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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1904)
fWr- f' i. vs- 3rZ7if93irtr 3 -r-r- yv&Mq.iWi .; v- w'H'Tryryy-' ' ' y 't, ' 1 V" t'"""1 '", ,' I IVf1 ' '" f& '- r fcf Ibe SDailv IFlebraehan ,i J VOL. IH. NO. 80 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS ftsf r h y Wr FOR CHARTER DAY Preparations Being Matte for the Athletic Contest . rujuf jju jwLnnjti-ij . rm run, i rrir " i r " -""- ---ai m THE SUPPER OF DEATH" AN ADDRESS BY n CHEM LAB CHANGES Interior of Building Will be Re modeled to Large Extent Examinations and registration had a M-y depi easing effect upon atlelru in the University, but interest is being again levived, and by the middle or next week the gymnasium will be al ways full of athletes, genuine an 1 would-be. each one Intent upon break ing a reroid Regular floor woik In the i-hiFses will be begun Monday morn ing. In football cireles everything is wait ing for Iowa's reply to a telegram we pent ten days ago. Undoubtedl a date will be arranged for a game, but It ma nave 10 ne in uiu cunj in. " ... season., which will necessitate an oai'y sf-abon form and perhaps cause the al most invariable lato season slump, which would certainly be disastrous to us with Haskell on November 12. and Illinois on Thanksgiving lay. There is a general feeling of congiat u ation over the contract with Chicago Km a game of baseball this spring. This v'.l be our ilrst contest witn niidg and will certainly open up the load for that close feeling of friendship which ir it is obtained with all the middle western colleges and universities would result in the attainment of Nebraska's fondest dream, membership in the "Uig Nino." We feel proud of the fact that every member of the "Big Niiu'" we hove met on the gridiron excepting por.r old Iown has supported our peti tion for admission, and we feel that it is only a question of time before we can win all the colleges, even our sore headed neighbor, over to our side. Although no track meet has been ri 'finitely settled -upon, several aie r radically assured. South Dakota wlhhes to meet us on Decoration day. ol'hei at Vermillion, their homo rounds, or at Sioux City. Our man agement has asked for the later place, nmi snth Dakota has practically as sented. Arrangements are also being made for a meet with Colorado a) Moulder, and with Ames at Ames. 'J here are good prospects for a meet with Minnesota, to occur at Minneapc hr. The Lincoln high school has askod lor a meet in the early part of the sea son, and it will doubtless be granted This meet has always been beneficial to our men. on two occasions, indeed, the high school winning the meet. Tne only other meets on our grounds wih be the regular home meet. In wh'.h. "the members of the team will be picked an interclass meet, which will be an innovation In University athletics, and one big meet -with some prominent uni versity not yet Tleclded upon. MR. FRED B. SMITH theatre Sunday, February 7th, SMWWWWM'WWM'lW'rfrW'NWNWWNWVWWWM J could not be agreed upon foi a gam with the Minnesota Agricultural school, which defeated us last year In a Bemi looiball game. The only other game ( out i acted for on our home grounds Is one with Wls cc i.bin, which will be played about A Dill i. This will be our first athletic contest with Wisconsin since the foot ball game in 1901. Nct Friday the regular Intercolleg iate basket ball season opens at Ne braska with a game with the Highland Park College team, from Des Molne We played this team last year on oui thorn trip, ana they put up a good Ftlrf game, so that an exciting contest l i romised. Let everybody; turn rw to this first game, and prove that foot lsi.Il is not the only thing over which Nebraska will become enthusiastic In Mievious seasons basket ball has been supported miserably. Let us turn oer n new leaf and show the management fuat all our games do not have to be played on foreign ground, where we aie handicappod because expenses caa no. be raid by a Lincoln game. fc'aturday afternoon the Highland Tark ladies will meet our first team in the armory. This will be- the first gome for the Nebraska girls, and they are determined to win It in cuch a fashion that another season such as that of last year will he assured. On February 16 our team starts on Its northern trip. The teams they meet will ho Sloux City Y. M. C. A., Mornlng Bldo College, Minneapolis Y. M. C. A., ana the -University of