"ST ttbe Balls Ifoebraefean lr points of tin; game. Ho played mod rrnlHy well. occasionally winning, and swooping hi (ho chlpH with tlic greatoct Hire. Aftfr a half hour's play, when Uo (Jo-1 Ightly wqh greatly excited. HaiUneEH produced a now pack of arils and migROHtod that they try a modest little same with a dime an the limit. He looked Inquiringly at IIpv (lo-l. Ightly, who, however, showed no rpci inl cotKein, hut merely said "I l:ae no olJe lions to an Innocent little game, piovlded that we restrain (Uisehrs nr.d do not carry It too far." The (litt hand the Rev. Oo-Llghtly lelutrd to hid after the first round hao 1 :i plnjed. The second hand wns Intcmtlng All of the players dropped out except HarUness and Rev. ("lo l.lghtly. hoth of whom continually nilsrd the other. The limit was raised to a quarter Finally Rev. Go-Ughtly (ailed. He had reached the limit of the collection taken up at the the evening seiie. and his pile wns exhausted Haikness triumphant 1 showed his hand. He held three n'- . Rev. (Jo-I.lghtly showed a straight, c.mlled gently and calmly and raked in the pile, twenty-flve dollais to th (.ood A limll of a dollar was suggested mil n't. All of the six men held hands. The hiddlng wa.i rapid and splrl'c1 Strange to sny. no one dropped o';!. Rev. Oo-I Ightly ohserved thlb and look note When he reached the limit of. his pile he drew out a check-hcok. Writing a check Tor fifty dollars-, he laid It down and drawing out an rqi.iil amount of cash that ho ha 1 already stacked up he resumed his playing. Four of his opponents dropped out at once, as he had gone to tho limit in mining their hets. Harkness also hes tated a moment, then ho covered the hot and raised. His opponent covered and ci'llcd. Rev. Go-Lightly showed thiee t r 11 tpots and Harkness held n woithless hand He had tried a name of hluff. hut failed. Ily common consent the other four withdrew themselves from the tahle nnd stood looking on Haikness was piqued in losing in the way he did, and consequently angry Rev. Go 1 ightly had raked in the pile. Two hundred and flftj of this he stacked up rnd the lest he put in his pocket. Then he requested that the chips he dlspenyed with. Haikness smiled, com prehending his meaning, and gave his consent. They started again. In the first few games neither cared to hid high, as all limits had been removed. Hoth were cautious, although Harkness talked constantly, while Rev. Go-Lightly kept his own counsel. Finally Harkness, after shutlltng the cards long and care fully, using an undue amount of time in so doing, diew a hand that suited Jilm and made the astonishing bet of a raise of five dollars to begin with. Rev. Go-l.ight4y politely refused to hid any farther and sacrificed He shuf- LYMANS SPORTING GOODS HOUSE Phonographs, Bicycles, Typewriters and Sewing Machines Rented, Repaired and Exchanged 231 SOUTH llth STREET Telephone B. 1232 fled the cards In turn awkwardly and slowly and dealt. Harkness hid low and Rev Go I. Ightly raised him slightly. Then the bidding mounted upwards, having re solved ItFelf Into a challenge on both sides. The stakeH grow constantly, fin ally passing the hundred dollar mark. Neither showed a sign of weakening, and of the two Harkness seemed the more confident. The two hundred dol lar mark was reached. Harkness was talking wildly and hastily poured a glass of whisky and gulped It down Rev. Go-I. Ightly preserved a disc root silence, as he sat with lips closely pressed together As often as his op ponont made a bet he met It and raised It. When Rev. Go-Ughtly had reached the limit of his pile. Harkness put his hand 'nto his inside pocket and draw ing out a roll of hills flashed them In his lace The Rev. Go-Lightly was not yet cornered, however. Duplicating Harkness' movement and hauling out a roll he laid It on the table to the1 great surprise of the former. Neither spoke and the game proceeded The bidding became fat and furi ous. Harkness raised constantly, hop ing to take his opponent by surprise Hut Rev. Oo-Llghtly met all his bets and raised each of them slightly in return Harkness set the pace All was excitement. The four spectators stood motionless, charmed by the nerve-racking contest between them. Rev. Go-Lightly sat looking earnest, calm, and dignified. Harkness was pale and nerovus. He played as though hardly realizing what he was doing, but seeming to have confidence that he would finally win. Hoth of their piles were molting away, and it was evident that one of them must call scon. Rev. Go-Lightly's pile ran out first Meeting Harkness' last bid h called. Harkness flashed his hand til ii'nphantly In his opponent's face He lad four kings. Rev Go-Lightly smiled and slowly raised his hand as if pro nouncing a death seme He had four in es and the game was his. He lost :u time In raking in his gains Ho was richer by twelve hundred dollars For a moment Haikness turned deathly pale. Then his eyes blazed and he leaped to his feet, fairly screech ing: "You Infernal old hypocrite, you've stacked the deck. (Jive up