Ebe gaUg tlebraalian I w 1 1 s h BUSINESS DIRECTORY Every Loyal University Student Is Urged to Patronize these Nebraskan Advertisers, and to Mention the Paper While Doing So. ECONOMIC ESSAY PRIZES ART GOODS Curtice, Lincoln Book Store. BANKS Columbia, First National. BARBER SHOP Palace, R. & C, Shannon. BATHS Chris Place. BICYCLES, ATHLETIC GOODS Sam Hall, Sidles, Glrard, Lyman. BOOKS & STATIONERY Porter, Co - Op, Brown, University Book Store. Sam Hall, Lincoln Book Store. BOOK BINDING Gillespie. CARPENTER Wilson. CIGARS Powell, Llndsey, Follart. CLOTHING Unland, Magee & Deemer, B. L. Paine, Armstrong. COAL Gregory, Dlerka, Whltebroaut, P. D. Smith. CONFECTIONERY Leming, Maxwell, Lincoln Candy Kltcan. DAIRY Franklin, Laming. DANCING HALL Fraternity. DRUGGIST Stoinor, Woempner, Rec tor, Briwn, Rlggs, "Wright. FLORISTS Chapin Bros. DRY GOODS Miller & Paine. FURNITURE Rudo & Guoncel, A. M. Davis, Hardy. EXPRESS Linooln Local. Lincoln GROCERS KeyBtone, Farmers Grocery-Transfer. - - HARDWARE Hall, Rudgo & Guenzel. HOTELS Lindell, Walton, Boyd. INSURANCE Connecticut Mutuai. JEWELERS Tucker, Hallet, Rich ards. LAUNDRIES Yule Bros., LIVERIES Mellck, LUMBER Dlerka. NIGHT SCHOOL Modern Commer cial. NOVELTIES Thorpe. OIL & GASOLINE Lincoln Tank Line,- OPTICIAN Dr. J. J. Davis. PAINT & CfLABQ Western Glass & Paint Co. PHOTOGRAPHS Hayden. PIANOS Schmoller & Mueller, Robs Curtice. PLUMBING Korsmeyer. POOL & BILLIARDS Powell. PRINTING, Griffin Greer, New Cen tury, Ivy Presla, Tleview Press, George Bros. . RESTAURANTS Westerfleld, Unique, Don Cameron, Good Health. SHOES Perkins & Sheldon, Sander son, Anderson, SHOE REPAIRING Blue Front Shop. STENOGRAPHER Shepherd, room 512, Richards blk. 8UITORIUM Weber, Burt's. TAIIiORS Unland, Bumstoad. THEATRES Olllver, Lyric. TYPEWRITERS Olllver. Chicago Firm Offers Incentive For University Men The registrar has recolved the fol lowing communication from ProfeBor Lawrence Laughlln, of the University of Chicago: In. order to arouse an Interest In tho study of topics relating to commerce and industry, and to stimulate an ex amination of the value of college train ing for business men, a committee composed of Professor J. Lawrence Laughlln, University of Chicago, chair man; Professor J. B. Clark, Columbia University; Professor Henry C. Adams, University of Michigan; Hor ace White, Esq., New York City, and Hon. Carrol D. Wright, National Com missioner of Labor, havo been enablod, through the generosity of the firm ol Hart, Schaffner and Marx, of Chicago, to offer four prizes for the beBt stud ies on any one of the following sub jects: 1. The causes and extent of tho re cent Industrial progress of Germany. 2. To what is tho recent growth of American competition in tho markets of Europe to be attributed? 3. Tho Influence of industrial com binations upon the condition of the American laborer. 4. The economic advantages and disadvantages of present colonial pos sessions to the mother country. 5. The causes of the panic of 1903. 6. What forms of education should bo advised for tho elevation of wage earners from a lower to a higher In dustrial status In the United States? 7. What method of education Is treat suited for men entering upon trade and commerce? A first prize of $1,000 and a second prize of $500 in cash, are offered for the best studies presented by Class A, composed exclusively of all persons who have received the bachelor's de gree from an- American college since 1893; and a llrst prize of $300, and a second prize of $150, In cash, are of fered for the best studies presented by ClasB B. composed of persons who, at the time the papers were sent In, are undergraduates of any American col lege. No one in class A may compete In claBS B, but any one In class B may compete In claBS A. Tho com mittee reserves to Itself the right to award the two prizes of $1,000 and $500 to undergraduates, If the merits of the papers demand It. The ownership of tho copyright of successful studies will rest In the donors, and It Is expected that, with out precluding the ubo of these papers as theses for higher degreos, they will cuuse them to be issued In some per manent form. Competitors are advised that the studies should be thorough, expressed In good English, and