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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1904)
ttbe allp tRcbrashan tfte Daily ttebraskan. w i. , ).. sa consolidation of (The Hrffperian, Vol. 81, Tho Xobraakan, YoLle, Bcnrlot and Cream, Vol. 4. will have enough of honor to movo them ta act for the best. Edltor-ta'Ohlaf JofanD. IUo rfnalnesa Manager A. O. Bohralbcr Circulator 0. A. Sawyer ASSOCIATE EDITORS New - - P. A. Swing Athletic - - J. D. Clark Literary - Dorothy Green Rcporttrv-D. P. De Young and Mblc Fos!er Office Editorial, V KOH Badness, D 811H Poat Offlce, Box 10, Btallon A, Lincoln. Subscription Prlo, $3 par year. In advance. BaUrtxl at tho postoflloo at Lincoln, Nebraska as aoandclas9 mtvlLmattor. Editorial Remarks o We wish to remind our readers to rail for Nebraska coupons where trnd- i ' Ing with our advertisers. In this way they ran confer a favor upon us and show our advertisers that their spirit fn supporting the University paper 1b appreciated. Wo urge all thoso who call for thcBe coupons to save them, as prizes will be given away, announce ments concerning which will be made later. Our business directory contains ji list of our advertisers, at whose es tablishments the coupons may be secured. Unless ordered discontinued Tho Daily Nebraskan will bo sent the com ing semester to all presont subscribers. GEN. DAGGETT TO SPEAK Retired Army General to Describe Relief of Pekin Administrators Sale OF THE' EWING CLOTHING CO. There is a strong feeling prevalent in tho University that the Junior Annual next year should be free from even the suggestion of any of the objectlon ablo foatures nttached to It In past years. It is felt that It Is time to turn over a new leaf and expel fiom our University all the dishonest methods that have been Instrumental In lining foiije individual's pockets and In mak ing past books a complete failure. The stu'onts of the University deserve and denu.nd returns at least commensurate with their Investment. They feel that acm- acknowledgement ought to be macic In the form of definite returns for '.heir loyalty in supporting the book and giving liberally to making It a succ ess. We view with iihamc the showings lmde by the institutions about us, where fair methods prevail, 'which com pel us to admit the Inferiority of our Junior class book to theirs, By such Institutions as Minnesota, Michigan and Wisconsin, although they are larger schools that we, we are, even relative ly hnnelesslv outclassed. Tho mere fnct that the chief places on the staff of the Junior class book are a bono of contention among thoso who would Fiilnert tho interests of the University to tholr own. marks a degeneracy In class politics that calls loudly for re form. We would not see a hardship Im posed upon anyone to whom Is en trusted tho charge of getting out this book, but there is certainly need for the exercise of a certain amount of re straint withholding them from abusing their position for their own gain. In fnct the past points out an object les Bon. No man who has over betrayed his trust and obligation to tho Univer sity by denying it its due to benefit himself, has profited. He may have gained financially, but ho has lost in the respect and esteem of his fellow students. But be this as It may, there are others willing to follow jn the same path, Influenced by the same Incentive, and it Is against such as -these that precautions should be taken. ;i( you ever hear of the of the foreign legations and the missionaries In the city of Pekln during the Boxer uirii-ing in 1900? Do you want to know how they were relieved? If you do, at tend convocation on Wednesday of this week. A graphic account of this re lief expedition and tho capture of the city or l'ekln will be given by General Daggett, a retired ofTlcer of our regular m my, who Uuk an active part In this memorable and unique campaign. The wiitiT has had the privilege of hearing tlil.s tlnilling story and at his request it will he upented for the benefit of tho studenth. Let no one miss it. When hf- lolls liOiV the American -scaled the walls of the ancient city it sounds like a romance fiom the time of Julius Cae sar. When he tells how a mere hand full of An, cleans on the toi of thit wall, with nothing save their rifles, si-' leueed a lattery of Chinese artillery, you will 'inci.rstand as never before, nerhnpr1, the superiority of western civ ilization oor this most ancient civili zation c! iho east. As ho tells of the leading aken by the Americans Ihioughmtt the entire expedition you will feel an l-onest pride in your fel low countrymen. And when he tells hrvv and why the Americans were or dered to rctieat when