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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 10, 1904)
irr X? "" IP .' Xlbc 3ailp IFtebrasfean VOL. m. NO. 82 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY JO, 1904. PRICE 3 CENTS ffip- ( IN RE SOMBRERO Communication Holding Oppo site View to Editorial. The following communication has been handed to us for publication. We freely give it publication, only reserv ing the right to explain a few points that concern ourselves and the Univer sity in general: "Editor N?braskan: "In regard to the article in yester day's paper pertaining to the Junior Annuals no doubt you have &truck a subject which It would be well to look into. If the "Dally Nebraskan" wishes to accomplish something, here la a field for her to work. It is impossible, fol lowing the present plan, to get out a book such as would meet the wishes of the student body. The fact is admitted that the present plan is deficient, but can one or two men change the condi tion of affairs? "The fact is everyone is enthusiastic and a loyal supporter when it comeB to talk about it, and it is easy to put noble thoughts in writing. Wo point witli pride to the fact that all bills contract ed by the last year's Sombrero board are paid, but wo can not say that all bills owed to the board are paid. (Far be it film such.) It is a fact that peo ple will contract for space and neglect and refuse to pay for it, then turn around and knock on the publication. Yet those aie the very ones who "holler" about the "silver lining of the individual pocket." . -v. rule thesi calamity "howlers1 are so tight that a leach would fall from their noble biow in disgust and starve to death for want of blood. "There never was a movement on foot for the accomplishment of some purpose but what some pig-headed phllospher would "holler" calamity. Simply because they are in a position to put their noble thoughts on paper, where they may be read and under cover of the respect and esteem that an editor is held, will proceed to make charges of dishonesty, which (hey never think of proving, and would hesi tate to make to any Individual of whom they speak. "EARNEST ALLEN." The above communication certainly falls short of the mark of refuting any editorial opinion that we may have advanced concerning the Junior An nual. Leaving out all the severe terms .and personal references the Bubstance of the letter reduces itself to an allega tion to the effect that those who con tract for space are Qften remlsjn dis charging their obligations, and that theses are the ones who are opposed to the method employed In the publi cation of the Junior Annual. If this be true, the high standard of morals that they show In the latter regard ex cuses their failings In the former. But it 1b more convenient to follow the argument through as presented ubove and see what the contingency may b,o upon which the clalmB of up right dealing in getting out these Ju nior Annuals are, based. We are quite sure that we have struck a subject that it would be well to look Into, and ve havetaken some steps In that direc tion already.. We aro quite euro that the present plan, whjch differs in no detail from past plans, is sadly deficient, and it Is In connection with this Very th(ng lhat thq demand for refdrm is mot urgent. A new system should be instituted, compelling the individuals in'charge of the Sombrero to keep within bounds and devote more of the money placed in their hands to giving us a decent, representative bp6k, IriBtead of supply ing their own needs so faithfully. One or two men-Qf the rteht character cau .VV t certainly change the condition of af- t Jf talis, Jt they Tmppen to he the editors or tne book, simply py exhibiting a proper grade of "honesty and striving to tn servo tho University as well an them selves. It is very easy to put noble thoughts Into writing, when one has bucIi a good field for condemnation to select from, as the conduct of past Junior Annual editors presents. Thero is no harm In anyono paying their bills, and we think it quite tho best thing for the editors of last year's book to pay soma that we know they still owe, but anyhow, wo should think that they should be willing to rest content with what they have got without bothering nbout what may yet be outstanding. Tho writer of the above letter would limit the number who know the pub lication to thoBO who have not fulfilled their contracts. Tho condemnation of tho methods of past editors of the Sombrero is a matter in which practi cally tho whole University is united, and the movement for reform embraces the wishes of nearly tho entire stu dent body. Perhaps a leech might fall to its doom from the brow of those who now "holler calamity," as they have already been visited by the Junior Annual and suffered worse treatment than tho leech could ever inflict. Tho "pig-headed philosophers" are certainly obstreperous beings, and it is to be regretted that they have been furnished such good material to work with in decrying the lack of principle displayed by those entrust with the work of giving the University a decent and creditable book and pointing out the fact that there Is room for Im provement. We don't find it necessary to spend time in proving the dishonesty .employed in connection with tho Som brero as the University public has som decided views upon the matter already. This affair is not a matter of indivi duals, but It concerns tho whole Unl ersity, and It can not be argued out to a satisfactory conclusion by two, however attractive the Inducement mlglit be. If this is all the argument that can be presented to favor an opposing view tho need of- tho Introduction of new methods is certainly urgent. The nec essity 1b made more plain of ruling out all self-interest, if the book is to bo raised to a creditable standard. These aro our views, and we bellee that they represent the feeling of the University at large. ARRANGE FOR WASHINGTON ELWOOD MEAD TO SPEAK. Engineering Authority Will Be Here Next Weak. Professor Elwood Mead, chief of ir rigation Investigation, has written that he will be able to deliver a lecture to the 'Engineering society and to others Interested on "European Irrigation." It is quite probable the lecture will bo given In the chapol at 10:30 noxt Tuesday. The lecture will be illastrat cd with lantern slides. Professor Mead Is one of the most prominent In tho engineering profession and a specialist in 1i1b line. The Engineering: society is very fortunate In securing this address. Mr. F. J. Buck Is now an assistant in electrical laboratory work. Mr Rnir will take his degree next Monday, bull expects 10 remain at tne university the rest of the year. Thero aro thirteen members of the