The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 05, 1904, Image 1
ft(CTW s . - i llMr-l ? CV.-V i!,i. Jt "' " 'v', -t-7 . -t.., . ' . U'ii. . -, "X- . it rt.r?'j-' . - M rC .. . U' T. i IRebraefean i ,:. , "VOL. EL NO. 79 UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA, LINCOLN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5, J904. PRICE 3 CENTS i.v -'-t'' Hbe1Dail V ' t U K ys i , $ - . i JEM FAREWELL LETTER Yamashita Yathichiro Writes to Students and Faculty. Sad as is tho word farewell I shall treasure It Joyfully as It Implies a "pleasaiit meeting. Thus Yamashita Yashlcihro, the Jap anese students, whoso struggles for a higher education fn a strange country far from tho land of his birth have ex , cited the admiration of all who have known him, takes his leave from our "University. Ho receives his A. M. de" gree In American history and sociolo gy at the coming Charter Day exer cises. Although he will not return to Japan until next May, his careeer as a student In our University, with which his Interests While In this coun try have been largely Identified, Is end ed. In the meantime he will instruct by mall a largo number of special pu- "Trtla In San Francisco In "Social Com position," and "Political Economy," and will endeavor to educate them into an- understanding of Japan as a na tion. In leaving he writes the follow ing letter, which ho has handed to us for publication: To thevtkculty and Btudents of the University ofNebraska: It was four years ago that 'I entered this Univer sity an entire stranger, but It was not long before I 'became acquainted with , rriany of -you;, Durlng-my University life I have received much klndneEa from you all. I have appreciated the great advantages to bo found In this institution, .which ds so practical and so broad. I have learned tho customs and the principles of the American peo ple as reflected in the dally life of the students, and the cMracter of the study. Tho courtesy and friendship which you have shown me are some thing I treasure most highly and which I Bhall-never forget, but I feel that I have been unable to reciprocate aB I should and as I desired. However, I hope sometime to bo able to demon strate my appreciation of your good ness to mo. It will be my pleasant duty toToward each of you as I am abler In.aaylng "1 will reward you" I .mean that I shall do the very best for all my fellowmen that lies in my powor. I shall devote my life regard less qf material Interests in assisting mankind and in helping to make their condition better. I Bhall go forth do ing unto others as you have done unto me, and, so the reward will -he yours, for I merely exemplify the beautiful in life ttia you, have so well extended to me. I-am hot versatile enoush to I. do all things.;, and L hope I am' not so unwise as to tmnicmyseir capable to do -M.msuiyrimnss. ouur expect 10 meet wiux success Injth.epdlltlc9 of-my land.v,Toc , rap, that;. appeals as a flefd or great use l fuiriess. :It may;as broad" as a na tion is'greati'pr. as wide as the world's , brotherhood. Different forms .of gov ernment distinctive, characteristics of political parties, their development, the ! -social compositions of a cpuntry and the economic problems are those in which" we ,areint;er,e8ted tevory day. " They are simply' phases of human char- simply'phases ! .SV"-W1. aiIah .which, man can direct for the good, of all men. But the real basis of uulyersalpolitlqs is to know' "What is man,'-r,asj Pope, sald "The propej study Pfnanldnd is man.' This Is my principal; study,;' and; the philosophy upon, which all study is founded. T.o arrive at tho iommoh' ground of politic ,'cal affairs tvfill begin from. my under standing of man. I'Vas.inuch inter- tHiea in imcs, mpiuuiuunus, literature andphijosopliy, but IrmnoasurablyTtfbre in finding out "WhalB Man?" ''This ceaseless study of man was con tinued. n my l educational research In America, The man of .the west is vast ly different v from tho-man;jbf the. eas: in respect to character,' but, the same r WftrtWmMMrtlNtfAMMN1 JUNIOR PROM LINCOLN HOTEL, TONIGHT f ICKETS $2.50 On Sale at the Treasurer's Office HW0ummmm0m0ktnwwtwwemt'0tf wntifm0mjm In nature. Character as It is common ly interpreted Is the reflection of en vironment and training, while nature Is- the representation of the law "of all men's minds no