TL b c S) a 1 1 p 1R e D r a 0 R a n !' r- Ce Dap Debraskan. X oonnolidntlon of . Wk Hwperian, Vol. 81, The Hebrakn, ToL 1, Boarlet and Cream, ToU A. dltorta-Chitf rfmaln Manager Otamlator John D. Rio A. O. Boaralber O. . SW7r ASSOCIATE EDITORS Ntwi - - - P. A. Swing Athletic " - - J. D. CUrk Literary - Dorothy Green Reporters D. P. Dc Young nd Mablc Fouler Offloeai BditorUl, U KOM: Itarineu, U tHH Post Otto, Box 18, BUUon A, Lincoln. Pabsoriptton Prio, It pr jrar. In advaaoc Btrl t th poatoflloo t Llnooln, Nvbraika M tooond-cUM mall matior. Editorial Remai'ks Unlets ordored discontinued Tho Daily NebrasUan will be tent the oom ing semester to all present subsoribers. We wish to take special pains In railing attention to the service that will be hold in chapel noxt Sunday evening. This will ho a special Ber loo for University studentB. Chan cellor Androws will address the meet ing and all of our student body should endeavor to be present. There will bo Homothlng in this service and Chan cellor Andrews' address that will ap peal to all of our student body, and It is realy a privilege that all of is are enabled to meet together in this manner. ly fixed. Other western institutions have tried in vain to obtain games with tho "Big Nine" teams with whom wo have arranged dates, and It Is to our credit that wo have succeeded where they have failed. Our next schedule is tho strougost that wo have ever had, and thus are tho allegations made by our envious neighbors that wo are be ing pushed to tho wall for recogni tion being directly refuted. Wo can not help but feel that anoth ed successful season like those of the past two years will Bettlo boyond a doubt tho permanency of our ability to furnish a team that can compare well with the "Dig Nine" teams. Our schedule Is heavy, but this will only call for greater effort. Tho Minnesota, Iowa and Haskell games come close to gether and will present a difllcult prop osition, and as a result hard early sea son work will be required in getting the team into shape. Yet two years ago we had a string of heavy games that caimod even tho most loyal sup porters to fear, but next year wo hope to do as well as wo have done in the past and ovon show improvement. The sigiiB point to a greater and more suc cessful season than ever, and wo havo confidence that they will be fulfilled. Waterman Fountain 'Pen $2.00 to $5.00 1200 O Street. RECTORS DAY OF PRAYER February 14th Universal Day of Prayer for Colleges THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capita 1300,000.00 Supply 110,000.00 Uailvlded Proflta 40,000.00 fl. K. BURNHAM. President. A. J. SAWYER H. 8. FREEMAN Vlce-Pr. Cashier. H. B. EVAN& FRANK PARKS AbbL C.-flhier Asst. Cashier P. R. BABTERDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. !tates $1.00 and 11.26 Per Day. pealal Rates by tho Week. BOYD HOTEL MRfl. KATE MARTIN, PROP. Only one block from B. M. Dopot. Only on block from Poet Ofllco. Near all street oar linm. Ttl Itroot. Lincoln, Kebranka T. J. THOltr o The basket ball game tonight should 1 rove a goocf attraction, as a contest or a most exciting and closely fought character Is bound to occur. The Oma ha Y. M. C. A. always haB a good team, which may be accounted, for by their having such a largo field to pick from. The fact that the Y. M. C. A. teams all over the country have been proving su perior to college teamB as a rule 1b more noticeable this year than former ly. Honco a trial of strength between the teams Is always interesting. Our team has not played any of its heavi est games yet, although the one tonight nrnmlaoB to Berve as a strong start. Tho game was arranged after brief ne gotiations, and little time was left for an announcement to bo made. Nev ertheless a good attraction always ought to draw, and a large crowd should come out tonight and witness the game. Again we would like to call the at tention of our .readers to the favor that they can do ub by calling for Ne braska coupons at the business houses thnt hnvA ndvertislnc in our columns. These coupons have been left with oui'f. f advertisers and we would regard it as a special favor If University people would call for them and thus ahow that they appreciate the liberal spirit of those who patronize the college pa per and make Its publication possible. No matter how large the amount of the purchase may be, everyone is de sired to call for a coupon. This will lot our advertisers know that the Uni versity public Is Interested In the wel fare of their paper and that they will remember those who patronize It. In . our business directory Is to .be found the best class of business houses