olass in civil engineering 101,. "Modern Framed Structures." This 1b an In crease of four over the registration of last year. Norton Wore, '04, returned from Ne braska City Thursday. Ho had spent the previous week in a visit at his home. The classes In foundry work are nof running full blast. The first heat will be taken off next Saturday. . J. A. Green, assistant in the civJl engineering department, has been ill with ear trouble for the past week. Debate to Occur Near Opening of World's Fair. Arrangements are being made for the Nebraska-WaBhlngton Unlvoralty de bate, which will occur at St. IouIh, about the opening week of the world's fair. This will give our debaters an opportunity of making their trip a doubly pleasurable one. They may b'e there at the time of lie inaugural ex ercises and in such case they will cer tainly be fortunate. At present our au thorities are waiting to hear from Washington. There are thirty entries for the pre liminaries. A bulletin has been post ed requesting all candidates to notify either Professor Fogg or Ire Ryner as to the side they prefer. All of the men are favorably impre ed with the question. The Inter-ScholaBtic debate which has been held heretofore during the holidays at the meetings of the State Teachers's association, will be held Friday night at tne auditorium. That the Interests of all nations demand that the Ibthmlan canal be Owned and con trolled by the United States will be dis cussed The Lincoln representative has been trained by N. M. Cronin. one of debaters, and an assistant of Prof Fogg. Cornell University has abandoned lance and discipline of "crlbbers." An alumnus of Brown has offered three annual prizes of $75, $50 and $25 for the best essays on a subject in American or English literature. The department of English at tho University of Illinois has organized a course for the special training of the Inter-University debates. The instructor is John Quincy Adams. Wesleyan University was unanimous ly defeated by Baker at Baldwin. Kan., last week on the municipalization of street railways. The University of Missouri Debating league is bringing to Columbln this year several distinguished lecturers. ""-I far? Rev. Wild at Convocation Rev. Laura Wild, pastor of the North Lincoln Congregational church, will speak at convocation tomorrow on "Theological Training for Women." It Is Intended, If poslble, that the Lelder kranz furnish the music on Friday, with a program of German folksongs. A discussion of tho Ruseo-Japanesu war will be arranged for tho near fu ture If possible. It is intended by the committee In charge of the convocation exerclBes to make them as entertain ing as possible, In order to provide a fitting recreation for University stu dents. Professor Fossler reports that the "attendance at chapel has been In creasing very satlsfacorlly of late. Seniors meet Rest of Officers. The Seniors met yesterday morning at chapel time and completed the elec tion of ofFlcers-wbJeh they began Mon ,day. MIbs Damon was elected secre tary; Miss Bullock, treasurer; Miss Van Zant, historian, and Russell Moore class senator. A ticket as above, with the excep tion of secretary, was elected before It was discovered that a quorum was not present. Miss' Damon and Russell Harris were candidates for the office, and Mr. Harris was at first in the lead. Enough members of the class came In late, however, to give a quorum, and a final vote ratified the rest oCthe tick et as before elected and chose Mies Da mon as secretary, Special rate to students at Hendry's: GAME CANCELLED Basketball Team Will Not Meet Highland Park. University people will be disappoint ed to learn that our first college basket ball game has been declared off. One of tho conditions under which tho High land Park team agreed to play here wot. that they must be able to Blgn a game with Wesleyan the night before, and this they were unable to do. It is not yet known definitely whether the girls' game Saturday afternoon will tnke place or not. Tho big gnmo of tho season will be played In Lincoln on March 5 "with Wlfeconslu. TIiIh will be our first en counter with Wisconsin in basket ball and if a big crowd does not turn out to the game we should be forced to return to our old opinion that colilege spirit In the University of Nebraska Is drad, and all that lemalnu for us to do Is to hold the funeral service over Its remains. Interest In the inter-frulernity relay race 1b becoming greater. Last year only.two teams entered the contest, and already six fraternities have signified their Intention of sending represen tatives. Those so far entered aro Delta U.. Phi Kappa PsI.Bcta Theta PI, Sigma Alpha Epsllon, Phi Gamma Delta, and Phi Delta Phi. The race will be as fol lows: Two boxes are placed 40 feet apart, with three bells In one box. Tho first man take up a dumb-bell und car ries it to the other box, drops It. re turns for another, dropB that one, and then returns for the last one. Tho sec ond man Is ready at the Bocond box with one of tho first two bells, and may start as soon as tho first man touches him with tho last bell. Entries must be In beforo six o'clock tonight. Mall them to Dr. Clapp or leavo them In his office, and be sure to glvo the list of events entered as well as the name. The preliminaries will be held Saturday afternoon. Entries for the relay race must contain the name of the fraternity and the names of the team. Tho basket ball team leaves for its northern trip TueBdny. The class teams areto use the floor on Tuesday and Thursday at tho regular first team hour. Negotiations are under way for a game of baseball with the Chicago Nor tlonal league team, to be played In Lin coln. Our Educational Exhibit." Material Is still being received by the superintendent of oUr educational ex hibit at the world's fair. Exhibits from the schools at Aurora and Talmage were received yesterday. A cholco painting by a Nebraska club woman is expected from tho art Institute at Chicago, one having already been re ceived. Dr. Elwood Mead, who will lecture here next week, is looking up a collection for the Irrigation building at the world's fair, where he will ex hibit enlarged photographs of irriga. tion In Nebraska, taken by (he Morrill geological expeditions, and also exhib it tho models cf home-made windmills, prepared three years ago by the de partment of geology. The, designs for tho fascades and partitlons'in our edu cation booth havo been recast owing to increase in cost of matorial and la bor, which bid fair to be ten times as much as at the Omaha oxposltlon. TT" -tt; I-craing'a. ice crenm ana candy; 11th' and L Sts. ' . Wright Drug Co., 117 No. llthl" 'phone 313, Lincoln LqcbI Express, 11th and N. Tol, ?87, Baggage hauled. 1 i i 'l s