matter where or how taught, showing the power that is above us. Knowledge is quantity of learning and the nature is the posses sion of unknown facts. Learning in tho west and the east has give me a ics, showing the wode doistlndlunup vivid insight into their character istics, showing the wide distinction between man in the west and tho east. After wo know enough of man then wo can learn what Is nature. My sym pathy is entirely with the common people who stand on the conservative and reasonable ground, but not with those carried away by feeling and ruled by a- spirit of hate and destruction. For thiB reason I hope to find the level towards which these point. I may be able tohelp unlto the extremists, that none may wish to harm the other, bo they poor or rich, but that they may work for each, other's welfare. This I shall mako my future work and by this I hope to accomplish much good ln the government-and perfple oV Ja pan. . My purpose and preparation have never deviated from this Ideal and shall follow It to its culmination. I thank you for your valued support In my study of man. I hope I shall meet you all in peace If wo should assemble to consider a question affect ing national Integrity and internation al welfare. Truth precedes peace and truth asurea peace. Truth is mighty in all things affecting right and duty. Le gal and moral right and duty may not always conform to peace, but truth embraces all. Let us seek truth instead of peace, for peace is but an element of truth. The eastern question Is not simply a question of tho east, but it is a ques tion of the world. It can not bo settled by enforcing our legalrlghts, but by doing our moral duty: Secure a lasting peace by promoting truth, not by depending on tho mere condition of peace Let us not Judge a thing by our un derstanding of what is our right, liuf what is our duty toward others. Do not contend frpm tho legal-point of view, but on the groundof moral. duty, Tho rights of man cause war, but duty interprets the cause into peace., I hope earnestly' for your great- suc cess, and that each of you may have a prosperous life. Departure is very sad for me, but I know It is tho result of a pleasant meetings, and so I will treasure it. Without a parting there could have been no meeting. Let mo repeat again and again my thanks to you for your kind support. My home address Is: Yamashjta Yashichiro, A, B,, . 385, Yosh'itbslil-Mura, -Hiphi-gun, Kagoshima, Japan. . Box of cigars given away eyery day at Powell'S Oliver theatre building, Sam's Cafe. The only place In .the'et the famous "Little Gem Hot Waffles," -;Speciaf Bervice for 1 4les. ..'-- Don Cameron's pood service. lunch counter fof Wright Drug-, Co., 'phone 318. 117 No. ,11th, GOOD TURNOUT. Track Men Come Out in Good Numbers The track men Justified their claim of being the best supporters of their section of college athletics by the man ner In which thoy turned out to tho meeting in Dr. Clapp's office yesterday morning at chapel time. Dr. Clapp spoke briefly about the necessity of the heartiest co-pperatlon of every man in the university If wo are to turn out a successful track team this year. He then made arrangements for practice each evening in the armory from 4 to 5 on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and from 5 to 6 on Tuesday and Thursday. Last evening' Lcsh, Bender and Hauser, a hurdler from Beatrice, were out for a little warming up. There was no bosket ball practice by the regular team yesterday on ac count of the game with Wesloyan last night. Tho second team was out for a little goal practice. Beers has been ordered out of the game for the season by his doctor on account of ills in jured knee. This will weaken the team materially, as ho was a strong player and was an especially fine team work er, a branch of tho game in which our team was woefully deficient last year. Benedict will tako his place and Hewitt will resume his old place at center. Next Monday night the freshmen and second Y. M. C. A. teams will meet, and tho Senior High School ..gamo, postponed from tonight, will be played. This double attraction will be well worth seeing. The law team and Wesleyan were to lock horns Wednesday night,- but Wes leyan called the game off at tho last minute as they wished to save their men for the game last night. Tho Junior Academics ancT Senior Laws