The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 10, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
Gbe Bails tfWbraefcan ' Ce Dally Hebraskan. track team work, and not until condi tions are more favorable can much be done. Registration has met expecta tions, nnd the return of fine weather will fee n good string or athletes work ing Into form on the athletic field. Piospects are good, but Improvement con be made In sev ral places, and it s hoped that all deficiencies (an be sup plied from the new material. o The World-Herald reporter who so Ingenloin-ly garbled an interview with Chancellor Andrews, waB a caller at the executive ofllce yesterday, seeking for another trlnl. Ills name Is Mr. N.'wbranch, nnd he is n graduate of this University.' I X consolidation of (The Heaperlan, Vol. M, The Nobnukan, VoL la, Bcnrlot nnd Croani, Vol. 4. Kditor-ln-Chicf jtailnesa Manager Olroulator John D. Rloa A. Q. Bohrelber 0. A. Sawjer i 1 1 v ASSOCIATE EDITORS New - - P. A. EwinK Athletic ' - - J. D. Clark - Dorothy Grzcn Reporters -D. P. DeYounjf and Mablc Fcwsler bmottij KdltorlalT U JWOH; BnslnMiriTimjZ Poat 0ce, Box 10, Station A, Lincoln. pabaortptlon Prloa, 3 per yemr. In dvanoa, Baterad at tho postoflloo at Llnooln, Kabraaka aa second-clou mall matter. Editorial Remarks Unleaa ordered discontinued Tho Daily Nebraokan will be sent the com ing semester to all present subscribers. Wo nro confident (lint what w have said foiit ornlnK the subject of the Ju nior An nun! Ik the common sentiment of the I'niverslty nt large. The exam ple drawn from pnnt publications has been pointed out sufficiently but not exnRerated. The University looks with expectnncj to those who will have the woi 1 In charge next year. They will have an opportunity to make an hon orable teiord and cam the lespect of their fellow students by producing a "book worthy of the name The Held Is large enough to suppoit a botfk that will properl relied the beta that the Univoisity can boast in all its depart ments, and one that will be a vast impiovement over any former one and tompare favorably with those pub lished by other institutions. Whatever is good and honorable in tho student body we hope to see represented in the production of next year's book, and not methods that will not stand investi gation. This is what we contend for, nnd we propose to use our best efforts in helping to bring about such a result. Minor games have been most prom inent on the basket ball program this week, but the meetings of our team with opponents of their calibre are not far distant. We must not forget that Wisconsin will soon be here with a mighty reputation to bad; her and a strong proposition to offer. Such n game as is promised ought to be or atti action of such a character as to make the accommodations of our arm ory nil too inadequate to hold the crowd lnattendame. This isthe first strong aggregation that our team will meet, and It is certainly one of the strongest that it will hnve to luce during the coming season. Therefore it should prove an attraction, indeed, and wo hope it will receive the attention it deserves. -o Professor AlcVoy of the department of economics of the University of Min nesota has been misquoted by St. Paul papers whlcl are catching the conta gion 'eproad by .the organs that have faithfully misrepresented Chancellor Andicws to the best of their ability. PiofCssor McVey will be remembered as one of the judges presiding at the Nebraska-Missouri debute last year. He is also made to suffer injustice through the lack of principle of papers who willfully misquote in order that they may have grounds for regaling the minds of the most morbid of their leaders upon whom they can rely as never failing to be, Interested, The cold weather has not been en couraging for an early beginning of Academy Notes. The next issue of the Lincoln Acad emy News will appear next week. Thnnks to the energetic work of Miss l.athrop. an unusually large amount f excellent student matter is coming in. Now, if the business mnnagers on equally successful the paper will make Its appeaiance as a three column num ber. The executive page will contain an article by Dr. R. E. Mprltx on two benefits which the study of mathe matics especially yield. One-half of the Issue of