they, alone and unaiuc-'l by th. lr allies, had fought their way almos-t to the "Holy of Holies," of the Inner city, you will realize some thing of the diluciltles that were en countered by the American command er during this unique campaign. The- comocatlon committee Is doing everything in its power to make these exoiciB.s Loth Interesting and helpful, an.l doHircr In return the hearty coop eration of the students. Compulsory attendance Is not to be considered. But when a, distinguished Citizen appears on our platform freely and generously giv ing his lime unci sen Ices for our edifi cation, we owe It to ourselves and to the University to greet him with a good audience JDiere have been many instructive addresses so far, but thlB one will be one of the best and most Interesting that can be offered this year. General Daggett Is a man whom we should all dellghrto honor. He is extremely mod est in his manner and his address 's entirely freeTrom personal glorifica tion. The committee bespeaks for him ar hearty welcome from bolh students ancTfaculty. Wo hopa he niay not see an empty chair in the entire chapel. Como early as the entire half hour will be given to this address. Has been far beyond expecta tions A larger crowd than ever Come Early! Come Early in the Day, Come Early in the Week GREAT BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT Ewing Clothing Co. Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people. & j jf & KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH & DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-77S LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Sco our fall lino of fancy boxoa, include ImTFOOT BALLS and DRESS SUIT OASES. Try our Bitter-Sweeta. But termilks and Vonitrans. 1337 O STREET W. FOLIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Hovels (or Sale or Exchange THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Capital $300,000.00 Surplus 110,000.00 Undivided Profits 40,000.00 S. H. BURNHAM. President. A. J. SAWYER H. S. FREEMAN Vlce-Pres. CaBhler. H. B. EVANS FRANK PARKS Asst. C.shler Asst. Cashier P. R. EASTERDAY, Auditor. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. GEO. A. WILSON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Office and Shop, 222 8, 12th. Telephone 0 1397 Estimates furnbshod upon application. Job work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Good Things to Eat EVEDYTHIHG NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fashioned 'Homo Cooking. Meals Served a la Carto. THE HOME CAFE 2'4 8flAht. The members of tho botanical staff have been examining several collections of classes from different parts of the state, with the aid of Professor Hitch- Co much for tho principle of tho ; cock, a specialist in grasses from thing. Wo would rather point out what can bo done than forbode as to what may be done. Upon those vho will have charge of getting out the Junior Annual a great responsibility rests. They will have within their power the 'ability to give the University a book worthy of the name and to- establish a name for themselves, without fore going a reasonable remuneration for their services. Will t,hey bo true to their trust or will they add another chapter to the shameful record of the past? That will be the question con- Washington. The result has heon. to make several important corrections in the determination of species. Spa'cial rate to students at Hendry's. Lincoln Local Express, 11th and N. Tel. 757. Baggage hauled. Hotel Walton J5J5 0 Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms best low-prieod houso in city RATES $i Per Day and Up The Weber Suitorium Is the up-to date place here you can get your Chilling Cleaned and "Pressed 'Phone 708. Northeast Cor 11th and O. Dr. Jno. J. Davis Graduate Optician and KelractionisL A Union Shining Parlor, 1018 O Chairs and ladies and gentlemen. St. Sneclal rates to studetits wishing typewriting done. 512 Richards block. fronting them, and we hope that they a. mi WANTED Women to-play for 10:30 gymnasium class. Call at ofllce at 10 BESS DUMONT. Western Glass & Paint Co. J2th & M. Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Headaches and all Nervous Troubles re lieved by correctly fitted Speotaclea Prices Low. Consultation frco. Home OHk-o 1222 O St. 'Phone 913 Stelner-VVoempener Drug Co., Succcuora to STEINER PHARMACY. IUoO Strict' , Phone 707 Lincoln, Nfc. Manufacturers of Stoiner'u Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules. Pile Curu and Gray' Conxion Powders. I "KATONAH" I I I CLUETT BRAND I QUARTL.1 SIZES, 20 CENTS EACH I CLUETT, PEADOOY & CO., J MAKER OF CtUtTT AND MONARCH MIRTi S r k I v ;v- fSHutrf-'M