The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1904, Image 1

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Tbe Bail? IFlebraefean
vol. in. NO. 77
Temple Fund Growing DailyFrom
Fresh Contributions.
The committee on the Temple Fund
teport most encouraging progress, and
confidently state that, the completion
of the work Is but a matter of a short
time. In spite of the attempts that
have been made to Impede their work
and to prejudice the people of the
state against contributing, they have
been unremitting in their efforts. Of
.late a great degree of Interest has been
manifested and some liberal contilbu
tjons received, bringing the total up
to within only a short distance of the
desired amount.
The students are taking hold ener
getically and the people of Lincoln are
helping substantially. At no time has
the worlc been on a more encouraging
footing; In spite of the Infamous
methods employed by the partisan pa
pers of the state to cast discredit upon
the undertaking. The abnormal activ
ity of these papers has been followed
by an Increased interest In the fund
as evidenced by the large number of
pledges and contributions made recent
ly, which is a good illustration of cause
and effect. We are within $5,000 of
having a building that will grace our
campus, provide quarters for our social
and religious organizations and relieve
the strain upon overtaxed departments,
and it is not likely that the task of
raising the remaining few thousands
will cut us off from the consummation
of this desirable end.
A number of notable contributions
have been made within tne past week.
The generous contribution of Alexan
der Berger of $1,000, has been com
mented upon and Is greatly appreci
ated. Wednesday the Woman's club
of Lincoln pledged $500. The meeting
was addressed by Chancellor Andrews.
This action of the Woman's club was
entirely, voluntary, and they are to
be commended for the spirit they hae
shown in contributing to a cause with
which so many deserving interests are
Identified. The Dramatic club had
pledged $500, and in connection with
their actions two other Individual
pledges were made aggregating $70.
The band Is making preparation to
give a concert in the Oliver theatre to
redeem their pledge. Such jcontrlbu
tlons as these to the good cause cer
tainly do not indicate that Unlverhlty
people are at all disturbed by the dally
array of yellowness appearing In the
columns of partisan papers.
Contrary to the views of many peo
ple the Temple will not be devoted to
religious purposes alone, although the
two .Christian bodies will receive am
ple" accommodations. If such a pre
text had been used additional largo
Bums could have been raised. But
all who have com.lWUtod have done so
with the understanding that every
phase of college and town life will be
represented. The city of Lincoln will
' be drawn into closer relation with the
University much closer than ever be
fore. One very encouraging incident was
the receipt by one of the committee of
a complimentary letter from Willis
Warner, '01, who is now employed by
the Republic Iron & Steel Works, of
Youngatowu, wOhlo. Mr. Warner en
closed25 in his letter, besides express
ing his Interest In the work and good
wishes for the success of the undertak
ing. Many of the alumni have been
sending lnof their own accord for
pledge cards and have been working
vigorously for the building which will
affect every alumnus upon his return.
The work of raising the "remaining
amount will be pushed, forward, and
those Interested Mn promoting the
cause of the fund will not vest until
their purpose Is achieved.
Chris' Bat)i Parlora, llth and P StB.
TICKETS $2.50 On Sale at the Treasurer's Office
Valuable Material for Education
Exhibit at World's Fair.
During the past few days some re
markably fine material has been re
ceived from the club women in vari
ous towns of the state for the educa
tional exhibit at the world's fair. A
splendid largo oil painting by Miss
Cleaver of Falls City has been received
and it is of Buch merit that it would
do credit to any gallery. This painting
Is the property of the Chicago Art In
stitute, and was loaned to be exhibited
by club women during the fair and to
be returned afterwards. Miss Cleav r
is now an art student in Philadelphia.
Ex-Chancellor Canfield of Calumbla
bla Unlveisity is intending to forward
a fine oil painting or Mrs. Canfield.
done by one of the best ait lata In
New York. This Is to be exhibited
among other photographs and paint
ings of typical club women of Nebras
ka, as that of the first president of
the State Federation of Woman's
The Superintendent of Education Is
collecting the text books, printed pa
pers and articles prepared by various
departments in the University. TJiese
are to be found and displayed in suit
able form at the exhibit at St. Louis.
The school children of Omaha-are
preparing an exhibit of unusual merit,
including work from the kindergarten
up through the graded schools and high
school, covering every depaitment of
their work and Including art. music
and manual training. Superintendent
Stevens of Lincoln is interesting teach
ers in our exhibit. Among other at
tractive objects that will he presented
by the Lincoln schools Is a series of
water colors, running from the lower
grades to the highest.
Cadet Encampment Again.
Captain Chase has received a letter
from the St. Louis exposition authori
ties stating that a space has' been re
served In JJielr barracks far 10(TcadEt8
from this University. The letter is as
folio wb:
"Captain Wilson Chase. U. S. A.,
Ccmmandent of Cadets, University
of Nebraska.
"Dear Sir: 1 have made tho reserva
tion for 100 cadets from your univer
sity In the barracks commencing on
Juno G and ending June 10. The as
signment will come the week before
the departure of the West Point ca
dets, who will bo quartered in tho
barracks next year. Very truly yours,
"E. C. CULP.
"Sec. Committee on Ceremonies."
It is significant of the way in
which our battalion Is generally re
garded that such advantageous ar
rangements should -be made for their
entertainment at the fair. A better op
portunity for comparison of its disci
pline and instruction could not bo fur
nished than is Indicated In the above
communication. Captain Chase again
urges all men who Intend t,aklng ad
vantage of the encampment to see him
at once.