five hundred copies goes to legular subscribers nnd the other half is sent lo interested fi lends of the Academy. The neat cndit tarda for las-t seiius ter's work are being disti ihrted and a usiial biing both joy and sorrow Hop pily there is another semester begun In which poor reeoids may !, mad better, better -best. As u whole exam inations and registration passed oft smoothly nnd the new t lasses are well under way Tlw legislation from the University was never so small Wei'e it not that the At ademy is growing in the number of students taking full work the outlook would be disiouiag Ing. The gain moie than olTsets th" loss, fortunately. The Social Hour club meets at four o'clock next Friday afternoon at Mrs. Hodgman's home. 7(H) North Itlth St. A progiam committee consisting of the Misses Keo Currie, Edna Hake r and Hazel Cameron will see that entertain ment Is offered and another committee will serve light refreshments This Is a splendid opportunity for the youni; women who have just entered the Academy to get acquainted with the older members. A most cordial Invita tion is extended to Univeisity women who aie canying one or more subjects only in the Academy. Now that the University weekly tens are no longer existent, those social hour meetings af ford the only opportunity Tor soda! acquaintance and relaxation. In accordance with the decision to meet tho city Y. M C. A. debaters the Academy club has made the wise dr dslon to abide by the selection of a jury onmpaitlal University men. These men thus chosen will begin a thoroug.Ii study of the question and try to cruci fy these Christians of the Halter block. One naturally dislikes to see the num ber of such good people "diminished. butour fellows feel a call to smite them hip und thigh. We're it when it comes to perfect fitting shapely clothes. Special price inducements on O'Coats and School Suits U5 off. We think well of our shirts so will you when you see them, MAGEE & DEEMER I Messrs. Jacob C. Trover, of Norden, Neb., and Arch I lamer, of Nashville Tenn., are the latest additions to the list of regular Academy students. All hope that these new students will soon feel nt home in their new school. The AcuiiiMiiy stationery prepared by the Co-Op Is meeting with hearty ap proval. No one now has any excuso for not writing the old folks at home. Messrs. C. V. Smith" and J. R. Tedd, visited at the home of the latter dur ing examination week. Miss Margaret Wharton has taken up her work after a week's illness. Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage. 'Phono, 176. Don Cameron's lunch counter for good service. Box of cigars given away every day at Powell's Oliver theatre building. L -n . i T. J. THORr COMPANY General Machinist All Klnda of Rplr!nj Lock Smiths. PLATERS 308 So. 11th Street. Lincoln, Nobraska Phone. U Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. jfi- jfi ji j KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH S BLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place where you can get your Clotfyng Cleaned and Pressed 'Phone 7(18 Northeast Cor 11th and O. EDISON Phonographs and Records LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Boo our full line of fancy boxos, includ ind FOOT BALLS and DUE33 SUIT CASES. Try our Bitter-Swoeta, But termilks .and Venitrans. 1337 O STREET TV. FOLIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Hovels lor Sale or Exchange GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILBER Office and Shop, 222 8, 12th. Telephone D 1307 Esttinatos famished upon application. J($b work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Hotel Walton J5J5 0 Street. Phone 566. 100 rootns best low-priced house in oity RATES $i Per Duy andUp Western Glass & Paint Co. J2th & M. Sts., Lincoln, Nek New hard Gold Molded Columbia Records at Half Price, 25c each Full line of Barney & Berry Skates. ATHLETIC GOODS Of Every Description Girard Cycle Co. 3 804: O Street. Dr. Jno. J. Dayis Graduate Optician nnd Pelraclionist. Headaches and all Nervous Troubles re lieved by correctly fitted Speotaolos. Prices Low. Consultation free. Home Office 1222 O St. 'Phone 915 Hfek "CRESWELL" I SF I ARROW rni i An I QUARTER SIZES, 16 CENTS EACH, I ( TWO FOR 28 CENTS. CLUETT, PEABODY 4, CO.. I s ..i M EL.rv-srra