not needlessly expanded. They should be inscribed with an assumed name, the year when the bachelor's degree was received, and the institution which conferred the degree, or in which he Is studying, and accompanied by a sealed envelope giving the real name and address of the competitor. The papers should be sent on or before June 1, 1905, la J. Lawrence Laughlln, Esq., Universi ty 6f Chicago, Box 145, Faculty Ex change, Chicago, Illinois. Dr. Jordan of Leland-Stanford Uni versity, surprised Dr. Bessey yester day mQrning by droping into his class. He waB asked to give a talk, to which request ho consented and said that he was one of the first instructors liH botany ifTHarvaj-d and nff"prided him self on the fact that from those who took work under here there were now a dozen of the leading botanists of the United States. Woman's Home Companion 10'ACOPY.i THE IDEAL HOME MAGAZINE Is in its twenty-eighth year; is rimed on fine paper and pro usely illustrated. It gives 40 to 54 pages a month, each page ix by 16 inches, and a new and beautiful cover in colors every issue. Its editors and contrib utors are the most popular American writers ; in snort, it is the ideal family magazine, magnificently illustrated. Its departments are edited by ex perts and are full of interest As a home magazine it has no su periors, nnd few, if any, equals. 6H Pages-l,2W Pictures BACH PAdB IS EQUAL TO KHJ1 ORDINARY MA0AZINB PAQES... Hundreds of thousands con sider it a family necessity. It is clean, pure and inspiring. Its contents, while varied, are entertaining and of the highest i svHa. If nnntmna nAltHAff daiu sationaltsm nor provincialism. It already has 340,000 subscribers, and this number is constantly increasing. A Live Agcat Wasted In Every Commaslty. Most Liberal Terms. Sabscriptloa Price $1.00 a Year. Ten Cents a Copy. Cpf(1 Tpn Cflfci fr a sample copy and we will send you ah elegant ocuu cu veil 10 engraving, 20 by 25 inches in size, of Landseer's famous painting " Defiance, or Stag at Bay." Mention this offer when you write. Address WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, Springfield, Ohio SLOOAYEAn . s I Wt CWOWEU.K KHUtfATBICK COMPANY. HJPUtHtR The 9 o'clock- division of American History II will meet for their recita tion Friday ifFthe old chapel, where a stereoptlcon lecture will be given. An approprlpate and useful Valen tine is a copy of "An Old Sweetheart of Mine,' or "The Courtship of Miles Standlsh." Illustrated by Christy. The Lincoln Book Store. Lemlng's, ice crpnm ana candy; lltb and L Sts. Wright Drug Co., 117 No. 11th, 'phone 313. Call at 1134 O St. OR TELEPHONE 812 For all Kinds of Commercial and Society Printing Qrlffln-GreorPrlntlng Co There is no watch, clock or Article of jewelry we cannot fix C. A. TUCKER The Up-to-the-MlnuU Jeweler PROMPT SERVICE. H23 O Street The Photographer 1029 O STREET FOR PINE PHOTOS Lincoln Tank Line Successor To C H. Mann GASOLINE, KEROSENE, LUB ICATING OIL 125 No. 12th Street. Telephone 473 OUR PRICES Shirks any stylo Oc 8ottou Undershirts 5c otlon Df&wtirs.' . . .-.-. .-n . rr.5c. Nightshirts 8c Socks 5c Handkerchiefs, 3 for 5c YUlgE BROS. LAUNDRY THE BEST ALWAY8 THE CHEAP- rT The Connecticut Mutual Life nauranoe Co. offers a Polloy that Combines all the valuable features that experience has shown to bo de sirable in life insurance, and is liberal, Just and definite in all its terms and conditions. For further information or sample policy call on JOHN H. PLATZ, Agent lit South 12th St. Lincoln Weairyjjjiy STYLISH SHOES THE celebrated Hanan, Walk-Over and W.L. Douglas makes for men, Hanan and Sorosis Shoes for women. Swedish Gymnasium Shoe. None genuine unless stamped "Perkins' Swedish' ROGERS & PERKINS COMPANY Successors to Webster & Rogers und Perkins and Sheldon Co. 1120 O Street. ? LINDSEY'S CIGAR STORE Up-to-Duto Soda Fountain and Magazines. MS.rNorth llth Street, POWELL'S BILLIARD AND POOL HALL was opened this fall with tables all newly covered, best cues and balls, newly papered, everything up-to-daU, Including customers, I. P. POWELL, !46 N lltfi SL Pta L iU for acceptable Mat State if pateate. THE PATENT RE0MD, Ratttara IM lpt'sn price of tho Patent Rbooss Slqo twkrmnnnm flnnml.. imt mi tabscT Uf . , trti J