Lincoln Transfer Co. Baggage k
Phone, 176.
Lincoln Local Express, lltk and N.
Tel. 787. Baggago hauled.
Academy Notes.
MesHis. Dok Mahoney and Paul Dihl
will both be absent this semester, but
plan to return next fall.
The Debating club has accepted tho
challenge of the city Y. M. C. A., al
thought somewhat fearful that greater
age and experience of the Christians
will be a heavy handicap against them.
Interest In the club is increasing.
Games with Lincoln, Omaha and
York high school foot ball teams am
being sought, as the Academy fellows
believe they can give them a hard con
test. One thing is certain, the Acad
emy Is afraid of nothing In the shape
of a Nebraska high school team.
It Is certainly a good commentary
on the honesty of Nebraska young
men and women that dlsplte the fact
many ask for tlmo on their tuition
bills not $20 haB been lost Lhough
bad bills. Wo doubt whether many
private schools can make as good a
A very cordial letter of thanks has
been received from the school board of
Harvard for the loan of three micro
scopes made them. Miss Edith Lathrop,
who taught botany last year In the
Academy, and who Is now principal
of the Harvard high school, asked for
this loan In order to make a success
of her large class there and tho Acad
emy is pleased to grant the favor.
A very gratifyln registration jf
new students from Lincoln and out In
tho state-has taken place. The most
favorable aspect In this year's history
is the steady gain of those taking full
work. Despite tho fact that compar
atively no effort has been made fo se
cure Lincoln students, they are coming
and coming for their entire prepara
tory schooling. The hearty and volun
tary recommendations of a few sat
isfied families is responsible for this
Increase. To meet the needs of these
incoming students more than the usnal
-beginning-classes wero organized.
- The Non-Com Hop.
A committee has been appointed to
arrange the annual Non-Commlssioned.
OfllcerB' Hop, which will be held in
Fraternity hall the llth of next month.
Eddie Walt's orchestra will furnish
the music.
The committee 1b composed of the
R. H. White, chairman.
M. B. Case, master of ceremonies.
M. C. Dorlngton.
F. S. Anderson.
.C H. Bryan.
W. C. Ramsey.
Delians Elect Basketball Captain
. At tho last meeting of the Dellan
Literary society Frank Beers was
elected captain of the men's basket
hall squad. The girls also started a
movement along the same line.
Tho members of the society attended
the basket ball 'game last Friday even
ing instead of having their regular
Tho WhitdbreaBt Co.. at HOC O St..
1b the place to buy coal.
Basketball Team to Meet Wes-
leyan Tomorrow Night.
The basket ball team Is to play Wes
leyan at University Place next Thurs
day evening, and there are prospects
for a contest with the Omaha High
School team for the next owning.
This will probably be the last practice
game before beginning the Intercolleg
iate series.
Tho cIbbs games will begin In a dual
meet next weelt. when tho Seniors will
play the Freshmen nnd the Sophomores
and Juniors will try to put each other
out of the race for the championship.
At present the Seniors seem to have
tho advantage, all their men being on
the second team, while the Freshmen
and Sophomores are quite evenly
matched, each having two second team
Tho Intercollegiate baHket ball Boa
Bon has been open several weeks In
the east, where Columbia holds first
place, with Yale, Pennsylvania and
Cornell tied for Becond honors. It Is
to be regretted that the trnns-Ml8sl3-sippi
universities do not have some
championship contests, instead of' all
the principal teams playing games in
the east or west and then each one
claiming the western championship.
A city paper last evening-announced
that both Bonder and Wilson were re
solved to come back to Nebraska next
year. This will relieve the fears of
those who doubted our ability to play
five hard games such as Minnesota, Il
linois, Iowa, Knox and Haskell will
be, and not lose most of them. Even
with these two stars, howover, tho
schedule seems quite heavy, and there
are jnony who claim that the manage
ment has made a grave mlstako in
counting financial success all and giv
ing the team Itself secondary consid
eration. One lesson has been taught
former Nebraska managers and tliat
Is that Nebraska will not support a
losing team.
Tho "Dally Iowan" says that Kansas
has asked for a game with Iowa, but
that It can not be granted. Poor Kan
sas, It is gradually becoming lesB solic
itous about our empty (?) schedule,
and is directing some of her attention
to her own, now deprived of her moBt
profitable game.
Cage practice has begun in baseball
but there can be but little real work
until the weather permits outdoor
practice. Among tho men to reeis-
ler this semester Is Morse, last year's
substitute pitcher, whose work was
quite creditable; Adams, who ranked
well among the amatuer pitchers of
thestato last summer, and Miller, who
caught for the StocK Yard Juniors of
South Omaha.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
Every University man should hear
F. H. Burt this evening at 7 p. .m. In
the Y. M. C. A. rooms. Good music.
If you have never attended these meet
ings, this is a good one to start on.
This evening at 7 p. m. in the as
sociation rooms, University hall, F, H.
Burt, director of the Chicago Training
School, will address University men.
Every member of the University Y. M.
C. A. is expected to be loyal and turn
out. Men who aro not members are
cordially invited. Special music.
Restaurant Unique, 1228 u St.
' Chapln Bros.,' Florists. 127 So. 13tk.
Leming's, Ice cream ana candy:, llth
and L Sts. . . , '
Don Camoron's lunch counter for
pood service.
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