The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1904, Page 2, Image 2
BPl'KB WSJJZ""ir'im j prW "1 . - Gbe alls fie bra eft an 1 - "r hv W ? ran- I f & V ffc- ' vt r. 1 1. ! I" i- r s J r P t. YS - '!" SB's. fstr Ce Dap lUbrashan. i 1 j 1 A consolidation of Fhe Hetporlan, Vol. 01 , The Xobnukan, VoL lo, Scarlet find Cream, Vol. 4. Editor-in-OhJtf rftulnesa Manager Circulator John D. IUo A. Q. 8ohriber 0. A. Bawjrer Oflloett Editorial, U KM: Business, U 21l) Poet OIHce, Box 10, Station A, Lincoln.' ftabsoriptlon Prloc, S3 per rear. In advano. frttarad at the poitoflloo at Ltnooln, Nebraska as MMond-olou mall matter. Editorial Remarks Unloas ordered discontinued Tho Daily Nebraakan will be aent the com ing aomostor to all presont subscribers. OUR OPINION. The Omaha World-Herald has been endeavoring to enlist tho newspapers of the state In the campaign It la making against the Temple Fund, hav ing assailed their conimon-senBe and Individuality with tho following mis leading question: "Shall a memorial to John D. Rockefeller bo erected upon tho campus of tho Nebraska State Uni versity?" In the same mendacious manner It solicits tho opinions of Its hired correspondents throughout tho state, whom It represents to be pure! unbiased patties. In order to bolstci up Its unholy assault It has resorted to tho practice of begging opinions, hoping to stir up tho more virulent and easily Influenced of the country preEs Into favoring it with opinions that can bo used for publication and to fill up space and appear under a heading. Now It exhorts Kb own cor respondents to make a superficial can vass and send In as favorable reports as possible from their various towns, trusting that they will strive to please. Considering the class that a man puts himself in In agreeing to become a World-Horald correspondent It Is quite likely that the "opinions" sent in will bo suitable to its purpose. This query of tho World-Herald re solves itself lntq such meanings as theso: "Will you kindly lend your efforts to furthering tho anarchistic attempts of a partisan sheet seeking notoriety and the approbation, of those of its per suasion. Will you please serve as the tall to our kite In order that we may use you and any favorable opinion that you can favor us with? We merely de sire an expression of purported opln Ion., whether you are concerned or not. Wo have an axe to grind, and you can bo of Invaluable service to us, as wo will take tho credit for soliciting your opinion as well as Uiobo of other sub sidized publications who like yourseir have no mind or character of their own." Such methods are entirely consist ent with tho World-Herald's attltudo all along and are characteristic of that newspaper. Although tho World-Herald has not insulted us by asking our opinion con cerning Its infamous course in respect to tho Temple Fund, we are willing to grant tho favor of our own accord. In the first place tho World-Herald does not state tho question In an unpreju diced manner, and thus shows that it is actuated by selfish interests. It has expressed some opinions regarding, free speeeh, but It certainly does not live up to its own doctrine when it does not give tho other side a fair show In the statement of the question at Issue. Tb- ve,ry wording of the question Is enough to dlsguBt any editor who Is alive to the situation and who has any censo of Individuality and propriety. We welcome tho opportunity for having nt our disposal a magnificent new building that will servo so many useful puipoBes, and our faculty, stu dents, alumni and tho friends of tho Unlveislty are willing lo put forth tho necessary effoits to bring It within our grasp We all ap,)ieclate tho work of Chancellor Andrews, who has de voted his noblest , efforts and great executive aibllity In making our Uni versity one of the greatest Institutions In tho west. We deprecate the con temptlblo methods employed by the World-Herald, and will ceitalnly not allow ourselves to bo swerved from our purpose by Its misleading yellow ness and contorted logic. Wo are not misled by Its sanctimonious rabidnoss and Its habit of appealing to all that Is good and true In Its spirit of feigned righteous indignation. Tho World-Herald