In the city and the ones that take the most Interest In tho University. These cou pons are all numbered and should bo preserved, as we expect to give awaj urlzes. Announcements concerning these will bo made later. o Wo have a right to feel satisfaction now that our football schedule Is final- Sunday, February the 14th, will bo observed by thousands of college stu dents all over the United States, as "The Universal Day of Prayer for Col leges." The University of Nebraska will have her share In this day of Im portant services, and will have differ ent meetings during the day in the interest of college affairs. At 9 o'clock In the morning the young women will hold a service, known as "The Quiet Hour." led by Paul Corbin, travelling secretary of the Student Volunteer Movemont of the International com mittee. Mr. Corbin Is well known to. a large number of University Btudonts, who are asBiired of an Interesting ser vice. At the same hour, In the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Prof. F. A. Stuff, member of the advisory board of the University association will lead in "The Quiet Hojr" for University men. Those who know Professor Stuff personally will not need to bo urged to attend this sprlce. It 1b expected that a goodly number of men will attend this early morning service. At 3 o'clock p. m., In University hall, ioom 10G, there will be a meeting for both men and women, addressed by Mr. Paul Corbin. Special music will be a feature of this meeting. The "Vesper Servico." In the Uni versity chapel at 7 p. m., addressed by Chancellor Andrews, will conclude the day In a most 'fitting manner. No Unlvorslty student can afford to ioIbs We believe that-4 we have the strongest chancellor In the country, and expect to show h'lm that we believe It thoroughly. If you believe the same, bo In this meeting. .JlLm COMPANY General Machinists AU Klnda of Rplrtnj Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nebraska Phone. I4 Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. j j j KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & BLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Seo onr fall lino of fancy b'oxos, inolud ind FOOT BALLS and DRESS SUIT OASES. Try our Bittor-Swoeta, But termilks and Vonitrans. 1337 O STREET OMAHA PRINTING GO. PRINTERS a Blank Book Makers, Q Lithographers and Em- Q bossers, Jones Loose Leaf Ledgers, Densmore Type Writers, Office Furniture, Stationery. 0 918 to 924FARNUM I OMAHA, NEB. STUDENTS For first-class Tailoring at low prices, see Union College Stu dents Tailors. Telephone 1209 Union College Tailors South Enterance College Bldg. W. FOLIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Novels for Sale or Exchange Law Library, Rules. Dean Pound of the law school had found it necesary to adopt some rather BtrlnKent rules in regard to students carrying hooks from the llhrary, and not returning them at the specified time. Con8lderahle carelessness has been exhibited on the part of students In thjs respect, which Dr. Pound has seen fit to check. Any failure to con form to the rules to the letter may re sult In serious consequences to the of fender, of which suspension from the library may be but a mild sentence. Restaurant Unique, 1228 o St. Chapin Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 13th. Chris' Bath Parlor. 11th and P Sta. The WhltebreaBt Co.. at HOG O St. is the place to buy coal. GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BULLIER OMo an SUl. tZZ t. 12th. Telephone B 1397 Eitisoatea fnrniahad upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINOOLN, NEBRASKA Hotel Walton 1515 O Street. Phinc5co. 100 roouiB best low-pi wu I bouse in city RATE&-$i Per l)av and Up Western Glass & Paint Co. 12th & NLSts., Lincoln. Neb- Dr. Jno. J. Davis Graduate Optician ana fielracliontst. Headaches and all Nervous Troubles ro Uered by correctly fitted Bpeotaclea. Prices Low. Consultation free. Homo Office 1222 O St. 'Phono 313 COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN, NEDDASKA CAPITAL - - $1 0,000.00 OFFICER8 John Writfht, Pr. J H.", Vic-Pr.-H. Joo Samuels, 2nd Vico-Pres. P. I,. Hull, Ciwhier. W. B. Ryonn, Aiw't. nih. Good Things to Eat EVERYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fashioned Home Cooking. Meals Served a la Oarto. THE HOME CAFE 2, 8&?Ah8t. The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place where you can get your Cloffy'ng Cleaned and 'Pressed 'Phone 708, Northeast Cor 11th and O. IBFII tBffk I "KATONAH" I CLUETT BRAND I QUARTER SIZES, 20 CENTS EACH I CLUETT, P&ABODY fl CO., MAKIM OF OtUITT AND MONARCH IHIRTt 'H f s K -V B! -x writedBta