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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1904)
tip IFtebtashan Ibe VOL, IIL NO. 83 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY U, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS s M i. IK'v- 1 1 j DR. JORDAN HERE President of Leland-Stanford Speaks at Chapel THE BAND CONCERT Cadet Band Will Give Concert February 29th GUI' University had tho pleasure of entertaining Dr. David S. Jordan, who is preBident of Leland-Stanford Uni versity, yesterday. Dr. Jordan was en route to Peru, where he delivered an address at the State Normal yester day evening. He "me directly through to Lincoln from California. Dr. Jor dan had heen expected here several weeks ago to deliver an address be fore the medical society, but owing to xl wreck he was unable to come,, and he was 'obliged to postpone his visit here until a later date. Although ho had been expected for some time his arrival In the city Tuesday evening -created quite a surprise among Univer sity people. At convocation yesterday Dr. Jor dan addressed a few words to the stu dents, in the absence of General Dag gett, who failed to arrive until late. He entertained for a short time with a numbpr of humorous stories and jokes and then congratulated the stu dents upon their being the students of a state institution. He discussed state educational students in general, point ing out tho fact that the equipment in such schools Is far superior to others, and that private Institutions in order to maintain their standing in the educational world must offer some thing entirely different and specialize upon it. Tho State University deals with a much greater variety of courses and has behind It tho people of tho state with great financial support. Dr. Jordan Is a man of fine physique and carries himself with the greatest ease. His general appearanco and modo of delivery are pleasing and hd held the close attention of his audience throughout Tils entire discourse. Acompanled by Dr. Wolcott, he vis ited tho different branches of tho sci entific department. He took special interest in these, as he himself is a scientist of great note. He expressed himself as pleased with the busy ap pearance of everything here and com plimented the work that our Univer sity was doing. He said that It was perfectly evlde'nt that our scientific department was not only strong and well equipped, but that the work was pushed in all directions. The work of the zoological department, through its thoroughness and Tange, struck him forcibly, and he spoke in high terms of the general conditions and the labora tory work. He"was greatly interested in the zoological department, as he is a' zoologist himself, and Dr. Ward la a personal friend of his and an ac quaintance of long standing. He alBO visited the medical, geology and botany departments, and ex pressed himself greatly pleased and surprised at the advanced order of conditions there. He spoke before tho Medical society' and one of Dr. Bes sey'B classes in botany. Ho thought well of our medical course, and of the progress mado in the department. Chancellor Andrews entertained at luncheon at tho Lincoln hotel for Dr. Jordan, General Daggett, Commandant Chase and Dr. Wolcott. Dr. Jordan left at 1 o'clock for Peru, after speak ing in high terms of his entertainment and expressing his pleasure at having an opportunity to visit our University. PLAY 'EM TONIGHT Basketball Team Will Meet the Omaha Y. M. C. A. Club Tho University cadet band will give its regular quadrennial concert at the Oliver theatre, on the evening of Feb ruary 29th, 1901. University spirit should pervade the hearts of the students, one and all, and cause them to turn out en masse to show beyond the shadow of a doubt their appreciation of the talent and ability of whkh the band Is composed. Close, critical observers have given the banu of this" university very high com pliments, and the dose attention to practice and application to study which has enabled its members to place tho organization upon such a high piano should receive an unquestionable show of appreciation and approval. The University band is at present composed of forty members under the leadership of Prof. August Hagenow. Its services have been given without compensation on Innumerable occa sions of University functions. It has turned out as a body at almost every football game and added enthusiasm, college spirit and public Interest to the affairs held on the University cam pus. Its presence during football and baseball games has caused the Univer sity of Nebraska to receive enthusi astic praise and complimentary com ment from visitors who betook the character of the organization as an in dex to the University life and general character. Aside from things connected with the regular curriculum it is the moBt important organization of the Univer sity; occupies a larger place in the- public mind of the patrons of the Uni versity and constitutes the most neces sary complement to all public exer cises and sports, of the University. For these and many other reasons, the concert, on February 29, a date none can forget, should be one grand ovation and event of appreciative en thusiasm for the good work and effici ency of the University Cadet band. Lincoln Transfer Phone, 176 Co. Baggage. Don Cameron's gopd service. lunch counter for Sneclal rates to students wishing typewriting done. 512 Richards block. Box "of cigars given away every "day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. Faculty People Entertained All of the members of the Faculty Women's club were entertained with their husbands yesterday by Chancellor and Mrs. Andrews at their home, 1410 Q street. The ladies were entertained in the afternoon, and the gentlemen were invited from 5:30 to 7 p. m. The occasion was elaborate in every de tail, the whole houso being opened up in generous hospitality to tho enter tainment of tho faculty ladles and their husbands. The decorations, which were scarlet and cream roses down stairs and pinks and tulips upstairs, wero tastefully and attractively ar ranged. Downstairs dinner was served and upstairs Ice cream and cake. Tho Misses HowellB. Puffer, Dean, Pound, Prankish and Evelyn Gear and Frankle Gear served refreshments. About one hundred and fifty guests were pres ent. This is ope of the most pleasant and olaborate social functions of the season, and one In which all found un usual enjoyment. The basket ball management hat signed a game with the Omaha Chris tians to take the place of Highland Park College tomorrow night. Omaha defeated tho Lincoln Y. M. C. A. by a decisive score a couple of weekB ago, bo they are certnln that they can do the same thing to our team. Ab this will be tho last game before the team's departure on the northern trip