Minnesota, Terms Work has begun In good shape on the Charter Day contest. Dr. Clapp Is much pleased with the number who are out for placeB, as It is a good indica tion ot a big Bquad In the spring, when regular track work begins-, and a big squad is absolutely necessary to a suc cessful team. Those who aie out now are obtaining a material advantage over those who" will wait until good wpa' and will then have to go into the first home meet half trained. A nlacc on a University Hack team can i.ot be held by a half trained man. and it ir to the advantage of every man vbo Intends to tiy for a place to get out and work now. Entries for the Charter Day meet must bo in Dr. Ciapp's hands Wednesday evening. Graves, who won three firsts last yea i and holds two records, has just cnmmlttod mnt rlnionv. and it is not definitely known whether he intends to enter or not. In the polo vault, Benedict, last years winner, Hagenslck and Gibson have all done over ten feet, which was the lecord previous to last year. Bene diet, Re pertoii, a Crete man, and Quick, from Chicago Manual are showing up well In the high jump, all "doing better than 3 feet. t inches, in me zo-yaru sprint Mouck, Bender and Edgerton are showing up well. A field of more than fifveen men is entered in thlB event, fo Jin li promises to bo quite exciting. At the fence vault Hagenslck, Gi' l'i:. and Bonder are all doing good wr,ik. while at the high kick Hewitt wh.) won (nmi! place last yen-. L' n- der and LapuiBick are touchk,; the pan wuh perfect ease even whop, it . laised tf the loof of the gymnasium. There will be a now event this war In the lorin ci a potato relay race fmn men to the team, the boxes wi'l lie phiLL-i 10 fett PpaiL and each man is tu mi tv o ard a half laps. Div-C!app ni'tnds toplish the ii.ur fuilernity :elav iace as hard a3 o.-s.i- U. and is g inr to call a meeting i .' all fraternity men taking gym work ii: eider to pi'surde each fraternlly to have a reprcsei tatlve team. Already il-f Betas .mg? Alphs and Phi 't.'t have signified their intention of enter ing. As in all the other contests sil ut ami bronr medals will be award ed for fist and second places. f-llpped away, before the program was concluded. Besides the encores there p:-,gram consisted of sixteen numbers and two extras. Walt's full aichestra furnished the music. The dance hall was decorated In the Junior class colore, gi'een and white, and University colors, large pennants bnng hung before the windows. Thioughout the hall was a profusion or ptlms tastily arranged and blending with the brilliance of the decorations and making a beautiful display. A can opy or green and white was suspended above the Ice bowl, and across the ro tunda were strung Univeisity and fra ternltj pennants. The pIllarB of the ro tunda were decorated with University huiKiug. The numbor of out of town guests was i.n usually large. The Prom. 1b in fact the one great Boclal function that attracts many of our alumni to return and int'w old acquaintances as far as possible and to revisit the old haunts wheiv! i,o many memories aie clustered. It biiiigb old Btudents Into reunion with those of the present time, and keeps Professor Nicholson of the depart ment of chemistry, is at work on plans ror the remodeling of the chemical lab oratory next summer, for which pur pose the state leglslatuie at Its last session appropriated $30.0W) The lab oratory has been for Beveral ycaiB In a c audition of disrepair that called for lmmedlute lemedy. The destruction of a valuable balance Bcale by a fall of plaster from tho celling of ono of the rooniB last year is still fresh In the minds of University students, and tho wi etched condition of the lighting and heating apparatus, as well as of tho water piping has already called forth the energetic protests of numerous suf ferers from theso conditions. The plans In contemplation call for a complete gutting of the building. The outlro Inside of the structure will bo torn out and reananged In such a way aB to provide for thorough conven ience and comfort of classes. The walls will all be replastered, an up-to- fdate lighting connection InBtalled and the whole system of pipes and draining materially Improved. Efficient provi sion for better heating facilities will also bo made. The large lecture-room on the third floor will exchange places with tho the nlnin mater. Yesterday the cam pus was the scene of many a reunion and renewal of acquaintances, and many of oui alumni