those stakes Sv I'll shoot ou like a dog." lie reached for his hip pocket, hue Rev. Go-Lightly was too quick for him. Springing up he dealt him a crushing blow on the jaw, knocking him over his chair. Then after smash ing t ho light he broke for the door, hurling aside one of the fellows who tried to clutch him. Gaining the stair way, ho clattered down and was gone. Next morning the town was in an uproar. A group of men stood in front ot the postofilce and talked angrily. The news of Re. Go-Lightly's scandal ous degeneracy had been published widely. Haikness was there, and he was there for business. Ho held in his hand a long buggy whip. There weie also a number of other stalwart fellows equipped in the same manner. As a result of their deliberations it was decided to whip the Rev. Go Llghtly out of town as a more civilized alternative than tar and feathers. They proceeded down the street to Rev. Go I ightly's humble dwelling, followed by practically all the juvenile population and dogs of the town, Arrived there Harkness stepped up to the door ami knocked. No one came. He turned the knoj) and the door opened. Look ing round the scantily furnished room .hefouml a note on the table. Opening It. he read: "Knowing that godlet-s men who re gard not tho sacred traditions of the church hae conspired to do me evil, I have concluded to depart to another community to work In tho interests of the holy church. Owing to my Waste In departing I have not the opportunity of letting Mr. Harkness, tho, -young man of wrath. j.now that It would bo useless for him to attempt to lay hands on tho money that he presumes I ha o In his father's bank, for I drew it out tho other, evening. Give my regards and fond farewell to the ladies who have aided and succored me. Peace be with you, "RHV. GO-LIGHTLY." WANTED Women to play for 10:30 gymnasium class. Call at office at 10 a. m. BESS DUMONT. Woman's Home Companion I I THE CHOWtlXa KIBMTBICH COHrANY. PUPLUHEnS Moathlj, 4C to M rtt, Kfh 11 bj 10 Inchti. U1T" ,.1 -"" '"-.""V1 "" sationalism nor provincialism. It already has 340,000 subscribers, and this number is constantly increasing. A Live Agent Wanted In Every Community. Most Liberal Terms. Subscription Price $1.00 a Year. Ten Cents a Copy. S6tld TfiTI Cfiflts or a samP'e cPy anc' we w' senc yu an elegant owiiu 1 til vwllia engraving, 20 by 25 inches in size, of Landseer's famous painting " Defiance, or Stag at Bay.'' Mention this offer when you write. Address WOMAN'S HOME COMPANION, Springfield, Ohio Quality goes a long ways with particular people We solicit the patronage of all particular people, J jfi j- KEYSTONE CASH GROCERY LASCH S DLAKE, PROP. Phones 744-775 LINCOLN CANDY KITCHEN Soo our full lino of fancy boxoa, includ ed FOOT BALLS and DRESS SUIT OASES. Try our Bittor-Sweeta, But termilks and Vonitrans. 1337 O STREET W. FOLIART 1131 0 STREET Cigars and News Noveh lor Sale or Exchange Good Things to Eat EVEBYTHING NEW AND CLEAN Good Old Fashioned Homo Cooking. 'Meals Served a la Carto. THE HOME CAFE 214 south GEO. A. WILSON 00NTPACTOR AND BUILDER Olflca and Shop, 222 S, 12th. Telephone B 1397 Estimates furnished upon applipation. Jdb work promptly attended to. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA Western Glass & Paint Go. 2th fc M.Sts., Lincoln, Neb. Hotel Walton J5J5 0 Street. Phone 566. 100 rooms best low-priced house in oity RATES -$i Per Day and Up THE IDEAL HOWE MAGAZINE Is in its twenty-eighth year; is frimed on fine paper and pro usely illustrated. It gives 40 to 54 pages a month, each page 11 by 16 inches, and a new and beautiful cover in colore every issue. Its editors and contrib utors are the most popular American writers ; in short, it is the ideal family magazine, magnificently illustrated. Its departments are edited by ex perts and are full of interest. As a home magazine it has no su periors, and few, if any, equals. 600 Pages 1,200 Pictures EACH PAdE IS EQUAL TO FOUK ORDINARY MAQAZINE PAdES... Hundreds of thousands con sider it a family necessity. It is clean, pure and inspiring. Its contents, while varied, are entertaining and of the highest ---& &a I Selected by the it it Government! To carry the United States Ovei- i land .Mall across the continent, $ on account of its being tho best $ ana most direct line -: 3 & PiV-na it it it it it it it it n it it n i(r a k- i(: a it i(r H it it a a it VIA Omaha the Union t it it Pacific is if- i!01 miles shorter to Salt Lake City. J 278 miles shorter to San Fran- f cisco. 278 miles shorter in Im An. geles. it 358 miles shorter to Portland. 12 hours quicker to Salt i.nl City. 16 hours quicker to San Fran- cisco. 16 hours quicker to Los An- geles. jfr 1(5 hours quicker to Portland. H THAN ANY OTHER LINE 4 a Electric Liflhtcd Trnins Daily & it E. B. SLOSSEN, General Agent MeMHjHMBK' Stclner-Woempener Druo Co., Succuson to 6TEINER PHARMACY. J Ho O StrtcO Phone 707 Lincoln, N. Manufacturers of Steiner'a Balsam Rhubarb Cold Capsules. Pile Ouro and Gray's Ootid Hon Pcwders. p. a E,;1:1 & A i ft flfc ' f !.