met last night in the chapel, but a .referee could not bo obtained, so every score was contested. Conse quently, the last score obtainable was 0-0. H3aseball Game With Chicago, The baseball-management haB suc ceeded In closing a date for -a-camo with Chicago University to be playedk April auin. xnis is tne urst game pn the, eastern trip that has been schedr uled,, and Is certainly a splendid be ginning. It is expected that the rest of tho schedule can bo soon arranged, and wo have been holding tho dates with other eastern institutions open, awaiting Chicago's action. Although, we never have .been very Buccessful against Chicago, yet wo have always proved ourselves no mean opponents, and better results are hoped for this year. The team will leavo on Jts eastern trip at tho beginning of the last week In April, and will be gono two. weeks. It Is quite likely that it will, meet Min nespta, as negotiations with that in stitution aro in, a fair way to being closed.- For the homo schedule games have been, arranged with the Nebraska Indians for Bomo time. In May, and with the Cubans, all natives of Cuba and speaking Spanish, during April; . ' ' Conservatory Dining hall, S3,00,per week. Basement "School of Music". - v . ; - i. i in i . v Special rite to student: wishing typewriting done, 512 jRicha.fds block. DECISIVE VICTORY Wesley an Beaten 25 to 9. Only Played One Half. Nebraska administered a severe do feat to Wesleyan In twenty-five min utes of play last night, to tho tunc of 25 to 9, and would have done ovon bet ter had not tho failure of tho lights forced the refereo to call the gamo at tho end of tho first half. Tho Universi ty team were at first seriously handi capped by tho narrow- field at WeBloy an, and their opponents had a corres ponding advantage. The feature of tho game was Hagenalck's goal throwing, ho obtaining eleven goals from tho field In tho slnglo half. Hoar's work at guard was also very creditable, while Lowell did tho best work for tho Wes loyans. Tho only chance Wesloyan had to sco re o was from free throws after fouls by tho University, which were unusually numerous. Before the gamo tho Wesleyan Ju niors and the Y. M. C. A. Juniors played one half. Tho Lincoln boys were se verely handicapped in size, but put up a-very good gamo and held their oppo nents down to the score of 13 to 17 in favor of Wesleyan. The summary and the line-up for the Nebraska-WeBleyan game follows: Hagensick ...forwards Pordyco EIott A Attwood Benedict . . centcr ; . . . ;; rTCowoll Hoard ..).... guards.... ,... , gmith Nowtonv Wyatt Goals from field, Hagensick, 11; El liott, 1. Goals from foul, Hagensick, ; well, 7. Hefereor-Rohrbaugh. Umpire -Walsh. Lo- Junior Prom. Tonight. Prom every Indication a thoroughly gopd time .will bo had tonight at tho Junior Prom. Thoso in Phonr i,,, teen working faithfully and .doubtless uiuir onorts win be rowdon with a de lightful success. Some original decor ative features will bo introduced and no detail has been left unattended to. Tho grand march will beeln nMr to 9:30 as possible. Promptness. in be ginning wllr insure plenty of time and so thlsjjlmo has been decided upon. Studenls Register at 'Academy 3 RnoJo(i'nHnn , ,ii ii. ,1 -'j' ' , - been good this, semester. Tho follow' ing now students' haveregistoFell: Roti ertDunlay Orleansj George Withers. of Missouri; .Georgo C.'Fralerpf Iowa; L, B, Anderspn, Mason City, Ia; Vir ginia do Steigner, Lincoln; E. T. " Payne, qralg; C. A. Webster,, Lincoln; W. A. Anderson, Omaha; Helen Bone,' kemper, Lincoln; James R; Tedd; Sew ard; Jacob P. .Prauen, Npfden; C. I;. Bordeau, Campbell; ' A. .R.'Blgelow, Smithfleld, Ralph-Mason, Wheatland, Wyo.Helen V. Berger, Lincoln; Cor nelia Lindsey, Lincoln; G. V. ClevcV land,, and Irene Neal', Lincoln,- MfJticfri' Program Tpday; . The following program will be cend-! ,er5d by Mrs. :W1U Owen Jones, at con vocation .Friday morning; -' Pruehllngd , Rauschen. . :t: jSJridlng Alccsto . , . .. . l-i ...-...'. ; Gluck-JoaSffy March Grotesup, , . , . . r. , , . ,.. .Sindlng Berceuse ,,...,. . ,;...,. f Chopin Fire Charm. , . .v; , ? . ,,, Wagner Of Brp'r, Rabbit. ...,,...,.. tMacDowlI Tarantelle..i,..,vr, .,, Liszt. '1 A i-'l . .fl X' , v 1 n .i " Tl ; via -i "At r," x. il r '1I -,-1 -l . yt . ' '3 2S V ..q -..a f"SA V- - S-. .i : a ,.T r- '-4dl."" 3 2Lf . &fi sA ;'i tyfc?vjr &A