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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1904)
'"' " g Ibc nilp flebraefian c KMXW & MUELLER c f J THE BIG PIANO HOUSE I 135 SOUTH llth STREET OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A, B. Chase Geo. Steck I And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly payments tfrrrr.i"vnnjniMi;uiijf Jhe Improved Standard Gentlemen ALWAYS 4 EASY T'' Name "UOiJON' CMiFLK" is stamped v-J v'- '""J- jjoi ?vcry loop. riw X- 'J CUSHION BurruNl y . Iks Rat to the I?- never SS & 5.''; T zrsrt 'Jn.'jjffri. CCLb EVCrtYyArtCME. :tllc) oil rec-rli (if hike. (oEo.rHoarco., Mkn utoo, ili., u,8 , wcverv Pair Warranted-" FORBES STABLES W. O. Forbos, Prpp. 1125-31 P 8t. BOARDING and LIVERY Baggage and Cab Lino Cm'rlauufc furnlHuod for WoddliiKfl, Piirtles ntia Funerals. OOloo !1M I Stroot. Teh phono 55a HEADACHES Aro often a warning oj eye troubles, petter get your eyesight tested so that any coming defect may bo rerao dleu in time. Wo will examine your eyes carefully. If there is anything wrong or if there isn't we will tell you. HALLETT JM O STREET LINCOLN fsCHMOLLER Campus Gleanings 0. 0. Horn, '02, Ih Isitng nl the Sig ma Chi house. J. P. Holding left yesterdny for his home In O'Neill. Seven civil engineering students are reglsteted for astronomy 15. Physical education 32, the, ladies' clnsH. will meet at 1 o'clock this after noon The Junior boys will fooii appear in their new caps, which are blue with (ream lettering. The second arguments in Knglish 14 (argumentation) will bo returned Thursday morning In U. CIO at 8 o'( lock The state historical society bus re ceived notice that room has been made at the St Louis exposition for .a fine display from their looms A in w bulletin bnaid is being pre pared for convocation notices. It will be i laced just inside of the southern entrance to the main building. Professor Caldwell in working on the; courses for American history 'next year, which will be entirely rearranged and readjusted from their present standing. W. A Smead is visiting his brother Howaid Smead. at the Delta Upsilon house. Mr. Smead graduated from the U. S. naal academy at Annapolis on Vi bi nary 1st. Professor Fussier is pieparing a book to lie used in the third year O-nnnn classes next fall. It will be calif d "The Practical Herman Conversation Hook." ("Sinn & Co., of Huston, are the publishers. Miss Kingsbury is also editing "Flnchsmann als Erzieh?r," for the same house, which will be used in the second year classes. To correct a misunderstanding con cerning the Non-Corn's Hop. The Ne braskan Is requested to again announce the date. The Hop will be held at Fraternity hall March 11. Eddie Walt's orchestra will furnish the music, and the committee in charge is doing every thing possible to Insure the success of the entertainment Freshmen Laws Fleet. The following ofilcers were elected by the first year law class at the meeting Monday: Piesldent, P. F O'C.ara. Vlie President. Morrison Secretary, Johnson. Senator, Davis. Sergeant at arms, Barta The election was a quiet one, Mr. O'fiara being the unanimous choice of the class for president and all the oth ers being elected on the first ballo.L For New Stereoptican Views. The American history department has been busily engaged In discussing the advisability of introducing a num ber of stereoptlcon slides for active use In that department. They have already collected more than 200, which deal with the colonial, revolutionary, Jaek sonian and civil war periods, chiefly, arid the hopes of their plans will be materialized. The first use of them will be next Friday in course 2, under Pro fessors Aylswprth and Perslnger. The lectures will be thrown open to the public, so that those interested in the work can attend. Tills Is a great addition to our his tory department and It is to be hoped that as the Unjversjty enlarges the re citation rooms may be equipped with lanterns. Sam's Cafe. Tho only place in the city to get tho famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles." Special service few 1 dies. Union Shining Parlor, 1018 0 Chairs and ladies and gentlemen. St. Snecinl rates to studonts wishing typewriting done. 512 Richards block. The Shadow OF- TB. OLIVER Typewriter The Stnndaid Visible Writer EXTENDS OVER ALL THE EARTH w- '? .v ;.:?'& " V .jp. :Ai-r4vf...,. , t Xv " -sy ;.v; - rBflPrV "' Tfca ' M'Mi 'lull ilB Hi hi1 m 'n" -WV tV I M xn J Vf -- K- I t The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine Law and Each has a speci.-LCircular cf Information Which will be sent on application Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3) H?The courses in Medicine are g-ven in connection with the W5rk of Rush Medical College. I " " The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois y Homeseekers' Excursions. . . On February 2 and 1G, March 1 and 5. April 5 and 19. Tickets will bl.8?I!uat ne fare pUl8 2'00- Return llmit 21 days. The points o which they will be sold are as follows: All points In Indli and & homa Territories, and Texas; also to many polnta in New Mexico Ar kansas, Arizona and Louisiana. L ' Ar Call and get full Information. City oillco Gor. 10th and O street Fraternity Hall 13th a N Street fSKfiBH JglJl Newly furnished and decorated. Is now epan for dates for College and Frater nity dances. Special rates to student. FAULKNER & SHARP Room 80S, Fraternity Bldg. W .1 JKU lSWfc&&8SWWn AP T CAULOC. ffei: ON APILICATION OLIVER TypcAirrtr fjo OMAHA NEB. I Theology I Education Depot Offloo 7th and P St. Lincoln, Neb. s . v . mmmmmmm Thia signature Is on ovorybox of tho genuine thrLxat,,v Brmo'Quinlne ibii the remedy that crc uola ln one day r t f r m ft ' .', - -