regards with Ir dlfferonce the custom of many wealthy men who spend large Fmg gambling and betting on the horse races, but when It comes to contributing to schools and churches, it flares up in angry Indignation. Instead of striking at real, existing evils. It Imposes upon contingencies that are decent and Just, with a purpose to deceive and misrep resent. Such methods arc dangerous to society, and an abuse of the power of tho press. There is no cxageratlon in this. The World-Herald has amply sustained Its past leputation In its altitude toward the temple fund. The temple building is a certainty We are within easy distance of the goal. We have reason to congratulate ourselves upon the piospert of soon having a building that will provide quarters for our Christian assoc la tions, litei ary societies and eoclal bodies and relieve many of our congested de partments. The olTotts that the World Herald may put forth will avail noth ing and we advise it to return toita former methods of seeking advertising by arranging some moro word letter fomMie YOU can convince yourself by taking . time to make com parisons, that no Over coats being offered for sale fit like ours.- Then too, the price for our new stylish coats is less than is asked for, years of accumulations. FOR EXAMPLE $37.50, $35 and $3o fine coats C'J 5f) choice . . . P'&J $27.50, $25, $22. 5o, $20 coats (Tf Z If choice qJOJU $18.00, $16.00, and $15.00 coats Tf Z choice H -WV 150 fine colored stiff bosom f ff shirts pjJ'U THESE PRICES GOOD FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY We expect to close lines quickly. Magee & Deemer Dr. Jno. J. Davis braauaic upltcian anu RelracUonlst. contests. Headaches and all Nervous Troubles ro lioved. by corroctly fittod Spectacles. Prices Low. Consultation froo. Homo Office 128 O St. Phono B 951 LINOLON - - Today tho track team candidates meet. Every Unlveislty man, who car, should attend the meeting, whether he is possessed of any special athletic prowess or not. The exercise afforded Ib especially beneficial to the student who is confined closely to his studies. No man who is working hard should mlES the benefit that Is held out to him. And all men who have merit In any of the specialties practiced should be tho first to come out and have tholr physical powers developed and brought out. The promise for a strong team Is good, but more men arc wamted, and those showing merit will be glvon every encouragement. The facilities of tho physical training department re intended to bo used In Improving the standard of health and physique of tho students, and every man who goes Into the squad will have an opportunity to take advant&ge of his privileges. "The bnsket ball team meets Wes leyan tonight in what will probably be tho last practice game before be ginning the regular schedule. The prospects for a good schedule are promising amd a northern trip is al ready assured. The team this year has ehovvn up well In practice, and when It gets- down to harder work It, will doubtless glvo a good account of Itself. THE BE8T ALWAYS THE CHEAP EST Tho Connootlout Mutual Lifo Inenronoe Co. offora a Polloy that Combines all tho valuable features that experience has shown to bo do sirablo in life insurance, and Is liberal, just and definite in all its terms and conditions. For further information or sample policy call on JOHN It PLATZ, Agent 119 South 12th St. Lincoln LYMANS SPORTING GOODS HOUSE We wish all our stndents friends to know that the Best Ice Cream 1 OOMES FROM Franklin Ice Ctcam and Dafry Co. 183 So. 12th St. Phono. P 208 Phonographs, Bicycles, Typewriters and Sewing Machines Rented, Repaired and Exchanged '' I ! I Hi. - 1 1 1 , m 1 231 SOUTH 1 1th STREET Telephone B. 1232 KtyC&ft' Lincoln Tank Line Successor to C?H. Mann GASOLINE, KEROSENE, LUBRICATING OIL 125 No. 12th Slroet: Tolophonev473 The Photographer 1029 O STREET FOR PINE PHOTOS I.emlng's, ice cream ana candy; 11th and L Sts. Don - Cameron's j good service. lunch counter for Waterman Fountain Pen $2.00 t6 $5.00 1200 O Street. RECTORS i ( H fj S -ji !' . 1. J r ' ti ,': J - , i'liA rti&HsflUv JvvMj '&&&-&& , AtftfJf. S . JLly. kmMM:l KUX -iu. iuli.Bije-!L.i--iJi. . . .n..7 l -UV .Vtri.? wmmMMiimk,r