The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 09, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
Gbe E)ailp tflebraeftan i ISCHMOLLlR I & MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET i OUR LEADERS Steinway & Sons Schmolier & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons 1 Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo, Steck And 23 others. We sell new Pianos on $5 monthly-payments Vmmmwmmmmmmmmwmmmwmmm' XkThe Improved iSOSTON .GMT v The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Name " BOSTON jf-v r.Ktrrrif i- ..Mn..i ptajy urt(Vll.r 13 3b4uipi.j af-""U" 1 1 ol everu Innn. 5 hJ- -'" WF vu, IT 1'J a3Sf u nrtzt Kv.v"j.' t'SWaKSir'K 2irt '-iPjj 7 A f5r v t iMir vS llv " I CUSHION ) BUTTON mw .CLASP; LIm flat to t!".c letf never t ,S!;p$ Tear nor Unfastens. BOLD EVEnYWHERE. Biniple plr, Silk Sta, uouun rii. Malltil on rccvlld of price. OrO.rB03T0O.,Miktr Jioiton, HUl., U.B.A. Campus Gleanings .otic Wliltmnie of Valley, visited old lTi IveiRlty friends over Sunday. ' v. R. Oould and Ed Zimmeier nro conltnitl io their ic.o'ns by neurnlgln. The rlertlon of officers of the Junior das. will be held a week fiom nexi Monday. O. O. Snyder of Omaha, vlfeited Ills daughter, Bess Snyder, at the conserv atoi v Saturday. Clark Mitchell, a Freshman In the I nlvcrslty, entertained n filend l'pin Frontier county last Sunday. C. N Catlln, of Peru, one of last year'B Seniors, has registered for post giaduate work in the University. A new incubator has been reeeihed by the zoological department for the use of the students in embryology. St. Luke's Choir club will ghe a party at Walsh hall Thursday evening, this being the last until after Lent. Mr. Frank Smith, who is attending the University, has been entertaining his brother, from Boulder, Colo., the lutst week. Mrs. F. M. Johnson leaves today for Virginia, whore she will make an ex tended visit at a health resort near Washington. Professor Howe, instructor In math ematics at the Peru State Normal, nnd a former student of the University, spent Sunday in the city. Miss Edna Bullock, Instructor In lit erature at the agricultural college, and a former student of the University, vis ited the historical society rooms Saturday. Tom Moore, of Bellevue, college, wh.) played with that school against he University in the Nebraska-Bellevue game last fall, Is visiting at the Sigma Clll house The department of botany has re ceived a largo package of plants from the herbarium of the New York botan ical garden for addition to the Univer sity herbium. The class In the study of woods now numbers twelve. They are using Pro fesEor Siiowb book. "Tho-Principal Spe cies of WoodB." a new work which has Just appeared. V. L. Strickland, now principal of the Geneva high school, and an old University man. visited in the city the latter part of last week. He expects to he back in school next year. "Every Pair Warranted'Vq' All Students Look Alike to 1)9 Whether they belong to a Frater-. nity or not Jewelry at low pricey for everyone Special attention to repairs, FRANK C. RICHARDS JEWELER 1028 O FORBES STABLES W. O. Forboa, P(Op. 1125-31 P St. BOARDING arid LIVERY Baggage and Gab Lino Curriak'tw furnirtbcd for Weddings. Piirtion and Funerals. Offloo Ufcl P Street. Tolephono 660. Professor Sheldon, of the American history department, is busily engaged in preparing the first copy of the his tory of our state constitutions and con stitutional conventions. This promises to be an excellent and complete history of these documents and a highly com mendable piece of work. Dr. Ward leaves thlsevening on a lecture tour and will be gone several days. Tomorrow evening he wll lec ture at Warrensvllle, Mo., at the State Normal, and Thursday evening at the University of Kansas at Lawrence. His Bubject Is "Mosquitoes and the Dis eases Thoy Cause," His lecture will be illustrated by fifty lantern slides, some of which were made In the department. Jared G. Smith. '88. now of Hono lulu, has Issued the "First Annual Re port of the Proceedings of the Farm ers' Institutes of Hawaii." a copy 6r which he has sent to the botanical de partment. This report shows that he is as active as the director of the agri cultural experiment station of Hawaii as he used to be when a study of bota ny In the University and a member of the botanical seminar in Its eady and somewhat frisky days. Valuable papers aie published in thb? report, among which are "The Relation of the Experi ment Station to the Farmer." "Pine apples." "Irish Potatoes," "The Prun ing of Fruit Trees." "The Castor Bean." etc. , The Shadow TrV OF- OLIVER Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer EXTENDS OVER ALL THE EARTH ?BWSiWffSPlWBilwff23 " fiTi irlrf fflfnrnaiiflnn ";2 W.K'.'SKJJtll -?Z'LL-W &ma&&m!m MiTlvSralHH AD T CATALOG FREE ON APPLICATION OLIVER Typcrrtr (p OMAHA NEB. m . $$,&' y -:' " V - f- 'VV r The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine I Theology Law and I Education Each has a speci.l Circular cf information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). BgrThe courses in Medicine are g-ven in connection with the work of Rush Medical College. T' The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Homeseekers' Excursions. . . -On February 2 and 1G, March 1 and 5, April 5 and 19. Tickets will be sold at one fare plus $2.00. Return limit 21 days. The points to which they will be sold are as follows: All points in Indian and Okla homa Territories, nnd Texns; also to many points in New Mexico, Ar kansas, Arizona and Louisiana. Call and get full Information. jmySj City office Cor. 10th' and O street Dopot Office Ttli nnd P St. Lincoln, Nob. JENNIE SINCLAIR General Stenographer, Mlmeoaja phlo Work A Spoolalty 310 Itlohards Bl'k. Lincoln, Neb. Phone B763 &&& 'rmsx.. Th.H signature Is on ovory box of ho genuine Laxative BromoQuinine Tablet Uiq remedy tbat cntco a cola in one day r" .( A 1K r i . "-', Bgriar3 -i,& j. uTJJ." i jam fehija