every student should turn out, especially since our team is to play four hard games, one of them with a team we have never defeated. We know that the interest does not attach to thlB game that does to, a regular college game, but still It will be as close a game as this season' schedule prom ises, and will be wc. worth seeing. If a desire to encourage our team will not pull a crowd, perhaps a good gamo may do so. On tho trip our men will see big crowds and thoy can not fall to draw odious comparisons between college Bplrit in the north and college spirit in Nebraska. Before the game and between halveB our second team will play Wesleyan. ThlB will be the second team's firBt ap pearance in public, and It will be picked from these men. Newton, Noyes, Me llck. Mathewson, Krake, Miller, Tyner, Lott and Hammlll, who played such-a star game for the Y. M. C. A. last year, and who has Juat registered In the Uni versity. Entries for Charter Day closed last night. No other fraternities than those mentioned yesterday have entered. It Is very important that the names of the teams should be handeuYVln also. Only one fraternity did this. The Phi Gamma Delta team consists of Sunder lln. Miller, and Cramer. The pre liminaries for all the contests will be held Saturday afternoon at '2:30, the Highland Park ladles' game being de clared off. University people who have not seen the faculty basket ball team at prac tice have a great treat in store for them. A power is given Into our fac ulty that we common mortals do not hav'e they can do two things at a time, and not only that, but they can do them well. Dr. Engberg is tho wit of the distinguished group, and all the while the ball is passing swiftly back and forth he keeps up a constant flow of Jokes faculty jokes, and we refer all Freshmen to rPof. Barber for in formation as to their grade. The Ne braskan reporter withstood five or six of them, but when the distinguished profesors, justly famous "Two stoneB with one bird," joke came forth, the, reporter turned tall and ran. In truth, his is a Scandinavian wit, as Dr. Clem ents puts It. But If Dr. Engberg Is the vlt of the crowd. Mr. Congdon surely wins the laurel wreath, for beauty, and all Unl. people may be glad that he knows It. and displays his Apollo-Uke form to the best of advantage. In tho traditions of tho institution. It Is a distinctively college meeting, and Is meant to take tho place of thf church sorvlco on the appointed even ing. Those who are in tho habit of at tending Bervlcea in tho city churches are urged to bo In this University ser vice next Sunday evening, and in this small way show their respect and ad miration for tho services and charac ter of our chancellor. Let ovory col lege student take advantage of this op portunity to attond a University event which Is free from all partisanship and tho like. Special music has been provided, and as tho mooting will last but ono hour it is expected that the chapel will be filled with loyal University students. Further Communicationt The mllltarv department has received further details concerning tho cadet encampment at the St. Louis fair this bummer. The barracks will be very advantageously placed In a prominent part of the grVinds, with quick and easy access to any of tho most import ant buildings. Tho exposition authori ties are In receipt of requests foi space from pchools all over the country. Camping facilities will be furnish for from five to ten dayB. There will often be more than 2,000 troops In camp. During the encampment of the Uni versity battalion, from June G to 1G, the Inter-Scholastic and Olympian games will be held dally. These will form a part of tho great Olympian re vival which promises to form bo prom inent a feature of the fair. This period will be largely devoted to Intor-Schol-astlc baseball. Seventeen colleges and universities have already arranged to send cadets to the fair, and new applications nt coming In daily. The University is to be congratulated on securing a good date for the encampment, as they are all practically filled by this time. New Mimbers of Pershings Regular drill tonight at 7:15 sharp. The following members will straighten up their affairs within one week or be subject to dishonorable discharge: Case, Crazier, Hershey. Krajlcek, Mill er, Ross, Scott, Smith, Shallenberger. The following are dropped In good standing: Guthcrle, Lefler. The applications of the following men for Pershing Rllles have been ap proved and they wjll obtain leggings and report for drill Thursday evening: Orcutt, Westover, Manning, Rohrer, Kendall, Lott. Hill, Elmendorf, Mur phy, Rush, Raber, Moser, Flake. Other applicants will report and drill as recruits. About 1,700 men attended the meet ing addressed by Fred B. Smith In tho Oliver theatre last Sunday afternoon, there being scarcely standing room left. In every respect, this was the greatest meeting ever held In the city, and brought many lasting and import ant results. One hundred men decld decided at this meeting to lead a Chris tion life from that hour. Nothing but praise for Mr. Smith can be heard on every side. Tho noon meetings of the Y. W. C. A. for tho week beginning February 1G, will be In charge of Miss Anna Van Zandt, who will" gtve extracts from Gordon's "Quiet Talk on Power." All who can., we, urged to come the first day and each day as promptly at 12:20 as possible In order that the connec tion may not bo lost, for the running sequence will be very essential to the help and enjoyment to be derived from these readings. Union Shining Parlor. 1018 O Chairs and ladies and gentlemen. St. A UNIVERSITY SERVICE Special Service Next Sunday Chancellor Andrew? to Speak A service absolutely new In this in stitution, and one that should be of deep Jntere8t to every man and woman In the University, will be held In the chapel next Sunday evening, February 14th, at 7 o'clock. The service Is known as a "Vesper Service," lasting but one hour, and addressed by .Chan cellor Andrews. In some of the older Institutions of the country, this service 1b one that calls forth the entire stu dent body, and holds an honored place Prof. Hodgman has been electe! chairman of the sidewalk committal of the City Improvement society. The other members of this committee are Rev. I owls Gregory, Prof. C. A. Rob bins, M. J. Waugh of the Lincoln Paint and Color Co., and John E. Miller of the firm of Miller & Paine. If Uni versity people have complaints forth coming regarding the condition of our sldewalkB, now is the time to let, the committee know of It. Special rate to students at Hendry's. Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N. Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. Sam's Cafe. The only place In the city to get the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service" fat ladles.