were welcomed back to the fcdie of their former activ ities. Tills Is one of the most Impres sive feature of the Junior Prom. Di. and Mrs. Everett and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. llargeaves wee the chaper one. A. H. Lundin was chairman of the hop committee and W. D. Green master of ceiemonles. INTEREST INCREASES tho former in close communion wUh L Freshman laboratory room on the first floor. A general shake-up of recitation 'ooins and offices will be made and eeveral departments will probably be moved to tho now physics building to commence construction soon. This building will supply tho urgent de mands for more space from the chemi cal department as well as from the de partment of physics. A definite announcement of the plans can not bo mado until after the next meeting of the Board of Regents to be held some tlmo In April. Professor Nicholson has not as yet been able to estimate the cost, of the proposed Improvements, and a conference with tho Board will be necessary before any thing can actually be decided upon. It Is thought, however, that the money appropriated, by tho legislature will he sufficient to cover the expense of tho desired changes. Aside from tho above items, it is probable that a largo assortment of new Instruments and chomlcalB will bo secured. The lockers In tho labor atories will be reconstructed. A small lecture room Is planned for the third floor. It Is Intended to make the Uni versity laboratories as thoroughly up-to-date and modern as any In the west. Sophomore Election Will Bet In fluenced By Junior Annual A FINE EVENT Junior Prom at Lincoln Hotel a Brilliant Affair Last night the Junior Prom., the great University social event of the year, passed Into history as one of the most brilliant and successful events of its nature ever held In the history of this University. This Is the event that is iooked forward to with anticipation, and for which preparations are made weeks beforehand. Every detail that could contribute to make tho Prom, a ruccess was carefully attended to. rionKinp hripnn nt. 9:30 and It was not until tho last hours of the- night had hall team. Interest in the approaching Sopho more class election has been increas ing for some time and now its outcome 13 forming the basis for much conjec ture among all University students. The appointment of the management of next year's Sombrero will be under the control of the president, who will be elected at tho next meeting of the class to he held some time this week, prob ably, and several men have already be gun active canvass of their supporters, not so much for the honor of secur ing the clasB presidency, as of dictat ing tho staff of tho next Junior Class book. The position of editor-in-chief has come to bo regarded as the highest honor within tho bestowal of the Soph omore class and the struggle for places this year promises to be more strenu ous than ever before. Three men have announced them selves as candidates for the presidency. These nro Messrs. W. H. Smith, of Tobias; C. M. Mathewson, of Winne bago, and C. G. Hrubesky, of Geneva. President Stoln will not enter the race again. Of the three men already In tho field Mr. Hrubesky Beems, at present, to hold the greatest strength. His manag ers have been working energetically for some time, and assert confidence In the success of his candidacy. Mr. Mathewson, as a member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity, will prob ably poll a fair fraternity vote. Mr. Hrubesky and Mr .Smith, we under stand, are "barb." men. The former will doubtless be remembered as one of the best pitchers on last year's base- English Club Meets Tonight The English club meets tonight with Miss Olivia Pound, 1532 L street. Those on the program are MIbs Woodman, Mr. Lindherg and Miss Garber. The discus sion will be led by Miss Koch, Mr. Thomson and Miss Lathrop. One of tho former presidents of the club, Mr. Theodore Westormann, will altemi the meeting. ' Special rate to students at Hendry's. Chapln Bros., Florists. 127 So. 13tk. Chris' Bath Parlorn, 11th and P Sta. Lcmlng's, Ice cream ana candy; 11th and L Sts. Lincoln Transfer 'Phone, 176. v Co. "Bag gage. Go to the Burr barber 'shop If yoiK want a first class 'shave, hair-cult or massage., Everything first-class and up-to-date. Shannon and Demralck, ' proprietors, s i .w rt'l r-V V . S'wftMWf u .'' v' -tiJkiMHmfY ,l,Vp mmmmgmmmmjggggiggtmmammummmmmmmtmmmi IH'.ll'- T L i i r- .Mil.. , .