The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1904, Page 4, Image 4
1 ; w-V' '''""iJVfaT J 1" " '-rS-iiwF '; r-?wo i - - --- - j a .' ' tt' , ; ' I b e D a 1 1 p "ft c b r a 0 h a n tiKiUPWw munrw i i "V, A WWWWMMVMMMW0MffVMvW SCHMOLLER MUELLER THE BIG PIANO HOUSE 135 SOUTH llth STREET f OUR LEADERS Stemway & Sons Schmoller & Mueller Steger & Sons Vose & Sons Emerson Mueller A. B. Chase Geo. Steck And 23 others. Wc sell jicw Pianos on $5 monthly payments t"-"-"""'i i n,r'innnrurijT j j f rnfLT SgEtf Th AhiJLf HV STf,7A Sr mm vw timm&L Improved BOSTON GfiBTEB The Standard for Gentlemen ALWAYS EASY The Nam BOSTON I GARTCR" Is stamped on tvtry loop. CUSHION button! CLASP( Lies flat to the leg never blips, I cars nor Unfastens. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Simple vir, SllkWc , Cutton 2.V. Mailed ou tccrlpt of pile. ' QEO. FROST CO.. ik.r Jiion, Aiau., U.S.A. "Every Pair Warranted- ESTABLISHED' 1871 JB. HALLETT weler and Optloti BVBS EXAMINED FRBE M43 O St. in AH Students Look Alike to Us Whether they belong to a Frater nity of not Jewelry at low price for everyone Special attention to repairs, FRANK C. RICHARDS JEWELER 1028 O Campus Gleanings nuell ChoBBlngton is quite III, being confined to hla room with n fever. The class In American hlBtory 1G Is more than doubled this year. The Graduate Seminary In American history linn fifteen students this seines-tor. Miss Mary Davis, a former graduate of (he stato University, has registered as a graduate student this semester The Seniors will meet Hi U. IOC Mon day for the election of officers and for the transaction of other Important business The class in current events under Profesor Caldwell, has inci cased f0 per lent ovei that of last semester, which shows u decided interest in current happenings among the history students. The. reports show a slight dec cease In Ametican history department this se mester However, no gi eater than the dec-lease In other departments of the fcecond semester registration. A woman's meeting will be held In the First Baptist church next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr Paul Cor btn, of New York, will speak. All Unl "erslty girls are invited to attend. The afternoon section of American history 2 is flooded, so many students registered for 2 that did not take I and those in 1 continued by taking course 2 The class In American history II If by far the laigest of any ever formed in this course The class now has 99 membeis. and is divided into two sections The course offeied by Miss Pound In Macbeth has called forth Biich a re sponse, that the place of lecltation has been changed from room 201 to 309 in order that all the members can be accommodated. The English club meets tomorrow night with Miss Olivia Pound. fG23 I. stieet. Four new members have beeu elected. An unusually fine program has been preraied and all the members of the c lub are urged tq bo present. "The University Studies" recently published ceitain articles by Professor Taylor on the "Kinetic Theory of Economic- Ciisls." and by Dr. Bolton and Miss Elenora Miller on the "Ergo graph as a Measure of Work Capacity.' Tho University Y. V. C A will meet Sunday with all the women of the city. Paul Corbin. of New York City, travel ing secretary of the Student Volunteer movement, will lead a woman's meet ing at the Fhst Baptist chinch Sunday at '5 p m. Every Unlveislty girl should attend. Palladian Program. Piano Solo Mr. Roy Clark Heading MIbs Creta Warner Paper Mr, C. T. Borg Recitation . . .Miss Ethel Caldwell Vocal Solo Mr. Harry Wharton Story : Miss Grace Corder Reading Mr. T. M. Hewitt Vocal Solo Miss Grace Musetter Union Program. Instrumental Solo Jesle Doyle Voeal Solo Mr. Vasey Vocal Solo Miss Mussetter Instrumental Solo. "Lovely" Mr. Louis Hagenslck Vocal Solo Miss Lansing Vocal Solo Mr. Pfelffer Instrumental Duet Miss Ingersoll. Miss Swain Chapln Bros.. Florists. 127 So. 13tk. Chris' Bath Parlon. llth and P.Sts. Lincoln Local Express, lltk and N. Tel. 787. Baggage hauled. Union Shining Parlor, 1018 0 Chairs and ladies and, gentlemen. Restaurant Unique, 1228 u St. St. Special rate to students at Hpndry's. The Shadow OLIVER W Typewriter jj, At The Standard Visible Writer flflMB EXTENDS OVER , 'R ALL THE - ''''SSSaS EARTH lp .' ' ' ' '-1 - , , v , - ' . l - . I J The University of Chicago Professional Schools Medicine I Theology Law and I Education Each has a special Circular cf Information which will be sent on application. Each will be in session during the Summer Quarter (June 17 September 3). gg?The courses in Medicine are given in connection wuh the work of Rush Medical College. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Homeseekers' Excursions. . . On February 2 and 1G, March 1 and 5, April 5 and 19. Tickets will be sold at one fare plus $2.00. Return limit 21 days. The points to which they will be sold are as follows: All points in Indian and Okla homa Territories, and Texas; also to many points in New Mexico Ar kansas, Arizona and Louisiana. Call and get full information. Hjffll City office Cor. 10th and 'o street Depot Office 7tb and P St. Lincoln, Neb. JENNIE SINCLAIR General Stenographer, Mlmeogra phlo Work A ispociajty 810 Richards- Bl'k. Llnooln, Neb. Phone B76B &&& rrmn This agnataro la on every box ot tho gennlnf Laxative Bromo'Quinine Tablet tha remedy that enrcs a coM ta eae clay sl k Vi- fc 1 A l&uJihJLL&b- v -JU- Ji. . 'TW J waHMMMHaU """ '!. - W.a;I