benedict, center; Hoar and
Newton, guards. We are not nblo to
give Omaha's line-up.
Tho completion of the schedule for
our baseball trip Is held up by Min
nesota's failure to reply. Bololt'aleo
has not yet signed, the manager thero
not yet having gained the consent of
the athletic board for a game with us.
A BorleB of gameB havo been ar
ranged for with the Omaha Western
Lcaguo team for April 5. G. and 7.
These games will be played In Lin
coln and may be followed by another
series in Omaha. These games al
ways furnish excellent practlco for our
team and we have always succeeded
In capturing at least one In the series.
Negotiations are also under way
for a game with the Chicago National
League team,. to be played in Lincoln
about the middle of April.
Poor old. Kansas! She really de
serves the world's sympathy and at the
samo time the world's deepest respect
for having sacrificed her best football
game to her principles. Manager
Plank has made a tour of the Big Nino
and managed to secure a game with
only ono, and that one thb tall-endor.
Two extracts from his report are note
worthy: "Illinois had promised to play
Nebraska If she came west." Kansas
evidently doubts whether Illinois is
coming west or not, and thinks that
If she did she would much rather play
forsaken Kansas than Nebraska. "The
schedule next year will be a hard one
for KausaB. The three- big gameB- are
Purdue, Haskell, Colorado." We be
lieve the first part of this, but we
wonder what Kansas thinks of oar
schedule, on which Colorado ranks
sixth instead of third.
Captain States desires all the long
dlstanco runners in school to como
out on Tuesdays and Thursdays nt .V.
and on Saturdays at 2:30.
Y. W, C. A. Notes.
The object of this association shall "
be the development of Christian char
acter in its members and the prosecu
tion of active Christian work, par
ticularly among the young womon of
the institution.
The noon meetings of the Y. W. C.
A. for tho week beginning February
10, will be In charge of Mis3 Anna
Van Zandt, who will give extracts
from Gordon's "Quiet Talk on Power."
All who can, are urged to como the
first day and each (lay as promptly nt
12:20 as possible In order that the con
nection may not be lost, for the run
ning sequence will be very essential to
tho help and onjoymen to be dorlveil
from these readings.
Tho social committee reports that ,
dozens and dozens of gayly qolored
heart cookies have been ordered for
tho social nt Mrs. P. M. Hall's, 10.40 J)
street, and now it is up to tho girls
of .the association to bo theVe and
help the committee cat thonf. A good
time is sure to be tho result of tho
preparations which havo been made
for this evening, Saturday evening,
January 13th;
Chris' Bath Parlor, llth andi P Sts.
ChRpin Bros., Florist?, 127 So. J3tk.
A' - I